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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Joey Beauchamp

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Main event

2. Dragon vs bret

3. Nate vs nathan

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NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Joey Beauchamp

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie - draw

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Mallory vs Silva

2. Flynn vs Beauchamp 

3. Manchester vs McKenzie 

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NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

I can't see Frisby's Foundation For Fitness winning in their current situation.

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Joey Beauchamp

I'm not completely sure about this one, but I think Beauchamp needs it.

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

Why? I don't know, it feels like everything related to Chuck is going to fail, but I think Bret will win somehow.

Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie

Big Mac is still a newbie in UK and I don't think Nate accepts a draw.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

The Network interference.

Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva

2. Future X vs Frisby's

3. Darin Flynn vs Joey Beauchamp


(Optional Bonus): Who's merch would you be buying if you were were attending the show? (descriptions welcomed!)



Edited by newbiezness
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NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

The tension between Stuart and Dwayne will cost them and it is too soon for Future X to drop the belts.

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Joey Beauchamp

Beachamp has a plan and I think it starts with Darin.

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

I think that Bret won't be in shape to fight Dragon.

Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie

I doubt that Nate is willing to draw or put Nathan over.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

Mo will find a way to ensure his client stays champion.


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva

2. Welsh Dragon vs Bret Heartbreak

3. Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie

(Optional Bonus): Who's merch would you be buying if you were were attending the show? (descriptions welcomed!)


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I'm doing good with this predictions so far lol 

Silva, Big Mac and Northern Lights are an hell of a stable!


Predictions for London Calling

NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Joey Beauchamp as I think he and Byron are cooking something up

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie by DQ

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola after some shenanigan


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

2. Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie

3. NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby


(Optional Bonus): Who's merch would you be buying if you were were attending the show? A chef hat from Beauchamp 

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NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Joey Beauchamp

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

Complete homer pick but Landon Mallory is a stud and no interference from the Network can stop him from winning!

Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?

1. Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

2. Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

3. Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby


(Optional Bonus): Who's merch would you be buying if you were attending the show? (descriptions welcomed!)

"Springbok" Landon Mallory South African Pride Shirt


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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


Sunday W1 February 2021

Attendance: 868

Show Rating: 61


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to London Calling, streaming exclusively live and on demand at WrestleWorld GB! My name is Jackie Goldstein and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge night of action in store for you, as Edison Silva puts his NWF British Heavyweight Championship on the line against “The Springbok” Landon Mallory in tonight’s Main Event!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Mallory enters tonight on an eleven match winning streak in singles action, can the South African make it twelve in a row and claim the NWF British Heavyweight Championship?"

Melanie Florence: “It’s also a big night for Chuck Frisby and the Frisby Foundation for Fitness, as his clients challenge for not one but two titles! Can Stuart Wilson and Dwayne Dark co-exist and claim the NWF British Tag Team titles? And how will Bret Heartbreak fare in his first match at Cruiserweight?”

Jackie Goldstein: “But before all of that, “Big Mac” Nathan McKenzie has made a huge impression since arriving as enforcer for network executive Frank Finkleton. Can ‘The Network’ continue their takeover of the NWF, or can Nate Manchester throw a wrench in their plans?



“The Real Angel Of The North” Nate Manchester VS “Big Mac” Nathan McKenzie

Nate Manchester had been desperate to get his hands on ‘Big Mac’ since the Australian debuted in the NWF with a vicious attack on ‘The Real Angel Of The North’. Given the Australian’s clear size advantage, Nate Manchester knew he had to pick his shots and operate from a distance. This tactic served the Geordie well in the early stages, but as he grew in confidence ‘The Real Angel Of The North’ started to take risks and took to the skies. Jumping from the top rope, Manchester looked for a Diving Seated Senton… but ‘Big Mac’ showed his incredible power by defying gravity and catching the flying Geordie to deliver a huge Powerbomb that shook the ring.

From here, the size and power advantage of the Australian really started to show. ‘Big Mac’ threw Manchester around the ring with a series of power moves, but the Australian showed no interest in going for the cover. With Manchester clearly struggling, Big Mac hauled the Geordie up onto his shoulder and just like on National Wrestling he threw ‘The Real Angel Of The North’ over the top rope to the floor outside the ring. Unlike on Wednesday, Nate Manchester tried to recover and land on his feet. The former 21CW star was partially successful, but looked to have tweaked his knee during the landing.

Seeing his opponent hobbling, McKenzie dropped to the outside and continued his assault. The big Australian scooped up 'The REal ANgel Of The North' and wrapped his already injured knee forcefully around the turnbuckle. As Manchester screamed out in pain, McKenzie pushed one of the ringside assistants out of their chair and folded it. Seemingly intent only on injuring his opponent rather than winning the match, Big Mac swung the chair directly onto the injured knee and referee Roy Worrall called for the bell.

