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Big Three Recap for Week 1, March 1998



Figure 4 Online

Big Three Recap – Week 1, March 1998



WWF Raw is War Report!

Raw was in Indianapolis this week, and we have to give credit where it’s due on this one. The main event of Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart was a damn good match, we dare call it the best WWF match this year. This personal rivalry between Marc Mero and Sable took quite an awkward turn this week, and we also saw Vader get a wrench thrown into his plans. Mike Tyson still can’t crotch chop properly, but he got to knock The Undertaker out, which is definitely worth his weight in DX. The only thing that could have made this show better would have been less of Patterson and Brisco. We understand that they are meant to be up Vince’s ass, but that doesn’t mean we need to see them every time he’s on screen. We deducted the show a little bit for their overexposure, but otherwise viewer’s feedback has been very positive; we’ve graded the show as a B+.



WCW Nitro Report!

WCW presented Nitro live from the Chicago Stadium, which doesn’t mean as much since the Road Warriors are in the WWF. The crowd of 18,563 was witness to a good show, as WCW really tried to pull out all the stops. WCW did not feature any birth control or wrenches, instead focusing on the nWo and the past of the WWF to stay afloat this week.

Mortis d. Sonny Siaki; ANGLE: backstage segment with Kimberly Page and Kevin Nash; Ultimo Dragon d. Curt Hennig; ANGLE: confrontation involving Roddy Piper and Hollywood Hulk Hogan; Ray Traylor d. Johnny Grunge; ANGLE: confrontation involving Sting and Scott Hall; Ric Flair d. Roddy Piper; The Giant d. Sting

As much as one would say that the WWF are getting away from wrestling by taking the path that has been blazed by ECW, results are tough to go against. They may not have won the Nielson ratings for the night but they did win our show rating, as we graded Nitro as a B. Sting could be their ace in the hole for putting the WWF to rest, but instead they had him lose the match, and he is quickly finding his way further and further down the pecking order after not winning the World title at Starrcade like WCW had all but promised months ago. Despite this, Sting was still the star of this episode of Nitro.



ECW Hardcore TV Report!

An improvement since last week as Hardcore TV yet again invaded the Hammerstein Ballroom. Three solid matchups were on the show, and Sabu was the star player.

Justin Credible d. Roadkill; ANGLE: brawl involving The Sandman and Shane Douglas; Dudley Boys d. Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks; Sabu d. Jerry Lynn

Now, our question is: was Sabu really the star of the show, or is Jerry Lynn just that good as to make Sabu seem like a huge star? Either way, a C- for Hardcore TV this week.


Monday Night Ratings War!

WWF Raw is War

Monday at Primetime on USA Network: 3.88 (-0.01)

Monday at Primetime on TSN: 1.15 (+0.01)

Monday at Ten Network Australia: 0.03

Friday at Primetime on Sky Sports: 1.59 (+0.15)

(Shotgun Saturday Night draws a 0.09 rating on Syndication.)


WCW Nitro

Monday at Primetime on TNT: 5.35 (-0.05)

Monday at Evening on Galavision: 2.17 (-0.06)

Wednesday at Afternoon on Foxtel Australia: 0.26 (-0.01)

(Saturday Night draws a 0.66 rating on TBS.)


New Friends in WCW!

This past week, we received reports of Terry Taylor and Steve “Mongo” McMichael getting along well as of late. What does that mean? Well, Taylor does have some level of pull backstage, so perhaps he could try and work McMichael into a program.


Top Prospects of the week!

Some veterans have said that Darren Drosdov could be on his way to the top. Vince McMahon had a hand in getting “Droz” into wrestling, so time could tell on how long it takes before he comes back for his own project.


F4W Polls

We ran a poll this week on who people thought was the Best Young Prospect in Wrestling Today. Overwhelmingly, the votes came in for “The Rock” Rocky Miavia.




I don't feel as if I respond to enough comments here, but I do want to say that I love seeing how much people are enjoying this game. I am humbled to see that I gained so many votes in the DOTM for this one, as it is at this point just my fun side-game to get away from War of the Thrones once in awhile. My readers are the reason I can drag my lazy self to write all of this sometimes, and I hope to be able to satisfy all of you when we get to WrestleMania. The way things look, I'll be at WrestleMania here at about the same time that I get to Starrcade in WotT, which is going to be outright stressful! :p Anyways, I do have one thing I want to mention, and that is the Vince McMahon/Vince Russo "commentary" duo. Russo does seem like the straight man, but only because I write McMahon as such an over-the-top character. But in time, I do plan on letting more Russo-ism shine as well!


And hey, check it out; my Raw graded better than Nitro this week!

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  • 4 months later...

WWF Raw is War / War Zone - 3/9/1998


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WWF RAW is WAR / War Zone

March 9th, 1998 (Week 2)

Held at: Landover Capital Center in Landover, Maryland (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 14,569

Show Runtime: Two Hours (5 minute overrun)

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 26 regions.



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The opening pyrotechnics go off as we swoop around the nearly full Landover Capital Center. I still instruct JR to say that we are a packed house. Jim and Jim Cornette have a short, brief discussion of the evening, mainly focusing on our main event, which will feature The Undertaker going one-on-one with Shawn Michaels's closest running buddy, “Triple H” Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Cornette says that there is no way Hunter will let Undertaker get past him here tonight, and with his European title not on the line, there will be no stopping DX! Ross disagreed, saying that we may see the end of one half of D-Generation X tonight, and they are cut off by the sounds of “Are You Ready?”


D-Generation X strut down to the ring coolly, Mike Tyson doing his best at the DX crotch chop, bless his tough as leather, black little heart. Chyna stands in the center of the ring with her arms folded, as Shawn and Hunter take to the microphone. Shawn references last week when he defeated Owen Hart in the main event, saying that it was “like old times to make a Hart go down on me- I mean, go down to me!” Michaels says that nobody can stop the “DX express” now, not even the dead man. “I haven't forgot about ya, dead man,” he says; “WrestleMania is only a few weeks away, and it's about time for us to meet at the biggest stage of them all! OR NOT, because when Hunter gets down with ya tonight, you better crawl back into whatever graveyard you came from!” Helmsley says that Shawn is crazy, saying that Undertaker is “so spooky the way he turns the lights on and off, and how he rolls his eyes at everything!” Shawn reaches into Tyson's pocket and produces a pair of eyes, and he throws them across the ring, yelling “AHHH, he rolled his eyes at us again!” Hunter can't stop laughing, and that makes his delivery struggle. He says that tonight, he's looking straight at Undertaker, but at WrestleMania, he's going to make Owen his little bitch. Fortunately the camera doesn't pay much attention to Chyna, who just doesn't look all that comfortable with being rated among these guys… but then, the lights DO go out.


When they come back on after a loud *gong*, The Undertaker is at the top of the ramp! As the arena turns a light purple shade, Undertaker gets into a stare down with Michaels; before saying that his title reign has twenty days remaining, before he makes him rest……. in peace…. JR goes into full hype mode, saying that The Undertaker is coming for Shawn Michaels, and there is not a damn thing that DX can do about it!

Ratings: C+ / B- / A



“The World's Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock vs. Sean Casey

Ken Shamrock comes out for a highly competitive… * snort* I can't say this with a straight face! That's why JR is out there, to make it sound like this kid has a chance. One of our new jobbers, some pretty boy named Sean Casey, gets manhandled by Ken before he locks in the ankle lock and gets an immediate tap out. Sean got some harsh criticism from the crowd, who was really unimpressed by him. But Shamrock looked good out there, and that's all that mattered.

