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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Copyright question


I have a question about using images found online as part of an upcoming dynasty I've spent the last couple of days finding loads of great images and artwork for a new dynasty and realised that pretty much all of them are copyrighted.


I've looked for similar images that I could replace them with that are free to use but I've come across very little that could replace what I've got. The images I'm using are not wrestling images, but I imagine the same problem would come up for modmakers and people using real world images in their diaries.


Have any of you guys run into this problem before? If so, what is the right thing to do? Use the images and claim "fair use" due to not making profit? Or forget about the images and find another way?


Any advice would be warmly welcomed.

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I've used a couple of images found online as backgrounds in my diary. To be honest I've often just searched for what sort of thing I wanted lets say 'basement' or 'Australian bar' and I've ended up using some of those images.


I don't really have any knowledge over what is technically classed as fair use, obviously the fact that in no way are we making a profit from these images will surely help but I know that's not actually the only thing that matters. Weirdly enough though as I was searching for a new one yesterday this thought did cross into my mind.


I assume it's ok in the same way all real world mods surely use photos that might be copyrighted? And they are all on a scale magnitudes bigger than my diary.

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Admittedly, in the grand scheme of things, I don't think the website and all the threads within get enough traction and attention in the wider internet for this to be much of an issue.


I used UFC related images as part of my diary when running my story on WMMA 4 and nothing negative ever materialised from it. You're right in that none of us are making a profit from any of the stuff we're putting up so that's probably a key factor in it not being as big of an issue as it may seem. Maybe some of the more experienced Dynasty writers on the board can shed more light but I think you'll be OK. UFC never chased me up when I used images.

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I have been contacted by a company to cease using their copyrighted logos and images in a diary. They wouldn’t have found out if I hadn’t linked to the diary on Twitter with previews using the match graphics (which a certain wrestlers fan page saved and tweeted as an match happening on that week’s “explosive” TV show - which in turn was retweeted by a certain royal phoenix).


You should be fine with using the images on here. You’re not profiting off of them.

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It all started on a whim. I was the biggest star of BHOTWG and all of Japan and i wanted to be a trailblazer. But perhaps i hadn't thought this out too much as despite the hype, we died in just 3 years.



But this time, it has been planned right. This time i am not alone. This time we are taking over the world.







IKW9IB.jpg faWJ2K.jpg IyuL9o.jpg S6HDjn.jpg

RWEi1m.jpg Eudnkl.jpg NpZN3O.jpg CrRIpE.jpg


I'd read the hell out of this!!

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I've used a couple of images found online as backgrounds in my diary. To be honest I've often just searched for what sort of thing I wanted lets say 'basement' or 'Australian bar' and I've ended up using some of those images.


I don't really have any knowledge over what is technically classed as fair use, obviously the fact that in no way are we making a profit from these images will surely help but I know that's not actually the only thing that matters. Weirdly enough though as I was searching for a new one yesterday this thought did cross into my mind.


I assume it's ok in the same way all real world mods surely use photos that might be copyrighted? And they are all on a scale magnitudes bigger than my diary.


I'm glad to hear from you because it's your RAW diary that has inspired me to create a cool look. I love how you use docdroid as well - that's going to be how I do my next diary because otherwise the thread gets cluttered.


Admittedly, in the grand scheme of things, I don't think the website and all the threads within get enough traction and attention in the wider internet for this to be much of an issue.


I used UFC related images as part of my diary when running my story on WMMA 4 and nothing negative ever materialised from it. You're right in that none of us are making a profit from any of the stuff we're putting up so that's probably a key factor in it not being as big of an issue as it may seem. Maybe some of the more experienced Dynasty writers on the board can shed more light but I think you'll be OK. UFC never chased me up when I used images.


I have been contacted by a company to cease using their copyrighted logos and images in a diary. They wouldn’t have found out if I hadn’t linked to the diary on Twitter with previews using the match graphics (which a certain wrestlers fan page saved and tweeted as an match happening on that week’s “explosive” TV show - which in turn was retweeted by a certain royal phoenix).


You should be fine with using the images on here. You’re not profiting off of them.


Thanks for your advice all three of you. I figure I'm going to go ahead and use the images. The chances of anyone finding it one here are very slim and the worst thing that can happen is I have to take them down as I'm not making any money off it.

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You're not even going to give us a hint Willsky?


