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Has anyone ever tried pushing Whippy The Clown into the main event? I gave him a Canadian title run with the intention of using him as a transitional champion, but he is killing it in matches with neither great popularity, nor great opponents. Wondering if I should try and make him a challenger to the World title at this rate...
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>For a storyline purpose who could eventually buy CGC and lead it into a new direction?</div></blockquote><p> 1. Ed Monton seems like a natural for this, as some have said. He's got a 65 reputation as an owner, has the money to pull it off, and he's the most accomplished face in CGC history not named DeColt. </p><p> </p><p> Monton could try to run CGC as something like a traditional '70s-style territory. That might be an interesting angle in the modern market, and it suits CGC, which has always been more specifically tied to British Columbia than NOTBPW or the US Big Three are to their home regions.</p><p> </p><p> (On top of that, he's the father of George Wolfe, a solid midcarder in the making... unless, of course, some booker tries to force him into a starring role that just doesn't fit his charisma or talent level. Am I saying CGC could switch from "Canadian Von Erichs" to "Canadian Gagnes?" I am not saying that... but I'm not <em>not</em> saying that.)</p><p> </p><p> 2. Another guy with a business reputation in the range of 60 and some personal wealth is Larry Wood. He just retired to Canada, and it seems likely he'll leave the ring for good by 2020. What's his next career move? Could be CGC.</p><p> </p><p> Sure, he has a reputation as a pure hardcore wrestler, but he's a smart guy, and has no preference in terms of promotional style. That fits CGC, whose roster has historically been surprisingly eclectic. Sure, guys like the DeColts, Christian Price, Eddie Chandler, and Joey Poison could fit into most promotions. </p><p> </p><p> But can you imagine USPW or SWF giving major roles to lightweight high flyers like Thrill Seeker, Ryan Powell, and Whippy the Clown, or technicians with limited mic skills like John Maverick and Sean Deeley? (I mean, USPW ended up with Trent Shaffer... but that still feels like a weird departure for them.) </p><p> </p><p> On the other hand, can you imagine TCW (let alone NOTBPW) giving title runs to guys like Dan DaLay or Gargantuan? Not saying TCW has <em>never</em> pushed giants with limited actual skill levels, but they haven't <em>really</em> since their HGC days (when guys like Dread, the Nation of Filth, and BLZ Bubb/Tyson Baine held titles... and Dread was almost definitely too talented to fit in that list.) Since then, the closest they've gotten have been guys like American Buffalo, Charlie Thatcher, or Killer Shark -- certainly not valid title contenders. </p><p> </p><p> (Hardcore workers are absent from the above list, but CGC has some history with them too -- from the McWades in the past to midcarders like Brent Fraser, Lead Belly/Grease Hogg, or Vin Tanner more recently.)</p><p> </p><p> Sure, the DeColts have always been the beginning and end of CGC, but their <em>other</em> top guys have been even more varied than TCW's. A guy like Wood could turn that into a hook, positioning CGC as the promotion that takes<em> all </em>styles of top wrestlers and lets them fight it out to see who's <em>really</em> the best. </p><p> </p><p> (3. I don't have a specific angle to pursue with them, but both Joey Poison and Thrill Seeker are top CGC workers and potential promotion owners...)</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Oregano Jensen" data-cite="Oregano Jensen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>. <p> </p><p> But can you imagine USPW or SWF giving major roles to lightweight high flyers like Thrill Seeker, Ryan Powell, and Whippy the Clown, or technicians with limited mic skills like John Maverick and Sean Deeley? (I mean, USPW ended up with Trent Shaffer... but that still feels like a weird departure for them.) </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> USPW? Maybe, maybe not. But SWF? Yeah, they've got quite a few guys on middleweight and under who can fly around either at the top or getting ready to move up there. Angry Gilmore, the Bumfholes, the Awesomeness, Mikey Lau... And then you have guys a little further down or in RIPW who can easily get there as well- Jimmy Hernandez, Steven Parker, Spencer Spade, High Flyin' Hawaiian....</p>
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  • 1 month later...
So, I've been playing CGC, getting on the cusp at breaking through to National (75 pop across Canada), and NOTBPW swoops in and poaches 2/3 of my main event scene, including Ricky, Christian, Thrill Seeker, and reigning World Champion Gargantuan. Arrgh. Huge flipping contracts, too, well out of my range to compete with.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So, I've been playing CGC, getting on the cusp at breaking through to National (75 pop across Canada), and NOTBPW swoops in and poaches 2/3 of my main event scene, including Ricky, Christian, Thrill Seeker, and reigning World Champion Gargantuan. Arrgh. Huge flipping contracts, too, well out of my range to compete with.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is frustrating, but its also an opportunity. You probably still have enough talented main eventers that you can use to build up a new group (as process you quite possibly already had underway) of stars. Just center the booking on the few guys you have remaining if necessary. </p><p> </p><p> On the upside, those huge contracts could bring about some financial problems for NOTBPW. That's fun too.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is frustrating, but its also an opportunity. You probably still have enough talented main eventers that you can use to build up a new group (as process you quite possibly already had underway) of stars. Just center the booking on the few guys you have remaining if necessary. <p> </p><p> On the upside, those huge contracts could bring about some financial problems for NOTBPW. That's fun too.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> There was a huge drop-off in popularity in Main Eventers. Jack and DaLay were in the 90s, and next was Donte Dun in the high 70s, Whippy the Clown in the 60s.</p><p> </p><p> Well, I got them to National, so I can wash my hands of them for a bit.</p><p> </p><p> Also, I signed Robin DaLay, he got picked up as a protege by... Fate? Lordy.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
You perform the sleeper over your shoulder (back to back). Don't ask me how you lock on the Bow and Arrow from that position. Seems physically impossible. Perhaps he locks it in in a standing position, though that would seem to be a pretty unnatural position to pick someone up in.


