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The Road to Glory Challenge

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Several people have asked for this to be copied over to the new forum so here it is. Credit to Kamchatka for creating the challenge.


I have copied the challenge over from 2013 with some minor rule clarifications but we should talk about whether we need to change anything to take advantage of the new features.








Your goal is to actively rise through the ranks of the wrestling business and star in a National or larger promotions PPV's main event with an A* rating.


You begin as an 18 year old custom made wrestler as the Head Booker of a local created 0/0/0/1000 backyard fed. You must always be the booker not the owner, following owner goals is a key part of this challenge.






Age: 18 (If playing the default Cornellverse your birthday should fall between January 1997 and December 1997)


Reputation: Lowest

Potential: Excellent (you can set this to random if you wish)


Skills: Your character starts with Resilience 100, Reputation 50 and Respect 0.

You have 750 Points to spend on other skills. (No skill may exceed 75 to begin with)


Performance Skills

Babyface/Heel - 100 Points to spend

Cool/Cocky/etc - 300 Points to spend


Popularity: 0 Everywhere


Fluent: Home area language ONLY





It should be a 0/0/0/1000 Promotion. That means it has 0 Popularity, 0 Momentum, 0 Prestige and $1000 in the bank.


Edit the promotion into the database before you begin the game, it is recommended that you select an owner who will be cheap and put him on a PPA deal.


2016 is hard on very small companies so just surviving the first year is a challenge itself.


Your product can be whatever you want it to be.




When you are ready to move on from your starting company you can only take a booking job in a promotion 1 level larger than your current employer or your previous if you are currently unemployed. For the purposes of this challenge National/International/Global all count as the same level. If you drive your promotion bankrupt then you may only accept your next position with a company of the same size or lower than they were when they closed.


You may not create Company Pacts unless the AI initiates them OR you get an End Of Year roll specifying that you may do so.




Everything should be turned on, making the game that little bit harder. If you do play with anything other than this then you will be playing the "Lite" version of the challenge.






When you complete a year, roll randomly on this list as an added bonus. This is for the RTG Challenge, but would also work to spice up normal games. Here is the list at the moment.


1. "Friends with Benefits" You gain one Working Agreement (you may try a different company if you are rejected) OR you can join an existing Alliance (assuming they let you in) OR you may invite another company to join your alliance (you may try a different company if you are rejected).

2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you)

3. "Trusted Companion" You gain the Loyalty of one of your roster (random roll from the list of your current roster).

4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them)

5. "Lean On Me" Gain Strong Friendship with random wrestler in your promotion. -15 to both your character's and the random wrestler's Bad Personal Extras (Smoking, Drinking etc), and set to Reformed.

6. “Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligble.

7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them)

8. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add +10% to your Drinking habit.

9. "Like A Chimney" +20% to your character’s Smoking, also tick the “Known” checkbox.

10. "Ghosts Of Wrestling Past" +20% to your character’s Drinking, also tick the “Known” checkbox.

11. “P-A-R-T-why? Cos I Gotta!” +20% to your character’s Soft Drugs habit, also tick the “Known” checkbox.

12. “Forgive Me Father, For I Have Wrestled…” +20% to your character’s religious behaviours/habit.

13. “I Fought The Law And The Law Won” +20% to your Law Problems, also tick the “Known” checkbox.

14. "Painkillers are mankind's way of saying 'just watch me'" +20 to your pain killer habit.

