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Thunderverse Rey de Reyes Release Thread

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This version of the ThunderVerse I could literally play any promotion which hasn't always been the case. Since release I've had games with promotions in every region a d of every size, so I'm pretty happy with any to be honest!


I'd like to see an ATW or GBWF run by someone.



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Back at it again to give more work to your crew with some minor stuff I noticed while poking around with the data:



-Sir Sterling Silver's Job History for Wrestle India stats in 2001, when the promotion wasn't founded until 2003

-Baba Taru Singh's employment history with Wrestling India doesn't have a start date.

-Geet Gopan doesn't have an employment history with Wrestling India. Presumably he was there from when it started in June 2003 and left sometime in 2015 since his bio states he's been on the independent scene for the past five years.

-Tiger Singh: I know in Platinum Baba Taru Singh was a distant uncle he'd never met, but in the current data it specifies Tiger Singh is a stage name, so I'm wondering if he's still supposed to be a blood relative of Baba. I also think he should maybe be set as the protege of Bharat Chowdhary, since his bio specifies he trained him.

-Cassius Demba has strangely high US popularity for a guy who's only claim to fame is a few years in AWF's developmental.

-Lobo should probably have a tiny bit of US pop from his six months in the Club.

-In addition to the US Pop from Lucha Americana, Sugarskull should also have some Euro pop from his time with N-EW.

-Chris King has no European popularity despite having been in UWT for three years with a tag reign to his belt.

-Jeremy Griffin was with UWT from 2013 - 2018, and was fairly successful with a pair of tag team title runs but has no popularity there and isn't set to be active in Europe.

-Alroy Farrelly's bio mentions he first made a name for himself in Europe with N-EW, but has no popularity and isn't active there

-Anders Vrandenberg spent four years in the GBWF, but has no popularity in the UK

-Target should have some UK popularity given he was one of the UK's best high fliers in the 90s and is still active in the area.

-Scott Nicholls should probably have some European popularity since he's a former NEW Heavyweight champion.

-Brian and Murray Blood should probably have a bit of European popularity since the latter's bio specifies they've been touring UK & Europe for over 15 years.

-Kahoku Meka's bio says he jumped to UPJ after joining LETHAL, but his employment history has him in UPJ since 2000 and only wrestling in Lethal in 2006. I'm assuming it's his UPJ start date that's incorrect.

-Georgiy Chervyakov probably shouldn't have the world traveler attribute since his bio says he left HONOUR due to being tired of all the traveling.

-Edgar Swick should probably have some popularity in India since he spent a year there and is still active in the area.

-Andre Zeitner should probably still be available to work in the UK since he spent a few years in GBWF.

-13TEEN should have a bit of UK pop from his spell in ATW. He's also missing LWA in his job history despite being the LWA Legacy Heavyweight champion between March 2004 - January 2005.

-Stain should maybe be active in the UK and have a bit of popularity there from his time with FFW and ATW.

-Tyr should have some UK pop from his 3 years in ATW.

-Wolfie Boomegarden should have a bit of UK pop from his 5 years in ICW/potentially still be available to work there.

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Is there an alternate spot to send errors other than this thread? I've seen a number of simple mistakes in the content and also suggestions on making some read well. I was thinking an email address or maybe a PM? Maybe it is best to have them in the thread? I'm not sure that everyone would want to read posts like that in here when there is more interesting discussion going on. Just wanted to check before I started posting them.


This is the first I've written down and just an example:


Big Daddy Stomp bio:

"Debuting in 1990, the Big Daddy would go quickly become a force to be reckoned with in CWT..."


Edit: remove "go"

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It's probably best to have them in the thread, that way either me or jhd can note them at a glance and fix them as we go. The early parts of the mod release are always for pointing out when our spelling/grammar on the late night bio writes has failed. :p


Edit: I am also on Discord if that's easier for people to send stuff through, my PM box on here is pretty full (and I like having the PMs there so I'm reluctant to clear it).

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I have a few more errors that I've noticed when playing around in India.



-Baba Taru Singh isn't fluent in Hindu. He also has the Agent of Epics attribute, but isn't a road agent. Should this be Voice of Epics instead?

-Jash Patel should probably be the protege of Wahid Bali since his bio specifies that Bali both trained him and encouraged him to work internationally.

-Taha Chhetri should probably speak fluent Hindi.

-Tiger Singh's bio mentions Wrestle India as his first promotion, but his first run there isn't listed in his job history.

-Brahmin Acharya should have popularity in India rather than Europe, and should probably speak Hindi.

-In the Tag Team Names section of the editor there are no generic tag team names set up for India.

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-In the Tag Team Names section of the editor there are no generic tag team names set up for India.


This is the same for worker names for India (and Belgium bizarrely). It's noted to be fixed but it's not a particularly thrilling part of the job so it keeps getting pushed back.

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I’ve started more saves than I’m willing to admit publicly (I’m indecisive :p) and one thing I’ve noticed is that the AWW/AJJ alliance is ended almost immediately in a lot of them. It might be the business settings for one of the owners?


Also it might be worth considering giving some of the AWW workers written contracts as their whole main event scene disintegrates about a month or two in when PWI go up in size.


Just food for thought.

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I confess, I'd assumed that the excursion relationship ended because of the size of AWW (but left it for players) but it's probably worth a look at the owners and seeing what is there.


In terms of the written contracts, I'm happy to look into that. There should be an update out tomorrow all being well.


And yes, I've also started a million and one saves. There's too many good options I find! At least starting a diary has me tied down to one game for a bit :D

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Bobby Roberts seems like he should also be active in the UK


We went back and forth on this one but the idea is that, for the time being, he's settled in India. Can be talked into working the UK by a player and it might change if we ever do a future mod or an update that shifts the timeline forward (do not hold these as guarantees though) but for this mod, auld Bobbert is India exclusive.

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Back again with some more potential errors I noticed:


  • Babu Taru Singh's stats are the same across each category (ex 90 in Microphone, Charisma, and Acting)
  • David LeBeau's skills are the same across categories (ex 54 in brawling, puro, and hardcore)
  • Akira Taguchi, Noaki Kuramochi, Sekimura Ota, Shizukesa, and Toso Senshi all have 0 popularity in Japan despite having been back in Japan from excursion for varying amounts of time.
  • Svetlana & Tanto Deushi are based in Japan, when it seems like they should be based in Europe since it says they moved back there after COBRA folded.
  • Sens Masuda's bio talks about how he gets on well with everybody and no one has a bad word to say about him, but he doesn't have a set personality. He's also based in Mexico for reasons that are unclear based on his bio.
  • Sukeyasu Kakinomoto's bio mentions how innovative and creative he is, so perhaps he should have creative as an attribute? He also has no set personality, but that may be intentional.
  • Akito Nakada & Haruko Yamada's bios says the they left UPJ as part of the DIASPORA exodus in 2007, but the DIASPORA crisis was 2010 by which point they were already a part of DRAGON.
  • Rahul Ragostra has no skills or attributes set up for him aside from 50 in announcing.
  • Not really an error, but the way Splash is set up it only runs in it's home region and the 30 pop it has over the rest of Japan decays after a few months. If you wanted them to have pop all across Japan without a touring schedule you could maybe give them their own Tiny sized subscription network since 30 popularity is break-even point for that.

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