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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BigINMoldova" data-cite="BigINMoldova" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> I'm also now paying him 700 bucks a month to not wrestle because' I'm regional and he has a downside. I love Non-Exclusive contracts in TEW, They're great.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well look at it like this - at least he can pay the rent while he heals up to work for you in the future</p>
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I love long posts like this, but all I have to say after reading is that you really don't like the idea of Torii winning the REVOLT Series


I had wanted to push him to the moon so many times and there was always someone else who had a little more momentum or a slightly better story or more over, etc. And now he's in a tag team helping a new Japanese signing get over. I don't think he'll ever get the big push that I want him to have.


Even newer PRIDE Japan members like Kawagishi and Masao Tsubouchi have a better claim to a push at this point. It's like he's damaged goods in my mind.


In other news, Ernest Youngman requested his release despite getting a renewed push. So...yeah...


Also, a rash of injuries plagued my 2028 Global Tag League including ruining the Hector Galindo/Rudy Velasquez reunion that would've resulted in their taking the tournament. I gave it to ARTILLERY (Arlington Jones/Freedom Eagle & Donte Dunn) instead.


Logan Wolfsbaine's Global Championship reign isn't setting the world on fire either. So, I'm pulling a Vinnie Mac and hitting the panic button. I'll be dropping the U.S. title to the Jordan Garrido rando and then taking the Global title the following month. Although, I may try to recapture Logan's momentum by having him take the REVOLT Series again and take the title back at the end of the year. I'm not convinced that he simply didn't cool off a bit before he won the title.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BigINMoldova" data-cite="BigINMoldova" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What? Unless I'm missing something there is no way to offer a contract at regional without a downside.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Looks like I was mistaken, I was thinking signing bonus, but with good negotiating skills, most guys will take a reduced one. But like someone else mentioned, you can always let him go, and then bring him back later on.</p>
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I finally did it. I finally managed a 99 rated show in TEW, with no cheating bs at all. And I am so proud of how I did it. Relatively long post incoming.


Results of Supreme Challenge 40


Jefferson Stardust defeated Freddy Huggins and Jacob Jett in a Ladder Match to retain the SWF North American title (81)

Currently have the North American title as a high-flying one, regularly defended in multi-man ladder matches. Jacob Jett has just joined and has rather low pop so this should get a better rating if done next year. Plan is to build Jett up to be the mainstay of the North American title picture


El Leon defeated Masaru Ugaki (100)

I was actually extremely shocked this got a 100 rating. El Leon has been my best wrestler for getting them in this save but Ugaki isn't even autopushing at main event yet. This was the blowoff match in a feud between the Heroes of Mexico (El Leon, El Mexicano (El Heroe del Mexicano) and Heroe) and The Legion (Masaru Ugaki, Funakoshi, Haranobu Kobayashi and Tobei Sugimura). Ugaki will reach main event soon but it wasn't worth depushing El Leon for that


Natural Storm defeated the Diaz Boys to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles (82)

Part of a feud I will get onto a bit later. Logan Diaz (Logan Wolfsbaine) and James Diaz have just been brought up from dev and this was their first appearance as a team on the main roster so no way I was going to let them win.


Spencer Spade defeated Steve Frehley (93)

Match suffered from a lack of selling, which is why Frehley lost. He returned in November last year and set out attacking the new faces that had risen since he left, most obviously Spencer Spade. Spade is likely to be the one that I replace in the main event with Masaru Ugaki.


Jay Chord defeated Swoop McCarthy (99)

The culmination of the aforementioned feud between Legacy (Jay Chord, James & Logan Diaz, Edward Cornell, Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine) and The Saviours (New Day style team of Swoop McCarthy, Donte Dunn, DC Rayne and Eddie Howard). Swoop is heading into the main event soon as well to replace a Jack Bruce who is well into time decline.


Money Gilmore defeated Nicky Champion (100)

Another 100 I was surprised by, though not as much as Leon vs Ugaki. Money Gilmore is part of the Corporation stable (Money Gilmore, Remo Richardson, Ernest Youngman, William Hayes (Ray Diaz was here but I just sent him to train workers in RIPW as he was 5 years past his prime)). The Corporation attacked Nicky Champion out of frustration after losing a half-year long feud to The Saviours.


KC Glenn defeated Antonio Maxi Marquez (100)

Okay this one was ALWAYS going to be 100 rated, and to think I almost had Glenn fighting his mentor Joey Morgan here (that will be saved for the next few PPVs). Glenn, Marquez and Matthew Keith have been feuding over the title for a few months ever since Marquez and Keith's match for the title was thrown out thanks to Glenn and his manager Emma Chase interfering. Glenn beat Keith clean two months ago and now Marquez got his shot. Wasn't going to take the title off of Glenn before he gets his match with his mentor and MAYBE turns face.