Cmon, what are we talking here? Cverse? Tverse? RW? ;)


In chimes the other inspiration for my diary! I love the world you have created in EMLL and it opened my eyes to what kind of thing I could do with a diary.


In answer to your question - it's based in the CVerse but isn't a typical promotion...


I'm looking to push the boat out but I hope I don't rock the ship. It's anchored in real life but I'm smuggling in some creative licence and hoping it won't end up a wreck.


I'll leave it at that for now...

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In chimes the other inspiration for my diary! I love the world you have created in EMLL and it opened my eyes to what kind of thing I could do with a diary.


In answer to your question - it's based in the CVerse but isn't a typical promotion...


I'm looking to push the boat out but I hope I don't rock the ship. It's anchored in real life but I'm smuggling in some creative licence and hoping it won't end up a wreck.


I'll leave it at that for now...


The intrigue continues...

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I'd read the hell out of this!!


Thanks mate. I would eventually get to this but it is tough to run four companies at once so i am taking things slow as of now and this has been pushed back a little as i have another project that i have pushed forward with so looking forward to your support on that.


So, i will definitely do this down the line but just not now.

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No fancy teasers or anything for this one, I just wanted to put it out there that I hope to start posting my TEW 2020 dynasty by early August. I was really happy with how my WWF '91 dynasty went on the 2016 board, and if this one goes even half as well I'll be ecstatic. The new dynasty will be called:


WCW 1991: Titans Need Not Apply

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<div style="padding: 100px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin: 50px;background: skyblue; max-width: 50%;box-shadow: 0 0 6px 12px skyblue; ";"><table align="center" width="40%"><tr><td valign="top">



Sadaharu Jimbo


Japanese Wrestling was in the shadows after the “Giant Era” ended in 1933 under suspicious circumstances regarding the legitimacy of the sport. For the next 27 years, no wrestling shows took place with the negative stench of the Giant Era still in the air. That was until 1960 when Golden Canvas Grappling brought the sport back with a competitive and serious style. GCG was a success, but it wasn’t just based on the name. Their first ace Sadaharu Jimbo led the company to success that hadn’t been seen in over 30 years. Sadaharu Jimbo lived by a style of never giving up till his last breath. This brought him a lot of popularity and admiration from the crowd and his peers, for his long and physical battles. Reporters labeled Jimbo the “King of GCG” for his extensive success as the head of the promotion, Jimbo responded that when he is in the ring he is on the king’s road to wrestling royalty. This garnered his style the name “King’s Road” which became synonymous with his never give up, never say die attitude. His superhuman ability dwindled as the 1980s went forward, his body broke down, yet he kept fighting, following the mantra he went by his whole career. He followed the King’s Road, until in 1990 as reigning GCG World Champion he suffered a back injury that was kryptonite to the King, he would be forced to retire and decided to take a hiatus from the sport.






Sadaharu’s style inspired many wrestlers to follow suit and have a never give up, never say die attitude. This resulted in hard-hitting contests that lasted longer and were more abundant than ever before. Days off were seen as weak, scars from battles were honorable, and to lose was shameful. Seeing GCG drift away from the ideals he set Sadaharu opened up Pride Glory Honor Wrestling in 1996 with his King’s Road style as the main ingredient in the company. In the coming years legends like Mito Miwa, Shuji Inukai, Nobuatsu Tatsuko, and Yoshimi Mushashibo led the “Golden Generation” of PGHW. Hard-hitting, long and grueling matches would follow for years to come. They followed the “King’s Road” style like never before seen, in GCG Sadaharu had been the main arbiter of King’s Road, but now most of the wrestlers in PGHW had adopted the philosophy. Bruises, stitches, scars, broken bones, concussions were abundant during this time. But with Sadaharu Jimbo at the helm, PGHW saw great success, but soon the same fate that fell upon Sadaharu came to his first crop of stars. His right-hand man Nobuastu Tatsuko would be the first to retire due to knee and back issues in 2014, also helping his decision was Sadaharu giving him ownership of the company trusting him with keeping his legacy going. Nobuastu had been learning for years how to run the company and was ready for the challenge. Little did he know keeping the style his mentor laid the groundwork of PGHW with, would lead to further disappointment. Later in 2014 Mito Miwa broke his back and doctors informed him if he wrestled again he would be paralyzed. A few months after that news, Shuji Inukai announced his retirement due to a torn ACL. Shuji began booking for the promotion though, taking on the task of maintaining PGHW’s greatness between the ropes. Lastly, arguably the best of the Golden Generation Yoshimi Mushashibo would retire in 2019 not wanting to suffer the same fate as his three other Golden Generation counterparts. Mushashibo retired in vastly better shape than others from the Golden Generation and had a vision of moving Japan away from the King’s Road style. How would he do it though?




