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Who are your Boys?

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<p><strong>BOY:</strong><em> a (generally not very talented) wrestler that didn’t achieve success, where there’s a bit of cringe factor admitting he was one of your favourites. You like/support him more than the average & what he deserved</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ok folks, who in the Cverse are your eternal boys, who have suddenly broken out of boyhood in 2020, and do you have any new recruits for your boy stable?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Spike / The New York Doll</strong> was always my top boy and i think looking at him now he seems to be on the verge of being a decent wrestler.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fearless Blue</strong> still definitely a boy.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lil Henry</strong>, <strong>Lug Phelan</strong> i always want to hire both of them in hopes they might secretly be those hidden gems.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Acid II</strong> i swear used to be prime boy material, but alas no more.</p>

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<p>Not a "boy" but I've found I hire Mary Beth Chase more than I should. In one of my earliest playthroughs, I was playing AAA. Looking at the unemployed list, I see Mary Beth Chase. I was debating hiring her, but I passed. A few months later, she died, and I felt really guilty. (I have to keep telling myself these are fictional characters.)</p><p> </p><p>

So, when I tried QAW, I decided to pull a Sam Beckett and set right what had once gone wrong and hire her. I quickly began to see why she was unemployed. Bad attitude backstage, and not terribly great in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

And yet, I kept hiring her in other playthroughs. Sometimes she'd show up in the hidden gems, and sometimes I just needed a big heel and she was the only one available.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm amazed to see she's still making a go of it in 2020. I'll be strong this time, I swear. I won't let maudlin sentimentality lead to a bad hiring decision. I mean it, this time!</p>

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Some off the top of my head


Alistair Shufflebottom: I always give him a scrappy underdog mid-card title run in my saves. Dude looks pathetic, his nickname is "A-Game" which sounds like something a nerdy teenager would come up trying to sound cool. But that's what makes him such a perfect underdog. He's the best jobber you can ask for (above-average skills, excellent basic, consistency, and selling), I'm disappointed that he's unemployed now.


Cal Sanders: Really reliable mid-card gatekeeper. I know he was never going to be a star or anything but surely he deserves to at least have a job in the last 11 in-game years?


Eve Grunge: She's a pop artist so surely you'd think promoters would love the crossover appeal? I know she has atrocious stamina but she has great performance stats so she can still be a realiable lower mid-carder or put her in a tag team where she could shine smh.


Aside from those three, all of my other 'boys' seems to have carved a niche for themselves somewhere whether it be a mid-card role or a small fed headliner (still waiting for Mimic to hit mainstream) so I'm somewhat content for them.

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I'll try to come up with more. I don't know if this applies, but I love the idea of the McWades. I frequently hire them in every save since probably 2004, and they suck real bad.


Dammnnn yes, i am such a sucker for a ready to go tag team double act and id always get in the McWades. Such boys. How could anyone resist?


Also The Good Ol' Boys and Guide & Scout and The Young Guns.


Not a "boy" but I've found I hire Mary Beth Chase more than I should..


Yep also guilty here, don't know why, i can't help be be tempted by her each time. Something about her look and history.

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I think Nigel Svennson is fairly well liked and doesn't really have a cringe factor to him, but man, I love that guy. Always have. Like a semi-boy I think?


I loved fat Ford Gumble. Always thought he'd be like the perfect guy to be the face of a local Southern indie where he is by far the biggest star and also the only guy who can wrestle until they bring in some hot shot indie star or other vet for a one off. I'm now almost talking myself into having him unretire and have one last run. Maybe get Harry involved too. Really kinda wild neither of those guys got anything going for them once they left TCW.

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Yep also guilty here, don't know why, i can't help be be tempted by her each time. Something about her look and history.


Oh, good, it's not just me. And I don't know why; if you need a "lady hoss", Deborah Young and (to a lesser extent*) Emma Bitch both could fill that role in 2016, and both were better workers and backstage influences to boot!


*I never realized how big Emma is compared to other women wrestlers until one time, when I hired her, she packed on some muscle mass and went from Lightweight to Middleweight, putting her in the same weight class as Young or Juliette King.

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Does Ernest Youngman count? He is very talented but lacks SQ, but I always want him as one of my top stars. He is def my BOI


I second this. He is always on my roster even if I have to edit the game to get him on it. His performance skills are always good and he's able to compete with my top workers and sometimes out does them. I was always being told to push him hard or that he his great entertainment skills.

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Besides Ernest Youngman, Harry Allen. Not really a young worker but he always found himself on my roster because he was a decent to above average in ring worker and could be used in the main event scene. Then you find out that he played a part in a company closing.
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Lobo Blanco and Evil Spirit are two guys who find themselves on my rosters at higher than random frequency. Both are fairly average guys, but I dig Evil Spirit being an average puroresu wrestler who's trying to break out by character work. And Lobo, well, I like wolves, and I like old school lucha, so an old school looking luchador named "White Wolf" has to be a winner somehow, right? ;)
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Tyrant is my big boy, ever since a ZEN save where I paired him up with Hugh De Aske the dread pirate has been a favorite of mine and I always try to find a spot for him. I love the gimmick, love the beard, love the BEEF of this lad. Best Boy.


First guy I fired to be honest when I cracked up the game funny enough! :D:D:D


My boys are probably the New Wave, love the gimmick and think they are an awesome tag team.

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Ben Williams and Bullet Bob Casey.


not to derail the thread but am I the only one who thinks there was a distinct missed opportunity to make the Casey Bro's tag team Bob's kids?? Lol I honestly thought the were at first..


anyway just to keep it on track my guys are Ricky Turner and Regular Joe. .

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Mine is Martyr! The dude is never able to really break a certain ceiling, but boy do I love pushing him. Teaming him up with Phobia is a pleasure I always indulge in.


Probably a few more I could consider for this haha :)


I should also mention Thomas Morgan, I think

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