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Just booked my first major PPV in my WWF 94 game, making do with the roster I currently have. The plan right now is to have monthly IYH PPVs in between the "Big Five"


I plan on stretching Bret/Owen to Wrestlemania 11 somehow where they will end their feud in either a Submission or an I Quit match. As Jerry Lawler has joined forces with Owen and Neidhart, I plan on making him the next challenger for Bret's belt at IYH 2 after injuring British Bulldog (I'll most likely end their feud at Survivor Series.)


Also, I've recently acquired Vader from WCW so I'll most likely have him debut in the Lawler/Bret match where he demolishes Bret then goes on to beat Bulldog in a #1 contender match at the following IYH PPV. Think I'll have Vader take the belt off Bret at Survivor Series as I want Undertaker and Vader to headline Mania.


Plotting a Diesel/HBK feud too for Mania, which is the reason I've gave them the tag belts. Similar to actual events the two are gonna create tension and vacate the belts where a tournament will be held. This gives me an opportunity to introduce new workers and also build my tag division which is dead at the moment. Using current teams on my roster I will also introduce the likes of Malenko/Benoit, Cactus/Funk, Eddie/Chavo, Jericho/Storm and may pair Simon Diamond and Shane Douglas up as well.


The plan was to give Razor the IC belt and give him a lengthy reign also. Thankfully kept him away from WCW which I now regret as he pretty much fluffs every match and is unstable with substances. Rehab it is. Just need to find a worthy challenger to take the belt from Diesel.


(Interesting side note: In the post-Summerslam speeches I gave 'Undertaker' a vote of confidence after his awful match with Brian Lee...only I accidentally gave it to the Fake Taker instead, brilliant.)

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TCW: An accidental misclick led to Troy Tornado and Bryan Vessey taking the tag team belts off New Wave, the week after New Wave won them.


This has led to the new stable "Spoiler Alert" - consisting of Vessey, Tornado, Eddie Peak and the Canadian Animals. Peak was already involved in the Vessey - Bach storyline as Vessey's muscle.


Meanwhile, Josh Taylor and New Wave have teamed together. I just brought J.Ro in (PPA. Not going to make an offer that takes her out of the ring) as their manager. I see this possibly leading to a second stable, since the Emma Chase stable did wonders for me when booking SWF.

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The road to Wrestlemania 13. Here is what we will do.


Kane was introduced back at Summerslam. Unbeaten, killing people, in my version, The Undertaker will only face his brother when the time is right.


Rocky Cage is no more. He won the intercontinental title and soon turned heel. The die Rocky die sign he spotted was enough to push the change. He is now The Rock. Just speeding things up. Marc Mero is feuding with him at the minute.


Shawn Michaels wont have a match at Wrestlemania. (maybe) My version of losing his smile. He is my current champion and he brought the prestige back up to 88, but in my world, he says he suffered a severe concussion against Mankind. He has to vacate the title. Leaving my franchise player out of Wrestlemania doesn't make much sense. I'm doing it.


Austin won the Royal Rumble. Just like real life, Bret eliminates him, but the ref didn't see it. The final four were , Bret, Austin, Taker and Hunter. Yes, Hunter is making inroads, his team with Steven Regal has been glorious. The final four will compete for the vacant title at the February ppv. Undertaker will pin Hunter.


And then the time will be right for The Undertaker to face Kane. Nowhere bigger than a WWF title match at Wrestlemania.

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When DDP comes back from holiday in two months I need to very quickly repair some of the negative relationships caused by Scott Steiner turning about twenty people against him.


Do you have much success with meddling in these simmering tension relationships?? I'm thinking it might help to give Steiner a month off in order to fix as many as possible before he comes back and completely stuffs everything again.


I had a bit of success and got rid of four or five of them but that was across probably two and a half months worth of shows. If you're lucky then you might get rid of the bulk of them at which point you'll be fine, though if you've got anything worse than dislike on your roster I'd focus on that because by the time you get rid of a few of them another batch will probably turn up and you're back to square one.