15. "I told [WWE] to have Triple H pick me up in a limo, then we could go test together. They never asked again" +20 to your steroid use checkbox

16. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any performance row stats. (Basics, Psychology, Safety, Consistency, Selling)

17. “Nose To The Grindstone” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 any top row skill of your choice

18. "Fists of Fury" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Brawling skill

19. “Feet of Fury” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Puroresu skill

20. “Drunken Monkey Style” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Hardcore skill

21. "Life of a Saint" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Mat Wrestling skill

22. “Link To The Past” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Chain Wrestling skill

23. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, OWWWW!” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Submissions skill

24. "Top Rope Hero" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Aerial skill

25. “Flash, AAAHH!!” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Flashiness skill

26. “Hit The Bricks” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the gym. +10 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power)

27. “Bit Part" You have been hired for a small role in a tv pilot +10 points to spend across Microphone Skills, Charisma and Acting

28. “A Bumpy Ride” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Basics skill

29. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…”You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill

30. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Safety skill

31. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill

32. “Snow To An Eskimo” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Selling skill

33. “Makeover Time” You get yourself an image makeover. Your sex appeal, star quality and menace EACH randomly change by anything between -5 and +15. (roll once for each stat)

34. “Healing Hands” Over the holiday season you book yourself in for several massages and physio appointments. +7.5 to all Physical Condition.

35. "Making Movies" You are unavailable for events for one month due to a role in a small movie (within the next 3 months you must pick 28 days during which you make no appearances for your company.). Gain +5 Star Quality.

36. “They Love Me… They Hate Me… They Love Me… They Hate Me…” You have gotten better at making the fans cheer for you or boo you. You have 20 points in total to add to your scores at playing a babyface or a heel.

37. “Eeeehhhhhhhhhhh” or “It’s Not Arrogance If You Can Back It Up” You can choose to add 20 points to your Cool Performance rating OR Cocky Performance rating OR use a random number generator to score between 0 and 50, adding the number to either rating.

38. “I’ve Got A Coat That Makes Me Hug Myself…” or “Train, Fight, Hurt People, Repeat” You can choose to add 20 points to your Crazy Performance rating OR Legit Performance rating OR use a random number generator to score between 0 and 50, adding the number to either rating.

39. “Super Awesome Wrestling-A-Go-Go: Eletric Boogaloo” or “Pop Goes The Weasel” You can choose to add 20 points to your Comedy Performance rating OR Weasel Performance rating OR use a random number generator to score between 0 and 50, adding the number to either rating.

40. “I SMASH!!” or “I’m In My 20s, On The Internet And I Enjoy The WWE” You can choose to add 20 points to your Brute Performance rating OR Weird Performance rating OR use a random number generator to score between 0 and 50, adding the number to either rating.

41. “Say Your Prayers, Drink Your Milk And Take Your Vitamins” You can choose to add 20 points to your Wholesome Performance rating OR use a random number generator to score between 0 and 50, adding the number to your Wholesome Performance rating.

42. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +5 Pop across entire base country.

43. "Internet Sensation" One of your wrestlers (random roll from the list) has become an internet video hit due to a pirate recording of his last match. +2 pop for your company in every area that you already have popularity in and +10 pop for the wrestler in all areas.

44. "Christmas Pudding" You have been piling on the pounds, go up one level of weight class or body type. If you are now middleweight or higher, you can no longer be a Cruiserweight, Spot Monkey or Japanese junior and must be reclassified as a Regular Wrestler.

45. “New Year’s Resolution” You have resolved to go on a diet, go down one level of weight class or body type. If you become a lightweight or lower weightclass you may change your style to Cruiserweight, Spot Monkey or Japanese Junior.

46. “Cold Turkey” Change any habit you have formed to be “reformed”, but do not change the base percentage of that habit.

47. "A New Beginning" You may choose to evolve your wrestling style to anything you want.

48. "Charity Event" Your owner has decided to host a charity event. Your next wrestling show gains you no money, but the company gets twice the amount of popularity from it. (Remove how much profit you gain from the next event, after having paid Workers and Show Costs

49. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige.

50. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter.

51. "Paging Dr Zahorian" Your owner thinks the roster looks a bit small. Hire a 'dirty doctor' using the backstage rules menu.

