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TEW2020 Attribute Suggestion Thread

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So at the moment you can only have deathmatch or will risk injury attribute that affects what matches people will take, and highly moral that will prevent them working certain matches. But I was thinking there could be an attribute (sex sells, or liberal or something) that shows the worker is willing to take part in risqué matches and angles.


Not all women (or men) will want to be stripped in the ring or blasted with super soakers or whatever sort of sex appeal matches you can think of, so an attribute where they never turn that stuff down would be good

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My apologies if this is actually in the game somewhere.


Since Asexuality isn't one of sexual preference options (and given the complexity of it, I wouldn't recommend it), maybe an attribute ("Living Single") that diminishes or negates the possibility of romantic relationships being formed by the worker. The reasons for this lifestyle can be left up to the imagination.

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My apologies if this is actually in the game somewhere.


Since Asexuality isn't one of sexual preference options (and given the complexity of it, I wouldn't recommend it), maybe an attribute ("Living Single") that diminishes or negates the possibility of romantic relationships being formed by the worker. The reasons for this lifestyle can be left up to the imagination.


Don't quote me on this because the last time I played more than a month of a save was a while ago but I think the Desireless attribute in the game already covers what you're looking for. Has it as workers won't form new romantic relationships. :)

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Don't quote me on this because the last time I played more than a month of a save was a while ago but I think the Desireless attribute in the game already covers what you're looking for. Has it as workers won't form new romantic relationships. :)


Ah, I went scanning for something like this and missed it. Thanks!

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The Voice: After being employed for an extended period(up for debate) and as lead announcer for a company they gain the "The Voice" attribute which gives them a little bit of a boost to their performance.


Think of JR as the voice of Mid South/UWF, or WCW...or WWF.


Gorilla Monsoon was THE VOICE of WWF for a real long time.


I can't think of a better way to phrase stuff because my sleeping meds have kicked in, but anyone is welcome to tweak my idea. I do think it serves a purpose though.

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Softball Enthusiast


It doesn't literally have to be softball. But to simulate a Sid personality type. An exaggerated version of Outside Interests, kinda. Never signs very long-term deals, is likely to not re-sign after a contract ends, and is likely to take hiatus from wrestling in-between contracts. Increasingly likely to hand in notice if you upset him - even if his overall morale is fine. In short, this worker doesn't really need wrestling, is not a mark for the business, and is more than happy to find other money making avenues if need be.

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Hopeless Screwup


This worker is simply a screwup - then, now, forever. Is bad at handling pressure and responsibility. The bigger a star he is perceived as, the bigger the chance of him being late, missing shows, developing substance habits, things of that nature. If he has a history of substance issues, the pressure of being a star can push him off the wagon easily.


It would be a fun tradeoff to have one of your best wrestlers be absolutely unreliable as a main eventer, forcing you to make tough choices.

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Will refuse to sign any sort of exclusive deals as this worker wants to make as much money as possible by working as much as possible. More prone to taking a morale hit for being left off a show even if they are perceived as unimportant, and even if the event is a touring show. (Side note: this could help with the situations of Japanese companies signing foreign workers to exclusive written deals as a result of Touring contracts no longer being a thing)


Weekend Warrior:

Will be perfectly fine with being paid per show on exclusive contracts as this worker has steady income coming in. Will be less likely to complain about being left off a show, even season finales.


Just Visiting:

Will sign to work with foreign companies, but will refuse to sign any sort of exclusive contracts with them (i.e., a Japanese worker refusing to sign exclusively with a Mexican based company, etc.)


Promised Land:

This worker will be more likely to sign exclusive deals with foreign companies if offered. The worker may even relocate to another country despite not being signed by a company in that country.

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I don't have a name for it so hopefully someone else can chime in, but what about an attribute that makes it so a worker wants to try being in a tag team with another worker?


Would that work better as a relationship? I'm just trying to figure how you could link two workers using an attribute like that. (I also think we could deepen what relationships are available to us, but that's just me)



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"Better Together"




Would that work better as a relationship? I'm just trying to figure how you could link two workers using an attribute like that. (I also think we could deepen what relationships are available to us, but that's just me)




I'm not sure, I figure it would be similar to the Talent Spotter attribute currently in the game where a worker says they'll put over someone.