Rating: 52


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Unfortunately the bell had no effect on Nathan McKenzie, as the big Australian continued to deliver chair shot after chair shot to the injured knee of the fallen Nate Manchester. The Geordie desperately tried to crawl away, but Big Mac just stalked his prey and continued to deliver vicious chair shots until NWF staff flooded out from the back.


Among the staff was Leo Price, Nate Manchester’s former tag team partner and long term friend, who made sure to place himself between Big Mac and his former tag team partner. McKenzie seemed happy with his nights work and made a point of handing the dented chair back to the terrified ringside assistant before heading to the back.

Once Big Mac had pushed past the curtain, Price turned his attention to Nate Manchester and called for a stretcher from the back.

Rating: 50


We cut backstage to the official weigh in ahead of the NWF Cruiserweight Championship match between the champion Welsh Dragon and the challenger Bret Heartbreak. Frank Finkleton was overseeing the process in his official capacity as network executive, and Bret Heartbreak was accompanied by Holly Leves and a nervous looking Chuck Frisby.

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Welsh Dragon was up first and weighed in at 225lb, comfortably below the belts 230lb limit. Once Finkleton had signed off on the champions weight, it was Bret Heartbreak’s turn. The challenger stepped confidently onto the scales, which read… 237lb! After a moments silence, Holly Leves screamed before turning on Chuck Frisby.

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Holly Leves: “I knew it! You had Bret fasting for an entire week, and after all of that he missed weight! You’re nothing but a charlatan!”

Chuck Frisby (backing away nervously): “He must have… you know… he must have eaten too much after the cleanse…”

Holly Leves (screaming): “What happened to putting his body into weight loss mode? “It’s science”…” Holly jammed her finger into Chuck’s chest to punctuate each word. “THAT’S. WHAT. YOU. SAID!”

Chuck Frisby: “I… erm… I… need to go and get my other clients ready for their title match. Yeah…”

With that Chuck Frisby ran off screen, leaving a furious Holly Leves and a devastated Bret Heartbreak in his wake. Behind them Welsh Dragon and Frank Finkleton could be heard deep in conversation. Finkleton told the champion that he could take the night off if he wanted, but the Welshman responded that he would still defend his title tonight… and there was only one man he wanted to defend it against!

Rating: 49




Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS Frisby’s Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

NWF British Tag Team Titles

What promised to be the biggest night in Chuck Frisby’s career was not going to plan so far, and the personal trainer looked frazzled as he led his clients out for this title match. Chuck’ pre-match pep talk lacked its usual vigour, and Wilson & Dark’s general dislike of each other was still visible as Future X utilised all of their experience to take advantage of their opponents lack of cohesiveness.

The champions dominated the early proceedings, until Chuck Frisby himself got involved in the contest to distract referee Roy Worrall. This allowed Stuart Wilson to get involved as the illegal man with a heavy clothesline to the back of Petey Barnes. Eric Future looked to help his partner, but also ate a Clothesline. Dark was back to his feet and both members of Future X were hoisted into the air, as both men began pumping out overhead press reps with each member of Future X. Chuck Frisby counted along deliriously, as neither Wilson not Dark wanted to be the man to break first.

Twenty reps in, and Dark was starting to shake. He shouted in frustration as he dropped Petey Barnes to the mat with a Gorilla Press Slam. Stuart Wilson smirked and arrogantly pumped out one more rep, before dropping Eric Future as well. Wilson mocked Dark for breaking first, who immediately shot back that Petey Barnes was clearly the heavier man so it wasn’t a fair test. Wilson just shook his head, and tried to push Dark out of the ring so he could continue the match. Dark pushed Wilsons hand off him, and the two men went nose to nose. Frisby could be heard at ringside begging them to focus on the match, but neither man looked like they were going to back down… until Dark suddenly dove into a pin attempt. Roy Worrall counted to two, until Wilson hauled his partner off Eric Future and went for the pin himself. Worrall counted to two again, but this time Dark hauled Wilson off. The two men were back nose to nose, yelling at each other that they would be the one to make the pin… until Petey Barnes came flying off the top rope to hit a Flying Cross Body onto both men, sending Stuart Wilson out of the ring.

Barnes helped Eric Future back to his feet, and the two men took advantage of the two-on-one to deliver their Future Shock DDT (Aided Double Arm DDT). Petey Barnes made the cover, and despite Stuart Wilson being back on his feet, the former Olympian made no effort to get back into the ring to break up the pin. Roy Worrall counted the three, giving Future X the victory and the third defence of their titles - much to the disappointment of a dismayed Chuck Frisby.

