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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41198" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If the cover the same area as your network, very likely</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, that's what it was. Lowered my pop in Canada, canceled the contract with MLS, and I got an email the next day that Hollyweird TV has begun its run on HGC Network.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks Bigpapa!</p>
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a few days in and seriously love EVERYTHING just about so so much...but this momentums just killing it all for me, i miss the letter gradings so much that i think i might just stick with tew13 even WITH all the changes...it sucks but the whole minor positive stuff leaves waaaay too much wiggle room between my hottest workers, and not having it on the roster overview anymore just makes everything a pain for me, it was one of my most tracked features when it comes to keeping tabs on who my hottest workers are, now instead of having a*'s and a's (easy to differentiate) i now just have a bunch of positives.......i may be whinging and the only one with this problem it seems but i STRONGLY think the game would do well with the letter gradings back, or even (wishful thinking) an old 1-100 pop grading like ewr....i HATE that such a small small feature is making me reconsider getting the game though, cause besides that one thing everything else is amazing, that one thing is just a massive dealbreaker though :-(...what to do what to do...
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Devine_Limits" data-cite="Devine_Limits" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41198" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I seen something about not being able to purchase this game fully when It comes out may 2nd???, can't find the post somebody posted was just wondering why would this be??</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Because this is a demo. The full game isn't out yet.</p><p> </p><p> Why release a movie trailer a year before you put it in theaters?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Devine_Limits" data-cite="Devine_Limits" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41198" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I seen something about not being able to purchase this game fully when It comes out may 2nd???, can't find the post somebody posted was just wondering why would this be??</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not sure what that was in reference to... you'll be able to buy it in all the usual ways. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> Maybe the post you saw was relating to that specific user not being able to purchase it for some personal reason?</p>
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Okay, this was all done with the initial demo, but I didn't see my issue, if it is an issue, addressed which is why I'm posting this here and not in the bug forum.


I ran a show with a custom fed started at the Medium difficulty, thus a Regional promotion with 40 pop across the US. I had managed to get on PPV on MySelectUSA which is Small coverage all over the US, but the only timeslots it would give me was Graveyard (I didn't actually check as I thought On Demand was a better option) or On Demand which is what I chose. The show was a great success at a 64 so a full 24 points over my pop with a Medium Positive trending product, and I check my pop gain and see a whopping 0.2 gain only in the area I ran the show. The wrestlers gained a few points of pop all across the US like they should, but if this is all you gain from a PPV, that's pretty brutal.


So, is the On Demand level working properly? Is it supposed to be that bad? Why did the home area not grow like it has in the past? I mean I got a 0.01 buyrate (8,090 buys), and I've had much better pop gains with 0.00 buys.


Okay feedback.


1)Who thought it was a great idea to remove the match time sliders? Seriously, that is the worst thing in the new game. Please bring them back. They've been in since 2005, and I've never seen anyone complain about them. Not everyone abuses things and not everything that can be abused by the player should be removed from the game.


2)I'm not exactly thrilled with the new match aim feature. If you're running an Eye Candy-only Women's only fed, they're only there to see Eye Candy matches, and those matches shouldn't be "Cool the crowd" matches. Also, it would be helpful if there was a tooltip specific to specialty match lengths since they seem to be unchanged from previous versions, but the game scares you into thinking you need to run longer matches. Yes, I know I can turn that off, but I think with some tweaks I wouldn't have to when running that type of fed.


3)This one is big. There needs to be much more feedback on the Broadcaster screen. Yeah, you should know that if you're Regional, a Huge or even Big coverage isn't going to be interested in you, and if you're running a product they don't like, that is shown. The issue is that you basically have to up your Production levels all the way up until you find their minimum level. For instance, I had to go up to HDTV to get on the PPV carrier. It would be great if there was a spot that told you that before you randomly stumble upon it. I don't want to go to the Editor to figure that out.


Other than that, I like the game. I do find it funny that the CV is held up as the best mod on the planet because it doesn't produce skewed results, yet I saw 4 MOTY candidates in 2 weeks time, including one being a No Decision finish in SOTBW. Not an indictment or anything, but as soon as new mods are made, that kind of result would be blasted as an unbalanced mod.


