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[QUOTE=WrestleManiac;372514]I thought this was just gonna be a bog standard EA style update for 08. But the new additions, and I assume it won't stop here, have got me interested. TEW had bucket loads of depth to start with, now I'm gonna need arm bands and a life jacket![/QUOTE] Yeah baby!
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;372526]I dont think the freebird rule will be used too much. I could be wrong though. I can see why people would use it for the Underwater Union, Painful Procedure, but thats about it. Where else do you guys see it being used?[/QUOTE] How about the actual Freebirds in DOTT, the Triple Threat in any mod with ECW Classic, or any number of self-creations? It may not be the biggest issue in the world. But with this rule having been a part of the industry for so long now, it's good to see it get its due in TEW.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;372526]I dont think the freebird rule will be used too much. I could be wrong though. I can see why people would use it for the Underwater Union, Painful Procedure, but thats about it. Where else do you guys see it being used?[/QUOTE] The last year of the USPW brand in my ROF diary would've been different with this. I was damn close to faction war as it was.
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Good to see the title switch feature is in, I remember being part of a discussion about it a while ago. Are there angles that can make the effect, or is it just within the Title screen (which I assume works in AM or PM). The angle tie-in isn't really important, but would be a nice bonus :)
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;372538]How about the actual Freebirds in DOTT, the Triple Threat in any mod with ECW Classic, or any number of self-creations? It may not be the biggest issue in the world. But with this rule having been a part of the industry for so long now, it's good to see it get its due in TEW.[/QUOTE] And the Spirit Squad. And, in a mod I'm working on at the moment, the Stepford Cuckoos.
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The idea i had when I first thought of this was that we could finally create a #1 contender title and not have the history be full of holes. Before you'd have to constantly vacate the title as the people used up their #1 contender it had to be vacated. This will allow you to pass around that #1 contender belt
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;372589]And the Spirit Squad. And, in a mod I'm working on at the moment, the Stepford Cuckoos.[/QUOTE] Demolition once crush came in. Legion of Doom when Droz was a member. Any time you have a tag team member be injured you could run a story where he brings a guy in as his replacement then once the guys back just put him back as champ. If the story ran that way, it could also lead to title lose and a feud with said replacement.
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Where it would really come in handy, depending on just how it is implemented, would be in teams or stables where the titleholder or holders is available due to working elsewhere, injury, or just pulls a Remmy Skye and doesn't show up. You could then still have your title defense with a substitute partner or person.
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What excites me is that I won't have 'Vacant' appearing in all my title histories. I have a tendancy to build up my lower and midcard champions so much that I can't think of a way to have them lose the belts without losing momentum, and likewise with champions getting injured or retiring I'm very pleased :)
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;372623]Where it would really come in handy, depending on just how it is implemented, would be in teams or stables where the titleholder or holders is available due to working elsewhere, injury, or just pulls a Remmy Skye and doesn't show up. You could then still have your title defense with a substitute partner or person.[/QUOTE] Plus you can also book something similar to the HBK/Triple H Euro title "match." without actually having to make it a match.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;372643]Plus you can also book something similar to the HBK/Triple H Euro title "match." without actually having to make it a match.[/QUOTE] Or the Fingerpoke of Doom. You could stroke egos without having anyone lose.
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[QUOTE=Sigilistic;372703]Another example would be when Randy Orton wrestled in Booker T's place against Chris Benoit in the best of seven series for the U.S. title a couple years back. All in all, I like this addition. And all the previous ones as well. I am eagerly anticipating this game.[/QUOTE] And when the WCW stable during the invasion arbitrarily gave the US Title to Kanyon for no reason ¬_¬
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;372708]And when the WCW stable during the invasion arbitrarily gave the US Title to Kanyon for no reason ¬_¬[/QUOTE] I had an angle on the first Nitro of the new WCW (in the 2001 Rebirth mod) where Booker defends the US title against Lance Storm, and retain. Bischoff then comes out and says that because a person can't hold two singles titles at once, he has to be stripped and the title will be decided in a match between Storm and the next person to come to the ring. It would have been nice to have Booker retain, make the next match, then place the title on Storm after the show. Now that'll be possible.