Overall review

Wow. I had hoped for one 100 rated match but THREE was insane. The only problem is it's now hard to want to continue this game as I know I won't beat this and with TEW2020 round the corner it may not be worth it, but the following are some more plans if I do continue:


Plans going forward

Pushes are going to Swoop McCarthy, Masaru Ugaki, Razan Okamoto and the newly arriving Gino Montero. De-pushes to Jack Bruce, Spencer Spade, Steve Frehley and one of Jimmy Hernandez, Rocky Golden or Nicky Champion. Only a few more steals I want to make before I'm basically fully content with my roster; Captain Wrestling II (whose contract annoyingly came up recently during a period at national), Extraordinario Jr, Maurice Jackson, Nicky Gilbert, The Red Devils and Tommy Cornell (if he's not in decline by the time his contract comes around). Of course I want to sign up Tommy Cornell Jr when he debuts but that's five years away yet.

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Well, I had this idea yesterday and how more I am booking it.. the more it grows.


With the 2014 mod I start hyping the 1 in 21. But after two weeks R-Truth came up, thinking he is The Rock. Now he pops up in big angles with the authorithy as Rock Truth. First PPV I booked him against Cesaro, another client from Heyman, after that there is some more matches and he is still thinking he is The Rock.


I am almost booking The Real Rock in, making them a occassional tag-team. This wil lead to a Brock vs Rock at Summerslam.

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In my 1996 Dawn of Attitude I'm at the end of May 1997 playing as the WWF. My World Champ is Brian Pillman and is feuding with Undertaker. Rising stars are Adam Copeland (now teaming with Jesse James Armstrong but will soon turn to become Edge), RVD and Rocky Miavia. One of them will win the King of the Ring in June. I'm very happy with my growth internationally specifically in the UK and Australia where I just negotiated new tv deals that will get my shows in front of more people. However I'm trying to figure a way to get my tv shows in Europe and Japan. Because of Sky my PPVs get to Europe and I'm in the mid 30s popularity with all areas there and in Japan they don't know me at all and I'm in the 20s. How can I break into new game areas? I'm considered the number 1 company in the world but WCW has a strong presence in Japan.
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MY SWF The World Is Watching 2017 Card!


I think this card will be pretty damn good if I had to be honest!!! Some of you might get confused by name changes, but it lets me get closer to their characters. I know I'm an odd person, haha.




1. Joey Morgan broke his ankle after Rogue botched a move, it made the main event change when I built Remo/Morgan II for this card, but they'll have to wait to main event Supreme Challenge 37 (like they did last year).


2. I only do big cards for big shows and 11 is excessive to me, but I felt why not go all out and I'll probably put the women's tag match on the pre-show to cut for time.


3. Lastly, the only title not being defended is the SWF Chaos title, which is basically my version of the 24/7 title from WWE.




Nicky Champion vs. Rogue



Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Raven Nightfall © for the SWF Women's World Championship



Eric Eisen vs. The Crippler in an I Quit match



Jack Bruce vs. Bulldozer Cristian Smith

( Cristian Smith = Bulldozer Brandon Smith )



Randy Wolfe & Big Bruiser Findlay vs. Valiant & Des Davids in a Two Out of Three Falls tag team match

( Randy Wolfe = Randy Bumfhole )




Team Eisen (Amber Eisen, Tracy Speed, Hellcat Hernandez, and Emma Bitch) vs. Team Quine (Ruby Quine, Nikki Sweetheart, Zoe Ammis, and Honour McFly)

[ Amber Eisen = Amber Allen,

Tracy Speed = Tracy Brendon,

Ruby Quine = Jamie Quine,

Nikki Sweetheart = Danielle Sweetheart,

Honour McFly = Tamara McFly ]



The New Wave (Guide and Scout) vs. The Acts of God (Kirk Jameson and Hollywood Bret Starr)



Kitamura vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Greg Gauge vs. Gino Montero vs. Brandon James vs. Oskcar Zim © for the SWF North American Championship in a ladder match

( Kitamura = Fuyuko Higa [yes, i know she's a woman, it's a part of the storyline],

Oskcar Zim = Zimmy Bumfhole )



Mikey Lau vs. Martín da Silva

(Martín da Silva = Mario da Silva)



Angry Gilmore & JUSTICE vs. Hell's Demons (Skull DeBones & Mimic) vs. Jimmy 'Mainstream' Hernandez & Steven Parker vs. Team Awesomeness (Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball) © for the SWF World Tag Team Championships



Christian Faith vs. Remo © for the SWF World Championship in the main event

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In my RTG I'm a cult company and the 14th most popular company in the world. So every time I offer a contract to someone, I seem to start a massive bidding war that I have to quickly exit.