Sorry, I'm copying my post since it was moved as it was evidently in the wrong forum so no one saw it. Can I get an answer on my issue? Is that a normal PPV show gain now? If a +24 show/pop ratio only results in a 0.2 gain, that's going to end me getting this game as that's brutal (not to mention the lack of any pop elsewhere in the US).

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guess im alone on the whole momentum/pop thing haha, if its a case of me just not understanding it right can someone explain to me how it works or how its better?.......i just cant fathom how the loose term of positive or major positive is more precise than the letter gradings, or better yet a numeric system would be, and not having it at a glance on the roster overview :-(....once again though bar this point i cant stress enough how much i love it all, just dunno if i will crossover to it still sadly :-(
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I've played through the demo twice as 4C. Only a few of shows, so barely scratched the surface.


I like the little touches I've seen so far - individual match ratings, multi-advance to next show and a worker backing down on his complaint at losing after his opponent cracked his knuckles (based on menace?).


The interface is a real battle, though. Aside from being stuck in such a tiny window (accentuated on a 1440p screen), the information I need just isn't readily available.


When starting a new game, or running a big company, it's so helpful to know at a glance what workers can do.


In 2010, it was helpfully summarised at the bottom of a worker's roster page. Clearly defined and relevant categories, bright colours, consistent positioning. In seconds I could work out broadly what a worker was good and bad at. Further, I could sort them by skills in the roster overview screen, and export all the stats to Excel to manipulate as needed.


2016 has none of that, and it's displayed in such a way that quite a bit of time is required to assess it. No colours, inconsistent categories and inconsistent values.


I appreciate that it's a result of the fog of war system, but other games implement that without compromising usability. Turning off the fog of war at least makes it consistent, but it's still a lump of white text with no clear summary.


What I'd really like to see is at least one or a combination of:


- A summary of key skills on the roster page


- Colour coding on the roster page


- Showing relevant skills when selecting workers for angles, like the commentary screen - ie. if it's an overness role, it shows their overness, if it's a mic role it shows their mic skills, etc.

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guess im alone on the whole momentum/pop thing haha, if its a case of me just not understanding it right can someone explain to me how it works or how its better?.......i just cant fathom how the loose term of positive or major positive is more precise than the letter gradings, or better yet a numeric system would be, and not having it at a glance on the roster overview :-(....once again though bar this point i cant stress enough how much i love it all, just dunno if i will crossover to it still sadly :-(


I can see why the momentum not appearing on the roster overview screen would bother you, but as for the terms being less precise than a letter grade - I'm not certain here - but I'd hazard a guess and say that that's probably the point. It's more true to how you'd judge or describe a wrestler's momentum in real life than giving them one of eighteen grades.

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When it comes to injuries happening, it seems like even on low, there's more injuries than I'd expect. In one show for ECW in the War of the Immortals mod imported from 2013, both Dreamer and Kronus have had muscle strains. In one brief watcher, there were about 10 injuries around the world within a month. Jesus, imagine setting it on the "Extreme" setting that's been discussed previously.
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Game is great so far. The interface takes some time getting used to and momentum as well but so far I'm already excited, I enjoy the freeform angles, that's an excellent addition and the autobooker will surely be a massive help for larger companies.


I noticed USPW signs the same guys over and over, as does everyone else. It MAKES sense though since it's all about star quality now. I kind of like that, one thing I don't like is how harsh the production is for regional. I can understand Cult requiring top of the line production but regional? It's strange because without having top of the line production values on everything you lose about 18 points of show grade. That's brutal.


Basically the best solution here would make feeder promotions NOT count. Since RIPW has like high quality everything because SWF owns them. Other than that the game is a great improvement already I feel.

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Because this is a demo. The full game isn't out yet.


Why release a movie trailer a year before you put it in theaters?