52. "The Real Rock n' Rolla" You've filled in for a band member one night, who now wants to you tour with them as a result. Add +10 between your Microphone and Charisma. Add "Musician" to your character. (Other Genre)

53. "Casting Call" Hollywood is calling you with a "Major Role", add +10 between your Acting and Star Quality. Add Movie Star to your character (Other Genre)

54. "As Real As It Gets" The World of MMA called you out and you delivered. Add +10 between Toughness and Menace. Add MMA to your character (Other Genre)



If you are looking for an online way to roll a custom sided dice, Id suggest here http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm (Look under Full Roll).


Random.org is also very useful for random numbers: https://www.random.org/


Alternatively, you can use a deck of cards to roll for you as the numbers have been deliberately limited so that you can use a standard deck plus jokers to do the roll for you.

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Road to Glory Hall of Immortals (Completed Challenges)


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1 - It appears The Looks stat has been overhauled such that men's appearance have now been boosted on average (unless I am mistaken on this) though I don't know what affect it is having on the game world. So should the point limit be adjusted for this.


2 - checking out the 0/0/0/0 thread, though we don't quite know how long term play will sort itself yet, depending on the outcome the 0/0/0/1000 might have to be adjusted when you roll a starting region with poor economy (or allow rerolls or save-scum to get a better econmomy) otherwise the first few months will very likely see your business fail

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1 - It appears The Looks stat has been overhauled such that men's appearance have now been boosted on average (unless I am mistaken on this) though I don't know what affect it is having on the game world. So should the point limit be adjusted for this.


2 - checking out the 0/0/0/0 thread, though we don't quite know how long term play will sort itself yet, depending on the outcome the 0/0/0/1000 might have to be adjusted when you roll a starting region with poor economy (or allow rerolls or save-scum to get a better econmomy) otherwise the first few months will very likely see your business fail


1 - We'll have to wait and see what difference this makes


2 - I think this just adds to the challenge


I will be doing a RtG dynasty.


Out of curiosity, why $1,000 rather than zero? I never got why RtG wasn't pure 0/0/0/0.


I was trying to think of, but couldn't, what would be any new features that would need to be included in this compared to last year's?


I'm not sure either, I wonder if Derek B knows.


There is painkiller addiction and steroid abuse for a start, I have added them to the yearly roll in place of gaining refereeing or announcing skills. There are various other things we could add in like employing a dirty doctor.

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It would definitely be worth adding something to do with Body Types... when a worker changes body type or size they can gain/lose a fair chunk of skills in physical and camera (up to 8 points of change is the highest I've seen) so they could help. I don't think you'd need to limit anything to start with... could be fun starting with a huge fat guy and trying to get him into shape over the course of his career... but an end of year roll for improving/declining such things and some range of variables for the stats could be good. :)
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Definitely needs to be a figurehead implication here I think. Also, for an added challenge, headlining a Legendary show on a complete maxed out subscription channel and maxed out stadium would be insane. Like the epitome of wrestling in front of 9 to that.


I was thinking of some kind of scoring system. So for example you might get 100 points for every size you move up, 100 points for your first A rated match, 200 for A* and so on.


If you were struggling you could 'buy' exemptions to the rules; e.g. lose 200 points to turn the dirt sheet on, lose 300 to see numbers rather than grades, maybe pay 50 points per skill point etc


It would definitely be worth adding something to do with Body Types... when a worker changes body type or size they can gain/lose a fair chunk of skills in physical and camera (up to 8 points of change is the highest I've seen) so they could help. I don't think you'd need to limit anything to start with... could be fun starting with a huge fat guy and trying to get him into shape over the course of his career... but an end of year roll for improving/declining such things and some range of variables for the stats could be good. :)


I added body types to 48 and 49 so you now get a choice of changing body type or size. If we are going to add more we need to decide what rolls are going to go, start doubling them up or have more than 54.


If we doubled up the gimmick rolls (so you could choose Cocky or Weird for example) that would add four extra slots

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Tweaking the various items at lots of levels might be worth a look... so instead of picking a certain skill, you get to choose between a group of skills that you can add to AND once you reach a certain level the gains for each would be less. For example...