Ken is on his way out, but he gets stopped by an incredibly vocal fan, who starts really running him down. Shamrock is bewildered by this, and from behind comes The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust! The fan jumps the railing, revealing that it was a plot all along as they start stomping on Ken! Security finally come out and escort Goldust and his fan away, as JR and Cornette wonder who that was; Cornette saying that they looked rather familiar. “The fan” is what I will refer to for now, looked a little lost out there, but yet again Ken came across well; even without having to bite down on the blood condom to sell the attack.

Match Time: 4:55

Ratings: C+ / D+



The Nation (Scorpio & Mark Henry) vs. “Pearl River Powerhouse” Ahmed Johnson and Faarooq

This one is a solid match, and the storylines surrounding it keep the crowd invested the whole way through. JR and Cornette really helped the match by explaining it all, as well as pointing out the lack of trust that Johnson and Faarooq must share for one another. The thing that we didn't really expect was the great tag team chemistry shown by Henry and Scorpio. Their power-speed dynamic worked well for them, as they kept Faarooq and Ahmed off-balance for much of the match. But once they got caught, they were caught; and Faarooq blasted Scorpio with the Dominator to score a big victory.

After the match, The Rock hit the ring, and he and Faarooq nearly got into a brawl, which would have been bad for Ahmed and the former Nation leader; but the odds were evened up by the appearance of the New Blackjacks! Kama Mustafa and D'Lo Brown also found their way down toward ringside, and the two undecided Nation members seemed quite interested in watching their potential leaders go at it, before leaving.

Match Time: 7:15

Ratings: C / C+


“Marvelous” Marc Mero is at the interview cage with Jerry Lawler; I don't think I've seen Mero in months, have we been paying him all this time? He starts talking about Sable, saying that everything he said about her last week was one hundred percent true; that she would be nothing without him, and getting the fans behind her like she did was her stabbing him in the back! “The King” does try to talk a little sense into Mero, saying that Sable is a gorgeous person both in and out of the ring, but Marc cuts him off, saying that nobody knows how she is out of the ring except for him! He says that Sable will never look the same again, because he knows she's sitting at home, crying, eating too much ice cream, and she's especially going to be devastated when she gets those divorce papers that he sent her! JR says that this man just makes him sick to his stomach, and that feeling is echoed again as Mero introduces the new woman in his life. He says that she isn't here for the fans, she's here for the two of them…


… and he introduces the lovely Ivory! Lawler looks like he popped a boner right on the spot, as Ivory says that Sable is yesterday's news; nobody wants a little blond Barbie doll who just stares vacantly at you – whether in the ring or out of it! She says that she is the newest lady in the WWF, but don't let that fool you; because when all is said and done, she'll make sure that nobody remembers Sable, but everyone remembers Ivory. Lanza rates her cocky bitch gimmick as a B-, which I think she did well at. I hadn't seen much of her before this, but they tell me she improved at acting just by getting a microphone here. All in all, I'd say this was a good segment that really got Marc over more as a bastard, and was a great debut for a new woman… but it really could have used more Sable.

Rating: D+


“The Black Hart” Owen Hart is at the cage when we come back from a commercial break, and he says that he feels like he let everyone down last week against Shawn Michaels. Even though the match was tainted by Helmsley's interference, that doesn't stop the fact that he had his match and lost. This brings in myself, along with Patterson and Brisco, who stand between me and Owen. I tell Hart that he's damn right he lost, and if I have my way about it, that's the last he will ever get the chance to go after the World champion again! I yell at him that just like all the other losers, he will have to start back down at the bottom again; in fact, head out to the ring, because I have an opponent who is “on his level” all lined up for him! Hart is mad, but not as upset as you would think; Pat's insistence on “keep calm, keep calm” maybe helps? No (despite how Patterson yet again seems to be getting more charisma) instead, Owen says that I may not have total say over things as much as I think I do. He walks away as I tell him to explain himself, dammit! This was a good segment, which left a little bit of mystery behind for the fans to try and figure out.

Rating: B


We go from there to the small office of WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter, who has an arguing Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie and the New Age Outlaws in front of him. Slaughter tells them all to quiet down, laying down the law; tonight, Billy faces Charlie, and he doesn't want any interference to get this match thrown out. He says that he will be watching it personally from this room, and if Cactus gets involved, then they will not get their tag team match; and if James gets involved, then Jack can name any stipulation he wants for a match between the two of them next week! “Dismissed!” Sarge underperformed a little, but this definitely set up some interesting stakes.

Rating: C




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After the opening for the War Zone, Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler hype the Undertaker vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley main event some more. Whatever it takes to make sure the viewing audience sticks around.

Rating: C+



“The Black Hart” Owen Hart vs. “equal competition”

Owen Hart stands in the ring waiting for his opponent to come. It turns out that an opponent “on Owen's level” turns out to be The Brooklyn Brawler. This one is more angle than match, but the crowd interestingly find it rather short; I guess wanting to have seen more of Hart in the ring. Owen looks good, and Steve seems to have been training his performance, but a spinning heel kick and the Sharpshooter put this match away in almost a record time.

Match Time: 1:32

Rating: C-



Taka Michinoku and Marty Jannetty vs. Los Boricuas (Jose & Jesus)

Ugh, more of these little shrimps. I don't mind Marty, even though I'm just looking for an excuse to send him to PPW as a trainer; but thus far he's been proving himself a solid hand, so I can't justify it to Pat and Jack. This was a pretty awful match that the crowd didn't care about, which I fully expected when Russo wanted to book it. At least we had JR and Lawler doing some good schtick when Brian Christopher came out and joined commentary, as Ross kept poking them about being allegedly related. Marty wins the match for his team, hitting a fistdrop from the second rope on one of them. I can't tell these guys apart, I only know Savio and the hairy one. We tried to let these guys call it in the ring, but neither Boricua was any good at it, so it looks like they are getting depushed further in the future; if you can't call your match, then why are you here? At least Marty's performance seemed to be looking better, which will be a good thing as he can teach the kids that in developmental. Why do we even have this division?

Match Time: 6:19

Rating: D-


The fence riders, D'Lo Brown and Kama Mustafa, are back at the interview cage along with Michael Cole, with Cole asking them for any insight on if they are going to side with The Rock, Faarooq, or neither side, just going their own way. D'Lo says that the choice is not an easy one; they are dedicated to the cause, but they were dedicated to Faarooq's cause. Kama says that as soon as they figure it out, the whole world will know. That only served to waste about two minutes of the show, but Russo swears that the payoff will be “as big as a New York pizza” whatever that means.

Rating: D


Jim Ross then sends us to a pre-taped, sit-down interview that he conducted this past weekend with “The Mastodon” Vader. Vader is laid up at home, shown wearing a huge bandage under his mask – why he wears the mask at home we may never know, because Ross doesn't ask him that. Vader updates us on his condition, saying that Kane really leveled him with that wrench, and that he's used to being the one giving out concussions rather than receiving them. He says that he required some pretty hefty stitches, but that he will be back on Raw as soon as he can to exact some revenge from Kane's ass!