As someone who's given this some thinking lately, and way too late to the party, I'd imagine it's like the Jiu-Jitsu Bow and Arrow Choke, rather than the Pro Wrestling Bow and Arrow submission. So You'd go for essentially a dragon sleeper or a bulldog choke but you'd fall back at an angle and hook the knee or the ankle for extra leverage while driving your knees through his back. Alternatively, It could be started with an Indian deathlock style set up, but he bridges all the way back and then gets the armpit across the throat, but I don't have any earthy idea you'd apply that to guys like Dan DaLay or Gargantuan.

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  • 2 months later...

I started a game looking for a different challenge (Usually do pretty user-friendly Regional groups) and picked booker of CGC.


After a few shows I'm having trouble keeping a high enough grade to boost popularity, but I think I just need to get used to the style.


Does Alex ever let you (is there a respect cutoff) change the product settings? A couple small tweaks could really open things up like moving Modern up to medium and starting a Women's division.


Between Blockbuster and Prometheus, which giant usually performs better over time? I think I want to get rid of one. Blockbuster has the advantage with me since he is more popular, a current champ, and allowed to wrestle on TV.

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Between Blockbuster and Prometheus, which giant usually performs better over time? I think I want to get rid of one. Blockbuster has the advantage with me since he is more popular, a current champ, and allowed to wrestle on TV.


Get rid of a giant in CGC?


Who do you think you are, Troy Winner? :mad:

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I've had better luck with Blockbuster. Prometheus often ends up being a Hot Prospect/Next Big Thing, but he's dire to begin with. Blockbuster has a more solid base and can be carried to solid matches right now.


I think from my perspective it helps that Blockbuster doesn't necessarily need to be a monster-monster. As in, he can lose a match or two without losing his aura. Prometheus is like Gargantuan to me. Once he loses, who cares? Blockbuster seems like he's dumb, but not so dumb that he can't learn from his mistakes, come back with a new deadly move, and then cheat.

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That's definitely something I'm trying hard to manage.


He might drop it to Ricky though.


Getting Jack this over isn't a bad thing at the same time, I have him penciled in as champ until I can get ADV up to a decent pop level so Jack will drop the belt which is why you see guys like Joe Sexy and Jumbo Jackson on the roster just to have a feud with Jack, the big issue is getting guys to that level now. Even guys like Ricky and Price aren't anywhere near that level of overness so its going to take a while. That being said I'm up to the challenge.