Rating: 56



“The Prodigy” Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS Joey “The Breeze” Beauchamp

Joey Beauchamp had taken exception to Mark Moore’s comments about Darin Flynn slotting in at the top of the card, and ‘The Breeze’ wanted to make an example of the 22-year old Flynn tonight. Unfortunately for Beauchamp, ‘The Prodigy’ was one of the best young talents in the country and an incredible technician in the ring. Beauchamp simply had no response to the chain wrestling skills of Flynn, and spent the first half of this match up pinned to the mat.

Despite Flynn’s undoubted technical superiority, Joey Beauchamp had been wrestling for longer than Flynn had been alive – and 'The Breeze' used all of his veteran wiles to get him back into this match. A low blow behind the referees back turned the momentum, before Beauchamp began to wear down the youngster – using every shortcut in the book along the way.

'The Breeze' grew in confidence and was positively strutting around the ring, as he delivered stomps to the back of his opponents head. He pulled Flynn up by his hair and looked to deliver a Suplex to the youngster, but Flynn was able to rotate his hips and land on his feet behind the veteran. Before Beauchamp could react, Flynn had locked in his Prodigal Pressure submission hold from nowhere! Beauchamp struggled briefly, but the veteran was stuck in the middle of the ring and knew he had no choice but to tap.

As Flynn celebrated his victory, Beauchamp sat in the middle of the ring looking furious at himself.

Rating: 54


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The camera cut to the office of Network Executive Frank Finkleton. NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva and his legal representative Mo Adebola joined Frank Finkleton and his enforcer Big Mac. Despite the Australian technically losing his match earlier in the night, there was a celebratory mood in the room.

Mo Adebola: “I’ll be honest with you Frank, when you offered to deal with my ‘Nate Manchester problem’ I had my doubts… but I’ve got to say I’m impressed. I don’t think we’ll be seeing any problems from our Geordie friend any time soon…”

Frank Finkleton: “Big Mac and I are here to ensure that the networks interests are carried out… and of course the interests of friends of the network. The board asked me to pass on their thanks for your (coughs) discretion in dealing with that slight unpleasantness last month.”

Mo Abebola: “Of course, professional courtesy.” He took the glass of champagne offered to him by Finkleton and offered a toast. “To the future.”

Rating: 67




(C) Welsh Dragon VS Red Dragon

NWF Cruiserweight Championship

Next up was the delayed Cruiserweight Championship match. With Bret Heartbreak missing weight, the champion had taken it upon himself to arrange a new challenger. Welsh Dragon announced to the audience that tonight he had granted a title shot to his childhood wrestling idol, a former 21st Century World Champion and fellow Welshman – Red Dragon!

What was meant to be a passing of the torch moment from a Welsh wrestling legend to the next man in-line was let down somewhat by being comfortably the weakest match of the night. Unfortunately both men massively underperformed, and perhaps the fans were disappointed not to see Bret Heartbreak challenging for the title. The passing of the torch moment still happened, as Welsh Dragon hit his Dragon Kick to make his fourth title defence – but despite Red Dragon raising his fellow Welshman's hand in victory, the symbolic moment probably didn’t carry the weight that some backstage had hoped.

Rating: 34


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We cut backstage to a door labelled “Medical”. After a second, Leo Price pushed through the door as he and his protégé Dangermouth helped to shepherd the stretcher carrying Nate Manchester from the medical room through a corridor towards a waiting ambulance. The pair successfully led the paramedics through the corridor and they were able to load Manchester onto the ambulance, which drove off taking him for assessment at the local hospital.

Leo Price and Dangermouth might have thought their nights work was done, but as soon as the ambulance was out of sight the pair were jumped from behind.


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While it was difficult to tell who the attackers were in the initial chaos, it soon became clear that Byron was the man directing traffic. One of the attackers was clearly Joey Beauchamp, but the second younger man was unknown to NWF audiences. We weren’t introduced to who the young man was tonight, but the pair were able to use their element of surprise to easily overwhelm Price & Dangermouth - and Byron delivered a final, disrepectful boot to the head of the fallen Leo Price, before the new group left their fallen victims knocked out in the car park.

Rating: 49




“The Springbok” Landon Mallory VS Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

NWF British Heavyweight Championship

Both of these men entered this match with red hot momentum. Landon Mallory came into this match on an eleven match winning streak in singles competition, by contrast Edison Silva had competed far less often in the NWF and entered on a six match winning streak.

Landon Mallory started this match like a house on fire, with Edison Silva happy to stand and trade with the South African. Unfortunately for Silva, despite his MMA background, Mallory simply hit too hard and was able to overwhelm the champion with heavy right hands. The crowd roared “The Springbok” on as the challenger had the champion on the ropes.

