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No Way Out fan scorecard

The Undertaker and Ken Shamrock vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and TAFKA Goldust w/Chyna and Luna Vachon



Owen Hart vs. Marc Mero w/Sable



Ahmed Johnson and Flash Funk vs. The Nation of Domination (Faarooq and Rocky Miavia)



The New Blackjacks and Steve Blackman vs. The Nation of Domination (D’Lo, Kama, and Mark Henry)



Vader vs. Rikishi Fatu



Mankind, Dude Love, and Cactus Jack vs. Jeff Jarrett and The New Age Outlaws



Taka Michinoku vs. El Dandy



Tiebreaker Questions

1. What match will be the highest rated on the card? Taker/Shamrock vs. HHH and Goldust

2. What match will be the lowest rated on the card? Taka and Dandy

3. How many turns might there be? Two

4. Which of the advertised matches may NOT take place? Ha, this one threw me a bit...I'm going with Vader and Rikishi

5. What match will open the show? Owen and Mero should be a strong opener

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Western Union presents: WWF No Way Out of Texas!




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WWF No Way Out of Texas: In Your House #12

February 9th, 1998 (Week 1)

Held at: Robertson Stadium in Houston, Texas (Mid South)

Attendance: 30,000 (sold out!)

PPV Buyrate: 0.64

Show Runtime: Two Hours and Forty-Five Minutes

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 27 regions.


Free-For-All matches:

The Godwinns d. Bart Gunn & Bob Holly (D)

Animal, Marty Jannetty, and the Headbangers d. Los Boricuas (D+)


The show opens with a Freddie Blassie voiceover video, where he talks about the spirit of a man, or a bird in a cage, or some other type of poetic crap like that. We keep him employed just for something like this because he sounds good waxing poetic. Some clips are shown of Undertaker, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Owen Hart, and Mike Tyson. When the video is finished, we hear the D-Generation X theme, and it ushers in WWF World champion Shawn Michaels along with Mike Tyson. After posing in the ring, Shawn joins commentary, with Tyson standing by to act as a security for Shawn through the evening.

Ratings: B / B-



The Nation of Domination vs. “Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman and The New Blackjacks

We opened the show with one of the six man tag matches to get the crowd pumped up for the show. It saw a lot of good, hard hitting action, and since we told the guys to “work the crowd” Mark didn’t even get blown up. The heat may not have been off the charts (in fact, it wasn’t even rating on the scale) but that didn’t stop JR, Jerry, and Shawn from making it more entertaining from the desk. D’Lo seemed off his game in this one, but he didn’t hurt himself or anyone else, and that’s what is important. Brown did seem to show improvement in his performance and his brawling, and Bradshaw and Windham showed improvement in those as well, respectively. The match ended with a huge brawl which finally saw Kama get smashed by a running lariat by Bradshaw, who dropped on top for the pin.

Match Time: 12:23

Rating: C-


Two quick interviews up next; first Michael Cole is standing at the interview area with Owen Hart. We kept this to the script, and neither of them botched anything up, so this ended up as a fine little promo. Owen talked about teaching Marc Mero (who?) some respect tonight and wanting to get his hands on Hunter as soon as he’s finished with Mero. We then go to an undisclosed room in the building where Jim Cornette (who looks completely freaked out to be there, because he’s that good of an actor) gets some words from Mankind. Mankind has some struggle to get his thoughts all out, but Cornette is so good that he plays it off as Cactus or Dude fighting for control as Mankind is speaking. He mostly just says that he’s going to hurt Jeff Jarrett and the Outlaws tonight.

Ratings: C (Owen) / C+ (Mankind)




WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Taka Michinoku vs. El Dandy

This is the most interesting shrimp sauce championship match yet, because it doesn’t happen. Before the bell even rings, the champion gets attacked in the aisle by an attacker who has been previously unseen in the WWF. El Dandy comes out of the ring to join in the attack, until Marty Jannetty comes out to make the save. It’s a four man brawl in the aisle, until Sgt. Slaughter comes out. He announces that since this match got ruined by outside forces before it started, then tomorrow night on Raw there will be a tag team match between these four men. JR, Lawler, and Shawn don’t know who this mysterious new man is, but very keen eyed fans may recognize him from WCW’s cruiserweight division as Ciclope; only we are spelling it as Cyclope here. Because the last thing we need right now is copyright issues from WCW or AAA, and especially just over one of these little bastards. They tell me that he works a Maniac (Crazy) gimmick, and it went over with 80% of the crowd. Am I hearing right? The lack of match actually brought the crowd’s mood down? Does that mean these little punks are actually somewhat liked? Humph; the more you learn.

Ratings: E- (attack) / E (match announcement)


Back in the DX locker room, Honky Tonk Man interviews “Triple H” along with Chyna. Hunter ignores Honky’s questioning about Owen, but he blanks for something good; he says he’s going to take Undertaker and bend him over like a cheap hooker tonight. Damn Hunter, I know we’re on pay-per-view, but if you learn how to be a little vaguer with your overtones, then you can be on top. Honky seemed to show some extra charisma here, but otherwise this one only served to show that sometimes things just don’t work out on a live mic. The best part of the promo is Hunter saying that he and Goldust will win because while they don’t have to be on the same page, they are at least working for a goal – whereas their opponents aren’t even reading the same book.

Rating: C


Dude Love is set up in the ring now for the Love Shack. He talks about how excited he is to be in the Love Shack tonight, and he introduces me, along with Patterson and Brisco, to the ring. Dude asks me some pointed questions, most revolving around how I’ve been stacking the deck against people like Owen Hart, Ken Shamrock, and The Undertaker. Dude and I have a good performance back and forth, as I respond with scorn; saying that the deck is never stacked against anyone in the WWF, because we boast the best athletes in the world, and if they can’t handle it, they should leave. He brings up supposed “preferential” treatment of people like DX or Rocky though, and that’s when I start showing anger out there. Dude goes one step further though, as he brings out his super-secret special guest, who has a lot to talk about to me…………… the crowd has a faint chant of “Austin” going.


But it’s Gorilla Monsoon! Gorilla walks down to the ring and says that he has a lot to say, and he’s not going to waste any time to say it. The legendary voice of Monsoon starts chiding me for my actions as of late, saying that he knew my father and he would be ashamed to see me out here giving special treatment to favorite wrestlers. Monsoon talks about taking me under his wing when I took over the WWF from dad, saying that he didn’t teach actions like this, and saying that if I surrounded myself with people who aren’t just “yes-men stooges like these two nincompoops” (pointing at Gerry and Pat) maybe I could turn this back around. Once he’s done, he starts to leave the ring, but I stop him. I respond that maybe he’s right; but maybe it’s been my treatment of people that gives all these fans the show that they pay to come and see. I say that when Gorilla talks about my dad, he doesn’t take into account that dad was the one who told me to stick to announcing for so long; I am so much beyond that now that while there may be some supposed “turning it around”, that would require me wanting to do something different – I tell them that this is MY WWF, and it will be run MY way – and by the way, I tell everyone that when they address me, it damn better be as MISTER McMahon. With this in mind, I tell them that maybe I need to make an example of someone else, just like at the Survivor Series. And so, for coming out here and taking part in trying to humiliate me, if I ever see Dude Love in a WWF ring again without my permission, you will be fired no matter what name you try to come out here under! The crowd boos loudly as I shoo Dude out of the ring, adding that this goes for his bogus six man tag match later! With that, I turn my attention to Gorilla again, saying that he has been a great performer in his day, and he’s been one of the most well-known voices in the history of the WWF. “But maybe you should have just stayed in the back tonight; because nobody makes Vincent Kennedy McMahon look foolish. And just to prove that point, old friend, I am not sorry to inform you that your services in the World Wrestling Federation are no longer required.” The crowd really boos at that, as me and my entourage turn and leave the ring, leaving Gorilla standing there yelling at me, but without a microphone. This whole segment had some great points to it, which were mainly centered on how well I held the crowd in the palm of my hand anytime I had things to say. Monsoon looked bad though, as the crowd were hoping for Austin and didn’t get him. By the end of this, they were stunned into silence, and just outright cold. I looked great though; this whole “evil Mr. McMahon” persona is going over very well.

Ratings: C- (Love Shack) / B- (Vince/Dude) / D+ (Vince/Gorilla)




Vince Russo: Ugh, we lost him, guys. Okay, so Mero and Sable come out to the ring arguing. Owen and Mero didn’t click here, just bad chemistry for it. Owen wins after Sable slaps Marc, leading to the Sharpshooter for the submission.

Hey, Sable slapped that guy! That was some great booking. Her hand might hurt though; I’ll give her some lotion to rub on it. She might have to use the “hand pump” for me though, heh heh heh.

Match Time: 14:26

Ratings: C / C


I guess there’s more show to watch first, though. Michael Cole is quite the cold shower, as he discusses the main event with Jim Cornette and The Jackal. Jackal got thrown off by Corny’s improvising, and we move on to words from The Undertaker. Taker is in a dark room with an altar in it, and the altar seems to be held for DX; pictures of Shawn and Tyson are all around it, with black wreaths around each. He talks about how this was made up to honor the wrestling and boxing careers of both men, who have made the fatal mistake of crossing The Undertaker. He then turns the attention to a small corner of the altar, which features a picture of Helmsley and Chyna, saying that they are a small token of getting his hands on Michaels at WrestleMania 14 next month. There were some masterful moments in this, and the fans ate it up. Shawn and Tyson are pissed at the booth, and Shawn cuts a promo back on Taker right then and there; saying that Taker better practice his skills at making shrines like this, because once WrestleMania is over, Shawn is going to send him back to the funeral home empty-handed. Michaels says that Hunter is going to show tonight that you don’t mess with DX, and if there’s anything left by March 29th, Shawn will dance all over his face and retain the World title. JR points out that Shawn sounds afraid, and Shawn starts stammering around about the New Age Outlaws being on their way to the ring for the next match. A great job of his own improvising here, but it didn’t come off as well as Undertaker did.

Ratings: D- / B+ / C+


The New Age Outlaws come out with “Road Dog” Jesse James doing his carnival barker spiel on his way to the ring, working the crowd well. He does pose a question during it; what happens to the different personalities when you injure the man? Mick comes out wearing his Cactus Jack attire, and he says that due to circumstances outside of he and Mankind’s control, they are short a partner; but he has a friend who’s just as wild as himself who just happened to be crazy enough to substitute for Dude…



No Disqualifications, No Count Outs, No Holds Barred “Six”-Man Tag Team Match!

