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New Forum Minor issues Thread

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I'm liking the new forums. The look, functionality. It's great. At the moment, my favorite feature is being able to follow topics, then being able to view a customized activity stream for only the topics or users you follow.

I know based on the size of the forum import it's going to be some time before everything is indexed and showing up. I also know this has been mentioned previously, but the ability to post in HTML is critical to the Dynasty sub-forum. I know for me personally, and a few others, the look of the content that is posted is just as important as the content itself. Looking into this is further down the priority list, I know. 

Lastly, thank you Arlie for taking the time and financial resources to upgrade the forums. It's great to see things on a current, up-to-date environment, and with an SSL Certificate too. Your efforts are much appreciated.

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35 minutes ago, Pontarii said:

My dynasty in the WMMA5 section really took a hit during the move to the new forum. Only the first post is available with multiple errors, with three pages of content is totally missing. Is there a ETA for when it will be back to normal? @Arlie Rahn

It's not only your dynasty, literally everyone has the same problem because of the coding stuff. I think it's going to be fixed when HTML will be implied.

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12 minutes ago, CGN91 said:

It's not only your dynasty, literally everyone has the same problem because of the coding stuff. I think it's going to be fixed when HTML will be implied.

I don't think HTML would fix it at all, it'll allow people to do more with new Dynasty posts, but the old ones were coded with BBCode, it's not going to fix those. You'll probably need to sort them manually if you can replicate what you did with BBCode using the current system or when HTML is available, unless there's some mass conversion that can be done.

The missing content isn't really related to the coding at all I don't think, hopefully that will be sorted.

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From what I understand, the background tasks from the changeover (which are still ongoing according to Arlie's recent posts) actually convert those old tags (the BBCode) to proper HTML automatically. Therefore, I wouldn't suggest anyone edits their posts until these background tasks are done, and instead it should just be a case of waiting - as it should also solve the issue of missing posts. That's why some posts have already been converted successfully. If it's still not sorted after the background tasks are done, then Arlie should contact Invision to investigate. So yeah, I think it's just a case of holding onto our hats and not panicking. xD

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Personally, until I see threads display all the pages instead of just page one or the first post, I'm assuming things are still compiling, so no edits or new dynasty posts on my part till then. It is indeed a waiting game, I know it's grinding on some nerves (mine for sure) but the wisest thing to do is wait till we get the final, full picture.


Edited by DarK_RaideR
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Thanks for all the great feedback, I'll try to knock out as many issues as I can here:

1. I'm going to ask support on Monday about the BBcode in converted posts. Will it get converted to HTML? Is there a plugin I can add to support it? I will post here once I get their feedback.

2. I still see 15+% background tasks rebuilding posts and indexes. So it looks like that may take a little longer. I checked the documentation and it says the final stages of the conversion can take a little longer - esp when the forum is open. But, it does look like progress is being made.

3. All admins and Mods can do username changes - so just send me or someone else in these groups a PM and we can make them for you. I may open it to everyone once I get a better feel for the risks.

4. I have the option to allow HTML for usergroups. There is some risk here - so I didn't want to enable it for all 19,000 forum members. But, I will be creating a "dynasty" secondary group that I will add people to upon request. I will make this a separate thread and everyone can respond that is interested. Again, it may be safe, but most of the documentation says to only give a trusted group access to HTML.

5. I am looking at better ways to organize the board with blocks and forum order. I will keep you guys posted if I find some options that may alleviate some of the scrolling.

Finally, I want to thank you guys for your patience. I'm pretty much a one-man band on this forum upgrade (with a little support from the invision team for questions). As I learn more, I think the experience will continue to improve. I will also be installing the light option tomorrow based on the poll results. So make sure and vote!

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Just out of curiosity, are some threads just broken now?

You can't access the most recent pages on my two threads, in this one you can get to page 16, but if you go to 17 or 18  and get a "There are no posts to show"


The same with my other thread you get the "There are no posts to show" when trying to access the last page.


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3 minutes ago, TheWho87 said:

Just out of curiosity, are some threads just broken now?

You can't access the most recent pages on my two threads, in this one you can get to page 16, but if you go to 17 or 18  and get a "There are no posts to show"


The same with my other thread you get the "There are no posts to show" when trying to access the last page.


Not all posts from the old forum have migrated over yet. 

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3 hours ago, Arlie Rahn said:


Thanks for all the great feedback, I'll try to knock out as many issues as I can here:

1. I'm going to ask support on Monday about the BBcode in converted posts. Will it get converted to HTML? Is there a plugin I can add to support it? I will post here once I get their feedback.

2. I still see 15+% background tasks rebuilding posts and indexes. So it looks like that may take a little longer. I checked the documentation and it says the final stages of the conversion can take a little longer - esp when the forum is open. But, it does look like progress is being made.