Rating: C+


Michael Cole is at the interview cage again, this time along with The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust, who is on his knees. Cole asks him what the idea is, and who was that out there earlier tonight helping Goldust to attack Ken Shamrock? Goldust whines, saying that Kenny needed taught a lesson in distrust; “these people will steer you wrong no matter what you try to do,” he says. He then introduces his “new mistress” and the person comes in from earlier and pulls away her jacket and sunglasses…


Revealing herself as Sherri Martel! Sherri takes the microphone and says that she is the woman who leads worms into being champions, and that is exactly what she's here to do again. She pronounces herself as Sinful Sherri, and says The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust is her newest whipping boy. He plays this to the hilt (probably not the best phrase to use for this segment) by hugging her leg and saying that she is going to beat a better person out of anyone she comes around. She leads him away by grabbing the dog collar chain around his neck and leaving, as Cole looks on, gobsmacked, not even able to find the words to throw it back to ringside. Sherri really helped out here, her presence is a lot cooler than Luna's was, so Dustin shouldn't be overwhelmed by her. Russo says that her dominatrix gimmick rates as a B-, which is good enough for me. Michael looked pretty poor here though; maybe he wasn't ready for this kind of risque segment to go down in front of his eyes.

Rating: C-



Chainsaw Charlie vs. “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn

JR and Lawler do a good job of recapping the stipulations that Commissioner Slaughter laid out earlier tonight, but I'm a little disappointed that James doesn't come out to do his speech before the match because of it. Terry may be physically on his way down the ladder, but he still knows how to put a solid match together and keep the fans invested well enough; and Billy is definitely a prospect that we should try to look forward to in the future. He has to be can't-miss! Just look at him! Cactus and Jesse do stay backstage during this whole match, and it finally ends when Gunn catches Charlie in a telegraphed back body drop and drills him with a piledriver for the pinfall.

The match might be over, but that just means the trap can be sprung, as “Road Dog” is on his way down the ramp right as the three is counted. He slides Billy's title belt into the ring, and they set up for a spike piledriver on it when Cactus Jack starts making a rush toward the ring – but he's caught from behind by Shawn Michaels and Hunter! The piledriver goes off, spiking Chainsaw's neck onto the championship, just as Helmsley sets Jack up for the Pedigree. Chyna comes over and hits a low blow on him as Hunter holds Jack in place, and then Shawn and Mike Tyson press down on the back of Cactus as “Triple H” drives his face down into the steel ramp! D-Generation X and the New Age Outlaws share a high five, Shawn saying that he “really likes” these guys, and doing the crotch chop toward Jack as he lies motionless on the ground. Michaels really showed here how just his presence can help make any segment better, as his performance was very good. Shawn, Tyson, and the Outlaws are quickly ejected from the ringside area, but Hunter and Chyna stay there, as the main event is next!

Match Time: 7:47

Ratings: C / B-



The Undertaker vs. “Triple H” Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna

After a ring introduction from “The Fink”, this one is underway. This match has some great heat and some very great action going into it, as Hunter does all he can to not necessarily win the match, but to show that 'Taker is truly a human being and not some mythical creature who cannot be beaten. That line really set the story up, which is why I fed it to JR. The European champion puts forth a good effort to that end, but after Undertaker sits up after a driving knee to his face, it goes all downhill from there. He shoves Hunter into the corner and opens him up with some hard punches, walks the ropes and drives a fist down onto his shoulder, and begins setting him up for a chokeslam – but just as he has Hunter goozled, Sweet Chin Music connects! Shawn and Tyson rush Undertaker, and Earl Hebner rings the bell on this match, which is a match I feel we will be revisiting in the near future; hence the non-direct finish.

But just because the bell rang doesn't mean DX are finished. Shawn helps Hunter recover with some exaggerated heart compresses and almost mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but once business is on, it's on. Tyson punches Undertaker, who I understand told him to hold back less so that it would look good on camera. Shawn and Hunter deliver their second assisted Pedigree of the night, only this time not onto the ramp. The damage looks as though it may get worse, when….


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“Hell, fire, and brimstone!” exclaims JR, but his next question is just what the hell Kane and Paul Bearer are coming out here for? Kane enters the ring amidst red lighting in the arena, and he steps over the top rope. He stares down D-Generation X, then looks at The Undertaker. He makes the turnbuckles explode, and then grabs both Shawn and Hunter, chokeslamming them! Tyson and Chyna pull their teammates out of the ring, as Kane looks at his brother. He doesn't help him get to his feet, but he doesn't hinder him either; staring at him, tilting his head. Undertaker does a great job of selling his confusion here, but the potential brotherly reunion is halted when I enter the scene….

From the top of the ramp I stand, saying that this looks like a wonderful family moment. But before we get a big, sloppy, brotherly hug, why don't I just let the cat out of the bag? Next week Shawn Michaels will be in action, to make things even between the two of them; but the week after that, only six days away from WrestleMania, The Undertaker will be in that very ring……. to take on his flesh and blood, Kane! The crowd are in a frenzy, I really worked them well here, and even Mark seemed to pick up on it; but the story in the crowd's mind is definitely left at where Kane and The Undertaker stand now, compared to in two weeks when they will be, at long last, in a match with one another!

Match Time: 11:40

Ratings: C / B+ / B+ / A



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WWF Shotgun Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, and Michael Cole

Rating: C



Mark Henry d. Doug Basham (E-)

El Dandy d. Erin O'Grady (E-)

The New Blackjacks d. Chris Harris & Michael Modest (D-)

Animal & Ahmed Johnson d. The Godwinns (C-)



Raw recap video: The Undertaker defeats “Triple H” by disqualification after interference from D-Generation X (B)

Jeff Jarrett has a pre-taped interview where he talks about having been all over the world, and no wrestling promoter has ever been worth the skill and talent that he brings them (C-)

Jerry Lawler interviews Ahmed Johnson and the New Blackjacks, who say that they can't wait to get their hands on the Nation again after what happened on Raw! (D+)

Raw recap video: After the main event, after Kane has chased DX away from The Undertaker, Mr. McMahon says that in two weeks' time, The Undertaker will face off with Kane! (B-)

Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, and Michael Cole run down the known WrestleMania card (D)



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Yes!! When I made my return from hiatus a few weeks ago this was one of the first dynasties I checked in on. I was horribly disappointed to see it was slumbering, and delighted to see you pick it back up again.


Still can't wait for 'Mania... It's been the longest buildup in history :p

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Big Three Recap for Week 2, March 1998



Figure 4 Online

Big Three Recap – Week 2, March 1998



WWF Raw is War Report!

Early reports are in, and Raw this week was a hit! The Landover Capital Center was treated to a show that is said to be “awesome” and is getting fantastic reviews! The main event really delivered, and our sources say that it was kept as a vague DQ ending in order to protect Hunter from taking a full loss from The Undertaker so that this can be a bigger program down the road. The only downside of the evening was a small injury, suffered during the pre-show by Phineas Godwinn. The Godwinns defeated The Headbangers before Raw went on the air, and after the match was over, he was confirmed as having a damaged neck. He shouldn't be missing any time from it. Anyways, the match set up for two weeks between Undertaker and Kane should blow the roof off the building, and we definitely cannot wait to see what Raw has in store for us in the coming weeks as we get closer to WrestleMania 14. We graded this week's episode as a B+.



WCW Nitro Report!

WCW Monday Nitro was held at Hawaii's Neal Blaisdell Arena, and they got a very good show. Most viewers have been very positive about it, liking the majority of the show. Scott Hall was said to be the star of the show.