It's hilarious because I just sit there nodding as SOTBW and USPW go to war all because of me.


I've completely inflated the wrestling market in a matter of months.


It kind of sucks because I'm losing out on some really good talent but it also puts a smile on my face because I constantly goad the other bigger companies into fighting each over everything.

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So I've been playing a fun little 21CW game. After a loooong break.


Just finished up Head to Head.


Jonathan Faust vs Dark Angel - jewel on a post match

Faust [and his lackey Grave Digger] captured Angel's soul in a jewel as part of a black magic ceremony after weeks of trying to recruit Angel.

Angel has been trying to destroy the jewel and they fought for it here.

Faust got to it after distraction from the Digger. Angel then simply lay down for Faust to win.

It looks like Angel belongs to Faust now...


The Red Devils defend tag titles vs Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu

The Devils cheated their way to another defense. They've been playing this one nastily for weeks.


Seb Koller vs Bedlam - UK title

Koller has been trying to stay away from the Kingsmen: Bedlam and War Machine with Cliff King managing them. They've been continually smashing Seb's stuff and making his life hell.

Bedlam was doing well in this match but let his [inescapable] rage take over.

The Purple Mist descended and he DQed himself by spitting the mst in Seb's face.


Leigh Burton vs Leo - loser leaves town.

The Pride split up recently with Leo bitter at all the attention Leigh has been getting.

They've been feuding and Leigh won this to end Leo's employment at 21CW.

It was a battle though and Leigh hated doing this to his ex partner. He's taking some time off to get over it.


Semi main

Tommy Cornell vs Wade Orson

The future vs the past.

Wade has been helping Matravers in his battle against the Cornells. Tommy was tricked into agreeing a fight so he can't be around to help Eddy out straight after.

Wade fronted up well but it wasnt enough. Tommy got the win.


Main Event

Adam Matravers finally managed to get the one-on-one title match aganst Eddy Cornell he's been gunning for. He thought he had it a couple of weeks ago but Tommy Cornell managed to snag the referee spot.

At H2H there was no messing about because Tommy was busy with Wade and Adam managed to snag the win.




What's next...


Matravers will defend his title against... Faust.

Now Faust controls the Spirit of Vengeance Dark Angel they'll be going after the mojo of the title belt.

Adam is going to be hard pressed to keep his belt for long


The Cornells

Eddy lost the title when Tommy wasn't there to bail him out. He's angry that Tommy gets all the glory instead of him.

Tommy is angry that Ed let the top family name in wrestling down.

Will they stay together?

Do they just need to work things out?


Brexit war

In the buildup to the Referendum Pitbull has been arguing for a sensible cutting of ties [he's pretty right wing].

Brickhouse Balder has been telling Pitbull that Europe don't want Britain anyway. He's roped in Merle O'Curle as support. He doesnt want Britain either.

After a couple of weeks away Leigh Burton will return with a new mask as British Elemental to help Pitbull out.


Mark Misery hates Wade

Curmudgeonly Misery has been watching Wade Orson getting a push incredulously. Why? He wants to prove he's just as good as Wade is.


Tag titles - Red Devils vs CSHS

After losing at H2H Storm and Sifu are going to redouble their efforts - by going Ninja.

The Devils might need to rope in some support.

Rumour has it they have a friend from back in Moscow who's over 7 feet of muscle...


Seb defends his UK title vs the Kingsmen

Bedlam and War Machine redouble their attacks on Seb and up steps an unlikely helper - Flying Fox [Joe Simpson]. Simpson will end up 'accidentally' winning the belt in a fatal 4 way match.




21CW is broken because EVERYONE on the roster is on an expensive written deal. I've been desperately trying to get down to a manageable core of "my guys" on big deals with a rotating cast of devy guys and jobbers coming in.


So a ton of talent has left. Daniel Black Francis, Buff, Jay-B, Kevin Jones, The Ivanoffs, Stoat, Nightmare, Danny Patterson, Harley Neill, DJ Reason...


The top talent [Matravers, the Cornells, Wade, Faust] can carry me whilst I build up my future [Leigh, Wade, War Machine, Seb, etc. Even Brickhouse is a budding star] if I can mostly keep them apart and eke out enough good TV main events. Whilst I get the finances in order.