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My take on things: [B]#1: Personality Plus[/B] This is a big deal. A lot of people have been going on about wanting to talk to workers 'like they're people,' and this is going to be instrumental in creating characters who come across as very life-like. I love it and I think it's a brilliant add to the series. [B]#2: Bad Blood[/B] I like this. It's not a big deal, but does add some interesting new possibilities and, even better, fixes the problem of "well, this guy hates his dad... now how do we represent something like that in-game?" [B]#3: National Battle[/B] Bring it. I can't wait to knock some promotions down. Also, I can't wait for in-game war to be more realistic and to, y'know, matter. Another thing people were calling for, and I couldn't agree more. [B]#4: Injury Realism[/B] This is good. Not a big feature, once again, but keeps us from having to go into suspension of disbelief mode. [B]#5: Multi Advance[/B] TEW 08 organic mod, and for real this time. This is what I'll give to you as the President of the Unite... nevermind. I'd love to get one going, though. [B]#6: New Worker Integration[/B] Good news for mod-makers and, thus, for anybody who enjoys mods. [B]#7: Hall of Immortals[/B] This is going to be awesome. It's not really so much of a game essential, but more of a reward mechanism to recognize workers who have been booked to a point that they could be considered legendary. [B]#8: Champion Replacement[/B] Good for some; I may use it, but I'm not completely sure about it. Maybe a good thing for convenience; I'm sure I'll stumble across a time when I'll need this. And that's probably one of the greatest things about how Adam designs; he thinks of things we'll want and need before we can. Give them what they need, not what they want... for serious.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;372769][B]#7: Hall of Immortals[/B] This is going to be awesome. It's not really so much of a game essential, but more of a reward mechanism to recognize workers who have been booked to a point that they could be considered legendary.[/QUOTE] Are they in the Hall of Fame for being booked great or for being great enough to be booked that way? What came first, the chicken or the egg? I'm sure if you talk to Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan about what makes Hogan a legend, Vince will say that he [I]made[/I] Hogan by booking him as a star, and Hogan will say that he was so charismatic that there was no choice but to make him a star. On that note, can non in-ring personalities enter the HoI? I mean, the way it is in 07, Announcers, Color Commentators, Authority Figures, Personalities, and Managers seem to have no way in hell of getting in unless they're in your promotion (and you get them way over) or they're set with enough popularity to be a 'National Icon' everywhere. Even then, they still might not have enough points to get in. Who can honestly say that someone like Heenan doesn't deserve a place in the Hall of Immortals?
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I like the Champion Replacement. It solves at least part of my "Title changes in angles" suggestion, in that I can now assign someone as champion for a title strip or title award angle. But, it would still be nice to have it done in an angle, for a bit more realism in that I can strip and award a belt in angles during a single show, and have the belt changes happen when the show is running (so I don't enter the show with Guy B as champ, despite the fact that the Authority Figure hasn't stripped Guy A yet). I do hope, however, that we can make these replacements in PM Mode. Because I never look ahead to see if my wrestlers are booked elsewhere (which, having a pre-PM notification of that would be great) and I can get blindsided when a champ is not available for a major show.
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[QUOTE=panix04;372854][B]Potentail stat[/B] - I think im getting a tad confused here, 'cos I was under the impression that that is what the star quality stat did already? Or does that have a different purpose?[/QUOTE] I think that was used to calculate how popular they can get. I have kinda mixed feelings about this feature, but I don't think it will really affect gameplay a great deal. I'm sure there will be complaints from some modders about it though. Frankly, I hope there's going to be some button in the editor to set everyone's potential to Random, because I don't want to DL a mod, and then go through every single worker doing that. Sometime I want to play a game that's as random as possible, and this could kill that a bit.
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[QUOTE=panix04;372854][B]Potentail stat[/B] - I think im getting a tad confused here, 'cos I was under the impression that that is what the star quality stat did already? Or does that have a different purpose?[/QUOTE] I always thought Star Quality is how well a worker gets over with the crowd when pushed or would gain overness quicker because of it. Would this Potential stat have a cap on age? I mean what does he mean by young? 26 young? because sometimes Workers might not reach there peak Potential untill they are into there 30's
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[QUOTE=Akki;372858]I think that was used to calculate how popular they can get. I have kinda mixed feelings about this feature, but I don't think it will really affect gameplay a great deal. I'm sure there will be complaints from some modders about it though. Frankly, I hope there's going to be some button in the editor to set everyone's potential to Random, because I don't want to DL a mod, and then go through every single worker doing that. Sometime I want to play a game that's as random as possible, and this could kill that a bit.[/QUOTE] If you read adam's post alittle more closer you would of saw that there is a button in the editor to set peoples pottential to random
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[QUOTE=Craig Edwards;372866]If you read adam's post alittle more closer you would of saw that there is a button in the editor to set peoples pottential to random[/QUOTE] But he didn't say if the button would do them all at once, or if you'd have to edit each worker. Still, these two newest additions look great, can't wait.
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