Ya sorry i forgot to put in on paypal lol, i read somewhere someone said sucks we wont be able to purchase through paypal or something along those lines and then said the negative about e-license and i was wondering if there was any truth to that because i havent been able to get a greydog game purchased go thru since i started buying these games (tew series, wmma series, cbh .. And so on, i've had to purchase through paypal only.....sorry i guess it was going thru my mind when writing that faster than i typed.


Thank you for the replies, appreciated

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guess im alone on the whole momentum/pop thing haha, if its a case of me just not understanding it right can someone explain to me how it works or how its better?.......i just cant fathom how the loose term of positive or major positive is more precise than the letter gradings, or better yet a numeric system would be, and not having it at a glance on the roster overview :-(....once again though bar this point i cant stress enough how much i love it all, just dunno if i will crossover to it still sadly :-(


I felt the same way at first. The letter grades don't tell you what's actually a good momentum to have, though. Obviously A and A* should give you bonuses, probably B+, but sometimes B would and sometimes it wouldn't. The way I see it, this is just telling you whether or not they have good momentum. I still miss the letter/number grades, though. I liked the pretty colors.

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When it comes to injuries happening, it seems like even on low, there's more injuries than I'd expect. In one show for ECW in the War of the Immortals mod imported from 2013, both Dreamer and Kronus have had muscle strains. In one brief watcher, there were about 10 injuries around the world within a month. Jesus, imagine setting it on the "Extreme" setting that's been discussed previously.


I ran a month on Extreme. There was an injury just about every day. I turned it down to High and it's still super frequent. Glad to see that got tweaked, it seemed like even on High they were infrequent before.

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Uh, why? If you follow the CGC saga, it makes perfect sense for Ricky to bolt. Remember, Alex was the reason Steve left and he's run the promotion into the ground, just about. He's turning into Caligula so forcing Ricky to stay seems gamey to me.


Besides, go look in the database editor. Jack is one of the only people on CGC's roster with a contract of a fixed duration (3 years). That tells me it's intentional and that Jack is meant to stick around and suffer Alex before he gets poached too (and he will). Jack's probably not going to TCW (at least not while Nate Johnson is still there) so that means he'll likely be the central figure of a bidding war between SWF and USPW sometime in 2019. If CGC loses Jack, stick a fork in 'em.


Again, the Cornellverse's narrative continues from one game to the next. If you follow it, many of the changes make sense. If you don't then TCW just happened to find themselves in financial trouble all of a sudden and Steve DeColt was poached by NOTBPW and INSPIRE never happened so there is no aftermath. In other words, the changes seem willy-nilly and random.


Should make it sense giving Ricky DeColt a written contract? Yes. It will keep the DeColt legacy alive. George DeColt chose Alex over Steve, Jack and Ricky because Alex was the only one able to carry his legacy. Steve didn't like and still doesn't like CGC product, Jack couldn't and can't handle any kind of real pressure and Ricky at that time was too young. Ricky has always been loyal to the family, taking Alex's side during the CGC owner change and Jack's side against Nate Johnson. He's also the best owner CGC could have now, slightly better than Alex, but with the same vision.


I could see the contract situation in a similar scenario happened in TNA recently. Change all contracts to PPA then renew the existing ones to written with less wage, reason why Trent Shaffer went to USPW. All the written are new signing made by Alex aside Jack's. When his contract will expire he will be 41. I don't see a global warfare for his services, aside maybe NOTBPW.


I know a lot of changes make sense, don't teach me a history lesson. The choice of Phil Vibert over Steve DeColt make sense, facts proven because CGC is 2013 and 2014 was in a better position than 2010. Phil Vibert leaving make sense, which is also ironic considering a lot of people left DAVE. Richard Eisen not giving up the SWF ownership while HGC-TCW and USPW changed owner for the third time made sense. MPWF dying in the same way it was born make sense. BSC gone because they changed their product make sense. The INSPIRE crisis that reveal Kikkawa is a masterful politician make sense. Steve DeColt going to NOTBPW to hurt his brother make sense. Pretending Alex DeColt will become Caligula, will nominate an horse senator and will be killed by the pretorians could make sense but is gamey as well.

