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I'd be pretty sad to see DAVE fade away into the night, but I probably wouldn't mind seeing them struggle a bit. Might make it easier for me to take Sammy Bach and Teddy Powell off their hands. I was actually hoping DAVE might be in the process of making a rebound. :)
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I really hope DAVE doesn't fold, even if they have fallen even further; rather than having them go out like ECW, I think it'd be really cool to play through a 're-establishing' period with them. They have a group of dedicated veterans and promotion truebloods, and a group of hungry young workers desperate to prove themselves.
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Well, this is my dreams: Europe - other 2 Federations one in Western Europe and one in Scandinavian/Central Europe Ireland - a local Fed is born Australia - 2 Local Fed. I'm really interested about the product they offer. USA - some other cult/local promotions (i.e. CHIKARA style) Great Britain: i'm afraid about MOSC. I'm not sure it will survive. Nova's Federation maybe will have some financial problem.
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I dunno. The only thing I've always hated about the c-verse is all the focus in Europe. I realize Adam is from the UK and ****, but for the most part wrestling has always been a North American, Japan, and Mexico. Why Mexico/Canada dont get more love is beyond me.
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[QUOTE=MrCanada;384862]I dunno. The only thing I've always hated about the c-verse is all the focus in Europe. I realize Adam is from the UK and ****, but for the most part wrestling has always been a North American, Japan, and Mexico. Why Mexico/Canada dont get more love is beyond me.[/QUOTE] Eh? Are we talking about the same game? :confused: Europe has only one promotion, and a fairly weak talent pool. The UK only has one "major" promotion, and doesn't have a great talent pool either. How did you go from that to "all the focus" being on Europe? They're both significantly worse than the rest of the game world. Also, Canada has two national sized promotions and Mexico have as many promotions as they do regions...they're hardly neglected!
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;384867]Eh? Are we talking about the same game? :confused: Europe has only one promotion, and a fairly weak talent pool. The UK only has one "major" promotion, and doesn't have a great talent pool either. How did you go from that to "all the focus" being on Europe? They're both significantly worse than the rest of the game world. Also, Canada has two national sized promotions and Mexico have as many promotions as they do regions...they're hardly neglected![/QUOTE] True...though Flemmy Lemming is THE guy!
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Well, I'm from Europe and i would like to play a European Fed. Actually I got only one choise. It will be fun to have small Fed From Europe, as we truly have. In Italy we got at least 3 Fed, even if they are really small. If this can help Adam, i can post the link to Italian Fed sites, and i can make a little search in all Europe, just to give you some info. :D
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In Canada: Dan Jr turns on his family and discovers himself and a character he can really use. He turns heel, develops more Mic skills, and owns the NOTBPW Championship! NOTBPW Buys out 4C leaving only two promotions in Canada. NOTBPW is at the highest end of National while CGC drops to cult. In the US: Dave makes a huge power play in a last ditched effort to be top dog. They buy out CZCW and NYPW trying to garner some media attention. They also sign a working agreement with NOTBPW to trade talent back and forth which helps Dave bring in talent while helping NOTBPW get their talent over in the U.S. all they feel they need is a T.V. & PPV deal and they feel they can get back in the black. In the age of corporate maneuvering SWF tries unsuccessfully to buy out USPW as well as MAW which causes them a lot of embarrassment in the media. This along with the acquisition of Sean McFly and to much less notice Bruce the Giant (after a falling out with Sam) rocket TCW to being the only global fed in the world. Mexico: Many of the workers who were with CZCW did not feel they would fit in with the DAVE style of business and jumped ship down to Mexico. OLLIE company snags most of them and becomes a National ranked fed while the others specialize in a more pure form of lucha. Japan: With most of the world focused on the shakings in the US market Japan remains steeped in tradition while some of their more popular feds attempt to make in roads into Europe which is becoming a cash cow for those willing to make the effort. Europe: I think it'd be cool to set the starting industry and economy to A* in Europe to tempt companies to ramp up their presence there. Add a couple of small feds to the mix and you have an interesting battle ground. Foreign feds with better stars against local talent. England: 21CW and MOSC (I'm not incredibly familiar with the names of the English feds) become nationalized by the government headed up by a new figure in the Cornellverse. The remaining fed goes underground to escape notice until they get the talent to compete. This new 21MOSC fed is content to solidify their hold on the English territories while looking closely at Europe as a means of bringing in $$$. Just my thoughts on what would be an interesting setup for '08.