Sensing that he wasn’t going to win a straight-uup striking contest, Silva changed tact and shot for a double leg take down. While Mallory couldn’t stop the takedown attempt, the South African was able to cover up effectively and, while Silva was able to move through his transitions, the champion wasn’t able to deliver any knee or elbow strikes to cause any real damage. Frustrated, Silva attempted to lock in a rear Sleeper hold. The champion looked to be in control as he cinched in the hold, but “The Springbok” was able to get his feet underneath him and showed his incredible power to push himself up to a vertical base – carrying Silva on his back! Mallory fell backwards, landing on top of Silva and forcing the champion to break the hold.

Both men scrambled back to their feet, but the momentum had swung back in the South African’s favour. Mallory delivered a heavy Clothesline… and another, before lifting Silva onto his shoulder to deliver a Running Powerslam. The crowd were on their feet as “The Springbok” squatted in the far corner waiting for Silva to get back to his feet. Mo Adebola was screaming at Edison Silva, desperately trying to warn the champion what was coming – but Silva was groggily pulling himself up using the turnbuckle and couldn’t seem to hear. With Silva on his feet, Mallory began sprinting across the ring. At the same time Mo Adebola slid into the ring and stepped in front of his client… just in time to take the full impact of the Springbok Ram (Gore)!

For a moment everybody froze. Mo Adebola was clearly knocked out. After a long pause, Landon Mallory and referee Roy Worrall knelt down to check on Adebola. A moment later Edison Silva came flying from out of shot and delivered his Knee Strike KO to the temple of an unsuspecting Landon Mallory. Without a sideways glance at his unconscious legal advisor, Edison Silva made the cover and yelled at Roy Worrall to count. The referee hesitated, but had no choice but to slowly count the three.

After the bell, Edison Silva snatched his belt from ringside and celebrated wildly – seemingly unconcerned for the health of his manager as Roy Worrall motioned for help for both Adebola and Mallory.

Rating: 63


Jackie Goldstein: “I can’t believe what I’ve just seen from Edison Silva. Not a care in the world for the man who has supported him since he arrived in the NWF. Even going as far as to take advantage of the situation…”

Melanie Florence: “I’ve said this before, but Mo Adebola has earned every penny that Edison Silva is paying him again tonight. He put his body in harms way, and is rewarded as Silva walks away still NWF British Heavyweight Champion.”

Jackie Goldstein: “You can’t possibly be serious?”

Melanie Florence: “Edison Silva showed tonight why he’s the champion, and men like Landon Mallory are challengers.”

Jackie Goldstein: “I don’t think we’ve heard the end of this… be sure to join us on Wednesday night for all of the fallout on National Wrestling. Thank you for watching and goodnight!”

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Another really fun show, as they all are, with an interesting ending in showing Mo Adebola in an unusually heroic light and highlighting Edison Silva's lack of concern for him.

A rough night for Frisby and the increasing cracks in his Foundation, but he's such a strong personality that his associates aren't too dependent on wins and losses.

Big Mac got over as a menace even with Nate Manchester presumably refusing to put him over and, as a bonus, this whole angle gave Leo Price even more to work with. It's just a shame he refuses to put his working boots on for you as he's leaving money on the table.

I was intrigued with the Bret Heartbreak angle if you always had it planned that he wouldn't make it and Red Dragon would step in, or if he shoot didn't make the anticipated weight loss in time for the show.

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5 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Another entertaining show! And I have to say that the main event delivered with that ending 😉 Lots of interesting stuff!

Thanks @Wrestling Machine! Glad you enjoyed the show :)

5 hours ago, 619 said:

Another really fun show, as they all are, with an interesting ending in showing Mo Adebola in an unusually heroic light and highlighting Edison Silva's lack of concern for him.

A rough night for Frisby and the increasing cracks in his Foundation, but he's such a strong personality that his associates aren't too dependent on wins and losses.

Big Mac got over as a menace even with Nate Manchester presumably refusing to put him over and, as a bonus, this whole angle gave Leo Price even more to work with. It's just a shame he refuses to put his working boots on for you as he's leaving money on the table.

I was intrigued with the Bret Heartbreak angle if you always had it planned that he wouldn't make it and Red Dragon would step in, or if he shoot didn't make the anticipated weight loss in time for the show.

Thanks @619, thanks for the kind words!

In regards to Bret Heartbreak, he is a Toned Middleweight in game - which I think is one of the lowest Middleweight classes. I made a request that he drop weight, but he rejected the request. If he had accepted the request I would have run a longer weight loss journey over two months with more skits, and had Bret challenge at March Madness. I think I accidentally reference the March Madness PPV in one of the first skits due to the change of plans.

