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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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All we need is TV Slots back *clap clap* TV slots back *clap back*.


I quite frankly think that omission trumps everything else. Do we need Mask Histories or Scandals more than TV Slots?


TV Slots are now Broadcast Slots - it's the same thing, just renamed.

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A lot of great changes and crazy things happening in the Cornellverse. I am still pretty bummed about the talent trade situation though. I don't like how we can only borrow 6 or 7 guys at a time.


Kind of wish it is unlimited like the NJPW/ROH deal.

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TV Slots are now Broadcast Slots - it's the same thing, just renamed.


But you can't run the TV show on a Thursday and air on the Saturday for example. I know in a lot of cases that's a bit meh, but it kicks the UK 80's scene in the teeth. I also quite enjoyed the authenticity of running WCW with tapings it gave booking that bit of an extra challenge.

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I've been playing TEW since the 05 edition, and EWR before that, but this is the game that's finally made me get to making an account to be part of the community. Loving the changes, always start a game with TCW and now it looks like that's going to be an even bigger challenge than in 13.
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First reaction


I've read the thread with the changes every single day and just about every day I found myself agreeing with every change that was made.


If I had to pick out my favourite change it would probably be the auto Booker. After using it on the demo I have found this will save me an amazing amount of time. To fill in b shows, and possibly any games I play where I only want play out the top storylines.


I can't go into detail with all the things I think are good changes from playing the demo as there are too many things to list.


The downside


I don't want to seem to be negative on launch day but it is a reaction so here goes.


- one of the major things I was looking for is to be able to pre plan all your shows for 6 months to a year (or even further) I know we have the pre booking tab, but it only gives you 1 space for you weekly show, so trying to plan months worth of shows isn't going to work.


- The game itself. I must say I was pumped and I was looking forward to the demo, the amount of changes made it sound like a completely different game, but loading it up for the first time I felt like I was playing TEW 13 with a few tweaks. This is mainly down to the interface etc not changing much. Hopefully this won't be a problem and the game will feel like a different game to 13 as we play it out. If it does then this negative can be ignored.


All in all though I think I'm more than likely going to buy it. £25 is probably a bit much for what it is and what changes have been made. Especially when you compare it to other simulation games, but what does make it worth the price is the replayability value, the fact that you can't really get anything else similar to it, and the fact that it's not been released every year. There's nothing wrong with it been released every year if the changes are significant enough.

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My complaints come from the fact that I feel like I'm playing 2013 with a new patch. I would happily pay around $10, but I just feel that the normal $35 is a little much for what doesn't feel like much of an improvement. A problem that my friend has is that the rate of workers asking for a raise is far too high, with 2-3 people asking for a raise every week, in his words "It feels like a punishment for building people more than a real world feature". I agree with this as in what company are upwards of 6 people asking for a raise in 2 weeks? I will probably still buy the full game due to my love of the series, but I just can't help but feel this is an expansion pack at full price.
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My complaints come from the fact that I feel like I'm playing 2013 with a new patch..


My response to that would be to highlight the "What's New?" button on the opening page to show exactly how much has been added and to reiterate that it will of course feel like "just 2013 with bits added" to begin with because we've (intentionally) kept the interface very similar.


I can pretty much guarantee that after any decent amount of playing you will not think it's "just an expansion" because there's simply too much added content and improvements for that judgement to stick.


Anyway, that's all I'll say on the matter - I think the game speaks for itself.

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Found what I think might be a glitch. When you create a new database and put picture folders in it and then go into the database the new photos don't show up. (For example, I added a modern mod and copied my modern pictures to the database). I went to the Database Info and it says it is pulling the pictures from the new database file but it is actually pulling them from the default.


I simply switched to default, saved, then switched back to the new database picture file, saved and it fixed it. Not sure if that is a glitch or not but that is something that gave me a headache for awhile.

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My response to that would be to highlight the "What's New?" button on the opening page to show exactly how much has been added and to reiterate that it will of course feel like "just 2013 with bits added" to begin with because we've (intentionally) kept the interface very similar.


I can pretty much guarantee that after any decent amount of playing you will not think it's "just an expansion" because there's simply too much added content and improvements for that judgement to stick.


Anyway, that's all I'll say on the matter - I think the game speaks for itself.


I agree hopefully we will think of it as a different game as we play it.


Regarding the pay rise issue he mentions. I am in the 4th week of Jan (using a real world mod so bot sure if this affect its) and I literally had my first pay rise request. From sgt slaughter who has won a few matches and is main event. I thought it was a bit soon, but he will have gained pop (especially as I think there was an event that helped him gain)


But within the same week I have had 2 more requests,


Tony atlas who has been used in a couple of shows but not really gained, and pat tanaka who has not appeared on one show.


I'm not sure if it's meant to be like that, or if the mod affect its, but I thought I would bring it to your attention. Especially as they become unhappy when you refuse

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