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Currently have another 87 game going (plan on changing it up though)


Hulk Hogan defeated Andre the Giant at Wrestle Mania 3 and as he was celebrating the lights went out and Bruiser Brody arrived in the ring and pointed straight at Hogan. My plan is to have Brody go on a six or seventh month winning streak (he will win the title) and basically have a Rocky 3 storyline where Andre has to coach Hogan back up to defeat Brody at Rumble or Survivor Series

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Playing as SWF, I was building up Joey Morgan to be my new big deal, then in late February, on my B-Show, Valiant goes and pulls off a 100 rated promo about World Champ Remo in their time filler feud as I build towards Bruce/Remo at Supreme Challenge. Well now it might be a triple threat, because I'm starting to think Valiant is money. Trying to decide whether Valiant or Joey Morgan is going to be my new figurehead after Jack gets the boot for picking a fight with Richard Eisen.


Tentative Card for SWF's March Event (name escapes me)

Remo © vs. Valiant - SWF World Title

-Remo probably wins, but this feud has serious legs.


Jack Bruce vs. The Crippler - Last Man Standing

-Jack's promos are so money and I love this feud. This probably has to be the last meeting though because repetitive booking penalty.


Joey Morgan © vs. Brandon James - SWF North American Title

-After losing his feud to Valiant, Brandon wanted money and money comes with gold. Joey goes over.


American Machine vs. Eric Eisen

-Eisen ended Machine's undefeated streak to start the year by interfering and costing him a match against Rogue. Eisen probably wins here, but Machine might get a boost.


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Platinum Blondes vs. The Awesomeness - SWF Tag Team Titles

-Platinum Blondes have been cutting promos in the 70's where I just had them talk about the tag division, so they get inserted into the title feud. Probably will be a 4 team match at Supreme Challenge also including either Hero Squad, The Enterprise (Monty Trescarde & Sammy Smoke) or Spencer Spade & Steven Parker.


Also featured somehow: Skull DeBones, Rogue, Angry Gilmore, Jimmy Hernandez, Paul Huntingdon, Mikey Lau.

-Jimmy & Mikey are both undefeated so far this year. Hernandez promos in the 70's, so I usually have him talk on every show about something or another. Huntingdon is in my owner goals (get him to 71 Overness), so he'll probably either go after Gilmore to try to elevate him, or squash some midcarder. DeBones might face Rogue, or just cut a promo. I'm know I'm not doing Rogue/Gilmore, but I'm not positive who they're going to face.

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Turned on Injuries to High and well... Thats definitely getting its value..


1st show and my top 2 tag teams go at it just to kick off a big debut for my company. Syd Collier ends up giving Dean Waldorf a Major Concussion taking him out for over a year. New 4 months later another tag team gets taken out as Moroi gets hurt with a Herniated Spinal Disk and it out 9 1/2 months after surgery.


Injuries suck but I enjoy the new added challenge. Funny thing is that both injured tag workers are supposed to return the same exact time.

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I haven't played since TEW 2010 and I have to say I'm loving the backstage stuff.


So LOgan, Xavi, The Architect and Joji have created a clique. Fair enough I thought they're all positive influences it can only lead to a happier place. Untill Austin Smooth botched a move and injured The Architect. Smooth had already got heat for injuring Danger Kumasaka which I had to spend ages clearing up as Danger turned loads of the locker against Austin, including the Architect.


While the Architect was injured he started using painkillers. So now he's back from injury he's pissing off everyone in a match with him. But if I try to let him go the clique "recommend" that I don't do it. So what to do? Piss off half my main eventers or piss off the rest of the locker room. Love it. :)

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Paul Heyman is now the head-booker of RAW and Smackdown.

Brandsplit has been done.

Raw and Smackdown are now both 2.5 hours long.

Raw more mainstream while Smackdown is for the hardcore fans.

Smackdown has slowly been getting closer to the Raw ratings.

Huge amount of people have been future endeavored.

Crazy amount of talent has been brought in.


Most over people in the company are John Cena, Shinsuke Nakamura & Finn Balor.

People who are getting over with the crowd fast: Pentagon Jr, Kassius (Chris Hero), Trevor Ricochet(Ricochet)


Jay & Mark Vazquez(Briscoe's) are the most hated heels in the company with their racist gimmick. (Smackdown only)


Finn Balor defeated John Cena and Triple H in the main event of Wrestlemania to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

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Playing a HGC game in the CV '97 database. Changed it to TCW and set-up HGC as my child company. I wanted Rip Chord as my champ but Strong wouldn't let him go over so I had a screwy ending that held the title up, then debuted Floyd Goldworthy as the new onscreen authority, who gifted the title to Rip Chord, who formed his Gold Standard stable of himself, Brute Alexei, Eric Tyler, Johnny Martin and Jack Bruce, seeing Bruce as his heir as the partying superstar of the next generation, with the other three as 'muscle'. Strong is working solo but the Blazing Flames and Richie Pangrazzio are working together against Tyler, Martin & Bruce. Hopefully by the second PPV, Strong will be willing to put over Chord (who are now in a clique together with Micky Starr, and making everyone hate Dusty Streets).