I always had plans for Red Dragon to put over Welsh Dragon in a "passing the torch" type moment, but with Red Dragons lacklustre in-ring performances, I decided just to combine the two angles rather than give Red Dragon a full month-long build up.

I fully agree on Leo Price! I'm desperate to get him out of retirement, but apparently I'm not great at convincing people to do things for me. I'd love to run Price vs Silva considering Adebola got him fired as commissioner, and there would be mileage in Price vs Byron. He could also team with Dangermouth in a mentor/protege type tag team... so many possibilities!

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51 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

I always had plans for Red Dragon to put over Welsh Dragon in a "passing the torch" type moment, but with Red Dragons lacklustre in-ring performances, I decided just to combine the two angles rather than give Red Dragon a full month-long build up.


I like this idea of Red Dragon passing the torch. Sometimes this kind of matches are not the best IRL but the symbolism is enough to justify the match and fans don't feel as disappointed  as they would be with another bad match. If the match is good is more of a good surprise. Also the event had a high rating and a great Main Event so I guess NWF fans wouldn't be mad with it.

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17 hours ago, newbiezness said:


I like this idea of Red Dragon passing the torch. Sometimes this kind of matches are not the best IRL but the symbolism is enough to justify the match and fans don't feel as disappointed  as they would be with another bad match. If the match is good is more of a good surprise. Also the event had a high rating and a great Main Event so I guess NWF fans wouldn't be mad with it.

Thanks @newbiezness! I think I was disappointed because I though Red Dragon would perform a lot better than he has done after Edison Silva dragged him to a decent title match at 'Out With The Old'. I think I should have given Edison Silva a lot more credit for that than I did at the time!


Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to 'London Calling'. It was the best rated show of the diary so far, and in game we had our most viewers (11.1k vs 9.8k previous best) and highest attendance (828 vs 636 previous best). We're still losing money ever month, and pay rise requests are coming thick and fast - but things seem to be on the up! Landon Mallory proved he belongs in the Main Event scene (even if his pop isn't there yet), and 'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn and 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie both look lie they'll slot in nicely to the upper card. A special thanks to everybody who submitted merchandise, it was great to see there was a wide spread of workers represented! As always a special thanks to @John Lions for his incredible work on the poster for London Calling!


We had a bumper number of predictors for London Calling, so thank you to everyone who predicted! I think everybody predicted Joey Beauchamp to beat the debuting Darin Flynn, which was interesting. Flynn came in with mid-40s pop vs Beauchamp's in the high teens. I also have big plans for Flynn & Moore's Sports Agency, so wanted to give "The Prodigy" a flying start. We saw the debut of High Society later in the night, so Joey will still have a big part in the NWF moving forwards. There was also a lot of love for Bret Heartbreak, which I understand - he's had a lot of TV time with his weight loss journey, and missing weight may feel like a big of an anti-climax to the build up. All I'll say is Bret's still got a lot of miles in his arc, and hopefully you'll all like the next chapters as much as this one!


London Calling was the final show of this round of predictions, and KyTeran had a great final show to move ahead of azzak and pick up the overall win! @KyTeran - keep an eye on your PM's for details on your prize. Hope to see everyone back for the first show of the next round of predictions!


Prediction Results for London Calling

@KyTeran 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@newbiezness 3/5

@kanegan 3/5

@Marmo 3/5

@smw88 2/5

@azzak 2/5


Combined Prediction Results

@KyTeran 22/25

@azzak 20/25

@Wrestling Machine 17/20

@smw88 17/25

@newbiezness 17/25

@John Lions 14/15

@kanegan 7/10

@Marmo 3/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 17

Sharp & Heath vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Landon Mallory vs Brilliant White

??? vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

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Sharp & Heath vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Big Mac bounces back with a win

Landon Mallory vs Brilliant White

Same for Landon Mallory

??? vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

Frisby's problems keep growing

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

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Sharp & Heath vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Sharp & Heath are the more established team in NWF and while I like The Party Animals I don't see them winning.

??? vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Nathan needs a win to help establish himself.

Landon Mallory vs Brilliant White

Landon regains momentum from his Heavyweight championship loss.

??? vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

The Frisby Foundation needs a win after everything that happened at London Calling.

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

One JK and Padraig are a more established team, two I think that this will help set up the next challenger for Welsh Dragon's cruiserweight title.

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #17

Wednesday W2 February 2021


Show Rating: 55


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Godstein: “Hello and welcome back to NWF National Wrestling, streaming exclusively on demand on WrestleWorld GB. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, three days on from ‘London Calling’ and I still can’t believe the finish to our Main Event! Mo Adebola heroically sacrificing himself, allowing his client Edison Silva to take advantage and retain his NWF British Heavyweight Championship!”

