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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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This is all leading up to something. My gut is saying NWA but I'll wait back and see.


What do you mean by that? Some sort of way to put multiple promotions under an umbrella organisation that share talent and titles and such to a point?


If so, and we get this, I want to be able to start such an organisation in-game and then ally/takeover other promotions into my organisation.


Then the possibilities are endless. In a mod, you can make a fantasy setting with one promotion for each of the 50 states and 10 provinces, 2 umbrella organisations, and have a game of Risk!

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Unless, of course, '97 and/or '75 are secretly going to be made canon and a part of the default database.


1997, or some version of it, should definitely be canon. It's a fascinating time for the Cornellverse, and I'd especially appreciate seeing the "lost" workers between 1997 and today make some sort of appearance in the 2010 default data.


So instead of loading different mods you'd just say "i'm going to start in 1975" and be able to play through :D


I know, it's a dream....


Much as I would love to see a "pick a date in history and start from there" feature a la Europa Universalis III, it's not gonna happen. You'd need to be a lunatic with a near-infinite amount of time to create that sort of database.

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No idea how it would fit into my mod, but I've gotta say that eras sounds pretty massive


Crayon, you're the one doing the anime mod right? Maybe make Eras that fall in line with the Eras of changing anime style (The Astroboy Era, The Voltron Era, The Akira Era, The Ghost in the Machine Era, The DBZ Era, etc. I must admit that anime history isn't a subject I've studied extensively so I can't offer much help in actually setting them up, but I hope I got my point across).

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Crayon, you're the one doing the anime mod right? Maybe make Eras that fall in line with the Eras of changing anime style (The Astroboy Era, The Voltron Era, The Akira Era, The Ghost in the Machine Era, The DBZ Era, etc. I must admit that anime history isn't a subject I've studied extensively so I can't offer much help in actually setting them up, but I hope I got my point across).


I was thinking a comic book mod would work well by applying certain worker styles to certain genre shifts. The rise of horror comics in the fifties could be represented by an increase in hardcore audiences and randomly generated Psychopaths, and when the Comics Code Authority takes root it destroys the audience for that sort of thing for a whole generation. Then, to represent the Marvel Age of the seventies, you can slowly increase the hardcore audience as horror elements begin to seep back into comics.


For something as weird as crayon's mod, though, I don't know how you'd implement Eras in a way that would be useful.

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I was thinking a comic book mod would work well by applying certain worker styles to certain genre shifts. The rise of horror comics in the fifties could be represented by an increase in hardcore audiences and randomly generated Psychopaths, and when the Comics Code Authority takes root it destroys the audience for that sort of thing for a whole generation. Then, to represent the Marvel Age of the seventies, you can slowly increase the hardcore audience as horror elements begin to seep back into comics.


For something as weird as crayon's mod, though, I don't know how you'd implement Eras in a way that would be useful.


Note that by "I was thinking," I really mean "Oh shazbot, I've talked myself into starting a huge project."

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Crayon, you're the one doing the anime mod right?


Yepp that's me, along with some comic and other random stuff thrown in :) (in fact I think you're GDS's main event player in the current data).


Maybe make Eras that fall in line with the Eras of changing anime style (The Astroboy Era, The Voltron Era, The Akira Era, The Ghost in the Machine Era, The DBZ Era, etc. I must admit that anime history isn't a subject I've studied extensively so I can't offer much help in actually setting them up, but I hope I got my point across).


Yepp that's a pretty good point you make there. I probably can't really can't implement that sort of stuff right atm, given how it's not exactly chronological at this point, but I can definitely see how I could do that sort of thing when I expand the database back and forwards.

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#17: Outside Media Opportunities

I like it, as the Era addition aswell.


So is it that the media reporters contact the promotion and select a specific wrestler or do you get to choose the wrestler? If the latter, does it matter which wrestler do you send to the interview, in terms of their personality? I'd imagine an unsocial egomaniac doing a lot of harm for your company compared to a social and well-spoken guy..


EDIT: If you guys haven't noticed, I've updated (daily) the first post in this thread to include all the Dev. Journal entries as a list. :)

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#17: Outside Media Opportunities


Ah! reminds me of the ancient PC game Castles.



Sire! The locals are proclaiming that they have caught a witch..


Would you like to..


A) Flog her publicly

B) Burn her to death

C) Ask her for advice

D) Send her head on a plate to the pope.

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Seriously though, all these little extra interactive elements are really reminding me of all of my favourite games from the 90s. I think my inner child is getting properly psyched about TEW 2010.


I just love rpg elements. Getting to make choices about things, even if they have little impact on the actual game. It makes me feel more welcome in the world, and because quite frankly, liberating a country with your mercenaries is a lot more fun if you can have a bouqeut of roses sent to the evil queen while you do it.

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Seriously though, all these little extra interactive elements are really reminding me of all of my favourite games from the 90s. I think my inner child is getting properly psyched about TEW 2010.


I just love rpg elements. Getting to make choices about things, even if they have little impact on the actual game. It makes me feel more welcome in the world, and because quite frankly, liberating a country with your mercenaries is a lot more fun if you can have a bouqeut of roses sent to the evil queen while you do it.


Ah... to bad there is no difference between red roses and black.


But back on topic: I was thinking that (if it was you chose or even you chose sometimes, but other times they only want one, or they give you a list of who they would like to talk to and then you chose from that) if you think about it, wouldn't a complete egomaniac give a bigger boost to the company if the interview goes well? I mean, think about it, if you're reading about this guy with a huge ego, and the media spins it to make him look good, isn't he going to look even better than someone that is humble and nice? Just thinking out loud.

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PWHits: So Smack, what do you see happening in your near future?


BSS: World Championship baby, it's coming don't you worry. Way I see it now SWF has put the belt on either over the hill million year old geezers who can't cut like the Smack can or pure hameneggers who couldn't cut a Smack promo to save their lives.


There's only so long before the talent breaks through the glass ceiling...and that talent is me, ME!


PWhits: Wow, is there anyone else you see following you on this trailblazing path?


BSS: Hmm, there's not alot of people out there with unique combination of talent, drive and characteristic that is Smack...but my former tag partner Kurt Laramee is someone I could see shooting up like me. I think it's obvious that a main event feud for the title between us would be money, MONEY! I win it, hold for a few months, trade it to Laramee...he's does the same. That could be a few years worth of storyline right there!


PWhits: But what do, and Kurt, have to say do your critics, would wonder about your health and your size...some say you and him may use st-




Attacks interviewer



Big Smack Scott lost overness in this interview. Big Smack Scott lost SWF prestige in this segment

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Is it possible that when you send a worker, if they put on a bad interview and hurt the promotion's prestige, will the owner have anything to say to you? Basically, will the owner pick up on the fact you're trying to kill his promotion? :confused:


The new feature is sweet, by the way.


EDIT: If you guys haven't noticed, I've updated (daily) the first post in this thread to include all the Dev. Journal entries as a list. :)


I noticed a long time ago. You're just too cool for school. ;)

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