Jeff Jarrett and the New Age Outlaws vs. Mankind, Cactus Jack, and Chainsaw Charlie

The crowd reacted well to Charlie, coming out swinging his chainsaw around. Jeff, Billy, and Jesse sold this great, looking terrified and trying to run. It helped that Mick seemed to enjoy having the live mic. This is a good brawl, as all involved people know how to do a good one. We did run the match as a tag team type of match rather than everyone just being in the ring. Commentary does a good job; Shawn really doing a good job at showing how DX has taken a shine to the Tag champs. The match mostly involves Mick as Jack, wrestling this one like it’s a handicap match, and he gets isolated and destroyed by his three opponents, and the crowd eats it up. When Jack gets the tag, he tags the Mankind mask, putting it on, and then he has a full turn around after having been worked over. Charlie gets into the ring, and they fight the Outlaws. Chainsaw hits a double clothesline that takes all of them out, as Jeff comes off the top with a bodypress (actually a better one than I think he’s ever given) but Mankind rolls through into the Mandible Claw, getting a pinfall out of it. As he rolls Jarrett out of the ring, though, the Outlaws attack with chairs! Charlie is already out on the floor, and they give Mankind three stuff piledrivers onto the chair. Shawn laughs about it as security come out to stop them from doing another one; Charlie comes in and lays over Mankind to stop the attack, as Mankind isn’t moving at all. The attack fell flat following the match, and the crowd are somewhat cold; but this was some great storytelling by all involved as this feud looks to move into the next chapter.

Match Time: 11:31

Ratings: B- (NAO) / B- (new partner) / C+ (match) / C- (attack)


“The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock is at the interview area alongside Sunny. As with Owen earlier, we kept this one to the script, and Ken talks about how Goldust set out to embarrass him. But now, he says that if Undertaker doesn’t get to Hunter first, he’s going to make sure that Goldust taps out after he breaks his ankle in half!

Rating: C



“Pearl River Powerhouse” Ahmed Johnson and Flash Funk vs. The Nation of Domination (Faarooq and “The Rock” Rocky Miavia)

We start with a video detailing the most recent part of the Ahmed/NOD feud, and also making sure to touch on the dissention between Faarooq and Rocky. This is a good tag match, but all the drama is on the Nation side, as every tag between the two seems emotionally charged. JR and Lawler have a discussion at about mid-match that points out that Miavia and Funk haven’t been in the ring against one another, as Johnson gets worked over in the NOD’s corner. Faarooq seems to have picked up some technical skills for this one, as he works in an armbar. Ahmed fights back to the sound of fans who don’t really care, because they only care about the Nation of Domination here; but with a nod from Miavia, Flash Funk drops off the apron before the tag. The IC champion does get tagged in, and he quickly swoops in with the Rock Bottom to pick up the pin over Johnson. The crowd boos at this, as Mark Henry comes out to celebrate the big win along with Rocky and Funk. Faarooq stops the celebration, and seems to be questioning Funk about his help. “The Rock” takes the microphone from Howard and says that Faarooq seems confused; he talks about how he’s said for a while that Faarooq is not the leader of the Nation anymore, and that this is a new era, the era of The Rock’s Nation, and anyone who doesn’t want to know their role better get out of the way. With that, Mark and Flash attack Faarooq, assaulting him as the crowd completely turns on the three. Faarooq is left lying on the mat after a big Mark splash. JR does a good job of questioning where D’Lo and Kama are at right now, asking where will their allegiance fall? So both Flash Funk and Faarooq have turned heel and face, respectively; both turns went over as a complete success, and while Flash didn’t look very good during the attack, Rocky had a good performance as he takes leadership in the Nation.

Match Time: 12:04

Ratings: D+ / C / D



Rikishi Fatu vs. “The Mastodon” Vader

The crowd may have left their emotion behind by now, but that doesn’t mean these two don’t go out swinging and give them a good match. Both of them can take and deliver some hard-hitting punishment, and JR calls it no less than a “slobberknocker”. I may not like the fat bastard, but this is what he’s best at; just going out there and punching away on someone who is punching back at him. Partway into the match, Paul Bearer comes out to the ring, and he starts playing manager for Rikishi, to everyone’s surprise. Also to everyone’s surprise, it appears that when playing alongside one another, and even with only working about half of a match together, Fatu and Paul have some excellent chemistry. Bearer does good work in becoming a thorn in Vader’s side, but when he fights back and nearly goes for the Vader Bomb, the lights go out in Robertson Stadium… and when they come back on, Kane is in the ring, and he chokeslams Vader off the top rope to draw the disqualification. Ross starts questioning if this is a new alliance, as Kane and Rikishi stand with Paul Bearer over Vader.

Match Time: 9:37

Rating: B-



The Undertaker and “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock vs. “Triple H” Hunter Hearst Helmsley and The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust

Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Shawn Michaels discuss the main event now, and the stars of the segment are definitely “Good ol’ JR” and Michaels. Ross thinks that if Taker and Shamrock can team up, they can overcome the odds here tonight; but “The King” and the champ both say that their egos are too big, whereas Hunter and Goldust have the better plan. We head to “The Fink” for introductions then, as he first brings out

, then The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust (no Luna) who is dressed in black and green, which leads Shawn to claim that he’s DXdust tonight. We then have the introduction of
, before the lights go out for
. Taker looks excellent here. Howard never comes out of this good for some reason. As the lights come back on, we immediately brawl, all four men in the ring. The match works its way down to Taker and Hunter, and Undertaker takes over with some big, hammering punches. He tags out to Shamrock, who works Helmsley with some submission holds. The same kind of thing follows when Goldust gets tagged in; but Ken gets drilled with a powerbomb when he goes for the hurricanrana and the advantage shifts to what Jim is calling “Mr. McMahon’s boys”. He gets into a big argument with Shawn about that one.


Shamrock nearly makes it to his corner to tag out when Shawn sends Tyson over to crotch chop at Undertaker, which brings him away from the corner and sparks an argument between the two partners, which keeps Hunter and Goldust in charge. Tyson’s involvement brings out Owen Hart, who takes up a position in the face corner. His appearance throws off Helmsley, who ends up eating that hurricanrana this time. Ken and Hunter tag out, finally the hot tag as Taker comes in and cleans house. Chyna tries to get involved, but Sgt. Slaughter comes out and pulls her off the ring apron! With this down to a fairly standard match, Undertaker hoists up Goldust and drops him with the Tombstone, and he crosses his arms to get the pinfall, much to the WWF World champion’s chagrin from commentary. Undertaker ends the show victorious, as Shawn is screaming that he got lucky tonight, but he won’t next month in Boston at WrestleMania!

Match Time: 19:13

Ratings: B- / C- / B



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Big Three Recap for Week 2, February 1998



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Big Three Recap – Week 2, February 1998


WWF Raw is War Report!

Raw is War was in the Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas this week, and the sold out crowd of 17,000 got to see a really good show. Most people whom were asked about it said that they really enjoyed it; all of the major storylines were given plenty of time to shine, and as such No Way Out of Texas, which still is a complete B-level pay-per-view, actually has some drama going on with it. The addition of Shawn Michaels on color commentary should definitely be fun, but one must wonder why they don’t have him wrestling on the show. We rated Raw is War at the same level of B as last week.


WCW Nitro Report!

Nitro was held from the Cow Palace in California this past week, which drew a sold out 11,089 people to see what has always and likely will always be WCW’s premier match: Sting vs. Ric Flair. Sting definitely gave the performance of the night, in a show that we surprisingly rated as a complete draw with Raw this week. One of the biggest reasons for that is the way WCW ended the show: with “the savior” Sting eating the loss. There also seemed to be quite a few short matches, with only the final two going more than a couple minutes and being more competitive. However, the feedback from viewers has been positive, most people liking the show.

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Roddy Piper and Ric Flair; Diamond Dallas Page d. Sick Boy; ANGLE: Backstage segment with Scott Hall and Sting; Booker T d. Kidman; ANGLE: Confrontation involving DDP and Randy Savage; Rey Mysterio Jr. d. Evan Karagias; ANGLE: Backstage segment with Kevin Nash, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and Lex Luger; Curt Hennig d. Lex Luger to retain the US title; Ric Flair d. Sting.


ECW Hardcore TV Report!

Hardcore TV was once again in the Hammerstein Ballroom, and this show featured some strange happenings that could have huge ramifications on the company as a whole. Viewers have said the show went down really well, most calling it excellent, but the big turns seemed to come out of nowhere. First, Buh-Buh Ray Dudley joins D-Von on the face side of things, leading to a great reunion in the main event… but Taz has thrown aside the adoration of the crowd, teaming with Lance Storm to defeat the reunited brothers. Shane Douglas, however, was again the star of the show. We rated the show as a higher D+ than last week, but still only a D+ as the double turns pulled us out of the show.

ANGLE: confrontation involving Tommy Dreamer and Sabu; Mikey Whipwreck d. Ballz Mohoney, Pitbull II, and Little Guido; ANGLE: confrontation involving The Sandman and Shane Douglas; Shane Douglas d. Tommy Dreamer; Lance Storm and Taz d. The Dudley Boys.


Monday Night Ratings War!

WWF Raw is War

Monday at Primetime on USA Network: 3.96 (+0.01)

Monday at Primetime on TSN: 0.96 (+0.01)

Friday at Primetime on Sky Sports: 1.35 (+0.04)

(Shotgun Saturday Night draws a 0.09 rating on Syndication.)


WCW Nitro

Monday at Primetime on TNT: 5.21 (-0.05)

Monday at Evening on Galavision: 2.11 (+0.34)

Wednesday at Afternoon on Foxtel Australia: 0.21 (same)

(Saturday Night draws a 0.65 rating on TBS.)


New Television Outlet for Raw is War!

Coming next season, Raw is War will begin airing Monday nights at 11 PM on Ten Network Australia. Australia shall now be able to watch both Raw and Nitro, meaning that the Monday Night War has definitely spread far overseas! The WWF must have targeted Australia for that reason, knowing that WCW already had the chance for gaining a foothold due to their already having contracts there on Foxtel. Meanwhile, Japan are left in the dark as far as both companies are concerned, but something tells me they aren’t all that bothered by it.


Huge WWF star suspended!

There was a lot going on backstage at this Monday’s Raw. Rocky Miavia had brought along a Sony Playstation console along with a copy of Madden NFL ’98. “The Rock” organized, and then won, a tournament over the course of the evening. A name that we were surprised to not see on Raw was Luna Vachon. Sources say that the cause of this was a huge fight that nearly broke out during the Shotgun taping, as Luna ran afoul of Chyna. Vachon was quoted as calling Chyna a second-rate version of Luna herself, and showed her typical Vachon attitude by standing up to the larger Laurer by getting directly in her face. Once he found out about the ordeal, Vince McMahon quickly sent Vachon home with a suspension, which makes one wonder if the same would have happened the other way around given Chyna’s higher profile in the WWF at the moment. This leaves us to speculate how this could affect the push of Goldust, and where Luna’s position could fall to once she returns.


New Duo in WCW!

This past week on WCW Saturday Night, WCW debuted the new tag team of Rick Martel and Goldberg. Calling themselves “Pantheon” (they claim due to Martel’s Godlike ability and Goldberg’s Godlike physique) they picked up a big win in their first on-air match by defeating Public Enemy.