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Two potential attributes that could penalize a wrestler during a promo, this came to me seeing how AEW is subtitling Andrade.


Thick Accent: While in passable of a language the wrestler is penalized and slightly less when fluent in outside countries


Regional Accent: Bonus during territorial scenarios, negative for some in the national to global, using a southern rasslin' product with a regional accent would give a bonus while using a mainstream product it could be a hindrance depending on the gimmick and the wrestlers talent.


Could also be used as a bias for owners like Vince McMahon who in the past has been reported as not being a fan of the thick southern accent

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<p>Sorry if these have been suggested before (or similar things) but there’s a LOT to go through here I’ve been playing with the editor and I think some of these would be nice to have and potentially interesting:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Performance</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Loves the Spotlight:</strong> This worker has a tendency to take over any angle they’re involved in to make themselves the star. Results in higher popularity/momentum shifts depending on success or failure of the angle and slightly increases the risk of negative relationships being formed with other workers measured on the same basis (thinking situations like tag interviews were one worker takes all the heat for themselves and hogs the camera or when a worker looks to steal their heat back after a match based on what they do – Hogan over the Warrior at Wrestlemania VI for example).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stage Fright:</strong> This worker hates to be highlighted on their own and prefers someone else to be on screen with them. Results in a higher chance of a worker performing poorly in a segment if booked on their own. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nil by Mouth:</strong> This worker doesn’t do promo work and will refuse to be booked in an angle that requires them to use the microphone. (I know you can set mic skills to 0 but that would only result in the segment bombing, I can’t see Abdullah the Butcher for example, agreeing to a segment where he had to talk in the first place).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Self-Motivator:</strong> This worker will rarely be booked in tag team matches by the A.I.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Over the Top:</strong> This worker knows how to get the best out of battle royales and gets a performance bonus for appearing in them. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Personality</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stooge:</strong> This worker likes to give up sensitive information on their colleagues and their addictions for their own gain. This attribute results in occasional updates on a worker’s personal habits and a higher frequency of negative relationships being formed with other members of the roster (the worker involved and their friends) and an increased chance of a positive relationship with the booker and owner being formed. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nothing Personal:</strong> The worker has an issue with losing to someone not viewed as respected in the industry. Will generate negative morale if the worker has to lose to someone with a Respect level less than 70(?).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>No Yob:</strong> The most extreme form of Political Mindset, this worker will never agree to a clean loss regardless of who the opponent is.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Holds a Grudge:</strong> This worker will hold on to negative relationships for a lot longer than most and only time will ease the relationship – positive meddling and financial incentives will have a greatly dampened impact. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Big Fish:</strong> This worker is more likely to sign deals to appear for smaller companies than their popularity levels would normally allow them to work for.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Addictions</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Supersize Me:</strong> This worker has found themselves addicted to fast food. Has a negative impact on in-ring performance.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Misc</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>No Fly Zone:</strong> This worker will never agree to appear on any shows outside of their home area. (to simulate people like Jim Cornette or Austin Idol that hate flying – regardless of where JCP and the WWF were putting on shows, he’d never travel overseas).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pariah:</strong> This worker’s recent behaviour has been so awful that no-one wants to be associated with them. AI companies above Medium sized will not hire them and human controlled companies will see some negative morale impacts for random workers. This is a temporary attribute and lasts for between 3 to 6 months.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Blackballed:</strong> This worker has been permanently placed on the banned list and will not be hired by any external company. Human controlled companies will see a large number of negative morale impacts for random workers.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Thinking about some of the people that have left WWE recently, and how best to simulate their attitudes in TEW.</p><p> </p><p>

The tools we currently have (s I understand them) are workers can prefer larger companies (Fame Hungry), more money, or their happiness.</p><p> </p><p>

It seems that it might be easy to make an attribute that makes workers prefer the strongest promised push. As there are people, like Andrade or Cole, who will go to a smaller company where they are promised a bigger role.</p>

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