Jackie Goldstein: “I’m not sure ‘heroic’ is a word I’d use to describe Mo Adebola actions on Sunday night… perhaps desperate would be more fitting?”

Melanie Florence: “It’s your opinion against mine Jackie, who’s to say who’s right or wrong?”



Sharp & Heath VS The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Our opening match saw the in-ring debut of The Party Animals, a team who hadn’t really been seen since leaving 21CW nearly 15 years ago. The NWF crowd seemed happy to see the techno loving duo, and Sharp & Heath did a great job of helping Rave & Trance to a strong performance on debut. The match went for 10 minutes, and Rave and Trance were able to show some periods of offence in the early stages of the match as they isolated Martin Heath in their corner. However once the hot tag was made to Jon Michael Sharp, the established pair took over proceedings and were able to set up for their Disarmer finisher and pick up the victory.

Rating: 48



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The camera cuts away to Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves. The pair look in a foul mood as they pushed through the door of the Frisby Foundation for Fitness gym. Chuck Frisby himself was nowhere to be seen, so Holly Leves asked Dwayne Dark – who was sat on the Bench Press – if Frisby was around, and Dark jerked his head towards the office door. The pair stormed over to the office and pushed the door open without knocking.


Chuck Frisby was sat at his desk, and froze when he saw Bret & Holly.

Holly Leves: “There you are! You promised us Bret would make weight on Sunday if he followed your plan… you guaranteed it! But he was 7 pounds over… 7 pounds! You’re nothing but a conman, and we want a refund!”

Chuck Frisby: “Emotions are running high after Sunday … but I think everyone just needs to calm down before we start talking about refunds.” Chuck turned to address Bret, attempting to cut Holly Leves out of the conversation. “Now Bret, Sunday was a learning experience. Weight loss didn’t work for you, that’s okay, it’s not for everyone…”

Holly Leves: “You cannot seriously…”

Chuck Frisby (raising his voice to cut across Leves): “So what we need to focus on is how to get you to where you want to be without the weight loss. Now you want a title belt to impress daddy, and the Cruiserweight belt won’t cut it… Now Chuck Frisby never lets his clients down, so I’ve already spoken to Mr. FInkleton on your behalf and he’s agreed to name you as number one contender for the NWF British Tag Team Titles! Think about it Bret - you can get back in the gym, no eating restrictions, and at the end of the month you get a guaranteed title shot. How good does that sound?”

Bret Heartbreak (grinning ear to ear): “It sounds amazing!”

Holly Leves: “That sounds too amazing, what’s the catch?”

Chuck Frisby: “No catch, no catch… it’s all part of the service! You stick with me Bret and old Chuck will look after you.”

Chuck Frisby beamed at both Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves for a moment. Bret looked like all his Christmas’s had come at once, but Holly Leves had a deeply distrusting look on her face.

Holly Leves: “And let’s just say Bret was to accept this offer… the title shot would be for a tag team. Who would his partner be?”

Chuck Frisby (still beaming): “Well that’s the best bit Holly, Bret’s tag team partner would be ME!”

Holly Leves looked alarmed at the announcement, but Bret Heartbreak had pushed past her and begun shaking Chuck Frisby’s hand vigorously.

Bret Heartbreak: “Thank you Mr Frisby, I won’t let you down!”

Chuck Frisby: “I know you won’t Bret! We’ve got a big month of training ahead of us!”

With a final beaming smile, Bret released Chuck’s hand and went to leave the office before Chuck called after him.

Chuck Frisby: “Oh Bret, one final thing. It’s not a big deal, just a bit of admin really… your membership fee runs out tomorrow. Could you make sure to send this months fees over by the end of the day?”

Bret nodded happily and promised Chuck he’d send the money over right now. With that Bret left the office, leaving Chuck and Holly Leves alone.

Holly Leves: “You may have distracted Bret with your empty promises, but I still remember what the last few weeks have been like. I don’t trust you, and if you hurt Bret again – you’ll have me to deal with.”

With that Holly Leves turned on her heel, leaving Chuck all alone once again in his office. Bret Heartbreak’s quest for gold is back on track, and this time he has Chuck Frisby by his side!

Rating: 49



Local Worker VS “Big Mac” Nathan McKenzie

‘The Network’ was out in full force for this match as The Northern Lights joined Big Mac at ringside. The big Australian threw the poor local worker around with ease, and McKenzie dominated the entire contest. After playing with his food for a few minutes, Big Mac hit a huge Spear to pick up a dominant victory.

Rating: 32


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After Big Mac’s victory, he jumped on the mic to hype the demolition job he did on Nate Manchester this past Sunday. The Australian seemed entirely unconcerned by the fact he had been disqualified in the match, and instead focused on the now injured knee of ‘The Real Angel Of The North’.