Here's how popular (or unpopular as it may be) my guys are, Blue's are face, Red are heels, Green turning heel

B+: Jack DeColt

C+: Joe Sexy, Jumbo Jackson, Ricky DeColt

C: Christian Price, Gargantuan, Marc DuBois

C-: Dan DaLay, Freddie Datsun, Thrill Seeker

D+: Antonio Del Veccio, Donte Dunn, Joey Poison, Zeus Maximillion

D: Blockbuster, Warren Technique

D-: Bobby Thomas, Brett Fraser, Destiny, Fate, Grease Hogg, Lead Belly, Nathan Black, Ozzie Golden, Prometheus, Ryan Powell, Shane Nelson, Skip Beau, Stevie Grayson, Whippy the Clown

E+: Acid, Ian Identity

E: Chucky Dorrance, Dermott Ayres, Drake Young, Marc Raisin

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Jack's similarly untouchable in my CGC 2019 game. He's a B+. Next most popular is a C. I'm actually fine with it. Sure, he won't lose, but he can basically headline with anyone on the roster, pulling off match-of-the-night and the best angle without breaking a sweat. He tore the house down with Sayeed Ali (D pop) and carried Robin DaLay (E pop) to a main event worthy B-. I send him on vacations just to give everyone else a chance.


My Jack isn't the champion though. Both good and bad. Let's the title scene be less predicable, but does push it down the card from time to time.

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Jack's similarly untouchable in my CGC 2019 game. He's a B+. Next most popular is a C. I'm actually fine with it. Sure, he won't lose, but he can basically headline with anyone on the roster, pulling off match-of-the-night and the best angle without breaking a sweat. He tore the house down with Sayeed Ali (D pop) and carried Robin DaLay (E pop) to a main event worthy B-. I send him on vacations just to give everyone else a chance.


My Jack isn't the champion though. Both good and bad. Let's the title scene be less predicable, but does push it down the card from time to time.


Wow, Jack still rocking it post 40th birthday, that's pretty cool.


I have to say I'm alright with Jack being as over as he is as well, though I'm only in July of 2016. I tend to not have my World champ wrestle on TV so there's a lot of Price, Dunn and Ricky main-eventing against guys like ADV, DuBois, Poison, DaLay and Garg and they've been giving me good results (Price and Dan especially with their excellent chem they can easily get a C+ without any issue and on good night get well into the B- range which is a fine main event for TV for CGC in 2016. Funnily enough, my two best matches are Jack and Ricky v Cirque du Sublime due Jack's overness, excellent chem for CdS and Tag experience for the DeColts. Another thing is my backstage is at like 56% meaning if I could prop that up, it would be even better.)


The big thing right now is building up the heel side. I have Ricky, Price and Dunn on the face side of things so thats grand, but the heel side needs to be built up. Yes, I have Garg and Seeker for the next few years but ADV (Now at MW), Zeus and Golden can all be good heels, plus I still have DuBoisas well so, I'm pretty happy with the future of CGC as long as they can get over.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DAVEFAN95" data-cite="DAVEFAN95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wow, Jack still rocking it post 40th birthday, that's pretty cool. <p> </p><p> I have to say I'm alright with Jack being as over as he is as well, though I'm only in July of 2016. I tend to not have my World champ wrestle on TV so there's a lot of Price, Dunn and Ricky main-eventing against guys like ADV, DuBois, Poison, DaLay and Garg and they've been giving me good results (Price and Dan especially with their excellent chem they can easily get a C+ without any issue and on good night get well into the B- range which is a fine main event for TV for CGC in 2016. Funnily enough, my two best matches are Jack and Ricky v Cirque du Sublime due Jack's overness, excellent chem for CdS and Tag experience for the DeColts. Another thing is my backstage is at like 56% meaning if I could prop that up, it would be even better.) </p><p> </p><p> The big thing right now is building up the heel side. I have Ricky, Price and Dunn on the face side of things so thats grand, but the heel side needs to be built up. Yes, I have Garg and Seeker for the next few years but ADV (Now at MW), Zeus and Golden can all be good heels, plus I still have DuBoisas well so, I'm pretty happy with the future of CGC as long as they can get over.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm having Ricky turn on Jack at Day 2 of WrestleFest (2016, first game year). The plan is to make that the money feud for a while and count on their relationship to allow title changes where necessary.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LloydCross" data-cite="LloydCross" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm having Ricky turn on Jack at Day 2 of WrestleFest (2016, first game year). The plan is to make that the money feud for a while and count on their relationship to allow title changes where necessary.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To be honest, of all the DeColts, Ricky is the only one I think can be turned heel, but that being said I'd never turn him heel without some kind of shenanigans. </p><p> </p><p> I can understand why people do it, but as a C-V mark, I don't think Ricky would ever willingly turn his back on Jack unless he was being controlled by something or someone. That being said there are ways to make it work outside that, I would just never go for it, but I can see why people would. </p><p> </p><p> Just as something to think about, Jack v Ricky in a face/face match still scores well. I got a B- for them at Chaos in the Cage which was better than the C+ I got for a face/face Jack v Price so, they can still perform. That being said, Price has performed a lot better than Ricky this save so far, Ricky's been a bit meh for his standards.</p>
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I like reading up on what you are all doing in your CGC saves. I started mine up some time ago and simmed to 2019 and took over as head booker with Bobby Thomas.