I have the Demons of Rage feuding with The Vesseys over the tag titles while I build up some other teams (Tyler & Martin should be placed to challenge after going over the Flames, who I'm moving out of their feature spot). I've found some tag chemistry but not in partnerships that are grabbing me right now. I have the DeColt boys in development, along with Big Cat & Jungle Jack, Grunt & Stink, The Peak Brothers, Savage Fury & Tag Team Specialists, so pretty soon I'll have a very deep division to be getting on with.


Liberty is currently leeching popularity from Romeo Heartthrob and is the International Champion, and Mr Lucha is the Cruiserweight Champion.


BLZ Bubb is currently taking out Dusty Streets over the period of about three months. The final conclusion to that will be his new allies debuting to help finish off Streets. Right now they include Vengeance & Genghis Rahn, who are both in development but I borrow to use in Menace angles/Domination matches, seemingly randomly but building their aura before a mastermind reveals they and BLZ are part of a cohesive unit. I'm not sure I want to use Karen Killer in that role. I have The Guru on my roster but not sure he is right either. I just signed Shane Sneer so might use him, trying to take over to re-live his glory days. I'm toying with adding another figure or two to the group, maybe Runaway Train or the Peak Brothers. Going to build one of them to dethrone Sam Strong after he has overcome Chord and run with the built for a few months, but I'll see who makes the most strides during their initial run before I anoint a Chosen One (I'm hoping it'll be Vengeance). The plan is to build to a War Games style match, either before or after the title switch.


I have RDJ in development at the moment (because he was willing to go), so adding him to Bruce, Liberty, Bryan Vessey, Brent Hill & BLZ Bubb on the main roster already and Vengeance, Eddie Peak, Big Cat Brandon, the DeColts, Chris Morrisette, Rich Money and Angry Gilmore in development, and in a year or so I should have a very strong roster (and can move on all the old-timers). Another long-term plan, after the monsters make their mark on Strong, is to have Strong, Chord and another old-timer (maybe an unretired Micky Starr) forming a triumvirate to protect their power against a face-turned Jack Bruce and two of those guys, probably Liberty and RDJ, which gives me 18-months to get them in a place where they can realistically do it. Neither Strong nor Chord are on the Time Decline list so I can plan their retirements as long-term ventures rather than rushing into them.

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We are in March of 2016 as USPW.


We are still in first place as TCW and NOTBPW have both fallen to cult thanks to national battles with us.


We've hired some of the typical indy guys, Mitico, Callum, DWN, and others. Bringing in Marat help tip the National battle in our favor, but our main goal is to prep some of our better workers for prime spots in the ME. Namely Joss Thompson (SQ 92 same as Champion) and Damien (AKA Hell's Bouncer, personal favorite).


We've axed Petr Novak due to steroids to the Evil Russian tag team is no more which saddens me somewhat. We've also hired our first negative backstage worker in Scout, hopefully his partner comes due soon so I can snag a great tag team. In the meantime he better behave himself.


We lost out on Eddie Peak to the SWF, but to be honest I wasn't really trying THAT hard to snag him from TCW. We'll see how he does there, I like Eddie. Nicky Champion's contract comes due in 82 days so I've been building several backstage Strong Friendships with him and others to give him even more incentive to stick around.


Steve Frehley remains our World Champion having beaten Champion in his story line ending match thanks to an interfering Rich Money starting their feud. Frehley moves on to a main eventing Rick Law to help solidify the police officer in the main event.


Ross Henry is our National Champ as he's made his debut by helping The Force with his two on one situation with The Titans, a feud that's about to wrap up.


Casey Valentine remains our TV champ, having good chemistry with Donte Dunn. Dunn won't win, but it will help the Opener move up the card, hopefully.