Technical Masterclass: Pick one of your technical skills (Chain Wrestling, Mat Wrestling and Submissions) to increase. IF your score is below 50, add 10 points. If it's between 50 and 70 then add 5 points. If it's above 70 then add 3 points.


We could do the same for gimmick skills too, but with slightly different ranges so....


Oddball: Pick one of your Crazy or Weird skills to increase. If it is below 30, then add 40 points. If it's between 30 and 60 then add 30 points, if it's above 60 then add 20 points.


That way we could collapse a few categories and make it a little more flexible with choice while also not limiting people too heavily with what they start with early on. It would then open up the chance to do more while keep the list fairly small so as to make it fun. We could probably ditch a fair few of the ones that aren't specifically wrestler based too... some are fun, but a little more focus on yourself is hardly a bad thing. :p

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Definitely needs to be a figurehead implication here I think. Also, for an added challenge, headlining a Legendary show on a complete maxed out subscription channel and maxed out stadium would be insane. Like the epitome of wrestling in front of 9 to that.


I agree, that is huge. Perhaps the headlining match needs to be as the figurehead?


The one downside is if someone's worker is a natural heel rather than face.

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Does the 75 limit apply to your Face/Heel and Gimmick skills? Or can I start with 100% face skill and 0% heel skill?


I am starting as an Obese Big Heavyweight, my goal is to become a Ripped Light Heavyweight by the time I complete the challenge, if I ever complete it....

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Regarding the owner, I've done a bit of testing with 0/0/0/1000 and each time I'v had an owner take over I this message from the assistant:


"Owner X (who ever it is for you, my case Michael Bull) had decided to work for free until the company is in a healthier financial position"


He is also a mercenary so it's unlikely to be personality based.

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Does the 75 limit apply to your Face/Heel and Gimmick skills? Or can I start with 100% face skill and 0% heel skill?


I am starting as an Obese Big Heavyweight, my goal is to become a Ripped Light Heavyweight by the time I complete the challenge, if I ever complete it....


Gimmicks is no limit apart from the point restrictions IIRC. The 75 cap is for attributes so you can't hammer all on SQ or Menace and spam that to the top (among other things).

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Let's start this off






Going with a performance > pop focus again this year, running out of Great Lakes also again since it's unoccupied and always high in importance. Spurged and stuck myself with El Mitico Jr, hoping his impressive skills rub off (and more importantly carry my UC's sorry ass).


1st show in, sadly no good chemistry (last year lucked out and had excellence tag-team chemistry) and worse yet - El Mitico separated his shoulder (even with 91 resilience).


Pulled a 33 and had to scale back the product's Match Intensity and Danger to 60/40 since the fans thought it was too intense :o

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IF you start as booker is it possible to later buy the fed?


Not too sure honestly, but part of the appeal/challenge is achieving the end-game goal despite (or in-spite, depending on your situation :p ) of owner goals, money problems, growing pains, company battles and of course your initial lack of ability/popularity IMO.

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I will be trying this for the first time this year and I gotta say there is something more liberating to tying a career around a in-ring talent rather than an owner. I always played with a user created character as an announcer most often but always with a non in-ring roll. Maybe now I can finally get myself to abandon a company and jump around and just experience a lot of different company situations in one game rather than restarting so as "Not to abandon my home team".


Definitely want to play this with the Thunderverse too. Great challenge people, keep the awesome coming.

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Rules question: When creating the company, can you add the wrestler's contracts before the game starts or is this considered to be against the rules? There's positives (being able to run your first show on day 1) and negatives (no advantages of using your negotiating skill, everyone is locked in for a random amount of time) but I'm wondering if there's any hard and fast rule on it.
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Rules question: When creating the company, can you add the wrestler's contracts before the game starts or is this considered to be against the rules? There's positives (being able to run your first show on day 1) and negatives (no advantages of using your negotiating skill, everyone is locked in for a random amount of time) but I'm wondering if there's any hard and fast rule on it.


I think it's ok as long as they are signed to PPA's. Adding workers to written contracts would definitely go against the rules.

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