Nathan McKenzie: “And to all you blokes watching in the back, let this be a message to ya’. Big Mac is here to make sure that what ‘The Network’ wants, ‘The Network’ gets.”

Rating: 40



“The Springbok” Landon Mallory VS Brilliant White

Landon Mallory looked to have the NWF British Heavyweight Championship won on Sunday night, until Mo Adebola inserted himself into the title match and accidentally took a Springbok Ram. That distraction proved enough to allow Edison Silva to sneak out with his title reign intact.

Brilliant White’s unpredictable daredevil style could have proved a potential banana skin for Mallory if ‘The Springbok’ was still dwelling on Sunday night, but luckily the South African was fully focused on his opponent here. The two men put on the match of the night, as Brilliant White risked his own safety to try and gain the upper hand. However it was the power of ‘The Springbok’ that won out, as the South African delivered a spectacular looking midair Springbok Ram (Gore) to a diving Brilliant White.

Rating: 56



Immediately after his victory, Landon Mallory demanded a microphone and immediately addressed the Main Event on Sunday.

Landon Mallory: “Three days ago I was seconds away from beating Edison Silva and becoming the new NWF British Heavyweight Champion! That was until Mo Adebola decided to put himself in harm’s way and…”

‘The Springbok’ was drowned out by the music of the NWF British Heavyweight champion Edison Silva, who walked out past the curtain joined by his legal representative Mo Adebola – who was sat in a wheelchair, wearing an overlarge neck brace and a sling around his left shoulder.

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Mo Adebola: “Objection! I was violently and unprovoked assaulted on Sunday, and I will not be victim-blamed by my attacker!”

Adebola is immediately drowned out by boos, as Jackie Goldstein voices his disagreement with a Adebola’s version of events on commentary.

Mo Adebola: “Luckily I am in the privileged position of being lawyer. So, unlike millions of other victims of violence every year, I can stand up to my attacker! I have already lodged an official complaint with the NWF board and I’m awaiting their response this week!”

Landon Mallory: “You’re joking right? You literally jumped in front of me…”

Mo Adebola: “From now until the hearing I will only communicate through your lawyer. Goodbye.”

With that Mo Adebola wheeled his way to the back, being showered by a reign of boos from the crowd. Back in the ring Landon Mallory look perplexed, stating out loud – “This country is weird…”

Rating: 63



Bulldog Jack VS “Your Olympic Hero” Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

A very chipper Chuck Frisby announced his client – “Your Olympic hero, and mine” Stuart Wilson to the ring. As a Muscular Heavyweight, Stuart Wilson was used to towering over his opponents. Tonight he faced Bulldog Jack, a Flabby Light Heavyweight who, despite lacking Wilson’s muscular definition was just as large as the former Olympic bronze medalist.

Instead of posing a challenge for Wilson, it just allowed “The Celtic Hammer” to really showcase his power. The former Olympian delighted his personal trainer with an incredible feat of strength, as he lifted Bulldog Jack high over his head with apparent ease to hit a Gorilla Press Slam. With Bulldog Jack clearly blowing only six minutes into the match, Stuart Wilson hoisted the Light Heavyweight onto his shoulder to hit his Bronze Bomber Running Powerslam. There was no kicking out from that.

Rating: 33



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We go to a pre-recorded segment with the members of High Society sat outside an incredibly posh looking country club sipping champagne. The club has an exclusive feel to it, with everyone in shot dressed to the nines.

Byron: “I’m told that over the past few days there has, understandably, been a lot of talk online about the impact we made on Sunday night. I don’t lower myself to reading that garbage, but I understand that one of the questions being asked on these forums is the identity of our third member.”

The young man on Byron’s left smirked arrogantly as he was introduced by the former 10-time World Champion.

Byron: “Anybody with an ounce of social standing in this country would have recognised Dylan Drama in an instant. His father owns one of this largest hedge funds in the City, and he holds memberships at all of the most exclusive hot spots in London. We in ‘High Society’ know that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. And, Mr Moss, your friend Mr Price may well know a lot, but he doesn’t have the influence of any of our powerful new friends.”

A waiter popped another bottle of champagne for the table, and Byron smirked smugly into the camera as his flute was refilled.

Rating: 47


We go to another pre-recorded video as the camera settles on a door reading ‘Moore’s Sports Agency’. We cut inside to find Mark Moore, the head of Moore’s Sports Agency, sat opposite his star client “The Prodigy” Darin Flynn.

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Mark Moore: “I just wanted to say congratulations again for your performance on Sunday Darin. Joey’s been around the block a few times, and can be a tricky customer. Needless to say you’ve turned a few eyeballs since arriving at the NWF… and I don’t want to give anything away, but something big Is in the works! Keep doing what you’re doing kid.”