The Towers of Power are our tag champs and I'm looking for a team to take it off of them as I've never been a huge fan of either men, especially as faces but we have far more heels than faces so we'll make due for now.


Melody remains Women's Champion, her feud with Gorgon is wrapping up, I may have Gorgon beat her for the belt, but we'll see. Ultimately I'd like both Sara M. York and Frost(Nadia Snow) to have runs with the belt so Gorgon winning may help facilitate that. I DO know that with creative control and Vastly higher pop than most of the other women, a returning Alicia Strong is NOT about to have that title anytime soon as I'd most likely never get the frelling thing off her. >.<

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Just started my "development brand" B show. I'm calling it Generation and treating it just like an NXT. When guys level out of RIPW I'm bringing them up to it. The tag division right now is Matty Faith and Ranger, Rich and Famous, and Gidayu Katou and Frankie Perez, whose momentum stalled big time on the main roster. The main event right now is Afro Sure, Lenny Brown, and Masked Patriot. Since I started it one month prior to the Supreme Challenge, I'm going to have a three way on the underground to crown the first champ.
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First Game for TEW16 I created a small-promotion in Australia called the Sydney Wrestling League. Idea is for it to be something like the Australian MAW, building the new stars of the future so I also created a new dojo for the company and turned worker generation to high.


I also created a few new workers based on an old e-fed I used to played in as well as a save game in 2013 and an old RTG game I played for 2010. I also imported the New Zealand-based MAW, AE and Beach Babes to get a few more promotions for Australia.


SWL is owned by my user character Peter Keating, is an integrated fed and currently has two recognized titles, the SWL Championship currently held by Danny Devia and the SWL Women Championship currently held by Kelly Lawson. I usually run two shows per month and there is no face/heel divide just so I can have a few more booking lee-way. Also high-risk moves and spinal impact moves are banned because too many workers were getting injured.


Danny Devia is my MVP after a couple of tours with PGHW he returned to the company as probably the best worker in Australia. He defeated his longtime friend and arch-rival Carl Holmes for the title and went on to defend it against challengers such as The Void, Fujihiro, The Kipper. Dexter Mattell and a rising star named Matthew Berry


Kelly Lawson has formed a stable with two other workers I created and is feuding with Trisha Devia, Danny's younger sister, Kochiyo Moto and Kalliope Woodchuck.


Backstage Devia has formed a clique with Carl Holmes, my announcer Zack Razor and Dexter Mattell. Devia also works for RA, in which he is the companies figurehead and likewise has a friendship with Devilfish, so if I ever hired DF I can expect him to join Devia's group of friends.


End of the first year and largely of the back of Devia and Moto I quickly rose to regional. I planned to have Fujihiro take the title of Devia at my first event of the year "New Year's R-Evolution" but Devia was angry at the decision and I didn't want to upset my most popular star especially when my company is at a vulnerable time so Devia walks away with the title in tact. Holmes and Void have also started a feud based on the fact the Holmes injured Void in a past match

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April 1997. Gorilla Monsoon steps down as WWF general manager. He steps down on Saturday night main event on BBC. That deal has been handy for non ppv. Anyway, Mike Tyson replaces him. Been rumors of Elegance (Hunter and Regal) bribing Referees due to a supposed fast count in their match with Road Warriors at Wrestlemania. Will Jack Doan be found guilty?


Bret is now Anti American. Booker T made a surprise debut at Wrestlemania. At WWF New York. :p


2 stables were formed the night after Wrestlemania. The Hart Foundation and Smackdown (the Rock, the Sultan, Justin Credible and Mark Henry)


Rey lost the cruiserweight title on his first defense. Waltman is now 2 time champion. The mask was on the line at Wrestlemania. Rey won the title, kept his mask and had his Wrestlemania moment. Watlman might be stoned most of the time, but his ratings are good. I like how this has built, their first match at 63, their last match at 78. I have some more cruiserweights blending in now, Helms, Billy Kidman. Shannon Moore keeps getting one night deals. I like to have plans for my men. Hardyz have just been brought up from development. I suppose he could be their buddy.


Undertaker is WWF champion. Mankind will be the next challenger. Paul Bearer pulled some shenanigans, it was meant to be Undertaker vs Kane at Wrestlemania, but it was made a three way instead (with Vsder) and Kane did not get involved. He just stood at ringside. Undertaker pinned Vader then Kane attacked Undertaker after the match. What? Sounds good in my mind. Kane will get his 1v1 at a later date.