This is my last show I just did and I'm very happy with where I'm at in the save at the moment. Stardust is my current champion after defeating Dan DaLay (surprisingly not in time decline yet). He will be dropping it to Gargantuan soon so I can do a huge program between Ricky DeColt and Gargantuan which will probably end with Ricky winning the title in late 2019.


The Supreme Team is Spencer Spade and James Prudence and they've been tearing it up as my tag champions since winning them from Whippy the Clown (gone now since he was in terrible time decline) and Ryan Powell.


Jack DeColt, the star attraction is in a hot feud with Prudence... The best thing to do would be for the DeColts to beat The Supreme Team at Ultimate Showdown for the tag titles but not sure if I'll do that... maybe swerve the fans by having someone run in and help Supreme Team keep the titles.


Philippe, Blockbuster and Shady K are a heel faction known as The Syndicate. I put the group together to push Philippe but it's not working very well at the moment. They obviously need to win bigger matches against more over workers to get there.


Thrill Seeker just came back from a herniated spinal disc in early May and I honestly have no idea what to do with him so putting him in random tag matches and stuff for the moment.


I also have no idea what kind of match Ricky and DuBois will have for their feud ending bout... maybe a Canadian Death Match :D (a.k.a. Texas Death Match)


I'm really excited to do my first Last Man Standing show and I might throw in some other rules for the battle royal on the show. The same goes for the Chamber of Horrors match later in the year! :D


All in all, I'm enjoying myself and really love this save so far.

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I tend to not have my World champ wrestle on TV so there's a lot of Price, Dunn and Ricky main-eventing against guys like ADV.


I never really got the feel of this until I started following Billy Corgan's NWA and saw ROH use Nick Aldis.


Using your World Champion as a guest or regular commentator is solid stuff and works great for TEW in keeping him involved with everything.

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I never really got the feel of this until I started following Billy Corgan's NWA and saw ROH use Nick Aldis.


Using your World Champion as a guest or regular commentator is solid stuff and works great for TEW in keeping him involved with everything.


Personally, I don't do it out of logical reason that don't effect TEW. Its basically if they can see your World champ wrestle 4 times a month for free, why pay for the ppv to see him wrestle? Sure the world title is on the line, but thats not really the draw.


I can see how putting them on commentary can work, but I usually just put them in angles, let them talk about their opponent or something like that, though I do let the champ wrestle on tv now and then.


For example, Jack, my champ, teamed with Ricky to face The New Wave in the main event of my most recent TV show. The DeColts lost to build up Guide and Scout as legit contenders. Guide will face Jack at the PPV for the belt (and lost, Jack has A popularity, he's not dropping the belt anytime soon) and Ricky will face Scout, Scout is in td so interesting to see how Ricky gets on, he previously feuded with Joe Sexy, getting C+ ratings (IIRC). Price and ADV have been constantly out performing Ricky, so much so that I put ADV over Ricky recently. Maybe it's Ricky's opponents (His feud with Seeker was, good initially but the too many matched penalty hurt their penultimate bout so I had to add Prometheus to the final match for it to not get the penalty). He faced Jack in a good match. Then feuded with Sexy, so now Scout is up, td or not, he's a much better worker than Sexy.


Price is currently feuding with Seeker, which has produced B rated matches (low b's but b's nonetheless). Afterwards, Price will move onto Jumbo Jackson I think, Garg is busy jobbing out a newly face Joey Poison.


ADV is currently chasing Alex (avatar). He'll get a match with him soon and Alex will put him over. Not Sure what ADV does after that but once he gets over enough, he's getting the belt.


Jack and Ricky will beat The New Wave, (probably 4 to 5 months of matches, depends on I'm in November now I think so maybe until Luck of the Draw, which is 4 PPV's) from there, Jack will go onto face Vengeance (yes, that one. Im td but still well over) at WF day 1 and if ADV is over enough, he'll drop the belt to him at day 2 and Ricky will take on Garg, though he might face Vengeance day 2.


Marc Dubois has to return too (B- pop after a terrific run as Jack's rival. Produced B+ matches, think they hold 3/4 of my top 10 matches), what he does next is anybody's guess but Price is somebody I'm looking at.

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