Top Prospects of the week!

A few industry veterans have singled out young Japanese wrestler Kaz Hayashi as a future star, who could go far with the right handling.

Young Mexican wrestler Charly Manson is being pointed out as “one to watch” in the future. Manson is only working in Mexico, however.


From the desk of Vincent K. McMahon:

“No Way Out was a success for the most part… in the eyes of everyone but DirecTV, apparently. Upset at the past three months’ buyrates, they decided to drop us right after the show. Those bastards don’t know who they’re messing with! We’ll be back on their airwaves when we damn sure want to be! In the meantime, I made a bunch of calls that should ensure we are back on the air in every part of the country again by the end of the month.


“Backstage at Raw, I ended up sending Luna Vachon home with a month’s suspension. Once calmed down, she seemed pretty upset about her behavior, saying that she will try to handle things better in the future. Backstage at No Way Out, the roster was in good moods for the most part; I hear Brian Hebner and some Marc Mero guy even found some common ground to talk about. After the show, I complimented Hunter, Shamrock, and Mick for their performances, and all of them seemed pretty pleased about it.


“I did have to laugh at WCW this past week; apparently before someone had an actual brain, they were going to call this team of Rick Martel and knockoff Steve Austin “Darkness Falls”. What?! Who was smoking what in that board meeting, and how fast can I ban it from my own booking team?


“With No Way Out done, now we move on to WrestleMania. It’s time for the greatest show on the face of the Earth, and we are heading across the country to Boston to get there for it. I, for one, cannot wait for all the twists and turns of it to get here. We are planning to try having Shawn in some more matches on the way, though. Just to make sure he’s not just trying to get out of doing his full-time job as a wrestler as of late. I think we saw a lot of big things happen at No Way Out, even if it was basically just a pit stop between the Rumble and Mania; the further career trajectory of Rocky will be a big focus in the future, and I look forward to seeing if he can live up to the hype that we are prepared to heap upon him. After WrestleMania, we have a lot of new stars who will be coming in to replace some dead weight, and also I had a note on my desk about some little fed in the Carolinas that have called us about getting some of their guys some work. We may be looking into that; but for now, it’s on to Raw.”



No Way Out Prediction Contest Results


I didn't count Taka/Dandy, as it was the match that ended up not happening. So there were 6 points to be had, and nobody got a perfect score :p


Anderz: 5 (+2)

The Final Countdown: 5 (+1)

packerman120: 5 (+1)

smwilliams: 5 (+2)

Warhawk8492: 5 (+1)


TheBigBad1013: 4

crackerjack: 4

jscotty: 4

Midnightnick: 4

Nobby_McDonald: 4

Smasher1311: 4



Zergon: 3


Despite there not being many points, there was a bad logjam at the top this time, likely due to the nature of this seemingly predictable show. I ended up giving it to smwilliams this month; as you can see, he tied Anderz for tiebreaker questions, but using the Price is Right “name the most without going over” rule, I am giving it to him for saying there would be turns. So as soon as I think of something good, I will be dropping him a prize. Thanks to everyone who has been following along!

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I can't believe you doubted El Dandy so much that you didn't even let him wrestle on the PPV! :mad:


The fans would obviously be disappointed to see Gorilla when the tease was for Austin, but I actually liked that segment a lot. It had a very emotional and realistic feel to it.


I caught on to Flash Funk's turn on the final Shotgun Saturday Night before the PPV, but forgot to adjust my predictions accordingly. Oh well. Regardless, I think it's a smart move.


Vince being totally oblivious to the existence of Marc Mero is one of my favorie running gags. :D

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I can't believe you doubted El Dandy so much that you didn't even let him wrestle on the PPV! :mad:


The fans would obviously be disappointed to see Gorilla when the tease was for Austin, but I actually liked that segment a lot. It had a very emotional and realistic feel to it.


I caught on to Flash Funk's turn on the final Shotgun Saturday Night before the PPV, but forgot to adjust my predictions accordingly. Oh well. Regardless, I think it's a smart move.


Vince being totally oblivious to the existence of Marc Mero is one of my favorie running gags. :D


I can't doubt him too much, he's a jam-up guy! :D


I have literally been running that Gorilla segment through my mind for weeks. How to write it, picturing it in my mind; I think it's one of my favorite things I've written here thus far. Now, had I been thinking earlier in the game, I would have had Austin make an appearance at this show, as it would have made a lot of sense since they were in Texas; but his "medical leave" is still ongoing. But the Monsoon thing was definitely happening at some point, because I felt that was the most evil thing that Mr. McMahon could do - scoff at one of his trusted, most loyal workers, and fire him on-air.


I fully expect to give Flash a decent little push now that he's shed his skin, so to speak. Will he amount to title levels? That part I'm not sure yet, but at least he won't be a card carrying member of the JOB Squad in this world if things work out.


I love trying to find new ways for Vince to ignore the existence of Mero. That in mind...


Vince Russo is able to focus on the action of a match not involving something on a pole? This IS an alternate timeline.


To be fair, it did also feature a scantily clad woman and a "shocking turn" so it was still right up his alley :p

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Good PPV Beej, well as good as No Way Out 98 can ever be.


I've played this Mod several times now as WWF and always find this first No Way Out the hardest to book as it's between your first Rumble and first Mania and you're still setting the joint up.


Anyway, keep up the good work, I'll be paying close attention!

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Good PPV Beej, well as good as No Way Out 98 can ever be.


I've played this Mod several times now as WWF and always find this first No Way Out the hardest to book as it's between your first Rumble and first Mania and you're still setting the joint up.


Anyway, keep up the good work, I'll be paying close attention!


Very true; it's like I can't get to my own stories until after Mania in some regards. I was just saying to Pack the other day that I'm surprised nobody has made an April '98 mod, to jump people in right after Austin won the title.


If you're paying attention, I'll keep working at it! :D


I knew we wouldn't see the three faces of Foley.


Were I not going to do the thing with Chainsaw, I would have still booked it the same way; in-game, I booked it as a 3-on-2 handicap match. But save for the substitution, I still counted the match as having happened; but after the attack after the match, what will happen to Mankind?!? *dun dun dunnnnn*



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WWF Raw is War / War Zone - 2/16/1998


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WWF RAW is WAR / War Zone

February 16th, 1998 (Week 3)

Held at: New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana (Mid-South)

Attendance: 18,009

Show Runtime: Two Hours (2 minute overrun)

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 7 regions.




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(Pictured: Not in-game Nation.)

After being pre-empted last week thanks to USA and their dog show, the new entrance theme for The Nation opens the show this week. “The Rock” Rocky Miavia, “World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry, and Flash Funk make their way down to the ring. Funk isn’t wearing his jumpsuit, instead clad in black shirt and pants. He almost looks as “dressed to the nines” as Rocky does, and we even tried to make Henry look good tonight. The Intercontinental champion takes the microphone and says how last week, he took control of his Nation, dumping “that jabroni” Faarooq. We kept him scripted here, and he did a fantastic job at it, really selling his new Nation; which he emphasizes, is not the “Nation of Domination” anymore, simply “Rocky’s Nation”. Scorpio gets a chance to explain himself, saying that when Faarooq approached him to join the Nation, he didn’t want associated with a joke like that; but when “The Rock” approached him later, and said that it was a new day coming for The Nation, it was time he ditched that crap he was doing before. He talks about how Flash Funk was a way for “the man” to hold him down, and that’s why he broke those chains. He says that Flash Funk is long dead, and now that he’s in business for himself, soon there will be a title around the waist of Scorpio. Scorpio looks a little bit lost, but he did well at his new Oppressed Minority gimmick, which they rated as a B. “The Rock” extends the offer of joining his new Nation out as well to D’Lo Brown and Kama Mustafa, who he has not spoken to as of yet, but is confident that they will see fit to throw off their bonds as well.


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The Nation is interrupted by the coming of Faarooq, who stays at the top of the ramp with his own microphone. He addresses all of them, saying that Rocky and his thugs made one huge mistake at No Way Out – they didn’t kill Faarooq when they had the chance! He says that unfortunately, he was told backstage by Patterson and Briscoe that he was not allowed to just charge down the ring and rip their heads off tonight, under threat of Mr. McMahon; he congratulates Rocky for making high profile friends like that. The fans really seemed to respond well to his new Bad Ass gimmick, which Lanza says he rates a B. He also adds how he knows D’Lo and Kama well, and he extends his hand toward them as well, saying that the Nation of Domination will still live on as long as they choose to walk the path with him again. He puts his attention directly onto Miavia, saying that he’s never been a man who wasted time, and so he is not going to waste his time with Mark or Scorpio. He gives Rocky credit for usurping control like this, and for being a forward-thinker, wanting to be on top – but he says that you can’t be on top with broken bones. Faarooq challenges “The Rock” to a match at WrestleMania! Rocky says that Faarooq is wrong, they made sure to leave a little piece of Faarooq left after No Way Out of Texas, because he knew he would want to challenge him – and on the grandest stage of them all, he will embarrass Faarooq in worse ways than he has embarrassed himself over the years. These were good segments to open the show with, as the crowd is really hot for this feud now that it isn’t just simmering.

Ratings: C- / B-



I told Jim Ross to talk more about what just happened with The Nation for this one, but he did still do a good job talking about this match as well. This wasn’t just a squash, as Bob got in a bit of offense as well. Holly even seemed like he was getting better at performance out there, while Jeff was brawling better now that he’s had matches with guys like Mick. But overall, this one didn’t leave much to the imagination, and after what the crowd seemed to think was an extremely short amount of time, Jeff locked on the figure four leg lock to get the submission victory.

Match Time: 4:49

Rating: C-


During commercial break, Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie came down to the ring, and while Charlie is running around the ring revving his saw, Cactus talks about how upset he is that the New Age Outlaws and Mr. McMahon both attacked his friends at No Way Out of Texas and in various ways, put them out of the WWF. He says that he has one friend left though, and that’s Chainsaw Charlie – and while he can’t do much to Vince McMahon, he can take something from the New Age Outlaws, and that’s their World Tag Team titles! Jack is struggling a little out there, which seems to happen about 50-50 as of late. This brings out Billy and Jesse, and “Road Dog” does the talking here while Billy hangs behind him laughing. James says that he thinks Cactus has taken one too many shots to the head; saying that they ran the “O-L-D” out of town, so they have nothing to fear from “two over the hill, chair swinging freaks” like Cactus and Charlie. Jack says that maybe so, but given that they just lost to them last week proves a little differently! James shrugs, saying that if they think the Outlaws sweat them, then they’ll prove differently by taking on their challenge, in any supposedly hardcore environment they can think up! Sometimes you can just tell when someone is enjoying the freedom to improvise. Jack lets out that scary laugh of his, and talks about how Jesse and Billy tend to have a lot of friends, be it DX or Jeff Jarrett; but Jack says that right now in the WWF, he only has two friends: Chainsaw Charlie, and steel – and both of his friends will be at his side, at WrestleMania, when they take on the Outlaws in a steel cage match! The fans cheer loudly at that, and the Outlaws appear pretty shaken – but the match is accepted, so it adds to the WrestleMania 14 card!