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In the middle of May 2019 in my 0/0/0/0 game and Ricky Storm just got signed by TCW! Looks like he managed to surpass Leigh Burton from that first graduating class! Really liking how much more "open" companies seem to be with signing people from other regions in this game (at least from what I've noticed).
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So I simmed CV97 to July 2001 so that I could try and build USPW up right from the start. I'd already decided I was going to go for someone who'd been retired by injury as my UC (I ditched my original one to bring a new player in) and as luck would have it, the most recent retiree was Big Smack Scott!


So, Giant Redwood as owner. The Smacker as booker. What could possibly go wrong?


What do you mean, EVERYTHING?!


First ever show is Independence Day Slam!, kicking off with Scotty himself's rambling 10 minute promo, which the crowd eat up. (D, his egomaniac gimmick is great.)


Matches that night:

Grace Harper becomes our first women's champion, beating Cherry Bomb. (D)

In a surprisingly good eight man match helped by some great gimmick ratings, The New Wave, John Maverick and Jack Griffith beat Rico Santana, Gareth Wayne, Dario Shelton and Lionheart Lawson, Maverick forcing Dario to submit. (C-)

Demon Anger and Giant Redwood beat Hard-1 and Whisky Jack, Redwood hitting a standing splash on Hard-1. (D-)

In the World title tourney semi-final, Eden Layman beats Cap'n Crush, who nearly collapses with exhaustion in a 13 minute match, worryingly. (D+)

In the other semi, Corporal Doom beats Tom Angelus. ©

And in the final, Doom beats Layman to become our first champion. (C+)


C rating overall.


Post-show, Scott tears into Hard-1, Jack and Crush. (Look, I CAN'T buy Scott praising people. This is going to be 'ruling with an iron fist'!)

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We are in March of 2016 as USPW.


We are still in first place as TCW and NOTBPW have both fallen to cult thanks to national battles with us.


We've hired some of the typical indy guys, Mitico, Callum, DWN, and others. Bringing in Marat help tip the National battle in our favor, but our main goal is to prep some of our better workers for prime spots in the ME. Namely Joss Thompson (SQ 92 same as Champion) and Damien (AKA Hell's Bouncer, personal favorite).


We've axed Petr Novak due to steroids to the Evil Russian tag team is no more which saddens me somewhat. We've also hired our first negative backstage worker in Scout, hopefully his partner comes due soon so I can snag a great tag team. In the meantime he better behave himself.


We lost out on Eddie Peak to the SWF, but to be honest I wasn't really trying THAT hard to snag him from TCW. We'll see how he does there, I like Eddie. Nicky Champion's contract comes due in 82 days so I've been building several backstage Strong Friendships with him and others to give him even more incentive to stick around.


Steve Frehley remains our World Champion having beaten Champion in his story line ending match thanks to an interfering Rich Money starting their feud. Frehley moves on to a main eventing Rick Law to help solidify the police officer in the main event.


Ross Henry is our National Champ as he's made his debut by helping The Force with his two on one situation with The Titans, a feud that's about to wrap up.


Casey Valentine remains our TV champ, having good chemistry with Donte Dunn. Dunn won't win, but it will help the Opener move up the card, hopefully.


The Towers of Power are our tag champs and I'm looking for a team to take it off of them as I've never been a huge fan of either men, especially as faces but we have far more heels than faces so we'll make due for now.


Melody remains Women's Champion, her feud with Gorgon is wrapping up, I may have Gorgon beat her for the belt, but we'll see. Ultimately I'd like both Sara M. York and Frost(Nadia Snow) to have runs with the belt so Gorgon winning may help facilitate that. I DO know that with creative control and Vastly higher pop than most of the other women, a returning Alicia Strong is NOT about to have that title anytime soon as I'd most likely never get the frelling thing off her. >.<


Always good to see a fellow USPWer! I like the fact you kept the title on Frehley, something that i couldn't bring myself to do. Watch out for Champion going to SOTBPW, they seem to have huge financial muscle. took me 81k and a lot of perks to keep Champion on board, and him being figurehead and World Champ for me meant i had to throw it at him. Yeah i got rid of Novak too, he signed with TCW soon after. They also fell to cult in the first two months after losing in the national battle. Khoklov is an absolute must to win that for us though. Did you open a developmental territory at all? I had Ross Henry down there for a while and bought him up to tag with Caulfield, but its cool that you are pushing him in a singles run. I'm in the process of getting Law into the main event, but there doesn't seem to be a spot with Champion, Enygma and Justice all still main event faces who are more over, and crucial to the national battle (well not Enygma but he has that clause that he cant be pushed below main event so i keep him somewhat strong anyway). Good on you for pushing on with the Women's division, after doing the Melody-Gorgon-York story i originally came up with in mine, i ended up scrapping the whole division because i had no good ideas on how to push it.

