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On 6/2/2024 at 4:49 PM, Jaysin said:

Right, I acknowledged that. I just want to know what the number is for a medium sized promotion. I imagine it's somewhere in the 70s as I've had people in the low 70s accept being sent down but people in the late 70s of popularity decline. Just wondering if there's a hard cut off. 

I haven't encountered it in TEW 2020 because I've only been sending down really low popularity workers. But in 2016 I believe if the worker had more popularity in the home region of the development fed, they didn't want to be sent down.

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Regarding Regenerations

The player's handbook suggests that Legacy Regenerations can have either a number or a "Jr" after their name. However I have never seen a Legacy Regeneration have a "Jr", only a number. So for example I may see a "William Regal II" but not "William Regal Jr"

Does the game actually ever produce a Jr or only numbers? If they do produce JR, is it a chance thing or is a specific set of circumstances?

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On 6/5/2024 at 10:36 PM, aaron07 said:

Do you know how long a worker will be off for filming a cameo TV role ?

No, it's random within certain min and max levels.

11 hours ago, SteveJones313 said:

Regarding Regenerations

The player's handbook suggests that Legacy Regenerations can have either a number or a "Jr" after their name. However I have never seen a Legacy Regeneration have a "Jr", only a number. So for example I may see a "William Regal II" but not "William Regal Jr"

Does the game actually ever produce a Jr or only numbers? If they do produce JR, is it a chance thing or is a specific set of circumstances?

It's only for 'second generation' Mexican workers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a way to have one brand matches set to Call in ring and the other brand set to be scripted? It seems like these default settings are set on the Company Product screen and changing the Product on the Brand edit page is just the product not the associated settings.

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On 6/2/2024 at 6:49 PM, Jaysin said:

Right, I acknowledged that. I just want to know what the number is for a medium sized promotion. I imagine it's somewhere in the 70s as I've had people in the low 70s accept being sent down but people in the late 70s of popularity decline. Just wondering if there's a hard cut off. 

There isn't a hard-cut off. It is entirely depending on the specific popularity of the developmental company (not even just that they are medium sized). So the cut off changes as the popularity changes.

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23 hours ago, jesterx7769 said:

Is there a way to have one brand matches set to Call in ring and the other brand set to be scripted? It seems like these default settings are set on the Company Product screen and changing the Product on the Brand edit page is just the product not the associated settings.

I don't believe so.

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Apologies if this is in the wrong place, but can anyone confirm that it's possible to transfer a save over to a new computer remotely (perhaps via Google Drive or dropbox). I'm away from home and an going to buy a window's laptop just for the purpose of playing TEW, but want to be sure this is possible before I go ahead and make the purchase.

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21 hours ago, Alienated said:

Apologies if this is in the wrong place, but can anyone confirm that it's possible to transfer a save over to a new computer remotely (perhaps via Google Drive or dropbox). I'm away from home and an going to buy a window's laptop just for the purpose of playing TEW, but want to be sure this is possible before I go ahead and make the purchase.

Yeah! Go into your TEW install path in File Explorer, open Databases, and then copy-paste the folder in SaveGames that has the same name as your save. Put it in the same place in your new installation on your new computer and it'll run just fine.

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1 hour ago, The Superman 3 of People said:

Yeah! Go into your TEW install path in File Explorer, open Databases, and then copy-paste the folder in SaveGames that has the same name as your save. Put it in the same place in your new installation on your new computer and it'll run just fine.

Make sure to do the same with the picture folders as well

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It is probably somewhere on the boards, but a search did not have the info I was looking for on the first page.

I am looking to start a Canadian Big broadcaster of my own to shore up some TV weaknesses as TCW. 

1. Is Commercial or Subscription a better option when the company decided to go to a Classic Wild West Product?  Or better yet, what is generally the best bet?

2. If I did go Subscription would it make the TV company angry when I showed it on my network?  Don't want to spend the money 7 months too early if it would.

3. For looking at future options, do self-owned PPV broadcasters pay for themselves pretty quickly?

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I am a terrible booker. At the end of my first month, every single show I've ran has lost popularity, all my broadcasters are unhappy, and any angles I book give me the note about nothing interesting happening.

Can anyone recommend a video or article or anything about how to book effectively? Everything I've found on my own has been "how to book" as in "click this button, click that button"; I'm looking more for basic techniques to use on your shows that generally work.

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I'm far from being the greatest booker in the universe, and I don't have any guide to recommend, but I do have a couple of remarks that might help understand where the problem is.

  • Depending on the database you are using (default one ? a real world one ?), it might just be that the mod maker overrated the company popularity or underrated the ones of your workers. Sometimes, it's normal to book properly your show but still lose popularity, because the difference between workers pop and company pop is too great and it'll take time to catch up to it.
  • Your product might also play a big role: are you respecting the requirements (match aims, etc) ? What focus are you using ? Does your product focus on worker's popularity, or on their skills ? If you have a bunch of talented workers that your fans know nothing about in a pop over ring company, you're not going to get good scores until they've had time to grow their popularity. And if you only have a couple of guys that are fitting what you need, you might want to change the match focus so that your shows are rated almost solely on your main event.
  • With angles, it will depend on what you are rating your workers on, but personally, I tend to always go for freestyle angles with at least one person rated on microphone, Acting, Selling, etc. Anything that isn't an action (Overness, Charisma, Star Quality, Sex Appeal, Menace) is to be limited to other workers participating in the angle or special occasions, and must then be kept short: nobody wants to watch 10minutes of a dude looking menacing but doing nothing else. Basically, respect the rules written in the player's handbook in "Angles" -> "Uninteresting angles".
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6 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

I'm far from being the greatest booker in the universe, and I don't have any guide to recommend, but I do have a couple of remarks that might help understand where the problem is.