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Sorry, I'm copying my post since it was moved as it was evidently in the wrong forum so no one saw it. Can I get an answer on my issue? Is that a normal PPV show gain now? If a +24 show/pop ratio only results in a 0.2 gain, that's going to end me getting this game as that's brutal (not to mention the lack of any pop elsewhere in the US).


Being on a graveyard TV slot will give you pretty slow gains as there are far fewer people able to see you. You can get faster gains on better slots (an with larger networks) but you may not be able to get those until far later... picking a smaller network with a Prime Time slot would likely be better for your gains, but you'd probably make less money in. That's the tradeoff.


guess im alone on the whole momentum/pop thing haha, if its a case of me just not understanding it right can someone explain to me how it works or how its better?.......i just cant fathom how the loose term of positive or major positive is more precise than the letter gradings, or better yet a numeric system would be, and not having it at a glance on the roster overview :-(....once again though bar this point i cant stress enough how much i love it all, just dunno if i will crossover to it still sadly :-(


Momentum is now more or less the old Recent Fortunes feature with a lot of tweaking. It doesn't fit onto the same 0-100 scale, it simply moves slowly depending on how well you are booking a worker over time. :)


I ran a month on Extreme. There was an injury just about every day. I turned it down to High and it's still super frequent. Glad to see that got tweaked, it seemed like even on High they were infrequent before.


So much pain! :p

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I remember when you had to pay £25 for a "season update" disk for Championship Manager. I thought those days were gone.


2016 is exactly the same game as 2013. Looks the same; dated and inaccessible on certain newer machines. Plays the same; becomes boring after a few shows because it's a pretty dry game.


I mainly play Shimmer or women's promotions and the only thing that has changed is occasionally one of my workers disappears to have a baby.


Most importantly for me, the improvements to development just aren't enough to warrant me purchasing this version. I can choose the tag teams in my child company, I can change a workers name...but I can't choose the workers gimmick, I can't give my Booker fair warning that I will be bringing up the champion for a main roster run, letting them drop the belt meaningfully, rather than just vacating the title. I can't have a say in who is pushed, or whether they should be the next big star. That is all dealt with by the AI, which I'm not sure has improved enough for me to let them have full control; in my first week a newly formed tag team of Austin Aries & Apollo Crews are NXT Tag Team Champions...hmm!


Most importantly, I still don't understand why a user is not able to book a development fed themselves, either as a standalone, or as part of booking the parent company.


Very disappointed with the lack of actual improvement in the game. I appreciate how hard it is to code something that everyone is happy with, and even to code some of the things that I would like, or others would like, but this just feels like a data update so far.

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Some TEW Feedback from testing the demo.


Sticky Window Feature

This is good but the popup windows bizarrely are appearing in the centre of my screen. These should appear in the centre of the parent window, otherwise the sticky window feature is pointless. I appreciate this means you'd have a lot of UI forms to go through and implement this, but I really think this will aid usability on large monitors. I have a 2560*1080 resolution and this is one of my biggest bug bears.



There are far too many popup windows and it is distracting. Been the case for years now. Modal Windows should be used to draw attention to the user about important events and information, not as a way of servicing the main user experience.

It is made even worse by having to go through a popup and then getting a second one.

At the very least, only one popup window should ever be needed, and ideally almost everything should be done on the main UI.



Generally a big plus for me, though it seems quite noisy and cluttered. The text on the buttons is rather small on these as well as through the UI.



Been a number of years now the game has been using Arial (I think) for its main game font. Would be really refreshing to change this up for a future version to something else that is standard on Windows. I'd actually find something like Verdana more readable to read at the text sizes we are currently getting.


The text sizes on buttons are a size or two too small (see Roster screen as a great example of a ludicrous button size with a long text label), and some button labels are pretty long. It will look tidier to switch to Icons in some more cases with the labels in the tooltips.


Top Menu bar

Nice to see the date prominently featured. Couple of problems on the top menu bar:

  • Help button doesn't work. I assume you're realising your user doc for this on Monday?
  • Why is the back button half way across the top bar? Seems contrary to what is the standard in other applications and what users would expect.