PS Do you watch Farscape? Because thats an interesting use of the word 'frelling' that i dont hear outside of that show haha.

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I have a AAA game in December 2016 atm. All is going well, running one big show and another regular show every month. Getting C or C+ grades for most shows and working on bringing more shows to the South West and getting cult status eventually.


Joanne Rodriguez is my top main eventer and current Champion, just out of a feud with Jaime Quine which got me one of my best matches ever... and then NOTBPW decided to sign Quine and Nadia Snow (one of my best workers) to written deals. :( Quine had her last match against Rodriguez at the latest show and I've moved my monthly show ahead a week so I can have Nadia Snow and Demelza Wade drop the belts before she leaves.


I was pretty bleh about having a title called the "Top Contenders" belt for a midcard title, so I've retired that belt and brought in the AAA United States title. I'm holding a 4 man mini tournament between Hellcat Hernandez, Steph Blake (the last Top Contenders champ), Wendy Anderson and the newly signed Foxxy LaRue. I am also signing Danielle Sweetheart to help fill the void left by Snow and Quine leaving.

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Just had my Hardcore Heaven 1996 PPV for ECW and some big things happened. The Dudley Boyz regained the ECW World Tag Team Championships from the Steiner Brothers just one month after losing them. Rick's painkiller habit became too much of a hindrence and was making Scott incredibly unhappy every time he had to work with him. Unfortunately, Rick turned up high at Hardcore Heaven and pushed Scott over the edge, and handed in his notice to the company. So Scott left, and Rick was let go, the only reason I even kept Rick was because Scott would be pissed if I let him go.


On to the TV title scene and we have a new champion in the form of Rocky, who has really taken off in the last few months. Rocky's win however came in controversial fashion as the Canadian Connection (Edge & Christian) interfered on Rocky's behalf to finally dethrone Rob Van Dam, who had held title for 7 months. Later on in the night, Rocky and the Canadian Connection would be known as the New Age.


In the ECW World Heavyweight Championship picture, Steve Austin is still kicking ass, having been placed as the figurehead 4 months ago. Austin spent 3 months fueding with Tommy Dreamer, and really pulled Dreamer to the top, with Dreamer pulling out A rated performances both in the ring and on the microphone since his fued with Austin, becoming the number 3 franchise player, behind Austin and Chris Jericho. After defeating Dreamer, Austin moved on to Cactus Jack and Cactus is enjoying the same success that Tommy did, pulling out consistent A performances, and pushing through to that next level. Im not sure if the figurehead takes any effect immediately but since Austin became figurehead, our ratings have gone from 0.21 to hitting 0.34 on the Hardcore Heaven go home show. Exciting times ahead, currently on C- in tri-state and D- in New England, so really hoping to reach Cult soon to sign Austin to a written deal. He just hit A pop in New England and B+ in Tri-State, Great Lakes and South East so its only a matter of time before WWF and WCW come calling.


Unfortunately, Austin, Jericho, RVD, and Rocky all were signed by AJPW so we had to move our taping day to Friday, however this means that Chris Jericho can not appear on our show as he is with CMLL on the same day. Raven's Nest is growing substancially, both Raven and Kurrgan are dominating every opponent they are being handed, and Kurrgan is unbeaten since his debut in February. Planning on pushing Kurrgan and Raven to become the next Tag Team Champions in a few months, Kurrgan's Giant gimmick has reached legendary status and the guy is improving at a very surprising rate.


The loss of the Steiner Brothers means that we have to build up more tag teams as they both were in the top 5 Franchise Players. Sabu was resigned and the plan will be for him to come to Rob Van Dam's aid, alongside Tommy Dreamer, to take down the New Age

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