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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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My question is that is the ability to turn the random deaths off considered the second unannounced User Preference option?


No - as it says in the entry, it's turned off via the Options menu. It wouldn't make much sense to be a User Preference as it obviously must apply to all player's equally, you can't have one person turning them on and one person turning them off.

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No - as it says in the entry, it's turned off via the Options menu. It wouldn't make much sense to be a User Preference as it obviously must apply to all player's equally, you can't have one person turning them on and one person turning them off.

Ah, makes sense. I just assumed that the User Preferences would also be in the Options menu, but obviously I wasn't thinking the whole way through. Gotcha!

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HA! I remember back in TEW 05 (or maybe it was one of the EWR's) you used to get a crap load of random e-mails. Mostly about nothing I think as I dont think they affected the game all that much, but they were hilarious. Hopefully one of the new features is a bigger return to this.


For some reason I remember an e-mail from Perry Saturn saying "You're Welcome." and thats it. It may of been a modified screen shot, but I remember laughing till the point it hurt.

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HA! I remember back in TEW 05 (or maybe it was one of the EWR's) you used to get a crap load of random e-mails. Mostly about nothing I think as I dont think they affected the game all that much, but they were hilarious. Hopefully one of the new features is a bigger return to this.


For some reason I remember an e-mail from Perry Saturn saying "You're Welcome." and thats it. It may of been a modified screen shot, but I remember laughing till the point it hurt.


That was EWR, Adam hasn't coded anything like that into any of the games ever since the switch to TEW. No real people/gimmicks/catchphrases allowed once you charge people for the game they are in. :)

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Well they don'y have to use catchphrases, but a little personality would be fun. Like, I remember guys thanking you for hiring their friends or how about recommending someone because they're friends etc etc.


I like that kinda good fluff, kenny deaths are definitely a good start in that direction.

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I'd likely leave Random deaths on, but turned down to the lowest frequency the option can have while still being active. "Kenny" deaths, I'll turn off.


Interested to see what Adam has up his sleeve for "mod maker week". Not a mod maker myself, but I certainly play a lot of mods. Anything that can improve the mod making process (and hopefully the mods themselves, by extension) is something that has my interest.

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Random Deaths:


Yeah, I like it. Once again, it just adds a lot more realism to the game. In real life you have no control over deaths and people die randomly. That's life, or in this case... death. But yeah, more realism is always welcomed by me. I'll probably set at at a low frequency myself, but I like that you can set it off too. I'll have to see how it works exactly.


Oh yeah! Definitely looking forward to "Mod Makers Week" next week, baby!



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I'd likely leave Random deaths on, but turned down to the lowest frequency the option can have while still being active. "Kenny" deaths, I'll turn off.


Interested to see what Adam has up his sleeve for "mod maker week". Not a mod maker myself, but I certainly play a lot of mods. Anything that can improve the mod making process (and hopefully the mods themselves, by extension) is something that has my interest.


I think it'd be far more fun to turn it on full blast. It'd be like this comic in the end :D




Kinda NSFW, but technically it's PG...just weird. Just click on it and see for yourself.

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You shouldn't build a fed around just a single person. GIven the sheer size of the c-verse, I imagine that even if there was a random death a year, the chances of your roster being impacted would be what 50/1800 = 1/36, so given an average game of 6 years (to make the math simple) there's only a 16% chance that even a single person from your roster would die over the entire course of your 6 year game.


I'm speculating that random deaths won't be too frequent as you don't want to deplete the database, so I doubt there's going to be people dying off every week or something.

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Random deaths are good, since they happen for real.


Would be damning though if you were to train a rookie all the way to be a world champion, and then he dies by stepping on a rake and cracking his skull or something.


Even if that's the nature of the beast. Given some recent history, guys who have an history of severe head injuries would have a chance of going ballistic and taking their own lives, for exemple. Maybe people with more wild personalities could have more of chance of having car accidents...many things you can do with this.


I'm estatic about Mod Week, I mean the mod board is in this great time of unity right now and everybody wants to work together on open source projects. Great time to give a pat in the back. I'm hoping for new import/export options, like one-click import/export of all things related to one particular promotion. And of course, any customization option is good by me.


Somebody mentionned the customized messages you'd receive in EWR, this is something I'm thinking you could put in the game and leave it up to customization. You have different situations (Friend is hired, friend is fired, wrestler is pushed, wrestler is unhappy, wrestler uses creative control etc...) and then the message this worker will use to express themselves.


You could leave room for 2-3 different messages per situation to avoid it becoming repetitive...good stuff. More text to write and for some writing the bios is already a lot, but there you have it.

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Random deaths are good, since they happen for real.


Would be damning though if you were to train a rookie all the way to be a world champion, and then he dies by stepping on a rake and cracking his skull or something.


Even if that's the nature of the beast. Given some recent history, guys who have an history of severe head injuries would have a chance of going ballistic and taking their own lives, for exemple. Maybe people with more wild personalities could have more of chance of having car accidents...many things you can do with this.


I'm estatic about Mod Week, I mean the mod board is in this great time of unity right now and everybody wants to work together on open source projects. Great time to give a pat in the back. I'm hoping for new import/export options, like one-click import/export of all things related to one particular promotion. And of course, any customization option is good by me.


Somebody mentionned the customized messages you'd receive in EWR, this is something I'm thinking you could put in the game and leave it up to customization. You have different situations (Friend is hired, friend is fired, wrestler is pushed, wrestler is unhappy, wrestler uses creative control etc...) and then the message this worker will use to express themselves.


You could leave room for 2-3 different messages per situation to avoid it becoming repetitive...good stuff. More text to write and for some writing the bios is already a lot, but there you have it.


It would definitely give some more character to the C-Verse if Adam included some default ones for some of the more... unique personalities.

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Somebody mentionned the customized messages you'd receive in EWR, this is something I'm thinking you could put in the game and leave it up to customization. You have different situations (Friend is hired, friend is fired, wrestler is pushed, wrestler is unhappy, wrestler uses creative control etc...) and then the message this worker will use to express themselves.


You could leave room for 2-3 different messages per situation to avoid it becoming repetitive...good stuff. More text to write and for some writing the bios is already a lot, but there you have it.


Quoted for the truth. I was gonna say that even having it for select C-verse workers would be a bonus (for the odd times i play c-verse), but I'd definitely take advantage of this kind of feature for the major players and indy crazies in my mod. Not sure how feasible it is from game-performance point of view, but I love the idea in theory, anyway :)

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