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Small Questions Thread & "Living FAQ"

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Well, first thing I'd do is run a yearlong watcher game to see how/if the mod works. Lot of issues reported with just converted mods (broadcasting stuff, for example) and it would suck to get a year into a save only to find out that most of the new features don't work (or don't work right).


After the save is started, I spend the first day checking the roster, cutting dead weight and extending all the people I want to keep. I also shortlist everyone I'm even remotely interested in (Filter -> Female -> Shortlist All). I don't start hiring until Wednesday or Thursday of Week 1 so the AI promotions can do their normal roster purges (happens all the time). I'm also figuring out my plans for title lineages (and new titles, if I see fit). Also, I plan out my first 10 or so storylines (not all started at once, of course). I change the day of all monthly/annual events to Sunday Week 4 too.


I've been following the same script for so long that it's pretty much second nature at this point.


Probably a stupid question but what is a watcher game and how do you do it? Is it just skipping ahead last all the shows?

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Probably a stupid question but what is a watcher game and how do you do it? Is it just skipping ahead last all the shows?


Start unemployed and just advance. Depending on what you're interested in, you can look over the daily news stories, or just advance a few months/years and take a look at how workers/promotions/etc. doing compared to the beginning of the game. I typically do day by day watchers that last a couple years when the mood strikes me.

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Is there a way to see if a worker who is not on your roster is in physical decline?


Open their profile


Click 'Skills'


Click 'Track Progress'


Now, depending on if you play with fog of war or not (and whether you view numbers or grades), look at the stats you're most interested in. When you go from left to right, if those stats go down, then they're in decline. The faster those stats go down, the deeper into decline the worker is.

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Is there a way to import a worker mid-game from another database while keeping their face/heel gimmicks intact? I always get it switched over to None/None even when I'm using the same gimmick file in both databases. Basically cosmetic but it would be cool if I could get it working.





In your game(cant be during the booking phase) go to the Options screen. Than click Import Data, Select the database you want and find the worker. Check him and click import

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Do we not get the penalty for changing a gimmick (and turn) too soon anymore? I swear I can't see any reference of it in the gimmick screen.


You do; it'll tell you if someone has turned/changed gimmick too recently.

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Probably a stupid question but what is a watcher game and how do you do it? Is it just skipping ahead last all the shows?


A watcher game is just that -- one where you are watching the world. You don't have a company that you're in charge of, you just exist in the universe. This way you can auto-advance however long you want, and check what's going on in the game. It's helpful if you want to see how things develop, etc..

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I'm a billionaire user owner... how do I add my own money into my company


Use the editor to add cash injections as needed? Otherwise, I don't know. It might be possible to set a narrative before you start the game but I haven't ever used that option.

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Is there a way to see if a worker who is not on your roster is in physical decline?


You could also do a one night only deal so they are on your roster, but not committed, then check creative. I haven't tried that, but think it would wok.


Yes, this works.

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I know, I was going to book him using menace, but do I only book him (since he gets a boost from her managing), or do I book him & Harper in the angle? What would convey to the game engine that Harper is talking and he is there?


As already mentioned, rate Harper on her entertainment skills in the angle. My basic rule of thumb: I rate the worker in the angle on whatever the focus is in the angle. So, if the focus is on Grace Harper's talking, I rate her on entertainment. If the focus is on her just standing there looking good even though she talks a bit, I rate her on sex appeal or overness or I just leave her as the manager of Khoklov.


Similarly, if Khoklov were to cut a promo on his own, but it's not about what he says, but about how menacing he is, I'd rate him on menace, even though he's talking throughout the whole segment. In order to not exploit the system too much, I limit an angle like that to one or two minutes because anything longer would make the audience think "What is he talking about?" So, at that point he would then be actually rated=judged by his entertainment skills.


Hope that makes sense for you.

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Sorry if this has been asked before or if it's obviously in the handbook and I'm over looking it... buuut.


So, I'm trying to save a couple of smaller promotions.