Rating: C+


In a dark room we see Paul Bearer, who is standing by with both Kane and Rikishi Fatu. Paul talks about Vader first, saying that he has stuck his nose into places that he never should have dared – it made him reveal a part of his plans that he didn’t want as of yet, that being that he had procured the services of Rikishi Fatu. Paul puts over Fatu as a man who can physically dominate any man in his path, uncontrollable and unstoppable, a former champion; but says that of course, Kane is the biggest, greatest monster that any man will ever face. He says that Vader is a roadblock that they will reduce to rubble, and then, it will be time to turn their attention back to The Undertaker. Kane really came across well here; he looks like an even bigger monster now that there’s another monster next to him.

Rating: B-


That little Japanese kid is backstage, and we see Marty Jannetty talking to him about their upcoming match. They start heading toward the ring, when Brian Christopher appears in front of them. He talks about how it seems all a person has to do to get their attention seems to be to show up and attack them, so he found a way to get everyone some attention – and then three Mexicans attack! The crowd is just about as thrilled as I am, which is to say not really at all because I don’t give a crap about any of these guys, but they were really hot beforehand. Security comes in and just throws all of them out, so that tag team match is left up in the air. We booked the match thinking that the little orange Mexican was going to be okay by then, but he wasn’t quite healed up yet, so we put his debut match off for another week using this attack.

Rating: F+


We head to Jim Ross and Jim Cornette at ringside, and they say that after what happened during Marc Mero’s match last night, he has said that he will be bringing Sable out to give her the spotlight that she deserves. My questions are, why is Sable not out there right now, and who is Marc Mero? Their deliveries were both spot-on, improvising very well as JR really laid into this guy, and Cornette tried to say that maybe he’d had a change of heart; but they were talking about some guy I don’t think I’ve ever met.

Rating: C


Next, I come down to the ring, flanked by Patterson and Briscoe, who are frantically trying to keep fans away from me until I get into the ring. I start out by saying that, I apologize to the Louisiana audience, but in order for the main event to go off without any “unforeseen” hitches, I have barred The Undertaker from the New Orleans Arena tonight. They boo that loudly, as Gerald and Pat comically try to shush them. I asked Lanza what he rated their new Stooge gimmick as, and he said that he would give Briscoe a B and Pat an A+ – so apparently he feels Pat is a born stooge, ha ha ha! With that, I ask for The Nation to come back to the stage, and the Intercontinental champion emerges alongside Scorpio and Mark Henry. First of all, I applaud Scorpio and Mark for getting out of the ruts that their careers had seemed to get into by joining with “a great superstar like ‘The Rock’!” The crowd boos, and I understand JR really put over on commentary how Rocky is really been shown as my “teacher’s pet” ever since December. Scorpio beams, but, well, with so many people in the limelight right now, Mark didn’t come out of this looking good at all. I then ask “The Rock” for a big favor; that next week, when The Undertaker is back in the arena, he gives him just as good a challenge as Vader is giving Shawn Michaels tonight. The crowd is a little excited for that match, until I announce that in order to make it an even bigger challenge – one worthy of the number one contender – “The Rock” will not be alone in the match – instead, joining forces with Scorpio and Mark Henry to take on The Undertaker in a huge handicap match! Now the crowd boos, and I definitely had them in the palm of my hand the whole time here. I also came across very well, if I must say so myself. Rocky agrees, and they head backstage again as I leave the ring, Pat and Briscoe falling over themselves to try and hold the ropes open for me.

Rating: B



This is just a quick match between “The Black Hart” and one of those Boriqua guys. Owen really stood out in this one, as he picks the hairy guy apart and makes him tap in the Sharpshooter. After a break, Owen is back at the interview cage alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler. Jerry performs poorly again, which is why we don’t have him do interviews like this. Owen does what he can with it though, and he says that he is going to go find Commissioner Slaughter tonight, and he wants to see the members of D-Generation X in the ring!

Match Time: 4:44

Ratings: C / B-


As “Triple H” leaves the dressing room, Shawn Michaels and Mike Tyson have some words for Shawn’s upcoming opponents. Shawn says that there is no natural or supernatural force that can hold him down to the mat for the three count, whether it’s on Raw or at WrestleMania. Michaels especially points out that there is no way that it will happen at WrestleMania for sure, because with the best special enforcer in wrestling at ringside, there’s no chance that Undertaker can “get a rise” out of any of them. Shawn also mentions Vader, saying that he’s beaten him before and he’ll “put that dead horse out of his misery” tonight on Raw in the only place he can be, the main event. Shawn really performed well here, enjoying being off-script. Tyson didn’t say much here, just laughing and crotch chopping, but it’s still Mike Tyson so he added to the segment in his own way.

Rating: B




“Triple H” has a good little title defense here, taking on Mosh of the Headbangers. The match is short, and the crowd doesn’t really care because even though we put the Tag titles on the Headbangers once upon a time, they’re just trading wins and losses lately in the tag division, so Hunter just put on his standard match and won with the Pedigree. Afterwards, Chyna kicks Mosh out of the ring while Helmsley grabs the microphone from Howard. Hunter says that he thinks he heard wrong, as earlier he thought he heard Owen Hart make a challenge toward he and Shawn. He says that Owen may be going for a hole-in-one by trying to dethrone both of them, but that it’s “easier to knock a little putter around when you’re brandishing a three wood”. He really worked the crowd well with this freedom to his advantage (since we’re technically after 9 p.m. right now) and hyped that possible encounter well. We have also been trying to give Chyna more active roles behind the DX members so that her own popularity can rise along with theirs; the day could come that she needs it.

Match Time: 6:03

Ratings: C / B-




It’s time for SABLE!!!!! She comes down to the ring looking oh-so-fine! When she gets into the ring, there’s a pedestal set up for her to stand on, and some guy in boxing shorts standing there with a microphone. He begins to praise her for all she has done in wrestling, which really comes off sarcastically as he just mentions standing at ringside during this match or that match. Sable puts her finger into his face, before getting out of the ring, but he dumps the pedestal to get a bucket, and he dumps water all over her! It spills all over her and on the mats… oh… oh yeah, Sable is ALL WET!!!!

Rating: C


Vince Russo says: Yeah, we lost Vince with that one. I think he’s in shock or somethin’. I know he likes keeping his notes up to date on things, so I’ll fill it in for him. For the next segment of the show, Commissioner Slaughter rebooks the Light Heavyweight tag team showcase for next week’s Raw, and then Owen Hart enters the room. He asks Slaughter for matches against DX, and Sarge says that he will do all he can to get him those matches.

Ratings: E+ / C



He’s still down? Yeah. Okay, so The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust is in action, and I suggested he is The Junkdust Dog tonight. He has his upper body painted black and is wearing the old “Thump” pants, and the crowd gives him hell for it! He comes out of this looking very good, in this well executed squash over Cham Pain. JR and Lawler do a good job putting him over out there. Oh, he’s back? Okay, Vince is alive again.

Where was I? Oh right, Sable………………

Vince Russo says: Gone again? Wow. Wow, Vince. We sent Ken Shamrock out after the match, and he hits a belly-to-belly suplex that sends Goldust scurrying out of the ring and up the ramp in a hurry.

Match Time: 3:14

Ratings: D+ / B-



They tell me I have to snap out of it, but come on, guys – lighten up, willya?!? Anyways, the next match saw the New Blackjacks take on D’Lo and Kama. JR and King talk a lot about where D’Lo and Kama stand on this breakup of the Nation of Domination, and Mark Henry ends up coming down to the ring and joining commentary. He tells them that nobody has had a chance to talk to the two as of yet. This is a very solid match, but the crowd doesn’t come very alive for it until Scorpio comes out. He distracts both Mike Chioda and Windham, as “The Rock” slides into the ring and hits Bradshaw with the Rock Bottom; leaving him wide open for the Lo-Down frog splash from D’Lo, and they pick up the win. Mark says that should prove how things can go if they join their side, before leaving. JR says that it really seems like the choice is clear – side with Faarooq and work for what you want, or join The Nation side and get things handed to you.

Match Time: 7:03

Rating: C




The luscious Sunny gives this match an introduction, to which she underperforms but Shawn performs very well at getting the crowd riled up for this one. These two guys have had good matches in the past, and this one is no different; Vader is still a huge crowd favorite (“huge” in more ways than one) so the crowd was pretty into every near-fall he picked up here and nearly won the championship. The crowd was the only problem in this match, as various parts of the show had left them feeling bored and cold by the time this match started up. Mike Tyson is at ringside, and he makes sure to be a thorn in Vader’s side at every chance, until Owen Hart charges the ring and chases “Iron Mike” out of the area! Earl Hebner gets bumped, and Vader puts Shawn down on the mat. He goes to the ropes for the Vader Bomb, when the lights go out… when they come back on, Kane is in the ring, and he has his hand around Vader’s throat! He hits a huge chokeslam off the ropes! Kane backs up and goes over the top rope to his feet, just as Shawn drags himself on top of Vader, getting the pinfall as Earl makes his way into the count. As they are recovering, we watch up the ramp, where a slew of officials and other wrestlers are holding Owen Hart away from Mike Tyson! Back in the ring, Shawn is finally getting back to his feet, and he watches on as all officials pour out to keep “The Black Hart” away from the celebrity. Michaels crotch chops at the fallen Vader, and he in general starts celebrating his win, holding the title high in the air and chopping his crotch at anyone he sees fit. Shawn is reveling in the chaos going on, doing some great improvising as he cheers his enforcer on, the lights go out again… but this time……………











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The lights come back up, and everyone is gone from the rampway – and The Undertaker is in the ring in front of Shawn! Shawn screams out “OH SHIT!” as Undertaker goozles him and destroys him with a chokeslam! The Undertaker stands over Shawn Michaels’s body now, and he holds the WWF World title overhead as this week’s episode of Raw is War ends! After the cameras go off, the crowd gets to see him lay the title at Shawn’s head. I give Mark credit on this one, as his acting is even better than usual, which takes a lot. The crowd just roared when those lights came back on, and it was beautiful.

