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I'm not really happy about this feature. I don't see myself using it, so I'm somewhat disappointed Adam took the time to program it. I would see this as making the game even easier for human players, when the game is already skewed toward human players. Now, no one has any reason to use its lesser stars on their main shows, which will increase the ratings of the main shows while having wrestlers happier backstage. It will also give people the ability to develop more talent, securing their future much more easily. That's fine for them, but it's just surprising anyone would want something that would make them take longer to get through a game year, while at the same time, making the game much easier. Maybe it's just because I want a challenging, long-term game. Edit: I would have much preferred that he had foregone THIS popular request which he has denied in the past, and rather added another popular request which he has denied in the past. For instance, the one thing that might keep from purchasing TEW2008 is that it is too easy to throw top wrestlers together and get good ratings, over and over again. I could run a card every week that had Andre vs. Hogan, Flair vs. Steamboat, the Hart Foundation vs. the British Bulldogs, Savage vs. Dibiase, etc., and have no consequences. At the same time, I could have a feud involving Andre, Hogan, Flair, and Steamboat, and just alternate normal singles matches all year long, every week, with those 4, and my feud would excel and each match would be highly rated. I would much prefer that there be a mechanism in the game that made booking more difficult than simply placing your best guys against each other every week.
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[QUOTE]I'm not really happy about this feature. I don't see myself using it, so I'm somewhat disappointed Adam took the time to program it.[/QUOTE] I don't see this as being a valid argument. It took a matter of hours to create this feature, so it's not like it was a huge effort that will impact the time I have to write other features. Furthermore, it's easily avoidable if you don't like the feature. [QUOTE]That's fine for them, but it's just surprising anyone would want something that would make them take longer to get through a game year, while at the same time, making the game much easier. Maybe it's just because I want a challenging, long-term game.[/QUOTE] Again, if you disagree with the feature, you can quite easily avoid it entirely and never have to deal with it whatsoever. Personally I don't plan on using it either as I like to incorporate my lower-level guys into my main shows, but if other people want to use it they have the option - it's win\win. [QUOTE]Edit: I would have much preferred that he had foregone THIS popular request which he has denied in the past, and rather added another popular request which he has denied in the past. For instance, the one thing that might keep from purchasing TEW2008 is that it is too easy to throw top wrestlers together and get good ratings, over and over again. I could run a card every week that had Andre vs. Hogan, Flair vs. Steamboat, the Hart Foundation vs. the British Bulldogs, Savage vs. Dibiase, etc., and have no consequences. At the same time, I could have a feud involving Andre, Hogan, Flair, and Steamboat, and just alternate normal singles matches all year long, every week, with those 4, and my feud would excel and each match would be highly rated.[/QUOTE] I realise this will probably come across as a dickish remark, it's not meant to, but I can't think of a better way to phrase it - if you're that bothered by the above, why keep doing it? From the way you phrased it you're sitting there running the same matches over and over again boring yourself - irrespective of whether the game should or should not block you, surely you could try running other matches and taking bigger risks in your booking by your own volition, rather than wanting to be forced to do it? It's seems counter-productive to just keep doing it solely because you've found a flaw to expose.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;409802] Personally I don't plan on using it either as I like to incorporate my lower-level guys into my main shows, but if other people want to use it they have the option - it's win\win. [/QUOTE] Wait... Adam plays the game? ...... I feel like an idiot. I can't believe I was shocked by that.
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[QUOTE=Sons of Kohral;409826]Wait... Adam plays the game? ...... I feel like an idiot. I can't believe I was shocked by that.[/QUOTE] Well it's reasonable to think that once he was done he might not want to since he knows all the ins and outs. Personally I think that's one of the strongest endorsements a game can have. If the creator plays it knowing all that he does, that has to be a pretty compelling game.
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B-show is a good thing for companies trying to develop talent. I've had to open up a Japanese brand and nearly everyone in it is an opener or enhancement. But it's the only way I can try to build up a roster for the future in a fed based purely on in-ring skills. Next time I can take the more realistic (imo) route of having a B-show in my own home area.
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[QUOTE=soundsofsilver;409794] I would see this as making the game even easier for human players, when the game is already skewed toward human players. Now, no one has any reason to use its lesser stars on their main shows, which will increase the ratings of the main shows while having wrestlers happier backstage. It will also give people the ability to develop more talent, securing their future much more easily.[/QUOTE] have you even been reading the developer journals? If anything the game is being designed to CHALLENGE the player.
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;409898]...I think a nice safer (yet more expensive) way to build up some new stars is a great idea! I don't see it making the game much easier though[/QUOTE] ^^ I think that about somes up the feature. I can't see how anyone can really complain about a feature like this as it simply opens up more options to the player on how they wish to run their promotion.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;409847]I've had to open up a Japanese brand and nearly everyone in it is an opener or enhancement. [/QUOTE] Yup ditto, a B show just seems more realistic. I find it hard to conceive why anyone would be against something that increases the possible realism, even if they themselves didn't want to use it.
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;409943]Can you make all your shows in your company B-Shows? That's what i wanna know. Simply coz if I run WWE, I could push anyone I wanted without it affecting me, like they do now. Spirit Squad for World Champs![/QUOTE] As I understand the feature, would probably lose alot of popularity by not running "A" shows from time to time. Plus there is no money to be made off of "B" shows. Plus you would be killing the importance and prestige of your titles. Having said that, in a DOTT campaign, this would be pretty much the way to go. For the longest time, if you wanted to see top wrestlers against each other, you only saw it by going to live events...
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I'm all for B-Shows. A big reason is tag teams. Sadly it seems most tag team matches aren't that stellar unless both teams have a relatively large amount of experience together, which can make having viable options for a tag division a bit limited. But with a B-Show, I can make sure that the newer teams get to compete with each other every week, and not worry if my new team of Ox Kreviazuk and King Kong Kennedy will drag down the ratings with their awesome F+ experience together. P.S. I did actually create a team of Ox Kreviazuk and King Kong Kennedy (who works as King Kong Kennedy Kennedy) in my USPW game, calling them Burger Time. After about four months of forcing them to job they've managed to worm their way up to an E in experience.
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I never realized how much I wanted B-shows until I found out they'd be added to the game. Yay! A question, though: it's already been said that promotion popularity won't be affected, but what about worker popularity? Taking a hot indy prospect and putting him on a b-show until he can properly "debut" on my main show as a midcarder would be great, but it's also understandable that there could be balance issues involved.
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I'm fed up of all these bloody features making it more challenging. I sure hope Adam will be programming a button I can press that comes up with a message "YOU WIN, SIR!" so I don't have to go through all the trouble of booking matches and the like! :D
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;410001]I'm all for B-Shows. A big reason is tag teams. Sadly it seems most tag team matches aren't that stellar unless both teams have a relatively large amount of experience together, which can make having viable options for a tag division a bit limited.[/QUOTE] Uh... I'm getting easy B+ and A matches with tag teams that have little experience together. It's just that you need all 4 wrestlers in the match to be over enough (or to have some chemistry), it's really not that hard. And a few months later, when those tag teams have enough experience, you get your A* ratings. It's really as easy as it sounds. Bonus for big PPVs, just pit workers with high stats and not necessarily high overness in a 2, 3, or 4 team TLC match and get a free A or A* match if they're good enough.
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