Help System


The handbook is a great new addition. Only gripes with this are some immersion breaking entries. I don't think Destiny roll should really be in there. It makes TEW feel more of a card game than a simulation, reading this.


Help buttons like (?) are literally everywhere. The information is generally helpful but again it feels like the content on the screen is not explained well enough, so there is a ? For everything. It would be nicer to make the top menu (?) screen section aware, and display the relevant panel help. At the moment I feel like the game is treating me like an idiot.


What I would really like to have is a way to open up the game's help information separately through another window or a mass document.


It could also help to provide a help database and editor for screens so users can contribute to the help sections.




Didn't think it looked nice at first but after a couple of hours I have settled on it. I think the lack of a the main accent colour changing (blue/gold) are reasons why people initially felt that not much has changed. A splash of colour difference can go a long way to making the game feel fresh, and for me it didn't accomplish that on a first impression.


Some gameplay feedback:


- The broadcaster addition is decent but setting up specials is too confusing and lacking flexibility with mods.

- Bring back proper use of Taped shows. There's definitely ways to improve the Taped vs Live dynamic, but treating taped as live with a much promoted Monday Night Wars feature is immersion breaking.

- The show summary results section reads the wrong way round for me. I get the promotional poster analogy, but reading it in the form of a diary means this is just the wrong way round.

- I too would prefer the booking to be in a sequential, as things happen order from top down.

- Freestyle Angles is a big plus for users like me. Well done.

- Road Agent Notes. Love the new additions but things are very crowded now and hard to navigate. It is going to take a lot of time understanding the new additions in order to use this quickly.

- Auto Booker is great. Would be nice to set a number of matches, or even an option to use Auto Booker for everything except what you've already booked. It has some rooms for improvements I think and when I've tested things more I will make some suggestions.

- Data Dump feature is lacking in some really key tables that would make this immense to use, such as Roster lists, attributes and the like. I think it would also help a lot to just output these to text in CSV format do users can open in Excel rather than Access.

- I would like to be able to set a mod to use a specific skin, so the skin changes when I set the mod.

- Mod specific theme music would be great as well.

- Body Types is a disappointment for me. I was really hoping for height and weight attributes.


General Comments


- The 48 week date system is immersion breaking. It's been an annoyance of mine for a few years now and I know this is well documented. I would like to see a return to a real Gregorian calendar and the game to reschedule shows automagically at the turn of the year, keeping shows on the same date of the week at roughly the same time of each month.

- The Show results experience is generally soulless. There is very little match detail and often worth ignoring.

- Booking Angles is very gamey generally. I would like to see set angles like EWR had, and a storyline system used to react to what I'm trying to do.

- Taped shows should really have the potential to do multiple tapings at an event, and there should be drawbacks to using taped vs live.

- A table UI when looking at the roster to view things like attributes etc for everyone at once would be great.


Overall comment, TEW has more detail (not necessarily depth) than ever. As a Wrestling Booker to share stories this is definitely something I would buy. However, UI and immersion gripes are particularly grating and something I think TEW can improve upon still. Ultimately, I think the game looks like a simulation, but feels like a card game. Over the coming weeks/months I will still be playing a lot and providing feedback and bug reports where I can. I might revise my review score up a bit with a prolonged play career but don't think I can shake the feeling I was left expecting more.


Score: 6/10.

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- The show summary results section reads the wrong way round for me. I get the promotional poster analogy, but reading it in the form of a diary means this is just the wrong way round.

You can switch the order of the show results under user preferences.

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As someone who is tired of the further dive into idiocracy that websites have delved into in an attempt to look KICK ASS! and EXTREME!; trying to have the entire website on one page; or everyone trying to force mobile design onto everyone else (let's just ignore the fact that you'll still need PCs for day to day use at the office), I gladly welcome the current TEW interface. That's all I'm going to say on that subject as I'm not going to get into a long drawn out flamewar that the mods will have to delete anyway.
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