ANGLE: skit involving Eric Bischoff and Debra McMichael; The Barbarian d. Sonny Siaki; ANGLE: confrontation involving Bret Hart and Kevin Nash; Wrath d. Hugh Morrus, Perry Saturn, and Glacier; ANGLE: brawl between Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, and Hollywood Hulk Hogan; Ernest Miller d. Ultimo Dragon; ANGLE: confrontation involving Sting and Scott Hall; Roddy Piper d. The Giant; The Outsiders d. The Steiner Brothers (non-title).

A fairly solid show, but not as good as Raw this time. We rated this episode of Nitro as a strong B.



ECW Hardcore TV Report!

Hardcore TV came your way from the Hammerstein Ballroom again, this week getting a huge brawl and a Tag Team title match. The feedback has been excellent, the show is being very well received. Sabu was the star of the show.

ANGLE: Brawl between Taz and Bam Bam Bigelow; Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks d. Roadkill and Spike to retain the ECW World Tag Team titles; Bam Bam Bigelow d. Lance Storm (non-title); Sabu d. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley.

While not as well headlined as last week's show, this one delivered on all accounts. We rate it as a D+, which is a very strong showing from the third leg of the wrestling race.


Monday Night Ratings War!

WWF Raw is War

Monday at Primetime on USA Network: 3.99 (+0.11)

Monday at Primetime on TSN: 1.15 (same)

Monday at Ten Network Australia: 0.34 (+0.01)

Friday at Primetime on Sky Sports: 1.69 (+0.10)

(Shotgun Saturday Night draws a 0.10 rating on Syndication.)


WCW Nitro

Monday at Primetime on TNT: 5.56 (+0.21)

Monday at Evening on Galavision: 2.14 (-0.03)

Wednesday at Afternoon on Foxtel Australia: 0.26 (same)

(Saturday Night draws a 0.66 rating on TBS.)


Top Prospects of the week!

Several veterans have pointed out Jeff Hardy as someone who could go far with the right handling.

Darren Drosdov was once again singled out as being a talking point in wrestling.

Of all people to be mentioned this week, Duke Droese's name has popped up. Many sources have said that if given a chance, he could be a solid hand for any promotion.


F4W Polls

We held a poll for who was considered the “Best Brawler in Wrestling Today” and the winner was overwhelmingly Kenta Kobashi.


From the desk of Vincent K. McMahon:

“Well, that should teach the Godwinns not to hurt other people! Dennis wasn't hurt for long – he's actually back in action by the end of this week – but it has to have taught them their place!


“People have been talking about how good our show was in comparison to Nitro. The ratings don't want to live up to it, but the wrestling world is definitely talking about us more than they are. I can't believe that we are only two weeks away from WrestleMania, and it seems so long since Survivor Series already. The fans have really taken to Shawn and Mark as the main event, and the constant matches that we've been shoving out with those two have been putting more and more focus on them and their opponents each week.


“Our two debuts this week seemed to go off really well. Ivory was one of those girls from back in the GLOW days, and this is her first shot at the big time. Hopefully she doesn't just blow it, because that will mean back to the small leagues for her; and she's not the youngest person by now, so this could be her only chance. Sherri is someone who I wasn't sure about when her name came up. She had been working with that OMEGA group that those kids had in North Carolina, but with Luna being suspended and not really a great fit with Dustin, Russo said that she could help with pushing his gimmick to further bounds. Sherri isn't all that young either, at 40 years old she certainly isn't the young, perky bombshell that we could have brought in; but I was also impressed that she had gotten into the face of Eric Bischoff and was blackballed by WCW. Anyone who gives that little s*** a piece of their mind is worth a stay on my roster at this point. As I said during the show, she is calmer than Vachon also. We have plans for Luna in the future, but that fight she got in with Chyna has really set her back now, as the next time we see her will something that could get over, but will only be a midcard act when it debuts.


“Next week, we are planning to really up the ante as the main event is concerned. It's Shawn's turn this week in New Jersey, and then it's on to Hartford for Undertaker against Kane. The crowd went crazy when I announced that, so I'm looking to really pop an amazing rating with that episode. There are so many changes in store when April hits, including new title designs, a new logo, a new moniker… even some new debuts are in store. WCW have gotten more and more complacent, and this is our chance to swoop in for the kill!”




Thanks so far for all the support for the resurrection of this project! I'm so excited to be back at it myself, as I've been saying to various people for months that it is not gone and forgotten! I went ahead and set up this F4W post to make sure everyone knows that this wasn't just a "return show" and then it will go away again; it's back baby, and it's going to be going strong again!


In a way, I have to thank The Nickman for starting his Attitude Era game; it is so good that it pushed me to kickstart this back up again. Everyone should go check that out as well - but don't forget War of the Thrones while you're heading to that! :p


So let's break some glass, people!

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In a way, I have to thank The Nickman for starting his Attitude Era game; it is so good that it pushed me to kickstart this back up again.

Ha, I'm glad I was able to provide some inspiration! Personally, I love Attitude Era WWF dynasties the most (I've been reading keefmoon's one from back in about 2007 the last week), and I've always paid close attention to this one of yours, Beej. So keen to see what you do Post-Mania (if it happens before I'm too old, that is :p )

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  • 2 weeks later...

WWF Raw is War / War Zone - 3/16/1998


WWF RAW is WAR / War Zone

March 16th, 1998 (Week 3)

Held at: Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey (Tri-State)

Attendance: 17,473

Show Runtime: Two Hours (5 minute overrun)

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 11 regions.



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The show opens with the sound of “Are You Ready?” D-Generation X strut to the ring, cocky as always. Hunter takes the microphone first, saying that it's time to play a little game. He wants the crowd to name off anyone who stands a chance against D-Generation X. You can hear chants start coming of names like Undertaker, Owen, Bret, Sting; but Helmsley plays it cool, and he says that there are only two names who the people should be saying, and both of those guys in black and white shirts wouldn't fight them because they would join DX in a heartbeat if they ever came home! “Triple H” says that people shouldn't make DX laugh so hard, thinking that WrestleMania will be anything but a night for he and Shawn to roll into town and roll back out still carrying all the gold – and taking all the ladies along for the ride back to the hotel! He really worked the crowd well here. Shawn takes it next, saying that “The Showstopper” is the only man in the WWF on his level; there is no Undertaker, there is no Owen, there is no 'Kenny Hamhock' – only he, and in the future Triple H, who can stand atop this elite pedestal. He challenges anyone else from any company in wrestling to deny that fact, and aside from a few “neanderthal, former icons who just want to look cool by hanging with my best buds,” nobody could ever come close. Shawn compares Owen to “a nugget you just can't flush” and says that if Hart is a nugget, Undertaker may as well be the toilet paper that you wipe with! He even goes on to say that if “Vinny Mac” is hoping anybody other than DX sells WrestleMania, he's got another thought coming, because the only reason anybody will tune in is to see just how D-X-rated it can get!

Commissioner Slaughter then joins the party from the ramp, and he says that their little stunts as of late are going to stop right here tonight! He says that he is sick of seeing DX run around the law and make jokes out of the authority around the WWF, and that's why he has personally handpicked some opponents for each of them tonight – as well as their recent running buddies, the New Age Outlaws, and all of them title matches! Shawn and Hunter, for their part, play up dodging spitballs even when Sarge is nowhere near the ring, and look fake shocked at that announcement. But before they can say anything about it, Pat and Gerry lead me out to the top of the stage! I tell Slaughter that I've had enough of his meddling with my show, and that I am personally tearing up the contracts he made for each of those matches, just to prove who really has the power around here! But just then….


