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How do you use your User Characters?

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After reading the diverse uses they have in the diaries- Main Eventers, Announcers, Managers, Authority Figures, and so on, I'm curious- how do you guys put your User Characters to work? I can never seem to push them as Main Eventers- it just seems so wrong for some reason. I don't mind others using them as such in diaries, but I can't bring myself to do it. I almost always use them as midcarders, because that's where I need a guy who can carry his opponents to a good match; my main eventers generally have enough talents/overness to handle themselves just fine.
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I use mine as a roadagent and occasionally a jobber if I need to fill the card. In my MOSC game I am 12 years in and my characters record is an amazing 0-64. When I play a real world mod I usually push my guy as an enhancement talent and use him to try out my developement wrestlers. In my WCW game my characters record is 1 - 33, 3 years in. My only win was when I had him beat Goldberg in his last match as he was of to WWF and I was bitter.
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Terry Roberts, current head booker for Ring of Fire, is their regular colour commentator for the past four years. In that time he's also had one match, a five-minute squash loss that rated fairly low, to continue a storyline. I use him in interviews occasionally, giving him a bit more overness and allowing subsequent interview segments to come off stronger. Entertainment is the side of the product I normally ignore, so this makes sense to me.
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Most games, I usually set my user character to announcer or manager, someplace where he can fill a hole in the roster without being part of the story. My current diary is an exception because that was my first use of the user character as a wrestler, and I just go along with the auto push as to where he belongs. I used the default jack avatar character stats and , for a regional or smaller fed, those stats pretty much put him in a main event slot and I just developed feuds from there based on chemistry and rmatch ratings.
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Man, my user characters go all over the place, depending on what I need them to do. At the moment in my PWM game I'm in September 2010 and my user character Mike Diamond has remained in the midcard because he has good all round wrestling skills so I can job him out to people I want to help rise up the card. When I need to, I also use him as a road agent, an announcer, an authority figure, so it all works out nicely. If my user character has amazing skills and can put on great matches, I have no problems pushing him to main event, but I never put the main title on them. Or maybe I will...
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Awesome. I didn't imagine this thing would get such a response- go figure, right? Seems like most of you are like me- put him out of the way or just fill up an announcer or road agent slot to save some cash. It's the weirdest thing; In TEW 05 I'd always create a worker and say "This'll be my guy." But when the option comes built in, I'm not interested.
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My user character is a jack of all trades backstage wizard, usually. Given my preference for playing women's promotions and the fact that I'm male, I have no other choice. :) I do have one game where the user character is the owner and the biggest star on the roster but she usually prefers to build up new stars rather than have everything revolve around her. Often, when the game starts, I'm the Announcer and Color Commentator and road agent. Then as time goes on and cashflow is better, I'll hire a dedicated road agent or announcer (I prefer to do color). I don't give myself godly stats because I know the breakpoints that matter so I stay around those breakpoints.
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I tend to base the backstory of my dynasties around myself. I keep the stats in the reliable midcarder range, and the overness starts around 25% in whatever area I'm in. So depending on the promotion I'm running, I can be main event, midcard, or enhancement talent. 99% of the time, I team up with Steve Flash, because he's my boy.
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I tend to use my user characters in one of two ways, depending on the game file I am playing. In a straightedge game with the in-game promotions, I tend to use them as a somewhat glorified enhancement talent (truth be told, I don't think any of my user characters have ever won a match) with slightly bumped up basic skills (usually high C's low B's, which is somewhat high for a rookie) in order to help advance the younger undercard talent. If I'm running a freestyle game with a company I've created, I usually make the user character the owner to be more realistic, and generally use them as a road agent.
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Depends on the promotion size and style. If I am running a very small promotion I use my user character as a jack of all trades basically what ever that promotion happens to need be it a commentator, ref, authority figure, worker etc. As a small to cult sized promotion I use the user character as the Authority Figure, Commentator, Manager or Road Agent As a National promotion or above I use them strictly as a Manager or Road Agent.
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