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While interesting, eliminating that many promotions would be a step backwards. As mentioned before, the change from '05 to '08 did not close any promotions, in fact INSPIRE was created out of BHOTWG. Suddenly closing down 3 popular small promotions would mean that in the North America scene, the only small promotion left would be MAW and that would be a terrible shame. Some of us (myself included) really love 4C, and if anything they deserve to rise up a notch or two.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;384867]Eh? Are we talking about the same game? :confused: Europe has only one promotion, and a fairly weak talent pool. The UK only has one "major" promotion, and doesn't have a great talent pool either. How did you go from that to "all the focus" being on Europe? They're both significantly worse than the rest of the game world. Also, [b]Canada has two national sized promotions[/b] and Mexico have as many promotions as they do regions...they're hardly neglected![/QUOTE] :confused: Spoiler or mistake? You be the judge!
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[QUOTE=praguepride;387068]While interesting, eliminating that many promotions would be a step backwards. As mentioned before, the change from '05 to '08 did not close any promotions, in fact INSPIRE was created out of BHOTWG. Suddenly closing down 3 popular small promotions would mean that in the North America scene, the only small promotion left would be MAW and that would be a terrible shame. Some of us (myself included) really love 4C, and if anything they deserve to rise up a notch or two.[/QUOTE] I believe I was only really closing down 2 feds in the U.S. One of which provides a strategic advantage for DAVE as they could increase their influence out west. As for 4C I like them as well, but I feel a number of the workers there would benefit greatly from the move to NOTBPW (Jacob Jett and Joey Poison especially), and while I know it doesn't work like this in TEW in real life the move would garner a large amount of media attention helping NOTBPW get more over throughout Canada. I'm sure there are a number of CGC guys out there who hate this idea, but I was never a fan of the Eisen's. Anyway, I just thought this setup would provide for some interesting scenarios for all of the feds in the 'Verse. I agree though that some extra small feds would have to crop up. Personally I'd like to see 1 of the smallest sized feds in each territory in the U.S. or at least 3-4 more just to provide bottom end workers a place to get some experience.
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I'd love to see DaVE or USPW make the leap to the next level. Just so long as this never happens: [quote]-DAVE is hurting. Most of their bigger stars have been signed away, [B]to the point that the Latino Kings are positioned as solid midcarders[/B].[/quote] *shudders*
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;387172]Come on, Adam, this is the Internet Wrestling Community. You know things like "logic" and "facts" and "Hi I'm the creator of the whole freakin' universe you're talking about" has no place here![/QUOTE] Bah, that's just crazy talk. What's this magical thing called "logic"? Is that like "thinking" or whatever it is you people do nowadays.
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[QUOTE=Sammartino;384860] Australia - 2 Local Fed. I'm really interested about the product they offer. [/QUOTE] I would expect Australia to have a small touring promotion and a pretty weak talent pool considering the Australian wrestling scene is pretty weak in real life and I bet Adam will make Australia that way in the C-Verse as we are a "New" region so to speak
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[QUOTE=dvdWarrior;387428]I can't wait to see what's going down with Australia my own self. Should be interesting, to say the least. I'm sure the CornellVerse site will be updated for '08, but I'm anxious to see what it'll be updated with.[/QUOTE] The legend of Kangeroo Mask.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'd love to see a couple of celebrities added to the cornellverse. Bringing a celebrity from outside of wrestling is a common trick for SE promotions and one that you can't really do in the game at the moment. Oh, I'd love to see some of the 21CW get a bit of an overness boost to go with their new tv show.
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Celebrities like Mark Cuban and Tom Cruise, perhaps? I would greatly love for J.K. Stallings to get back into the fray. He's been in the DB but out of the industry for both '05 and '07. I think it would be interesting for him to come back and hostile takeover TCW so he's back in control. Then Cornell and some other top stars walk out and form their own new promotion similar to what happened w/ INSPIRE and BHOTWG.
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  • 1 month later...