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On the Titantron comes Gorilla Monsoon! The crowd wonder what's going on, as Gorilla says that it was an unfortunate thing that I did in firing him, live at No Way Out of Texas. Gorilla talks down to me, saying that he was fully ready to just let me run the WWF as I saw fit, but now he's mad! When I say that there's no reason Monsoon should be here, he counters that, lest I had forgotten, he is the appointed and still acting WWF President – he can't be fired! As President, he is the man who overlooks all of the paperwork for all matches that are made here in the World Wrestling Federation, and so he has a few announcements to make. He says that first and foremost, he plans to make sure that Sgt. Slaughter shows the backbone that he's always seen from him – and in the match between Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Owen Hart at WrestleMania, Chyna will be handcuffed at ringside to the commissioner himself! Gorilla then says that he looked over the contracts that Commissioner Slaughter had laid out, and he has approved every single one of them! So in our first match of the evening, the New Age Outlaws will defend their World Tag Team titles against Faarooq and D'Lo Brown; Hunter will defend the European title against Chainsaw Charlie, and Shawn Michaels will be in the main event against Cactus Jack – it's a non-title match, but in consolation of that, Cactus gets to choose any stipulation for the match that his sick, twisted heart wishes! And if any other members of DX or the Outlaws get involved in the match who should not be out there, he's got a little surprise for everyone! Gorilla closes with a “welcome to Monday Night Raw!” to the fans, as Shawn and Hunter are actually looking a little worried in the ring! Shawn and I both looked good in this part of the segment, but Gorilla and Slaughter didn't look quite as good. “Sarge” at least seemed to gain some performance skill, while Gorilla's performance and acting seem better since No Way Out. We changed Monsoon's gimmick to a wholesome authority figure, and Lanza gave it a rating of B+.

Ratings: B / C




WWF World Tag Team Championship Match

The New Age Outlaws vs. Faarooq & D'Lo Brown

From there we cut back to the interview cage, as Michael Cole is standing by with The New Age Outlaws. Billy is shaking the cage in anger as Jesse does the talking, “The Road Dog” saying that this is unlawful punishment – they certainly aren't happy about having to defend their titles here tonight, but come WrestleMania in the steel cage, they will take it out on “goofball one and goofball two” Cactus and Chainsaw. Cole underperforms like usual, sending us out to the ring very blandly.

When we head to the ring, D'Lo and Faarooq are talking strategy about the match. The crowd aren't really sure what to make of the team, as Brown is on more of a “in-between” status because of his storyline with the Nation, while Faarooq is a full-on babyface. The Outlaws are even getting a smattering of cheers, just showing how much momentum they've gained as champions. JR and Cornette do a good job being at odds about this match and the way it came about, as well as “Corny” saying that Brown should blast Faarooq and get out of this match as soon as he can. Both of these teams have great team chemistry, and the belts being on the line here really help the match look more important. The Rock is the deciding factor, as he sneaks into the ring behind Tim White's back and smashes Faarooq with the Intercontinental title belt, and that leads straight into Gunn and James's spike piledriver for the victory.

After a commercial break, The Rock, Scorpio, and Mark Henry stand at the interview cage. Rock does all the talking, as he apologizes to D'Lo for costing him that match, and I quote: “but there is no way in the blue blazes of Hell that some monkey crap jabroni like Faarooq is fit to wear WWF gold at the same time that The Rock does!” Scorpio dances in the background, but that just makes him look dreadful, like he's trying too hard. Rock then says that he's tired of seeing D'Lo and Kama sit on the sidelines, it's time they knew their roles and made up their minds; so he just came from Mr. McMahon, and he is here to announce that at WrestleMania, there will be a triple threat tag team match pitting D'Lo and Kama against Mark and Scorpio against the New Blackjacks! Rocky just looked excellent out there, it was a great move to pull the trigger on him leading the Nation.

Match Time: 11:48

Ratings: D+ / C / D+


A pre-taped promo sees Paul Bearer in a dark room with Rikishi Fatu and Kane standing behind him. Paul says that his dark alliance between Kane and Rikishi are set to grow even stronger in the future, and next week, The Undertaker will finally be forced to meet the demon that he created when he faces off with his brother! Bearer then laughs at the challenge that Vader has made to face Kane at WrestleMania, saying that there is no man, no matter how big or strong, who can defeat his “Big Red Machine”! Paul then says that perhaps when The Undertaker falls to his brother, maybe Kane should step into his brother's place as the man destroying Shawn Michaels to win the World title at WrestleMania! Paul says that he will be the man overseeing the coming era of darkness in the World Wrestling Federation, and no man, alive or dead, can stop him! Bearer underperformed here, only because of how much more over Kane is in comparison, and the crowd really sat on their hands for another video package. Otherwise, however, this perfectly hyped next week's match between the brothers.

Rating: B-


We head out to the parking garage, where Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie are arriving at the arena. The Honky Tonk Man is there to greet them, and he tells Jack and Charlie what happened earlier tonight with Gorilla Monsoon. Hopefully Cactus drove to the arena, because Terry apparently got out of his vehicle with the pantyhose over his head, and that would be tough to drive around in at night. Mick's sadistic smile overtakes his face, as he says that his match with Shawn tonight will be “Falls count anywhere, no disqualifications! Bang bang!” It was a somewhat shorter segment, but it got the point across, because the crowd are now completely hyped for tonight's match.

Rating: C+


Jerry “The King” Lawler has come down to the ring, which Jim Ross says was not meant to happen until the top of the hour. Lawler says that he's out here to talk about a “small” matter, that being the Light Heavyweight champion, Taka Michinoku. He says that he saw Taka earlier today getting off the plane, and he wasn't carrying the title like he should be, like an American wrestler would, and he thought maybe Taka should just come out here so that he can learn how to carry a championship like “The King” would. Jerry goads Michinoku to the ring, and I instantly don't care anymore. Let's just cut to the chase, it's a setup so that Brian Christopher can sneak attack the champ. JR talks about a father-son collusion, Cornette denies everything by saying that Brian just saw an opening and took it, the champion of the little bastards is left lying in the ring after two Tennessee Jam legdrops, and let's just get on with the show.

Rating: D-




WWF European Championship

Hunter Hearst-Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Chainsaw Charlie

Our first hour main event is the European title match. Sure, the crowd know that Terry is past it; but he's good enough that people can end up looking past it and getting into a good match. JR and Cornette had some good banter at ringside, and that helped the match a lot. The booking of this match left a bad taste in fans' mouths though, as Chyna cost Charlie the title via a low blow that led into the Pedigree. But Owen Hart came down to the ring quickly and told referee Mike Chioda about it, and he overturned the decision and gave it to Chainsaw by disqualification! We felt that Owen's involvement there would help simmer their feud, but Hunter didn't like it. We conceded to him, telling him and Terry to both keep Paul strong and keep his spot protected; so he basically overshadowed Funk for the whole match, up until the ending, and it made for a match that the crowd felt the title shouldn't have been on the line over. But we know what they want better than they do dammit, so they better just stay in their seats and watch the second hour of the show!