Nobuastu Tatsuko | Shuji Inukai | Yoshimi Mushashibo


The Golden Generation ended in 2015 with the retirement of Shuji Inukai. PGHW had failed to build new stars other than a minimal few and with the tsunami of 2016, the finances started going in the red. Luckily Tatsuko & Inukai were financially savvy enough to keep PGHW afloat but just barely, really counting on Yoshimi Mushashibo who had been able to still bring in boatloads of fans even with the dire economic times. When Mushashibo retired in 2019 Shuji Inukai became hopeless. He knew with the economy still rebuilding itself, they needed Mushashibo too stick around too stay in business. Shuji Inukai tried talking his former tag team partner out of retirement but knew his friend didn’t want the same endgame as his three Golden Generation counterparts. Yoshimi was adamant and had his last match in June 2019 in a packed Kobe Football Stadium where he lost to Glory Crown holder and his protégé Masaru Ugaki. After this Shuji Inukai saw the writing on the wall. He knew PGHW wouldn’t be able to be profitable without Mushashibo, Nobuastu Tatsuko held on to hope while Shuji was ever the pessimist rolling his eyes whenever Nobuastu said they must keep Sadaharu Jimbo’s legacy alive. Tatsuko’s worry led to him doubling down on King’s Road holding, even more, shows labeling his stars the Iron Men of Japan. After two months of losing hordes of money and worker displeasure from the wear and tear put on them, rumors began swirling of PGHW closing down. Yoshimi Mushashibo heard rumors of the possible closure and contacted his former tag team partner to learn what was going on. Inukai informed him of the company hemorrhaging money and that Tatsuko has been a mess trying to keep the company afloat. He’s all over the place and the company may not last much longer. Mushashibo was in shock at the overall disarray of the company since his retirement. His legacy was in that company, his friend's legacy was in that company, and his childhood inspiration Sadaharu Jimbo’s legacy was in that company. He had to do something, so he began talks with Inukai to overthrow Nobuastu as the owner and get himself the ownership. Inukai was unsure at first of doing it behind Nobuastu’s back but as they continued to lose money in September, a cool Million to be specific, Inukai knew Nobuastu had to go. He first talked to Nobuastu about selling to which he quickly refused, saying he wouldn’t disappoint Sadaharu. Knowing they didn’t have much time before the company went on an unstoppable road of destruction, Shuji Inukai and Yoshimi Mushashibo initiated a coup and convinced the PGHW Council to give Yoshimi Mushashibo control of PGHW over Nobuastu Tatsuko. Shuji’s testimony about how Tatsuko had lost his mind gave the Council complete confidence in their decision to remove him from power and install PGHW’s most prominent star as their new owner. The news came on October 4th 2019. Yoshimi & Shuji held a joint press conference to announce Nobuastu Tatsuko’s immediate removal as the owner of PGHW and Yoshimi Mushashibo being publically acknowledged as PGHW’s owner. Yoshimi’s key quote from came at the end of the press conference when he said, “Changes will be coming, too long wear and tear brought down the quality of our wrestlers. A new period is upon us, a Golden Dynasty is upon us and King’s Road has ended.”






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A teaser and test run for my upcoming dynasty. First time using docdroid so let me know how you get on with it.





The layout looks nice, I've never had any issues accessing docdroid, looks good here. I'm interested to see what this looks like as a full diary.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CPBHBK" data-cite="CPBHBK" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47534" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>KING's ROAD CONTINUES</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> YES! I'm so into this one. <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dalton" data-cite="Dalton" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47534" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am all for more puro diaries, we definitely need some more!!!</div></blockquote><p> Agreed. Wanna get into PGHW but between the schedule, roster size, history etc I always felt lost. Hoping this will serve as a good introduction</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been toying with trying my hand at writing a TEW diary. I've been playing these games for roughly 20 years now, but I've never written a diary. Can anyone give any advice on format and layout, or any sites or tools they use for that?
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