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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Is there a way to preset a workers Destiny Roll in this version of the game? Previous versions let you edit potential, but I'm not seeing that option anywhere in the editor this time around, unless it's buried somewhere.


In the editor pregame its in the skills section on the right hand of the screen.

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I've recalled the Undisputed Era from NXT to the NXT main roster. However, they're not listed in the stables section. When I try to create the stable myself, I get a message that the stable name already exists.


How can I make this stable active on my main roster?


I think the problem is that the Stable is in the NXT for company, and the real world mod(I don't get why) has NXT as a different company. So you'd have to make it like Undisputed Era(WWE) or The Undisputed Era or something like that.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="boswer91" data-cite="boswer91" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have some questions for you : <p> </p><p> What do you consider a small women division ? a medium women division and a large women division ?</p><p> </p><p> How many women are in a small, medium and large women division for you ?</p><p> </p><p> Because i don't know what should i do for my promotion, i want to put a women division but don't know wich one to use :s</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What company are you playing?</p>
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I have a questions regarding the regeneration in game. If you have that disabled, does this mean that none of the existing workers, including new regens will regenerate correct? Irrelevant if they have as their default setting as being Yes or Yes as a Legacy?


As far as I know, legacies are still 'types' of regeneration. So if regeneration is turned off entirely, legacies won't happen either.


So I've set workers to either turn face or heel yet theres no option when running a show to complete turn? The handbook says to simply book said worker in a segment and go from there but theres nothing????


You need to use the Turn road agent note. When you get to that angle in the show, the Handle Changes button will become active. You're right though, the handbook doesn't mention that. I've reported it in the typos thread.

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why do main eventers always refuse to lose on tv/events but are willing to put someone over? what's the difference?


Um, for one thing, it's choice. If your boss told you to work late (when you had other plans), is that the same thing as you deciding to change your plans and work late? Also, when workers offer to put someone over, one of the reasons you get a window of time to do it in is to allow for planning to make it happen in a way that makes sense and/or mitigates the damage to the higher card worker.


What road agent notes are you using where your major stars are "always" refusing to lose?

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I created my own company ^^


And i wanted to put a women division in it so that's why i asked what's a small, medium or large women division ?


I think the size of the division is based on the size of the overall roster. When you have 80 workers, 16 of them being in the women's division is 'small' whereas when you have 71 workers, 16 of them being in the women's division is more 'medium'. But those size designations are only for the AI. If you want 6 people in that division or 22 people, it's your choice.

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Ah ok ! Because at first i wanted to have 20 men wrestlers for 10 women wrestlers and when i go to put a women division in "product", i was like what a small women division ?^^


So i don't have to care about this, i just need to put a women division and that's it ! I could put "large" and having only 6 women if i wanted and that's ok ^^


Cool ! Thanks :)

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Guys does anyone know what what be a good product for AEW or a method of being able to use a ladder match.


I'm currently using the Killing the Business mod and got destroyed when using a ladder match as the fans apparently didn't want to see that type of match.


The current product is Wrestling Nerd Nirvana.


Based on my current product I'll get penalised for eye candy matches, death matches and dangerous matches but I don't really see a ladder match being "dangerous" compared to other styles.


Does anyone have any suggestions to work around this at all?

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