Match Time: 9:21

Rating: C




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After a run down of the show after the second pyro display of the evening, we see that Owen Hart is standing by with Jim Ross at ringside. We kept this scripted heavily for both of them, as JR asks Hart why he came out here and cost Helmsley the match like he did. Owen says that he wants to thank Gorilla Monsoon for doing something about Chyna at WrestleMania, leveling the playing field for him – but he's not the only person DX has screwed over around here, and he is personally showing that enough is enough and it's time for a change! As long as we keep Owen to a script and don't let him improvise, he does a really good promo.

Rating: B



Before we get to the squash match, “Marvelous” Marc Mero is in the ring. Until last week, I didn't even know that he still worked here. Ivory at his side doesn't hurt, and she isn't nearly as…. shall we say 'distracting' as Sable. Sable comes out with a microphone, and as hard as it is (literally) I pay some attention to what she says. Russo has crafted this storyline, and he's been bothering me to pay all of my attention to it. Mero asks how many quarts of ice cream Sable has gone through now that he isn't at home to cuddle away her problems, and she says that she hasn't had a single spoon of it – in fact, she's been running all around town to the best bars you can find looking for the perfect man to fulfill her needs like Marc never could. The implications are so…. she says that it wasn't sexual needs, because anything could do better than he could at that! As Mero kicks the bottom rope in the ring, Sable tells him that she found someone to help her – but Marc gave her a great idea inadvertently. She looked over the divorce papers that he sent her, and saw that he is suing her for alimony! The crowd boos, what a dick! Sable says that Mero already agreed to face a representative, but that isn't enough now. She offers to change the match to an intergender tag team match, and the winning team will determine which one of the two will get alimony! Mero agrees, saying that he and Ivory will take great pleasure in knocking out Sable and whoever she thinks she found in some barroom!

After Sable leaves, Mero gets a really quick squash match where he defeats youngster Erin O'Grady with the TKO. I give Russo credit for making the storyline more interesting, which is what JR and Lawler talked about during the squash. Ivory apparently does good work when at ringside, too. The most important part was how low cut Sable and Ivory's tops were tonight.

Match Time: 1:44

Ratings: C / D-


But no time to dwell on that because now we see me backstage! Pat and Gerry are not in the room this time, instead I am visited by Shawn Michaels. Shawn is bitching about his match, having heard what type of match Cactus wants tonight. He pleads to get the match taken off, saying everything from how it could jeopardize his WrestleMania match (“I might get injured and have to vacate the title!”) or how easily he could leave if he doesn't get what he wants (“You know, Vin-Man, I have always looked good in black and white!”) I tell him that my hands are just as tied as his are in this one, so he has to just go out there and compete. Shawn says he will show why he is “The Showstopper” tonight and at WrestleMania, but warns that DX never does what authority tell them to, before leaving. He really enjoyed being off-script, but the consensus is that this segment was too short. I agree, the show needed more of me on it.

Rating: B



Blackjack Windham vs. The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri

Before the match, Goldust (wearing leather chaps and a thong with a bullrope tied around his neck, apparently “Blackjack Goldust” tonight) and Sherri stop by the announcer's table. Goldust slides across it in what I suppose you could call “seductively” while Sherri talks to JR. She says that Ken Shamrock likes to make people submit. But the only one Goldust submits to is her. So now, the only chance Ken Shamrock stands at WrestleMania is to secure up his manhood and join with The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust – and they don't mean forming a tag team. She says that Goldust wants Shamrock to give him everything in his body, and then Goldust will willingly submit to him.

Windham comes out of the ring and slams Goldust's head onto the table, and JR relays their background as formerly best friends from two respected wrestling families. He says that Windham has to be trying to knock some sense into Dustin. The two Texans put on a good match here, but then Sherri takes out a picture of Shamrock, and Goldust crawls toward her and starts fondling the photo. Ken rushes to the ring with his eyes bugged out of his head and attacks, drawing a disqualification as Goldust and Sherri get out of there.

Match Time: 10:28

Ratings: C- / C


Our final pre-taped promo of the evening shows The Undertaker. He really enjoys being off-script here, as he talks about how the best moment of his life should have been when he saw his little brother Kane, alive and well after all these years – but Paul Bearer turned that into a nightmare, and now Vince McMahon wants to see the two fight it out in the ring. Undertaker says that he doesn't want to fight Kane, but over the past week he has steeled his emotions away somewhat to the fact that he cannot escape meeting Kane in the ring…. any who get in the way shall rest in peace.

Rating: B+



Falls Count Anywhere, No Disqualifications Match

“The Showstopper” Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. Cactus Jack

These two just completely tear the house down, you would never know that Shawn has been laying in ice baths for months the way he performs here. Mick is, as always, one of the best brawlers you could ever see, and Shawn keeps right up with him the whole way through the match. The crowd are somewhat cold when the match begins, but it doesn't take long for them to get into it, especially when they start fighting up the ramp. About that time is when Hunter, Jesse, and Billy arrive on the scene, purposely ignoring the warning they were given earlier in the night in order to lay Cactus out on the ramp with a spike piledriver and an assisted Pedigree, leading to a very hard-fought victory for the champion.

But as DX and the Outlaws celebrate by getting into the ring and crotch chopping the crowd and Cactus, that's when the Titantron comes to life with Gorilla Monsoon again. Gorilla says that he warned them, and just to make sure that everyone knows just how serious he is, he is announcing right here and now that Mike Tyson will not be the only special enforcer around the ringside area at WrestleMania. There will be two, and he would like to give them a very personal 'hello'!




































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Out from the back comes “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, and he's got a chair! He swarms the ring, swinging at everything that moves! Keen eyed fans notice that (per his insurance company's demands) everyone immediately scatters so that he doesn't have to actually do anything. Austin helps Cactus to his feet and starts calling for beers, and he stands on the middle rope drinking beer in between flipping the bird toward DX at the top of the ramp. The show ends with JR screaming that “Stone Cold is back! Stone Cold is back, and he will be outside the ring for the main event at WrestleMania!”

Match Time: 17:08

Ratings: B+ / C / B-



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WWF Shotgun Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, and Michael Cole

Rating: C-



Bob Holly d. Jose (D-)

Kurrgan d. Bart Gunn (E+)

Cyclope d. Erin O'Grady (E)

Steve Blackman d. Savio Vega (D-)



Raw recap: WWF President Gorilla Monsoon returns by making Shawn Michaels face Cactus Jack, and threatens a huge surprise if DX interferes! Shawn tries to weasel his way out by talking to Mr. McMahon, but he still must wrestle! (B-)

Raw recap: The Rock, flanked by Scorpio and Mark Henry, lays down the law about Faarooq, D'Lo, and Kama Mustafa, by setting up a triple threat tag team match at WrestleMania! (D)

Raw recap: We hear snippets from the promos that Kane and The Undertaker spoke about from Monday night, regarding their match against one another on the next episode of Raw. (B)

Raw recap: Shawn Michaels wins with the help of DX, and during the attack they get a “Stone Cold” surprise as Steve Austin is made the second enforcer for the main event of WrestleMania, running out of the back to chase DX up the ramp! (B-)



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Big Three Recap for Week 3, March 1998



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Big Three Recap – Week 3, March 1998



WWF Raw is War Report!