Match Time: 16:20

Ratings: C+ (intro) / B (match) / B- (pull apart) / B+ (ending)


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WWF Shotgun Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, and Michael Cole

Rating: C



Marty Jannetty d. Aguila (D-)

Bob Holly d. Michael Modest (E)

The Godwinns d. Cham Pain and Shannon Moore (E)

The Rock d. Animal to retain the WWF Intercontinental title, after Mark Henry interfered ©



JR, Jim Cornette, and Michael Cole discuss the huge main event from Raw, saying there will be highlights shown at the end of this show (D+)

Raw recap: Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie challenge the New Age Outlaws to a cage match ©

Bart Gunn was supposed to have a match, but Kurrgan came out and destroyed him with the Paralyzer (D)

Honky Tonk Man caught up to The Jackal and Kurrgan, who he put over as the next great monster in the WWF (D-)

Raw recap video: Vader gets into a brawl before his match with Rikishi Fatu, and then a staredown with Kane (B)

Raw recap video: “The Rock” takes charge of his Nation, but Faarooq is none too happy about it – where do D’Lo and Kama stand? (D)

Raw recap video: highlights are shown of the Shawn Michaels vs. Vader matchup from Raw (B-)



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Another good show in one of my favourite diaries, Beej!


It's Week 3 in February now, how long to Wrestlemania??


Thanks! For the record, this last main event (Shawn vs Vader) and the next one (Taker vs Nation) were prizes for the Rumble and NWOoT contests.


Mania will be March week 4, so there is about five weeks of buildup to go.

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and some guy in boxing shorts standing there with a microphone.

:D I almost choked on my drink when I read that. I know I've said this before, but this is one of my favorite parts of this thread.


Mania is starting to take shape, and you can sort of see how the stars are aligning for the major players. I'm legit undecided on who I think is going to win the main event though. You traditionally think of Mania ending with the face on top, but I figure the UT/Kane feud will kick into high gear in the post-Mania season, and that feels like a story that's less about a title and more about all of that crazy backstory surrounding those characters. On the other hand, I'm not sure where you go with Shawn as the champ if he retains. It doesn't seem like Owen is quite on that level at this point, he's already feuded with Shamrock...maybe friction and jealousy between DX?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Big Three Recap for Week 3, February 1998


I know, I'm probably getting everyone's hopes up by this being all I have to post at the moment, but once I get this out of the way, then I can move onto the show itself! I am hoping to have that done on Sunday.



Figure 4 Online

Big Three Recap – Week 3, February 1998


WWF Raw is War Report!

The New Orleans Arena was the host to WWF Raw is War this week, drawing a solid 18,009 people to the building. The first show on the official road to WrestleMania 14 saw a lot of things go on, and one of our reviewers said that we are really starting to see where a lot of the major players are heading for the show. One must wonder if WrestleMania will even end up on pay-per-view after DirecTV booted the WWF from their airways following No Way Out of Texas. Shawn Michaels defending the World title against Vader was one of the best American matches we’ve seen on free TV thus far this year, and led the WWF to a Raw that most people really enjoyed. We rated the show as a B; definitely good, but they need to improve some in order to get over the hump.


WCW Nitro Report!

WCW Nitro was held in the Rose Garden in Oklahoma, and drew a great attendance of 19,336. Hollywood Hulk Hogan was said to be the star of the show, as he defended his championship in a good four way match-up… which was better than it had any real right to be. Seriously, why was The Barbarian there? Sure, he’s talented and all and he’s technically treading on upper card ground, but being in a World title match? Regardless, we also saw the debut of a new tag team between La Parka and the recently turned Mortis. WCW have dubbed them “The Outlaws” in what we are figuring is a jab toward the WWF’s New Age Outlaws. We are unsure of the joke here, comparing two of the hottest acts in one company to two men dressed as skeletons. All in all, most people have said that they liked the show.

The Outlaws d. The Public Enemy; ANGLE: Confrontation between Bret Hart and The Giant; Steve McMichael d. Lodi and Chris Jericho in a triangle match; Wrath d. Lenny Lane; ANGLE: Confrontation involving DDP, Randy Savage, and Hollywood Hogan; Scott Steiner d. The Giant; Hollywood Hulk Hogan d. Roddy Piper, The Barbarian, and Curt Hennig to retain the WCW World Heavyweight title

Overall, we graded the show as a B. Had the main event been better, it would have crushed Raw, but as it is, the two actually tied in our standings.


ECW Hardcore TV Report!

Hardcore TV was held in its home of the Hammerstein Ballroom, and what a show it was! Sabu was the star of the show, putting on a great matchup that was one of the few times you would ever see a draw in ECW.

Axl Rotten d. Spike Dudley; ANGLE: Backstage segment with The Sandman, Chastity, and Shane Douglas; Taz d. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley; Bam Bam Bigelow against Sabu ended in a no contest

We rated the show as a C-, which is great for their position in the world.


Monday Night Ratings War!

WWF Raw is War

Monday at Primetime on USA Network: 3.86 (-0.10)

Monday at Primetime on TSN: 1.08 (+0.06)

Friday at Primetime on Sky Sports: 1.37 (+0.02)

(Shotgun Saturday Night draws a 0.09 rating on Syndication.)


WCW Nitro

Monday at Primetime on TNT: 5.42 (+0.21)

Monday at Evening on Galavision: 2.14 (+0.03)

Wednesday at Afternoon on Foxtel Australia: 0.21 (same)

(Saturday Night draws a 0.66 rating on TBS.)


Top Prospects of the week!

21 year old Mike Quackenbush has been an unlikely talking point, as some veterans think he could go far in wrestling with the right handling.

Reckless Young may not be the youngest of rookies at 27, but the ECWA star is said as potentially having a great future.

Some industry veterans have been quoted as being high on John Kronus. The former Eliminator could potentially reach the same heights as his partner, but only if one of the bigger companies decide to give him the same chance that Saturn has been granted by WCW.

While hardly a big name, WCW enhancement talent Evan Karagias is someone who many are saying could be a break-out star within the next few years.


ECW Cyberslam

Cyberslam was held on Saturday, once again taking place the night before another big pay-per-view event, this time SuperBrawl. The wild promotion drew an impressive 10,210 fans to the Philadelphia Civic Center, which definitely shows how big the company is growing as of late. The fan feedback says that the show was awesome, a fantastic outing from Paul Heyman and his Kool-Aid drinkers. The performance of the night is said to have gone to Shane Douglas, who successfully defended his World title over The Sandman in what has been the best match in ECW’s 1998 thus far.

Pitbull II d. Little Guido and Big Dick Dudley in a three way dance (D-)

ANGLE: Brawl involving The Sandman, Sabu, and Shane Douglas (D+)

Roadkill d. Jason Knight (D-)

Balls Mahoney d. John Kronus (D)

New Jack d. Mikey Whipwreck and Chris Candido in a three way dance (D+)

ANGLE: Brawl involving Tommy Dreamer and Taz (C-)

Sabu d. Justin Credible and D-Von Dudley in a three way dance (C-)

Lance Storm d. Doug Furnas (D+)

Taz d. Spike Dudley to retain the ECW World Television title ©

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Bam Bam bigelow and Chastity (D)

Phil LaFon d. Bam Bam Bigelow (D)

Shane Douglas d. The Sandman to retain the ECW World Heavyweight title (C+)

The show drew a 0.00 PPV rating, but we rated it at a C. This was a great show from “the little promotion that can”.


WCW SuperBrawl VIII

WCW’s annual SuperBrawl was held from the Georgia Dome to a huge 71,000 attendance! Despite having one of the largest indoor crowds you can get, WCW’s show was… good. The feedback has been positive for sure, and Hollywood Hulk Hogan’s World title defense was the star performance of the show, but really, it was almost no better than your standard Nitro.

Pre-Show: Hammer d. Chris Jericho (D), Rey Mysterio Jr. d. Johnny Grunge (C-)

La Parka d. Sick Boy (D)

Rocco Rock d. Lenny Lane (E+)

Louie Spicolli d. Evan Karagias (E)

Chavo Guerrero Jr. d. Lodi (D)

Curt Hennig d. Psychosis to retain the WCW US Heavyweight title (C+)

ANGLE: Backstage segment with The Giant, Kimberly Page, and Randy Savage (B+)

The Steiner Brothers d. Ernest Miller and Disco Inferno to retain the WCW World Tag Team titles (B-)

ANGLE: Brawl involving Sting and Scott Hall (B-)

Ray Traylor d. Wrath (D+)

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Lex Luger and Kevin Nash (B-)

Davey Boy Smith d. Eddy Guerrero to retain the WCW World Television title ©

ANGLE: Brawl involving Bret Hart and Hollywood Hulk Hogan (B+)

Ric Flair d. Roddy Piper (B)

Hollywood Hulk Hogan d. Lex Luger to retain the WCW World Heavyweight title (B)

What was good was definitely good; the Steiners’ match, Flair/Piper, and the main event were all good matches. But what was bad was pretty bad; and that in mind, we can only rate this show at the same B that we gave to Monday Nitro. The buyrate was 0.52; one would think that WCW should really try to get into other parts of the world than just the US and Canada to get a bigger buyrate than that. Something else to think about; as incredible as WCW did at putting the WWF away in 1996 and 1997, one of WCW’s biggest shows of the year was only just as good as one of the WWF’s throwaway pay-per-views. Just food for thought.


From the desk of Vincent K. McMahon:

“WCW thought they were so high and mighty, but this is the way you ruin your fanbase; by giving away huge pay-per-views that feature no significant blowoffs. Hell, they didn’t even feature any of the matches that they’ve been building up for weeks!


“I just want, for the most part, to note that yes, WrestleMania WILL be on pay-per-view, all around the globe. Just this past week we signed deals in USA, Mexico, Japan, and Europe; the British Isles, Canada, and Australia should follow suit within the week. Because it is WrestleMania season dammit, and everyone knows that the WWF is the best show in the world! DirecTV were idiots to let us slip away!


“Shawn did a good job during his match with Vader. We aren’t going to push things too much, but he will definitely be booked in a few more matches on the way to Boston. Next week, however, we will have Undertaker in the main event, and by the way that they’ve been booking that should be good enough to beat WCW on its own. We can run that light heavyweight match this time too, because that new little Mexican kid isn’t injured anymore. But we all know that people will only tune in to see Undertaker, Rocky, and Mark Henry in the main event. We will have Scorpio in the match just to dance for the smarks.


“One thing that we are going to start doing is pushing toward a more ‘hardcore’ product. ECW have been showing that this kind of things can sell as of late, and since all the fans have been buying into that, then it’s time we take advantage of the things that WCW aren’t allowed to show on Turner’s “family” stations. It’s almost time for some attitude injection, and now we will begin to ease the fans into it.”

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WWF Raw is War / War Zone - 2/23/1998


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WWF RAW is WAR / War Zone

February 23rd, 1998 (Week 4)

Held at: St. Louis Arena in St. Louis, Missouri (Mid-West)

Attendance: 10,000 (sold out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours (5 minute overrun)

Rating: B-

This show increased our popularity in 3 regions.




The opening pyro is talked over by Jim Ross and Jim Cornette. They discuss our first hour main event tonight, which is for the WWF European title, as “Triple H” defends against the Animal! On another note, we were starting to get reports that Jim Ross was looking a bit stale, so we changed his role ever so slightly to a more wholesome version of a sportscaster gimmick. That should really put over his cheering of faces and condemnation of heels. Brisco graded him a B+ rating on it.