Guest Bolton
Sorry for bumping this, but I'm going to take a blind guess who the champions of the Big 4 in the American scene will be come 2008... [B]SWF[/B] SWF World: Eric Eisen (Like I guessed, nothing like a good Jesus push for relatives!) SWF North American: Marc DuBois (The seeds might have been planted for the biggest ego in wrestling since BS Scott) SWF Shooting Star: John Greed (I think he might have graduated from RIPW in mid-2007 and got a shock victory for the SS title. And yes, that has been done in shamelessposer's fantastic C-verse Imperfect Present mod) SWF Tag Team: The Amazing Bumfholes (2) [B]TCW[/B] TCW World: Tommy Cornell (5) (In his 5th reign, and has traded the belt with Ricky Dale Johnson AGAIN) TCW International: Chance Fortune (Still rising up the card, and has became Liberty's occasional tag partner) TCW All-Action: Freddy Hudgins (3) (A cornerstone of the All-Action division in my opinion) TCW World Tag Team: Adrenaline Rush (They took the money and went to TCW, and got over with the crowds due to a feud with The Machines) [B]DAVE[/B] DAVE Unifed: Jack Giedroyc (Big Cat Brandon finally got to the top of the DAVE empire, but when he took a big money deal from SWF and filed a restraining order against Nemesis, Jack was booked to get another upset over Brandon) DAVE Brass Knuckles: Joey Minnesota (To make NYCW regret their decision to stop Minnesota from leaving, DAVE give Minnesota the Brass Knux title) DAVE Tag Team: The New Wave (4) (The crowds turn rapidly against Tank Bradley, and The New Wave win the titles, so people can watch actual wrestling) [B]USPW[/B] USPW World: Bruce The Giant (Bruce is still the champion as USPW finds its groundings) USPW National: Des Davids (Des was brought in because he had a old-school field around him. The fans took to Des and Des got a big push, although he's likely to lose it to a old guy. Maybe Warlord Agony) USPW World Tag Team: The Forces of America (2)
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guess the champion is a good way to kill time...: SWF SWF World: Angry Gilmore-----> best guy on the roster in my eyes. Maybe a heel turn to get him over the hump. SWF North American: Frederique----->good solid spot for a good worker. His fabulous gimmic with a title = moneu SWF Shooting Star: Valiant------>SWF released him in my last game and within a month i had him main eventing. The guy is gold. SWF Tag Team: Death Row-----> Decent workers, good way to get them on the show. TCW TCW World: Ric Law----->heel turn, big money draw. TCW International: Aaron Andrews------> on his way to a world title TCW All-Action: Aaron ANdrews-------->yeah, thats right, he wins both titles. The guy is too good compaired to the rest of the mid card. TCW World Tag Team: Young guns. With Aaron holding both singles titles, its a good spot for them. DAVE DAVE Unifed: Scout-------->Eddie Peak leaves, new wave takes over the promotion. Scout wins the world title and Guide turns on him. They hold all the gold and hate eachother. DAVE Brass Knuckles: Guide DAVE Tag Team: New Wave USPW USPW World: Mick Muscles------->Sam shows him how to not suck. USPW National: Nicky------------>Same as Mick, learns how to show an ounce of charisma USPW World Tag Team: some washed up team. With the tag division as it is in USPW, it wont matter prob.
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It looks like all the champions were picked based on having the best stats in their league. I hope we get another Enygma, maybe Enygma goes big overseas. I think it's always interesting to have champions that might not be the best stats on the roster but are still over as can be. I remember in '05 when Enygma had A* popularity in America and looking at his stats going "how in the heck?" but it was fun to try and maintain that popularity even when he didn't truly deserve it.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;421125]It looks like all the champions were picked based on having the best stats in their league. I hope we get another Enygma, maybe Enygma goes big overseas. I think it's always interesting to have champions that might not be the best stats on the roster but are still over as can be. I remember in '05 when Enygma had A* popularity in America and looking at his stats going "how in the heck?" but it was fun to try and maintain that popularity even when he didn't truly deserve it.[/QUOTE] Besides that, the reason a lot of wrestlers don't have big long title runs is because [i]they don't need them[/i]. Enygma is a mediocre performer and needs to be put into high profile matches to try and hide that fact. Christian Faith or Sam Keith, even ignoring their age issues, are each over enough in their own way that it doesn't hurt either man's legacy to retire without another title reign.
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