The return of “Stone Cold”! The return of Gorilla Monsoon! All kinds of things happened on this episode of Raw, as they finalized the WrestleMania card with one week to spare. Most fans we polled said that they really liked the vast majority of the show, and we agreed, giving it a final rating of B.



WCW Nitro Report!

Nitro came from Puerto Rico this week, but they used it to their advantage by throwing everything they could against the wall here. The show built up to two big matches featuring nWo members against WCW wrestlers, and they will be tough to ignore when the end of the year comes around. Almost surprisingly, Scott Hall was said to be the star of the night. We rated the show a B+, and Nitro overtakes Raw again.

The Barbarian d. Kidman; ANGLE: confrontation involving Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, and Randy Savage; Meng d. Lenny Lane; ANGLE: skit involving Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart; Stevie Ray d. Sick Boy; ANGLE: brawl between Sting and Scott Hall; The Outsiders d. The Steiner Brothers; Hollywood Hulk Hogan d. Diamond Dallas Page.



ECW Hardcore TV Report!

Hardcore TV came from the Hammerstein Ballroom again, and featured a solid main event World title defense for champion Bam Bam Bigelow. The Sandman was said to be the star of the show, which people are saying was pretty good. We rated it a D.

ANGLE: Brawl between Bam Bam Bigelow, Shane Douglas, and Tommy Dreamer; Darren Drosdov d. Chris Chetti; The Sandman d. Phil Lafon and Buh-Buh Ray Dudley; Bam Bam Bigelow d. Justin Credible to retain the World title.


WCW/nWo Uncensored 1998

A sold out crowd of 71,000 at The Georgia Dome played host to WCW/nWo Uncensored on Sunday, and what a show it could have been if the focus was a little bit different. The New World Order did a great job at re-establishing itself, as black and white members won out more often than not. Most people have said that they enjoyed the vast majority of the show, which featured a MOTY quality bout between “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and “Hitman” Bret Hart, both of whom are sure to be gunning for the World champion Hollywood Hogan. Hogan had a no contest defense of the title against “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, which was not the way to end the show. As interesting as seeing both WCW and nWo members rush the ring, the crowd were really looking for a finish. As such, and given the amazing matchup that preceded it, in good conscience we can only rate it a strong B; take that for what you will, because that is a very high mark for a typically throwaway show like Uncensored. Their buyrate was a 0.51.

Pre-Show: Fit Finlay d. Evan Karagias (D-)

Pre-Show: Kidman d. Glacier (D)

The Outsiders d. Harlem Heat (B)

The Public Enemy d. The Outlaws (D+)

ANGLE: Skit involving Kevin Nash and Lex Luger (B)

Rey Mysterio Jr. d. Sick Boy (D+)

ANGLE: confrontation between Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Hall (B-)

Konnan d. Chris Jericho ©

ANGLE: skit involving Roddy Piper, Randy Savage, and The Giant (B)

Davey Boy Smith d. Riggs to retain the TV title (C-)

Curt Hennig d. Hammer to retain the US title ©

Eddy Guerrero d. Prince Iaukea to retain the Cruiserweight title ©

The Steiner Brothers d. Vicious & Delicious to retain the Tag titles (C+)

ANGLE: backstage segment with Bret Hart, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and Sting (A)

Bret Hart d. Ric Flair (A)

Hollywood Hulk Hogan fought Roddy Piper to a no contest; Hogan retains the World title (B-)


Monday Night Ratings War!

WWF Raw is War

Monday at Primetime on USA Network: 3.81 (-0.18)

Monday at Primetime on TSN: 1.14 (-0.01)

Monday at Ten Network Australia: 0.34 (same)

Friday at Primetime on Sky Sports: 1.58 (-0.11)

(Shotgun Saturday Night draws a 0.09 rating on Syndication.)


WCW Nitro

Monday at Primetime on TNT: 5.53 (-0.03)

Monday at Evening on Galavision: 2.12 (-0.02)

Wednesday at Afternoon on Foxtel Australia: 0.26 (same)

(Saturday Night draws a 0.73 rating on TBS.)


Special goodbyes!

Mexican superstar Blue Demon has finally hung up the mask this week. The 75 year old has officially left the wrestling business behind, and surely will be missed. Also leaving the business officially was Jack Tunney. Tunney played the president of the WWF for many years in the 80s and 90s, and had recently been featured in the small Heartland Wrestling Alliance promotion.


WCW contract offer!

Bryan Clarke a.k.a. Adam Bomb a.k.a. Wrath is in the news this week, as WCW have made a contract offer to him. Sources state that the WWF felt that while Clarke could be found a place for on their roster, they aren't going to try and take him away. One must wonder if this is simply a case of the WWF doing all they can to move away from the wrestlers employed by them in the mid 90s where they can, instead letting WCW keep the send-off.


ECWA Super 8 Tournament!

We would be remiss if we did not mention the Super 8 Tournament taking place this past week. It was won by Reckless Youth, who defeated Michael Modest in the final.


Top Prospects of the week!

Some industry veterans are calling Phil Barker a potential break-out star.

JAPW's Diablos Macabre was mentioned on a radio show as someone who, if handled right, could potentially go far.

Several veterans are pointing to young Super Crazy as a future superstar.

Daisuke Ikeda was mentioned this past week as someone who has great potential and is someone to watch.


F4W Polls

We ran a poll to see who fans thought was the “Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World” and unsurprisingly, the response was Shawn Michaels.

We ran two separate polls for “Best Manager in the World” and it went to Paul Bearer both times.


From the desk of Vincent K. McMahon:

“The Shotgun taping hadn't even finished by the time there was a big commotion this week. I guess those catty bitches were at one another's throats, as Tammy had provoked Rena into a big argument. When I arrived on the scene, it was such a huge mess; and so I fired her! Sunny hasn't been useful to us in two years, and it's time for the next generation of bombshells to take over the face of WWF women! We had been building to something for her to do, maybe even bringing back Candido for her even; it would have been a great cross-promotion for ECW to have DX feud with their Triple Threat in a few months. But her contract was nearly up anyways, and plus I guess Tammy had started this argument by saying that Sable was – of all things – sleeping with me in order to get this sustained push like she has lately! Rena denied it, of course; because she's a good girl like that. That's how you keep your job, sweetheart. And besides, no woman actually 'sleeps' when you show her the BIG Vinny! Heh heh heh… I hear that Tammy is pissed off at both Rena and myself, but that's her misfortune. She can go join Skip in ECW for all I care.


“WCW had their little Uncensored pay-per-view, and while it was supposedly a good outing, there is no way it is going to be better than our WrestleMania – I will see to that personally! Even if I end up having to rebook things on the fly, there's no way anything they have done so far this year will be better than what we have planned for Mania. They may have had matches like Bret and Flair, Hogan and Piper; but Shawn and Mark will show all those geezers what the new face of wrestling looks like, mark my words.”

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WWF.com special report: WWF WrestleMania 14 prediction contest!


The entire year has culminated in this one moment, this grand spectacle…. Nothing can prepare you for the greatest tradition of all:


WWF WrestleMania XIV

d-X raided!





The World Heavyweight championship in a match so big, it has to have TWO special enforcers!

The time for talk and attacks in the dark are over: “The Showstopper” Shawn Michaels must defend the WWF World championship against the man who won the Royal Rumble, The Undertaker! On the outside of the ring will be none other than “Baddest Man on the Planet” Mike Tyson and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin! Will DX rule the wrestling world past WrestleMania, or will the World title go to the dark side?!