3. All admins and Mods can do username changes - so just send me or someone else in these groups a PM and we can make them for you. I may open it to everyone once I get a better feel for the risks.

4. I have the option to allow HTML for usergroups. There is some risk here - so I didn't want to enable it for all 19,000 forum members. But, I will be creating a "dynasty" secondary group that I will add people to upon request. I will make this a separate thread and everyone can respond that is interested. Again, it may be safe, but most of the documentation says to only give a trusted group access to HTML.

5. I am looking at better ways to organize the board with blocks and forum order. I will keep you guys posted if I find some options that may alleviate some of the scrolling.

Finally, I want to thank you guys for your patience. I'm pretty much a one-man band on this forum upgrade (with a little support from the invision team for questions). As I learn more, I think the experience will continue to improve. I will also be installing the light option tomorrow based on the poll results. So make sure and vote!

Hi Arlie, first off I imagine this has been quite the time-consumer and headache for you so I truly appreciate everything you're doing here.

As for your first point, from a quick google search I see that this has been an issue for other forum switches re: BBCode. One link on the Invision community forums HERE seems to indicate there is some sort of "enable legacy BBCode" toggle? I have no idea how relevant or important that is, but I thought it worth mentioning.

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OK, I just talked with support. Here's a result of the chat:

1. I moved everyone to the default "Members" group for Invision. You won't see "Registered Users" anymore.

2. I increased the number of private messages to 150. So, try to cut down below that level to keep sending messages.

3. There looks to be an issue with the broken threads and they have escalated it up the support chain.

4. I am working on adding in a new lighter skin and some better options to the theme over the next couple days.

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I'm not sure that all the BB code will be properly converted. I talked to support and they said it is a "legacy" feature that isn't supported in invision community. That said, some of it may get converted - we just aren't sure.


If you want to manually convert to HTML, first make sure you get the dynasty role from me. Once you have that, you can use this converter:


It may not get everything perfect, but you can do a copy/replace on things it misses (mainly quotes and some URLs). Just for example, I redid this first post to show using the above converter:


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Tested out editing BB code to HTML (using the converter) in my diary that has only one post showing up at the moment and it just doesn't work, so it is something with the threads themselves that's screwing up. I would have been fine re-editing everything to HTML but it's no use. Seems like the only two options are just wait around or make a new thread then 😕

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4 minutes ago, Dawn said:

Tested out editing BB code to HTML (using the converter) in my diary that has only one post showing up at the moment and it just doesn't work, so it is something with the threads themselves that's screwing up. I would have been fine re-editing everything to HTML but it's no use. Seems like the only two options are just wait around or make a new thread then 😕

It is very possible we all need to begin accepting the fact that previous posts are going to be a jumbled mess, where new posts only will look formatted the way we want, and we'd go back and edit important posts, such as a title or event history page.

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1 hour ago, Dawn said:

Tested out editing BB code to HTML (using the converter) in my diary that has only one post showing up at the moment and it just doesn't work, so it is something with the threads themselves that's screwing up. I would have been fine re-editing everything to HTML but it's no use. Seems like the only two options are just wait around or make a new thread then 😕

I just did the process I described above on your thread here:

A few things:

1. Take your edited BB code from the old server and past into notepad

2. convert all caps headers into lower case. It's basically replace all with CENTER to center. You have to do both tags for [B] and for [I] to [b] and [i] (as well as [/b] and [/i]). This specific converter doesn't take caps well.

3. Run the converter and then past the HTML output into a new Notepad instance. Clean up the " and '. You may need to replace something like \\\\" with "

4. Paste the results into your post after clicking "Source" first. Very important - Make sure you past it after clicking "Source". You should see all the options to the right greyed out if you do.


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1 hour ago, Arlie Rahn said:

I just did the process I described above on your thread here:

A few things:

1. Take your edited BB code from the old server and past into notepad

2. convert all caps headers into lower case. It's basically replace all with CENTER to center. You have to do both tags for [B] and for [I] to [b] and [i] (as well as [/b] and [/i]). This specific converter doesn't take caps well.

3. Run the converter and then past the HTML output into a new Notepad instance. Clean up the " and '. You may need to replace something like \\\\" with "

4. Paste the results into your post after clicking "Source" first. Very important - Make sure you past it after clicking "Source". You should see all the options to the right greyed out if you do.


Thank you Arlie - unfortunately since we can't post in the old forums anymore I can't go back and grab all the BBcode from my posts so I'm stuck having to wait 😕

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13 hours ago, Dawn said:

Thank you Arlie - unfortunately since we can't post in the old forums anymore I can't go back and grab all the BBcode from my posts so I'm stuck having to wait 😕

Oh yeah, I just opened up editing old posts there for a bit to allow you guys. So people can now edit to get their code.

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