I appreciate your reply very much.


Depending on the database you are using (default one ? a real world one ?), it might just be that the mod maker overrated the company popularity or underrated the ones of your workers. Sometimes, it's normal to book properly your show but still lose popularity, because the difference between workers pop and company pop is too great and it'll take time to catch up to it.

I'm using Chronicles 1992 and I'm playing as the WWF, which I imagine is probably the intent of the mod. Perhaps I'm booking a little too much like they really did book back then; only one or two actual stars on any one given show, while the game skews more "Monday Night" in its expectations of big stars all the time?


Your product might also play a big role: are you respecting the requirements (match aims, etc) ? What focus are you using ? Does your product focus on worker's popularity, or on their skills ? If you have a bunch of talented workers that your fans know nothing about in a pop over ring company, you're not going to get good scores until they've had time to grow their popularity. And if you only have a couple of guys that are fitting what you need, you might want to change the match focus so that your shows are rated almost solely on your main event.

I think I've overlooked this entirely! I checked my Product and it's set to "equal focus" when I really think it should be "Main Event Only" or "Three Ring Circus" if you're doing 90s WWF.


With angles, it will depend on what you are rating your workers on, but personally, I tend to always go for freestyle angles with at least one person rated on microphone, Acting, Selling, etc. Anything that isn't an action (Overness, Charisma, Star Quality, Sex Appeal, Menace) is to be limited to other workers participating in the angle or special occasions, and must then be kept short: nobody wants to watch 10minutes of a dude looking menacing but doing nothing else. Basically, respect the rules written in the player's handbook in "Angles" -> "Uninteresting angles".

Freestyle angles say there's no risk but I have found them to be fairly risky with the dreaded "nothing interesting is happening" note. I did get an awesome rating for one that involved like 7 workers, but by and large I'm lucky to crack 50. I am careful to rate the performances on what each worker is good at, but I definitely have made the mistake of ranking on "actions" as you put it. i.e., doing a Natural Disasters breakup angle ranking both Quake and Typhoon on Menace. But it worked! I think probably because Mean Gene was the MC for the segment and he's ranked super high in Microphone., which is what he was rated on. The handbook is great; I probably need to re-read it.

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Use a lot of Taunt angles in feuds.  They both give momentum (to counter any losses) and make it so the feud ends up positive for everyone involved.  Everyone that is not Unimportant in my TCW game that isn't on their way out has positive momentum.

B shows are nice to hand out wins to anyone with a recent loss as well.  Have them go over a jobber on the B show and you at the very least break even.  A spreadsheet to keep track of wins and losses helps to know this stuff.  I'm a nerd and freely admit it....

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those in the know, how to make this game stop booking so many tag team matches, now that the ability to set ratio is gone?


4 out of 6 matches for WWE were tag team matches, some between guys who aren't even in tag teams.

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So I’m in a situation where I have 2 critical owner goals that expire on the same day. I’ll pass one and I’ll fail the other. I’m still have 5 months until I reach the date but I’m trying to figure out how likely it is that I’ll be fired. Will the patience changes from both goals be processed before any firing decisions?

I haven’t played in over a year so I can’t remember how much failing a single critical goal affects patience. I know owner personality is in play.

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Just now, D16NJD16 said:

Fiddle with it in what direction?

It's a dropdown menu with various options:

  • Old School Western will primarily be singles and tag team matches and in my experience leans heavily toward singles.
  • Modern Western will primarily be a mix of singles and tag team matches but will also have a mix of three or four person matches and trios matches. I have seen many more tag matches in Modern than Old School.
  • Evolving Western tries to align with what is historically accurate for the time period.

There are other options for Lucha and Puro as well as some options for exclusively singles, exclusively tag team, and so on. There's also a "variety" setting, which seems to be basically random.

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On 7/3/2024 at 4:48 PM, piccamo said:

It's a dropdown menu with various options:

  • Old School Western will primarily be singles and tag team matches and in my experience leans heavily toward singles.
  • Modern Western will primarily be a mix of singles and tag team matches but will also have a mix of three or four person matches and trios matches. I have seen many more tag matches in Modern than Old School.
  • Evolving Western tries to align with what is historically accurate for the time period.

There are other options for Lucha and Puro as well as some options for exclusively singles, exclusively tag team, and so on. There's also a "variety" setting, which seems to be basically random.

It's on evolving western, and in a 1999 mod, I'm getting 50% or more tag matches on cards.

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I have a weird question about a hiring rule.

For "No Foreign Workers", are they going by who currently lives there, or who was born there?

Like, for example, a "No Foreign Workers" company in Japan. Would they hire a Japanese person based in the USA, or an American person based in Japan?

Edited by Spoons
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Trying to understand how scandals affect companies and workers.

As you can see this guy was involved in a scandal and deleted social media and all, however his popularity hasn't diminished and CWA Prestige or Momentum has not been affected, neither the popularity of the company.

A negative trait has not been added to the announcer either, so is like nothing happened.

Any tips in how this affects?




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3 hours ago, Sharkn20 said:

Trying to understand how scandals affect companies and workers.

As you can see this guy was involved in a scandal and deleted social media and all, however his popularity hasn't diminished and CWA Prestige or Momentum has not been affected, neither the popularity of the company.

A negative trait has not been added to the announcer either, so is like nothing happened.

Any tips in how this affects?




I have never had a worker with a scandal, but check the workes personal info, it should say there if he has a scandal.


And I think he has to be on a show for negative effects to affect the company

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