Who is the Bigger Monster?!

“The Big Red Machine” Kane has angered “The Mastodon” Vader, and that has led us to this match. This one will be two big, brutal men trying to decimate one another, but who will come out of it the better?!






The Fallout of the Nation!

Two matches will determine the future of the former Nation of Domination! One will be a triple threat tag team matchup, as D'Lo Brown and Kama Mustafa will have their hands forced as they take on the New Blackjacks and The Nation team of Scorpio and Mark Henry! Where will their loyalty show?

But also, The Rock will defend his coveted Intercontinental championship against the former leader of the Nation, Faarooq! Will experience win out over confidence, or can The Rock overcome the veteran?!





d-X Raided European title match!

“Triple H” Hunter Hearst Helmsley will finally go one-on-one against “The Black Hart” Owen Hart with the European title on the line – and Chyna will be handcuffed to Commissioner Slaughter! Can Hunter retain the title on his own, or will it be time for a title change?!




Steel Cage match for the WWF Tag Team titles!

Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie, two of the most vicious superstars in WWF history, take on the New Age Outlaws inside the confines of a fifteen-foot high steel cage! Who will walk out with the gold?!


Also on the card...


Mind Games Are No More!

The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust knows how to toy with men's minds, but what will happen when he finally has to step foot in the ring with “The World's Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock?!


A Woman Scorned!

After all that's happened between the two of them, “Marvelous” Marc Mero and Sable stand on opposing ends of the ring at WrestleMania! Mero teams up with new valet Ivory, while Sable has said that she has a surprise waiting for her estranged husband – and the winning team decides who gets the alimony in their divorce!


Light Heavyweight Championship on the line in a six-man matchup!

Taka Michinoku is up against his toughest test ever as he takes on not only Brian Christopher, Aguila, El Dandy, Cyclope, and Marty Jannetty! Only one man can emerge from this match with the Light Heavyweight title!


And featuring a live performance from The dX Band!

Card subject to change.


NOTE: There remains one episode of Raw between now and WrestleMania. Just FYI.


WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker



Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader



The Rock vs. Faarooq



The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks



Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart



The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie



The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock



Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card?

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card?

3. If any, how many turns will there be?

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome?

5. What match will open the show?

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker

Comments: I have a feeling that this year's Mania will end on a high note, with a face winning the gold

Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader

Comments: Kane is younger, and can only go up.


The Rock vs. Faarooq

Comments: The Rock has to move on from the IC Title sooner or later, I think tonight's the night


The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks

Comments: I think dissension between the two Nation factions will let the Blackjacks sneak away with the win


Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart

Comments: If HBK loses, Triple H will probably win. Plus, see my answer for turns


The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie

Comments: See my previous answer, but swap out Triple H for the New Age Outlaws


The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock

Comments:Because Ken Shamrock


Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable

Comments: I tend to bet on ???, plus I don't think Mr. McMahon wants anyone to pin Sable (unless, of course, he can)


Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty

Comments: I don't think Vince cares, so I'm going with the wild guess here


Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? HBK/Taker

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? 6 Man Light Heavyweight Title Match

3. If any, how many turns will there be? 1. I don't know why, and I don't recall seeing any signs of it, but I just had this bizarre flash that Chainsaw Charlie will turn on Cactus, costing them the title match and leading to a Cactus/Funk feud. No reason to suspect it. Just one of those "Try to guess where Beejus is going to go with it" moments

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome? 3

5. What match will open the show?Shamrock/TAFKAG


So glad to see this one back. Looking forward to Mania!

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker



Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader



The Rock vs. Faarooq



The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks



Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart



The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie



The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock



Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card?- Michaels vs Undertaker

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card?- Mero & Ivory vs Sable & ???

3. If any, how many turns will there be?- 1. Cactus Jack Turns On Chainsaw Charlie

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome?- None

5. What match will open the show?- Light Heavyweight Six Way

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker



Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader



The Rock vs. Faarooq



The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks



Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart



The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie



The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock



Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? HBK/Taker

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? Meros' Alimony on a Pole

3. If any, how many turns will there be? 2

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome? 2

5. What match will open the show? LHW title match

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker

Comments: I think this is the right move here, though Michaels could do with a great win here as well. I do think there's going to be something fishy going on here with the two referees. There'll be a reason for the two of them and I trust you're going to come up with something cool.


Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader

Comments: I love Vader, but it's Kane's time.


The Rock vs. Faarooq

Comments: Damn.


The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks

Comments: I think D'Lo and Kama will split with the Nation and beat both teams, only to cost Faarooq later on. Or there may be some split here like you did with Orndorff and Meng, but either way I think that D'Lo and Kama will help Rocky in the title match. Cool and interesting concept here though.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart

Comments: I've always liked HHH, but I love Owen.


The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie

Comments: Just my guess. I think Funk should be putting these guys over by this point.


The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock

Comments: I loved Shamrock back then.


Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable

Comments: Bank on the power of the question marks.


Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty

Comments: Jannetty would be cool, but I think you might scrap the LHW title soon, so Taka wins here to get us closer to its almost inevitable demise. Aguila is Essa Rios right?


Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? Gotta be Michaels/Taker

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? Light Heavyweights

3. If any, how many turns will there be? 2

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome? 2

5. What match will open the show? Outlaws vs. Jack and Charlie

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Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker



Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader


The Rock vs. Faarooq



The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks



Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart



The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie



The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock



Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty

3. If any, how many turns will there be? 1

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome? 2

5. What match will open the show? The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker



Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader



The Rock vs. Faarooq



The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks



Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart


The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie



The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock



Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? Michaels-Taker

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? Mixed Tag

3. If any, how many turns will there be? 2

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome? 2

5. What match will open the show? Triple H vs Owen Hart

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker

Comments: This is the Undertaker.


Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader

Comments: Time to pass the torch.


The Rock vs. Faarooq

Comments: The Rock is the man.


The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks

Comments: Nation4Life


Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Give him his big ass push.


The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie

Comments: This might just be me, but I expect someone from the other team to turn heel. But again, it's just me.


The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock

Comments: Goldust is a JTTS. KNOW YOUR ROLE JABRONI!


Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card?

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card?

3. If any, how many turns will there be?

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome?

5. What match will open the show?

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard


Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker



Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader

Comments: Time to pass the torch.


The Rock vs. Faarooq



The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks



Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart



The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie



The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock



Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? Taker vs. HBK

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? The Light Heavyweight title match

3. If any, how many turns will there be? 3

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome? 1

5. What match will open the show? The LIghthweavyweight title match

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WrestleMania 14 fan scorecard

Shawn Michaels w/Chyna vs. The Undertaker



Kane w/Paul Bearer vs. Vader



The Rock vs. Faarooq



The Nation vs. D'Lo Brown & Kama Mustafa vs. The New Blackjacks



Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs. Owen Hart


The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie



The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust w/Sinful Sherri vs. Ken Shamrock



Marc Mero & Ivory vs. ??? & Sable



Taka Michinoku vs. Brian Christopher vs. Aguila vs. Cyclope vs. El Dandy vs. Marty Jannetty



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? Michaels v Undertaker

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? Six Way

3. If any, how many turns will there be? 4

4. If any, how many matches will feature outside interference as the outcome? 2

5. What match will open the show? Six way

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