I don't want to buy them out. I like the current situation of using them as feeder leagues without having to worry about any real cost.


But the writing is on the wall for them.


I know in previous versions you could give money.


How do I keep them financially solvent without outright buying them? I know it has to be possible somehow, but there doesn't seem to be a "Here, have money little guy." button.


I can't be a proper Vince McMahon pastiche without my talented but fiscally unfortunate Heymans. :(

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Sorry if this has been asked before or if it's obviously in the handbook and I'm over looking it... buuut.


So, I'm trying to save a couple of smaller promotions.


I don't want to buy them out. I like the current situation of using them as feeder leagues without having to worry about any real cost.


But the writing is on the wall for them.


I know in previous versions you could give money.


How do I keep them financially solvent without outright buying them? I know it has to be possible somehow, but there doesn't seem to be a "Here, have money little guy." button.


I can't be a proper Vince McMahon pastiche without my talented but fiscally unfortunate Heymans. :(

I believe you can edit the amount of money they have in the in-game editor.

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Anyone know how long it takes for an event that is 'Highly Regarded' to become 'Legendary'? I've looked at the help files in-game and through the forums but can't find a definitive answer. Maybe there isn't a set time frame; I'm thinking it depends on longevity and also putting on good shows, but anyone have a ball park idea?
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Anyone know how long it takes for an event that is 'Highly Regarded' to become 'Legendary'? I've looked at the help files in-game and through the forums but can't find a definitive answer. Maybe there isn't a set time frame; I'm thinking it depends on longevity and also putting on good shows, but anyone have a ball park idea?


There is no time frame. It depends on the actual quality of the show.

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Sorry if this has been asked before or if it's obviously in the handbook and I'm over looking it... buuut.


So, I'm trying to save a couple of smaller promotions.


I don't want to buy them out. I like the current situation of using them as feeder leagues without having to worry about any real cost.


But the writing is on the wall for them.


I know in previous versions you could give money.


How do I keep them financially solvent without outright buying them? I know it has to be possible somehow, but there doesn't seem to be a "Here, have money little guy." button.


I can't be a proper Vince McMahon pastiche without my talented but fiscally unfortunate Heymans. :(


I don't have the game in front of me, but if you have a working relationship with them I think you can initiate a trade and give them cash for one of their workers.

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I'm learning a lot about the contract system this time around. I've lost some bidding wars that I couldn't figure out but now I'm getting the hang of it.


First, prestige (and influence) matters more than money (or at least seems to). I've lost some bidding wars where I had the most money on the table but the worker went with another bidder for less money, seemingly because they had more prestige. Same promotion size (Cult), I had wider distribution (worldwide as opposed to just in my home country), and the only real difference was promotion prestige (I had the edge in momentum each time too). It's either that or the AI values PPV bonuses more than upfront, guaranteed money which would be an exploit of the highest order.


Example: Rain


Dragon Gate's offer: $1500 a month, 4 years, role: whatever is needed, 10% PPV bonus, $768 signing bonus


My offer: $2000 a month, 10 years, exclusively as a manager, $25,000 signing bonus.


My offer is clearly superior and pays out more upfront and over time.


I've found the key clue is when they're considering offers. If you're not the only offer they're considering (and that could change from day to day), then you have to look at the other stuff (size, prestige, friends/relatives on the roster, etc).


Given the role I had planned for Rain (heel authority figure), I should've just gone up on the offer ($2500 a month would've won the bid outright, I think). But it's a neat tidbit to know that a piddly PPV bonus might be more valuable to a worker than an outright higher base pay amount and/or signing bonus.

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Open their profile


Click 'Skills'


Click 'Track Progress'


Now, depending on if you play with fog of war or not (and whether you view numbers or grades), look at the stats you're most interested in. When you go from left to right, if those stats go down, then they're in decline. The faster those stats go down, the deeper into decline the worker is.


I would add that the stamina stat is the key one I always check as this is always the clearest.

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