Rating: C


D-Generation X start the show; Shawn, Hunter, and Mike Tyson (along with Chyna) come down to the ring carrying baked goods. We didn’t let Tyson really say anything, but just being there seems to give these guys more of a star presence. Shawn waxes poetic: “This, my friends, is a pie - a sweet, juicy pie. They say things are as easy as pie. Now the only thing that is easier than this pie – other than some of you St. Louis girls – will be Owen Hart and the Undertaker come WrestleMania; when myself and Hunter will effortlessly cut through the pie and emerge victorious over the sweet, easy pies that are in our way.” Helmsley then adds “Now after WrestleMania, don’t worry, all you Boston ladies; because D-Generation X will make sure that we save some room to eat out with some of your finest pies too!” That is just beautiful. DX get interrupted from their pie by Owen Hart, who is out here to say that despite trying to be a nice guy and play by the rules, he’s yet again not being given the chance he requested – enough is enough, he claims, and that’s why he’s out here. He says that he wants to formally challenge them, man-to-man “as much of a man-to-man challenge as he can issue to a pair of delinquents like you two” to accept his challenge to be in the ring, so he can get some revenge for his family name. Shawn mocks him, saying that his family name hasn’t been worth a damn since before DX got to it. Shawn tells him that he hasn’t done anything to earn a match with either himself or Hunter, not even Chyna. Shawn is improvising so well thus far into the show, as he says that nobody with the bloodline of Hart is or will ever be worth a shot at the World or European titles again – but that maybe Hunter could find some worth for a few of the Hart women. Owen tries to seem enraged, but unfortunately he gets off-topic quickly after that low blow; we told him to stick to the script, but now he’s just lost thanks to Shawn’s improvised line. Before this goes any further out of hand, I come out to the ramp, and – keeping Brisco and Patterson between myself and Owen – I say that Owen has actually given me a great idea. I say that next week in Indianapolis’s famed Market Square Arena, we will see Owen Hart get a match against Shawn Michaels – non-title – and as much as he didn’t care for it, Sgt. Slaughter has officially laid out a signed Owen Hart to face Hunter at WrestleMania. I then inform them that in the interest of fairness, since Shawn Michaels will face Owen Hart, then the following week, Hunter Hearst Helmsley will also not put his title on the line as he faces off with The Undertaker! Hunter looks terrified, showing some better performance skills as he and Shawn huddle in the ring. I’d say we took up a pretty solid fifteen minutes of the opening show here for these three segments, but the crowd ate it all up – thankfully not thinking too hard about how this crowd won’t be getting to see any of those matches unless they do some travelling.

Ratings: B- / B / B



JR and Cornette ignore this match for the most part, talking about the matches I just made for next week in Indianapolis and the next week in Landover, Maryland. The crowd is hot for this short match, as Bob Holly is against… Marc Mero? Have we ever met? Who is this person in my ring? He beats Bob pretty handily. Hey, wait, now that’s Sable’s music!!



SABLE!!!!!!!! She gets to the ramp and makes a challenge to that Mac guy to meet a man of her choosing at WrestleMania! He accepts. Sable! Sable, I’ll do it! I don’t know this guy, I’d punch him out for a night with you! Just look at her work that microphone…

Match Time: 3:31

Ratings: D- / C-


Vince Russo: I think Vince went to his office for a bit… so until he gets back, I’ll keep the recap. The Rock is seen backstage along with Scorpio and Mark Henry, and they are talking to Kama Mustafa. Rock is saying that he’s so glad to see that Kama has crossed the picket line and decided to join The Nation, leaving Faarooq and his selfish vision behind to hook his name up with the winners. The Rock looks excellent here, doing an incredible job of looking like a born leader of his group, which is what I told Vince would happen! Kama denies that he’s crossed the line though, saying that he and D’Lo are still undecided, but that Mr. McMahon forced one of them to be in this match – and Brown won the coin flip. Rock motions toward Mark Henry, and makes one thing clear; since Kama says he’s undecided, Rock isn’t asking for Kama’s full allegiance tonight, but if he decides to cross The Nation during the match tonight, he won’t have to make up his mind because they’ll make it so he is out of the WWF for good.

Rating: C-


During the commercial break, we sent Terri Runnels to the ring in a skimpy bikini to fire up the crowd.

Rating: E+



I’m back now. I better not have missed anything good. Best thing Russo is good for is handling the details while I’m occupied elsewhere. Kane and Rikishi Fatu come to the ring and decimate those two little jobber boys from North Carolina. The match is short, but it does everything that it needs to, as Kane looks excellent out there. Jim Ross does a good job at putting over how dominant Paul Bearer’s group looks. Kane puts one of them away with the Tombstone. Jim Ross then interviews Bearer at ringside, who talks about how they can do this to any man, whether they be “scrawny, pencil-shaped kids” like these two, or big men like his former clients, Vader and The Undertaker! Paul as usual seems a little underwhelming compared to his charges, but it’s still an effective angle. A commotion happens at the ramp though, as Vader is trying to charge for the ring! Steve Blackman, Steve Lombardi, Bart Gunn, Bob Holly, and the Godwinns are all trying to hold him back from entering the ring, as Kane stares at him almost quizzically. This was a great segment, but could have been more if we’d given it more time or if it had been before the squash match, as the crowd didn’t wake up until Vader came out.

Match Time: 3:02

Ratings: D / B- / B


We had Sunny go out to the ring during commercial, pumping the crowd up for the first hour main event. I could go into detail to describe what she’s wearing, but… well I don’t want to have to leave the Gorilla position again.

Rating: D+




The crowd seemed to check out for this one despite it having some really good action go on during it. We figure it was likely due to the European title being involved, as Helmsley is definitely above the belt’s level, but he has been a good champion for the short time he’s held the belt. This one also ended a little sooner than the crowd would have liked, as the story of “Triple H’s” cat-and-mouth with the globally feared Animal was playing out very well. Animal was also putting in a better performance than usual. But at the end, it was Chyna who slid a low blow in behind Tim White’s back and put Animal in perfect position for the Pedigree.

Match Time: 9:33

Rating: C+




Following the War Zone intro and pyrotechnics, Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler discuss the big main event tonight, as The Undertaker will take on The Nation and Kama Mustafa in a four-on-one handicap match!

Rating: C


Jim Ross then enters the ring and says that he has heard that “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock has requested this time to come out here and talk. The crowd go crazy for the sound of Shamrock’s music, but what comes out is… ShamDust! The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust comes out dressed in the robe, boots, and trunks like Shamrock, with his face painted to look like bruises. JR legitimately wasn’t told about how far this would go, as we only told him to announce Shamrock but Dustin would come out, and Jim really struggled to try and pull this thing together. Unfortunately, Dustin also went completely off the rails, improvising terribly as he talked about how good this silk robe felt on his skin and how he wanted Shamrock to bend over him just like he does, but instead of the ankle lock, he wanted to lock up something else… this went on way too long before Ken hit his cue to charge out, but he isn’t able to hit the ring because Commissioner Slaughter stops him. He says that he knows Goldust is trying to make Ken snap, but he didn’t expect that Slaughter would have an ace up his sleeve: that being another contract he could fill for WrestleMania, and he books Ken Shamrock against Goldust! Shamrock looked good here, but Slaughter looked poor out there, as even he was a bit disgusted by Dustin’s antics. The crowd was just completely flat following “ShamDust”. I think we’ll leave this part out of the future video packages.

Ratings: C+ / C-


We head back to the interview cage to Jim Cornette, who is standing by with the WWF World Tag Team champions, The New Age Outlaws. Cornette asks their thoughts on their match tonight, why they would put their belts on the line tonight, and Billy jumps the gun by actually talking. He immediately proves why we don’t let him talk by changing the subject to “Chainsaw Jingy” which I think is supposed to be Chainsaw Charlie, and Cactus Jack; he says that they take on all comers because they’re no mice, they’re the best of the best and they will prove it day in and day out. That made no sense. Cornette even does a bad job here, likely confused at what the hell Billy was talking about. Thankfully Jesse is on his game, and he turns that into as good a promo as he can work up; saying that they’re not mice, they’re tigers, and the reason they will put the titles on the line tonight against Vader and Steve Blackman as well as at WrestleMania in a fifteen foot high steel cage is because they are the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team champions of the world, and nobody is going to put an end to that.

Rating: C



These guys just come out and flip and flail all around at one another until Brian Christopher and that other masked bean come out and stop the match by attacking everybody. I don’t care, and neither do you.

Match Time: 6:35

Rating: D-


Kama Mustafa is a focal point again, this time seen talking to Faarooq. It’s implied that they were having a conversation about something else first, but we catch it as Faarooq mentions that he and D’Lo have followed him for over a year, and he would love to keep having them at his side. Kama tells Faarooq the same thing that he told The Nation earlier, just that they hadn’t decided yet. Faarooq makes no threats or anything, they simply go back to talking about whatever they were discussing earlier.

Rating: D+




A good match is on display here that is marred by two major things; that the audience just doesn’t care anymore at this point, and that we let these guys call it in the ring, as apparently Blackman is lost out there without somebody to tell him what to do. Vader and the Outlaws do their best to pull it all together, and what results is an enjoyable tag match. JR does a great job of selling the chance that Vader and Blackman have here, but Kane and Rikishi come to the top of the ramp. Vader’s attention is immediately shattered, and Gunn and James pick apart Blackman before Billy pins him with a piledriver. The Outlaws are celebrating their win the whole way up the ramp, until the sound of a chainsaw revving up is heard and out of the back comes Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie! They chase the champions all around the ring, before Billy and James split up and head through the crowd in different areas. Cactus and Charlie get in the ring and celebrate for the fans.

Match Time: 11:39

Ratings: C+ / C+



Before the commercial, we see The Undertaker walking backstage, ready to head out to the ring.

Following the commercial, we see him raising the lights up, and the match is underway! This one had some good action, as Undertaker was fighting against all odds here to defeat four men. JR’s new role is great for putting over how The Nation are acting as my thugs here. The Nation look like a well-oiled machine and Kama even shows a little more brawling in this one. Undertaker looks excellent here though, as he fights off all four men, sometimes all at the same time, and finally finds himself in a good position as he is alone with The Rock. He’s ready to set him up for the Tombstone, when Sweet Chin Music rocks him to the mat! Earl Hebner calls for the bell as D-Generation X swarm the ring. The four of them do a real number on Taker, with Shawn and Hunter hitting him with an assisted Pedigree, then holding him up for Chyna to hit a low blow on him, and Tyson even nails him with a right hand that we had to teach him to pull just a little bit before he was allowed to throw it. All four of them stand over, crotch chopping him (except Chyna, who just stands stoically as usual). Chyna doesn’t come out of this looking as good, but Taker’s selling performance was good. Michaels takes a microphone and starts to run Undertaker down, saying that if it’s this easy to put him down (JR: “Yeah, easy – when eight people have been beating on him for the past ten minutes”) then maybe he should just take WrestleMania off! The crowd boos that loudly, as Shawn really has them in the palm of his hand right now. He starts to rip into the town itself, saying that the women in this town are a lot like the St. Louis Rams – they look impressive to start, but when it comes down to it, they lay down and take it from everybody! Shawn then places a DX shirt over the crumpled body of The Undertaker, and crotch chops him again, before posing – but the lights flicker and the *GONG* sounds, and Undertaker sits up! He starts getting to his feet, and DX are out of there, up the ramp by the time Taker has reached his feet! Undertaker slides his thumb across his throat toward them, and the show ends with him rolling his eyes back into his head as JR screams that he’s still alive!