Im having a blast.



I've got nothing for Philip Cooper or [face] Rollin' Johnny Stones to do. Any ideas?

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I really thought things were going to start turning around. WCW fell to National level, leaving me the only International company. At the same time The Giant's contract with WCW came up. After a long bidding process I won out and he will be starting for me on July 1st. About a week, maybe two after that, however, WCW bounced back to International and signed away the British Bulldog, who I had plans for. I have 17 days left to use Bulldog to put over guys like Edge, Brian Pillman and Psycho Sid. On the bright side, the plan is to make Owen Hart, now free from his main event tag team with Bulldog, the next contender for the WWF Championship currently held by Brian Pillman.
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I really thought things were going to start turning around. WCW fell to National level, leaving me the only International company. At the same time The Giant's contract with WCW came up. After a long bidding process I won out and he will be starting for me on July 1st. About a week, maybe two after that, however, WCW bounced back to International and signed away the British Bulldog, who I had plans for. I have 17 days left to use Bulldog to put over guys like Edge, Brian Pillman and Psycho Sid. On the bright side, the plan is to make Owen Hart, now free from his main event tag team with Bulldog, the next contender for the WWF Championship currently held by Brian Pillman.


What will you do with The Giant though

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="retrogamerpa" data-cite="retrogamerpa" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks for asking. I forgot that part in my previous post. I'm going to use him as a bodyguard for WWF Champion Brian Pillman. He'll be an important part of Pillman defeating Undertaker in their feud then he'll stand between Austin and Brian.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Sounds like a good plan!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="retrogamerpa" data-cite="retrogamerpa" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I really thought things were going to start turning around. WCW fell to National level, leaving me the only International company. At the same time The Giant's contract with WCW came up. After a long bidding process I won out and he will be starting for me on July 1st. About a week, maybe two after that, however, WCW bounced back to International and signed away the British Bulldog, who I had plans for. I have 17 days left to use Bulldog to put over guys like Edge, Brian Pillman and Psycho Sid. On the bright side, the plan is to make Owen Hart, now free from his main event tag team with Bulldog, the next contender for the WWF Championship currently held by Brian Pillman.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sounds like a fun save and agree with Zero on your plans with The Giant. </p><p> </p><p> I want to know who you had win king of the ring out of those up and comers!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RatedRKO16" data-cite="RatedRKO16" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sounds like a fun save and agree with Zero on your plans with The Giant. <p> </p><p> I want to know who you had win king of the ring out of those up and comers!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I had RVD go over HHH in the finals. I decided Adam Copeland's transformation into Edge via the dissolution of his tag team with Jesse James Armstrong deserved its own time. I'm glad I went with RVD since I almost gave HHH the rub in a last minute decision. In the match RVD botched a move and injured Hunter. However, HHH was working the match high on painkillers. He's only injured for 28 days (20 after surgery) but he's in rehab for the next 8 months.</p>
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So I have a 1987 JCP game going and Dusty Rhodes has decided he wants to go to the WWF. I thought he had loyalty to JCP but he doesn't and he did leave in real life so I'm going to let him go. I just don't know how hard I should bury him on the way out.



On one hand, I like Dusty and he's a key part of JCP yet, on the other hand, he is totally screwing me over by going to my number one competitor.




I also have Vader AQnd The Undertaker on my roster so it'd be really nice to have them go over Dusty. They are midcarders though so Dusty gets pissed when I try to put them over him but he is 41 and he'll probably be in time decline by the time he gets out of that WWF contract.



I feel bad about this but I think I know what has to be done for th health of the company. I wish there was a save where I don't have to be the meanest promoter on earth but if you're going to leave, you're going to have to g out on your back.


That's just the way it has to work.

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So I have a 1987 JCP game going and Dusty Rhodes has decided he wants to go to the WWF. I thought he had loyalty to JCP but he doesn't and he did leave in real life so I'm going to let him go. I just don't know how hard I should bury him on the way out.



On one hand, I like Dusty and he's a key part of JCP yet, on the other hand, he is totally screwing me over by going to my number one competitor.




I also have Vader AQnd The Undertaker on my roster so it'd be really nice to have them go over Dusty. They are midcarders though so Dusty gets pissed when I try to put them over him but he is 41 and he'll probably be in time decline by the time he gets out of that WWF contract.



I feel bad about this but I think I know what has to be done for th health of the company. I wish there was a save where I don't have to be the meanest promoter on earth but if you're going to leave, you're going to have to g out on your back.


That's just the way it has to work.