On commentary, Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence speculate about what Mark Moore could ‘have in the works’ as we cut back to ringside for our Main Event.

Rating: 54



Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) VS Lee & O’Hearne

Our Main Event for the evening was a tag team contest between four men who's pathed had crossed a lot in recent history. The two teams had faced off back in November with Lee & O’Hearne coming out on top, Welsh Dragon then retained his Cruiserweight title against JK Lee two weeks later. Meanwhile, Bali Daljit had been feuding with both men up in Scotland over October and November of last year.

With all of that recent history between the teams, there was an added intensity to proceedings. Welsh Dragon had the best of the early goings as he showcased his lucha-libre inspired moveset. Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags were all on show during the Cruiserweight champions flying start to the contest.

The turning point of the match came as Padraig O’Hearne, the largest man in the match, was able to reverse an attempted Hurricanrana from Welsh Dragon into a Powerbomb. This left both men down as O’Hearne and Welsh Dragon crawled back to their corners. The tags were made simultaneously, and JK Lee and Bali Daljit took over for their teams. Daljit initially looked to seize the momentum with a series of heavy elbow strikes, but as he looked for an Arm Drag of his own JK Lee was able to reverse. Daljit looked to respond, but JK Lee used his opponents momentum against him to lock in his Crossface finisher! Welsh Dragon looked to intervene, but was cut off by Padraig O’Hearne. The Irishman dumped his fellow Celt over the top rope, leaving Bali Daljit no choice but to tap out in the middle of the ring.

The bell rang, but JK Lee showed no sign of letting go of the hold. Welsh Dragon tried to slide back into the ring to help his partner, but was cut off again by Padraig O’Hearne. The Irishman pinned the Cruiserweight champion to the mat, and the Welshman could only watch as his partner cried out in pain. Road Agents and fellow wrestlers flooded out from the back and were finally able to finally force JK Lee to break the hold, but Bali Daljit looked in real pain as medical professionals assessed him as the show went off the air.

Rating: 53


Melanie Florence: “Bali Daljit looks really hurt Jackie, I hope he’s okay…”

Jackie Goldstein: “Do you think that was JK Lee sending a message to Welsh Dragon?”

Melanie Florence: “I think he’s just sent a message to the entire NWF locker room…”

Jackie Goldstein: “You’ve got to think Welsh Dragon will want revenge for what JK Lee has done to his partner tonight…”

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Another great plot twist in Bret’s story. I thought for a second that Wilson and Dark would fight for a spot in the tag team, but Frisby’s lack of ring level means almost a certain loss for them. I think they will lose and the problems will only grow.

Landon is on a mission, probably Mo Adebola’s attitude towards last match is not good news for him, as it seems that the manager is still firmly on Silva’s side.

The lack of advances in Moore’s Sport Agency story is working at least for me, it’s creating some hype.

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10 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Another great plot twist in Bret’s story. I thought for a second that Wilson and Dark would fight for a spot in the tag team, but Frisby’s lack of ring level means almost a certain loss for them. I think they will lose and the problems will only grow.

Landon is on a mission, probably Mo Adebola’s attitude towards last match is not good news for him, as it seems that the manager is still firmly on Silva’s side.

The lack of advances in Moore’s Sport Agency story is working at least for me, it’s creating some hype.

Thanks @newbiezness! Given Bret is refusing to drop weight in game, pivoting to the tag title scene seemed like a fun idea. I like the idea of Dark & Wilson fighting over the available spot - if I had thought of it, I could have given for example Wilson & Bret the win and had Wilson rub it in Dark's face.

Mo Adebola is a man you don't want to get on the wrong side of - Leo Price will attest to that! However, this time Landon Mallory seems very much not at fault. It will be interesting to see what Adebola & Silva can get from the NWF board this time around.

Mark Moore has one of the hottest young talents in British wrestling as his star client, so don't expect him to wait too long before his big announcement! :)


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4 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Funny that Byron and Bret were involved in my personal two fav segments of the night!

Byron would no doubt claim that is some of his greatness being passed down to his otherwise disappointment of a son!


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show, it really is appreciated! Another bumper round of predictions for this show, with seven participants for the first show of this round. A high scoring round all round, with special mention to smw88, azzak and KyTeran for a perfect score! Hope to see you all back for the next show.

The show is half written, but I'm not sure how much time I'll get other the next few days to write. I wanted to get the card up early in case I get some time over the next few days so I can keep the ball rolling :)


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 17

@smw88 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@kanegan 4/5

@Marmo 3/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 18

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Lenny Mochin

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

Bulldog Jack vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Dylan Drama w/ Byron

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne

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