Match Time: 11:58

Ratings: B- / C / B / A


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WWF Shotgun Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, and Michael Cole

Rating: C



D’Lo Brown squashes Shannon Moore with the Lo-Down (D-)

Steve Blackman d. Michael Modest after a Pump Kick (E+)

Blackjack Windham d. Scoot Andrews with a Superplex while Blackjack Bradshaw sat in on commentary (E+)

The Headbangers d. Los Boricuas (Jose and Jesus) via the Stage Dive (D-)

Marty Jannetty d. Savio Vega with a fist drop (C-)



Raw recap video: D-Generation X open the show with some pointed words toward Owen Hart and The Undertaker, until Owen interrupts and challenges both of them to matches. Mr. McMahon then comes out and makes matches of Shawn against Owen and Hunter against Undertaker! (B-)

Raw recap video: The Nation talks to Kama Mustafa, who is non-committal toward both them and then the same toward Faarooq later in the evening. (D)

Raw recap video: Sgt. Slaughter gets in the way of Ken Shamrock and TAFKA Goldust’s brawl, and books them in a match for WrestleMania! (C-)

In what was only seen by the live audience, Sunny came out and fired a t-shirt gun into the crowd. (D+)

Raw recap video: The ending of the main event is shown, from the point where Undertaker had “The Rock” set for a Tombstone into the attack from DX. (C+)

Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, Michael Cole, and Jerry Lawler discuss this Monday’s edition of Raw is War, which will be headlined by “The Showstopper” Shawn Michaels against “The Black Hart” Owen Hart. (C-)



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Big Three Recap for Week 4, February 1998



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Big Three Recap – Week 4, February 1998


WWF Raw is War Report!

Raw this past week was held in St. Louis, and if you wanted a quality wrestling show, you turned it to Nitro. This show featured short, bad matches pretty much all the way around; when the New Age Outlaws are in the best match of your card, you’ve done something wrong. Oh, we know what they did wrong – they put Mark Henry in the main event! You could tell he was being incredibly protected through the whole thing, which was likely the only way he wasn’t going to blow up halfway into the match. That being said… a lot of the angles, especially those revolving around DX and The Undertaker, were really, really good, and have led a lot of people to say that they enjoyed the show. On that basis, we graded it as a solid B-. Let’s hope that next week they can do better, when the main event features two of the best wrestlers in the business.


WCW Nitro Report!

WCW Nitro was Raw’s polar opposite, as it featured very few angles and some of the best wrestling we’ve seen this year, delivering two quality main event matches to the sold out Buffalo Memorial Auditorium. This show has had unanimous positive feedback from viewers, and for good reason, as this show put SuperBrawl to shame.

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Ric Flair and Sting; Curt Hennig d. Glacier; ANGLE: Skit involving Kevin Nash and Lex Luger; Vicious & Delicious d. Pantheon; ANGLE: Brawl involving Roddy Piper and Hollywood Hulk Hogan; Eddy Guerrero d. Louie Spicolli; ANGLE: Brawl involving Diamond Dallas Page and Randy Savage; Diamond Dallas Page d. Ric Flair; Bret Hart d. Randy Savage

We will have you know that Bret vs Savage was an incredible match that we have rated as an A. All in all, we give this episode of Nitro a B+ in honor of it’s great action. Could this be a slide backwards for the Monday Night War?


ECW Hardcore TV Report!

ECW has a brand new king of the hardcore, as Bam Bam Bigelow has unseated Shane Douglas for the World title! Shane was the MVP of the show, which everyone has said was excellent. The Hammerstein Ballroom exploded when the new champion was crowned, as Bigelow is finally a top champion in wrestling, a position many argue he should have been years ago. Whether this is a transitional, “thank you” kind of reign or not, time will tell.

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Taz and Chastity; Pitbull II vs. Spike Dudley was a no contest; ANGLE: Brawl involving The Sandman and Shane Douglas; Dudley Boys d. Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks; Bam Bam Bigelow d. Shane Douglas to win the ECW World championship

Despite that, the show wasn’t all that good, so we rated it as a D+. Watch it for the World title match though, as you will only find so many crowd explosions in New York bigger than this one.


Monday Night Ratings War!

WWF Raw is War

Monday at Primetime on USA Network: 3.89 (+0.03)

Monday at Primetime on TSN: 1.14 (+0.06)

Friday at Primetime on Sky Sports: 1.44 (+0.07)

(Shotgun Saturday Night draws a 0.09 rating on Syndication.)


WCW Nitro

Monday at Primetime on TNT: 5.40 (-0.02)

Monday at Evening on Galavision: 2.23 (+0.09)

Wednesday at Afternoon on Foxtel Australia: 0.27 (+0.06)

(Saturday Night draws a 0.66 rating on TBS.)


Top Prospects of the week!

Justice Pain’s name has been in the mouths of a few people this week, but unless he ditches his psychopath style, we don’t see it amounting to much… that is, unless ECW takes him in.

Jason the Terrible has also become an unlikely talking about, as the Puerto Rico native has caught a few eyes.

Takao Omori is being called “one to watch”, and he could become a huge star in Japan. It would require him leaving his homeland to achieve more than that, though.


F4W Polls

Just for fun, we put on an internet poll on who is the best high flier in the world today. Thousands voted Jushin “Thunder” Liger as the top man.

We also asked who fans are considering the best manager in the world, and the man filling that role at this time is Paul Bearer.


From the desk of Vincent K. McMahon:

“Another month has passed, and we are still on top of the wrestling world by a small margin. In great news, DirecTV are looking pretty stupid now as we are back on pay-per-view in all parts of the world by the time March even started! Thanks to Dish Network, Rogers, Closed Circuit Mexico, Sky Box, Visasat, Sky Perfect TV, and Foxtel PPV, we are once again the worldwide leader in sports entertainment. Incredibly, we netted a full $1,239,888 in February!


“That local fed in North Carolina has shut down. Thanks to an impassioned call from the kids who owned it, who have done some work for us in the past, and also that a good amount of them work in PPW already, we went ahead and offered a bunch of them development contracts. Only two people have been offered regular contracts, but I’m not about to reveal who all they are right away. Some of them may make it to the main roster at some point, but I’m almost more figuring that they will mostly just fizzle out and head back to the indies. Speaking of people coming, we’ve had one going, and that is The Patriot. Del Wilkes can try his luck elsewhere when he heals up in six months.


“WrestleMania 14 is only four weeks away now, and that’s when the whole world will take notice of the World Wrestling Federation once and for all!”

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  • 2 weeks later...

WWF Raw is War / War Zone - 3/2/1998


WWF RAW is WAR / War Zone

March 2nd, 1998 (Week 1)

Held at: Market Square Arena in Indianapolis, Indiana (Mid-West)

Attendance: 19,806

Show Runtime: Two Hours (5 minute overrun)

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 18 regions.



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The show begins with me, Patterson, and Brisco in the ring. I welcome everyone to my show, saying that tonight you will all play witness to a huge main event; as Shawn Michaels will put away Owen Hart with extreme prejudice. “The Black Hart” Owen Hart makes his way out of the back, and as he slides into the ring he’s held away from me by Pat and Gerry. Hart sticks to the script here, saying that he doesn’t care what I think of how this main event will go, tonight and at WrestleMania he will bring honor back to his family name. I tell him that his family name isn’t worth scraping on the bottom of my shoe, adding that maybe his family name will end up being put down… next to “China”. The veiled threat of Chyna just irritates Hart, until Sgt. Slaughter makes his way out to the top of the stage. He says that while tonight’s match is completely under my jurisdiction, the match at WrestleMania between Owen Hart and Hunter Hearst Helmsley is under his – and to make sure that Chyna doesn’t interfere in the match, he is going to be at ringside handcuffed to her! Slaughter underperformed here, but he does seem to be performing better on the microphone.

D-Generation X makes their way out now, shoving past “The Sarge” as Mike Tyson crotch chops toward him. Hunter has a microphone and says that Owen needs to just calm down about his family, because honoring his family name is like marrying the cheap hooker from the night before – because you can’t bring something from that far down in the dumps to any good place. Hart is pissed now, as he yells off microphone at DX. Michaels takes the microphone, and he adds fuel to the fire by saying that he is “The Icon, The Show Stopper, The Main Event” and that he is graciously letting Owen take part in his main event tonight, just like he used to do for his “boogery older brother”. He adds that just like every other time he’s gotten around anyone with association to the name “Hart” tonight he’s going to get on top and pound his way to victory – and that’s just when he’s with the sister Harts! Owen is really ready to flip now, taking the microphone and… sucking. He says how Shawn doesn’t get to talk about his family because they aren’t his problem; “The Black Hart” is his problem. Before he rambles on too much longer, I interrupt him by saying that this is all getting out of hand, and if it doesn’t stop, then Owen won’t get either of his matches against DX! Shawn and Hunter laugh to one another; it’s uncanny how good those two improvise, but yet Owen gets a live mic and bombs. I did a pretty good job my own self; but it’s my microphone, dammit, it doesn’t get a chance to do me wrong or I’ll replace it with one that I do like better! The inclusion of DX made this segment go over much better than the previous one with Slaughter.

The lights go out then, and with a loud *gong* the fans come to their feet. They come back on to show that Pat, Gerry, and myself have all disappeared from the ring, and instead The Undertaker stands in the ring alongside Owen, and they stare down DX! Undertaker points at them and makes his throat slitting motion, showing a very good performance as the crowd go nuts for him. However, the crowd get cold by the end of this segment because it’s been like fifteen minutes without much action.

Ratings: C / B / B-



We let these two go out and work the crowd over, while JR and Jim Cornette discuss the segments we saw earlier. This one does feature some pretty good action, as Jeff can really drag a decent match out of most people on sheer talent; and both of the Headbangers are pretty capable of being carried. However, these two not only wrestled to the sound of crickets, but they also didn’t click at all, and this ended up pretty awkward because of it. Jarrett put away his unique foe with the figure four leg lock. Afterwards, Jeff was met at the top of the ramp by the Honky Tonk Man. Honky doesn’t do very well here off-script, as he says that we haven’t seen Jeff with a direction in a while now, and inquires where he has been. Jarrett uses the live freedom to his advantage though, as he puts himself over as the greatest wrestler of all time, so he doesn’t have to answer to “these people, Vince, Eric, Paul, none of ya!” Jeff starts to add that the WWF has yet to see what he can do, but they will, when Honky sends us to commercial.