I would have either one of them destroy him. Take the morale hit and then he comes back eventually for a feud,

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<p>Been a LONG time since I've had the chance to post here, but I just picked up my old CornellVerse game that I did a diary on for a while (essentially, Christian Faith runs a promotion in Texas called Southern Championship Wrestling). I'm in 2019 now, and I'm still having a blast.</p><p> </p><p>

Ross Henry remains my champion/figurehead, and seems to be locked in eternal struggles with 46-year-old machine Buddy Garner (who has only recently showed the first signs of time decline) and Rogue, who we snagged a few years ago. However, this is going to change. Garner and Rogue both feel they've outgrown my promotion, and they'll be leaving within the next six months.</p><p> </p><p>

Fortunately, I've got some options waiting in the wings, and there's something for everyone. John McClean has had a few short runs with the top belt, and despite being on the decline, he's very over and can still bring the goods in the right setting. Sonny Wildside has blossomed into our #2 babyface, despite being just 24 years old. He can work with anyone, and I've particularly enjoyed putting him with guys like Jacob Jett, Jormungand, and Jagged for spot-fests. Scythe is also extremely over and has worked some killer matches for us, but he got hurt working a hardcore match in PSW in late-2018 and is on the mend. The timing could not have been worse, as he was in line to go over Christian Faith himself at SCW Season's Greetings (our traditional year-end show)</p><p> </p><p>

I've also built up Logan Wolfsbaine, Grave Digger, Bret Heartbreak, Angel of Mercy, and El Hijo Del Zonk, while also signing guys like Petr Novak, Hell's Bouncer, High Flyin Hawaiian, and Stevie Grayson. In addition, I've secured working agreements with North of the Border Pro Wrestling and Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, which has led to guys like Edd Stone and Greg Gauge (who started with us before signing over there) coming in for short spurts.</p><p> </p><p>

At some point, Henry's going to get poached, like several significant workers before him (Lenny Brown just got signed by SWF, and that hurt). When he leaves, I'm probably hosed. However, for the time being, I'm having an absolute blast mixing people I'm building up with cast-offs the big guys don't believe in.</p>

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So I've been planning out a new promotion, although knowing how I operate I'll probably play a few in-game weeks and then try something new. [Note that I'm aware I'm twisting a bit of Cornellverse law - its part of the storytelling.


Following the selling of his shares at TCW, Tommy Cornell left the company and made a few appearances at 21CW on a short-term, lucrative exclusive pay per appearance contract as he decided where his future lay.


Would he sign a full-time written contract at 21CW? Perhaps he'd join USPW or SWF in a move that would stun the masses? Or maybe he'd sign a contract in Japan or Mexico for something a bit different.


However, an interesting alternative was brought to his attention via the quirky billionaire genius Dunton Hall.


Hall was a long-time wrestling fan and had always been interested in entering the wrestling market with his own promotion.


The "Free Agency" of Tommy Cornell opened the door for Hall to make his big play - his pitch was to leverage the Cornell name - a universal brand in wrestling - to start a new promotion that had the potential to rise up and challenge the Big 3 of the US - and potentially even become a household name worldwide.


After much deliberation and discussion, it was finally made official - Cornell Wrestling Club (CWC) and the CWC Network were formed.


Tommy managed to convince his brother, Edward, to join him in this new project, while the SWF legend and disgruntled ex-employee Peter Michaels agreed to join the promotion to add another familiar face.


As far as wrestlers go, there were always going to be limitations to start - anyone with main-event level popularity is currently signed to a written contract, meaning that the onus will be on Cornell and co to build new stars from the brighest young talent in North America (including the likes of Greg Gauge, Nelson Callum, El Mitico, Gargantuan, Hell's Bouncer, and Sayeed Ali).


The big name value of Cornell and Hall meant that CWC has instantly earned itself a cult following, with many interested in how arguably the greatest Western wrestler of his generation and the world's most well-respected genius (and his billions) will take on the established big names of US and global wrestling.

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I'd mercilessly bury him so hard. Just ask Paul Orndorff in my 1985 WWF game :D


I buried the crap out of vader before he ditched me. I thought I signed him to a written deal, but I guess it was only a exclusive ppa. He signed with new Japan for a touring deal and wouldn't put his name on a written deal for me.


So on his last show, he jobbed hard to the warrior. I think it was 5 minutes. Then later in the show he was put through a table but the warrior in the locker room.


Lastly he lost a bikini contest to ms. Elizabeth. Of course Randy savage laid him out after the bikini contest.


Safe to say, he was pretty upset. Oh well.

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