Match Time: 6:28

Ratings: C- / D+



This is a great match, Mark may not have the popularity on his own yet but he will soon. This actually is a solid matchup as these two throw big punches at one another, following by hard slams and clotheslines. JR talks about their sporting backgrounds, and Mark even seems to have picked up a few brawling skills from the former leader of the Nation of Domination. This one ends pretty quickly, because we didn’t want to have Mark out there for too long; The Rock makes his presence felt as he enters the ring and smashes Faarooq with the Intercontinental title, giving him the match by disqualification. The crowd chants “Rocky Sucks” loudly as Scorpio comes down, and the three members of the Nation start to put the boots to Faarooq. Mark hits him with a big splash, and they start to set him up for another one until help arrives from backstage – Ahmed Johnson and the New Blackjacks! Rock pulls his men out of there instantly, looking like a real star as a leader yet again, while Ahmed looked good making the save. Windham and Scorpio seemed a bit underwhelming, but all in all a good segment as it puts forward two different matches coming up for WrestleMania.

Match Time: 5:35

Ratings: D- / D


We head to a dark room where Cactus Jack resides. He talks about how a lot of things can happen in twenty-seven days. He says that people are born; people can die; people can change their entire lives. But one thing that will happen in twenty-seven days will be that he and his friend Charlie will be walking into a fifteen foot high steel cage, and will walk back out as the new WWF Tag Team champions. He says that the only thing that the Outlaws have to fear is the grinding of steel and the breaking of bones… all things that Jack and Charlie are accustomed to, and they’re going to teach the New Age Outlaws all about them. From behind Cactus, a chainsaw revs up, and Charlie runs out of the blackness of the room and chases the cameraman away, as Jack can be heard shrieking “Bang bang! Bang bang! Bang bang!” Cactus was amazing here, as we let him just improvise this pre-taped promo and he nailed it on the first try.

Rating: C



The crowd were really big into Shamrock here, as he and Phineas put on a good match. Just a standard match to help put Ken over by beating a fairly established star, putting Godwinn away fairly effortlessly with the belly-to-belly suplex and ankle lock. I will give Dennis credit for picking up a bit of technical skill from Ken tonight. When the match is over, though, that’s when it becomes interesting, because I come out along with Pat and Gerald again. I inform Shamrock that I know how upset he is lately at the actions of The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust, but just because I can’t do much about the match that was booked for WrestleMania between the two doesn’t mean that I can’t do something when that match gets threatened. As such, I decree that Shamrock cannot touch Goldust from now until WrestleMania, or else the match will be cancelled and Ken will be suspended from the World Wrestling Federation! I gave this one a good job of improvising, and Shamrock looks pissed. The crowd gives a rousing boo to this stipulation, which is perfect because now we save their interaction for the pay-per-view.

Match Time: 5:39

Ratings: C / B+


Rikishi Fatu and Kane are seen in a darkroom alongside Paul Bearer. Paul does their talking, and really it isn’t anything we haven’t heard him say before; the only thing that changes is that Rikishi and Vader have a match later tonight.

Rating: C+


During a commercial break, we had Terri head out to the ring in skimpy attire for the live crowd.

Rating: D-


We now have a pre-taped response at the interview cage from The New Age Outlaws. “Road Dog” Jesse James does the talking as “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn stands behind the cage, rubbing a picture of Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie against the steel mesh. James does struggle off-script here, but it’s still a good promo as he talks about being afraid. He says that yeah, he’s afraid of getting into the cage with Cactus and Charlie – but that his fear will drive him, as well as Billy, to greater depths and greater heights than ever before.

Afterward, a graphic shows us that next week on Raw: Billy takes on Charlie.

Ratings: C / C



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Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome everyone to the War Zone! Lawler is back in full “King” mode, as we have allowed him to revert back to his cocky Royalty gimmick. Lanza rated it for me as a B+, so that’s better than Jerry had been doing before as a common sportscaster. They talk about the main event, with JR saying that he can’t wait to see Owen live up to his family name, and Lawler says that the only thing that can restore that family name would be to change it.

Rating: C+


Sable is out now, who cares why? But I’m actually paying attention this time, because Russo says that he personally booked this one with Sable and a guy named Martin or something. After walking around the ring, she gets into the ring to talk, I really don’t know what the purpose of her being in the ring for story is but I don’t care. I think JR mentions that she was going to do guest commentary? Well she doesn’t get there as she gets interrupted by some ugly, hairy guy in a “Marvelous” bandanna. Who is that? Is that Martin? Russo is paying too much attention to how the segment plays out to answer me. He talks over Sable, not letting her do anything but stand there and look gorgeous. He says that all of these people cheer her on for her body while they boo him, but that her body is thanks to him! He explains that in all the years he’s been married to Sable (HE is married to Sable?!) she has never been the cook around the house. He goes on to say that the biggest thing she’s wanted was to have a family. He says that Sable’s body would have been destroyed by having children – and that’s why over the years, he’s been force feeding her birth control pills in her food for years! Sable is in tears, screaming nonsense at him, as he says again that everyone should thank him, because without him, there would be no Sable as you know it! Sable marches backstage in tears, as JR says that Sable will not be joining them, apparently. A great soap opera segment here, Russo outdid himself; and plus, Sable looked incredible. She had those tears flowing, I wonder if she needs someone to comfort and hold her?

Rating: C


Michael Cole is at the interview cage alongside The Nation. The Rock does the talking as usual, saying that Faarooq is nothing without backup and he proved it tonight. I haven’t noted this before, but I love how Rock has adopted speaking in the third person, as in “The Rock says that Faarooq would have been put out of wrestling forever if not for those jabronis Ahmed and the Blackjacks”. Cole was underwhelming and Scorpio didn’t look good compared to the star power next to him, but Rock was simply fantastic in this one. He lays down a challenge for the New Blackjacks to face Scorpio and Mark Henry at WrestleMania, where the Nation will reign supreme and show why they are better than ever with The Rock as their ruler.

Rating: D+



Paul Bearer joins commentary for this match rather than staying at ringside with Fatu, and that costs the match a little bit of its luster as Bearer and Rikishi have such excellent chemistry. These two have a good match, but the crowd isn’t as hot for it as they probably would have been. Paul does a great job at putting the feud over alongside Ross and Lawler. After a good power match, Rikishi just grabs a chair and smashes Vader with it, drawing a disqualification but also drawing out Kane. Kane goes under the ring while Fatu stomps away to keep Vader down. Kane finds a tool box, and he comes into the ring with a wrench – and he nails Vader with it! Vader is down, bleeding profusely on the mat, as Bearer laughs from the outside as paramedics come down to check on him.

Match Time: 8:20

Ratings: C+ / B


I come back out to the stage during commercial break, and I talk about how we still have a great main event to come up tonight, but next week’s main event also promises to be a great one as The Undertaker takes on “Triple H” Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a non-title match. I really enjoyed the freedom to just go out there and talk, and I really gave the crowd hell when I told them that this city was only good enough to see Owen Hart wrestle instead of seeing Hunter in the ring. Just to get the live crowd excited again. Back on the show, Honky Tonk Man met up to Hunter, Chyna, and Mike Tyson in the DX locker room after Shawn had left it for his match, asking for his thoughts on the match next week, saying that “that Undertaker is one scary dude”. “Triple H” says that while Michaels is the president in the world of D-Generation X, he is the general; and he has some privates for Taker. Helmsley flounders off-script here, but Tyson and Chyna improve and that’s worth it. Honky also did a lot better than he had previously in this show. Hunter says that if Undertaker doesn’t like it, then he can just suck it, before chasing Honky out of the room so he can watch the main event.

Ratings: B+ / C+




We sent Sunny out there to give the match introductions, but she let herself ramble during them and didn’t come out of this looking very good.

Before this match was ever announced, we made Owen promise that he would stay professional here, and he did a great job of keeping on point and just having an incredible match against Shawn. The crowd was all over this one, and stayed invested from the moment Chyna interfered to give Michaels the advantage until the point that Hart started fighting back. Owen hit an enziguri kick to set up the referee ten count, and he started making the comeback, even knocking Chyna away when she got on the apron. He threw Shawn with a belly-to-belly suplex before going to the top rope, looking for his missile dropkick. That’s when Triple H got down to ringside, and Hunter grabbed Owen’s leg to keep him from doing the maneuver. Owen punches Helmsley away and leaps – but lands right into Sweet Chin Music! Michaels makes the cover, and he gets the win in a grueling match.

Owen heads up the ramp with DX taunting him from the ring, until the lights go out again! With a loud *gong* they come back on, and The Undertaker is in the ring with Shawn Michaels! He grabs Michaels around the throat, but Shawn kicks him low; Taker turns around into a hard right hand from Mike Tyson! Undertaker goes down like he was shot, and the show closes as Mike Tyson and Shawn Michaels stand over the fallen body of The Undertaker! Mike still can’t get the crotch chop quite down yet, but God help him he’s trying.

Match Time: 17:16

Ratings: B- / B+ / B+


<iframe width="220" height="165" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/MMFuAyufkvw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

WWF Shotgun Saturday Night

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, and Michael Cole

Rating: C



Aguila squashes Cham Pain with a moonsault at 4:46 (E)

Bob Holly d. Scoot Andrews with a flying legdrop in 2:57 (E)

Chainsaw Charlie d. Michael Modest by count out when Modest runs away from a chainsaw-wielding Charlie at 1:49 (E+)

Bart Gunn d. Marc Mero with a quick roll-up at 4:34 after a distraction from Sable (D)

TAFKA Goldust d. Animal after hitting him with a long steel pipe at 11:01 (C-)



Video: at a recent house show in Charlotte, North Carolina, a Phoenix Suns mascot was there to heckle the crowd, until Kane came out and destroyed the mascot! (B)

Jerry “The King” Lawler talks to Brian Christopher, who says that he can’t wait to get his hands on Taka Michinoku again to win HIS Light Heavyweight title! (D-)

A six-man matchup was announced for WrestleMania 14, as Taka Michinoku defends his title against Aguila, Brian Christopher, Cyclope, El Dandy, and Marty Jannetty! (E)

Raw recap video: Kane assaults Vader with a wrench, knocking “The Mastodon” out! ©

Raw recap video: The Nation attack Faarooq, but he gets backup from The New Blackjacks and Ahmed Johnson! (D)

Raw recap video: Shawn Michaels defeats Owen Hart with help from running buddy “Triple H” (B-)

After his match, Goldust takes the microphone and says that Ken Shamrock will learn the true meaning of “snap” by the time he is done with him. (C+)



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