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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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We dont need to be hard on modders because they believe they are right and you believe you are right, if you download a mod you should say thank you and then if you dont agree with something edit it and enjoy it. Everybody has an opinion and they arent going to be told they are wrong so being harsh on someone is more likely to stop them from doing updates.


On topic: All the updates so far are awesome :)

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This is going to be a boon for historical mods, as the era when regional promotions were televised on local TV can be much more accurately modeled. It's also a feature that could have great interplay with other features - I mean, it'll be much more feasible for a small promotion to run a TV show if, say, running out of a home base venue helped reduce production costs, since you wouldn't have to factor in travel, for example.
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You don't have to play their particular mod. There is no reason to be rude.


Wait, I'm being 'rude' when I tell the truth without trying to pretty it up or minimize its meaning? If someone insisted that poop smelled like bubble gum, what would you tell them?


You make a strong point here, and I'm not going to debute it. I don't know if "being hard" is the route to go, but being informative perhaps a better way of "helping"?


Does 'being informative' have to come with strawberry shortcake language? Or can a person just straight out say what's wrong and why, without sugarcoating it?


My main problem in mods, is the criticism over in ring stats. Not overness (which I didn't even mention in my original post). If a brawler has a 55, and you think they should have a 65, change it, it's not going to change much else about the mod over-all, and is a very petty thing to argue over. Overness for Main Event worker's and such IS highly important to get close, but the other stats are not a necessity, especially when your dealing with TNA or WWE (far as them being an Entertainment based promotion). More important stats would be their entertainment stats obviously, but even then, it can be really ridiculous to complain because you think they have 10 more charisma.


The over-all mod itself.. IF you start a game, and TNA or WWE lose thier TV contracts because their ratings suck, then yeah... I can fully back your points;)


chris, do you really think this all exists in a vacuum? That all WWE needs to put on high quality shows is workers with overness and nothing else? Ugh, lemme dig up the thread from 08 or 07 when Adam had to step in and tell a modmaker (forlan, I believe) why his mod wasn't working correctly (one reason being deficiencies in brawling stats). Sure, it's not worth arguing over but when others have the same belief you do that 5 or 10 points in certain skills don't matter or don't affect the mod at all, you can often get some jacked up datasets.


We dont need to be hard on modders because they believe they are right and you believe you are right, if you download a mod you should say thank you and then if you dont agree with something edit it and enjoy it. Everybody has an opinion and they arent going to be told they are wrong so being harsh on someone is more likely to stop them from doing updates.


On topic: All the updates so far are awesome :)


Okay then, so if their belief that they're right leads to a mod with fatal flaws (like WWE falling to Cult in the first month and not being able to get back up due to screwed up stats), everyone should just refrain from advising them for fear of hurting their feelings?


Agree to disagree, I guess.

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While on the one hand we can all be grateful we're not debuting our mods at EWB (I seem to recall the mod community there can take 'forthright' in fascinating directions), equally common courtesy requires that we be polite in how we couch our suggestions. It's easy to forget that a lot of people contributing to the mod community will be younger players with the time and enthusiasm to put this sort of thing together - but not necessarily the ability to step outside it all and see where errors are cropping up that spread outward and can cause metaphorical BSODs throughout the mod (Melina wins the Cruiserweight title, Melina is stripped of the title, Melina wins the title, Melina is stripped of the title... Something like 13 times in six months in one '05 game I ran).


Of course, when the same errors crop up again and again we get into RTFM territory. I've had to bite my tongue on occasion when seeing errors made by people who should know better - but then, I make mistakes all the time just playing the game. One reason I'll contribute to, but not make, my own mods.


It does amaze me when people don't think to use the CVerse as a base for their mods, though. I was thinking about this today, and if I was making WWE (might try this one day as a mental exercise) then who would I base John Cena on? I figured that Joe Sexy would be a reasonable starting point, but no doubt someone will jump in and point out why that's wrong, all wrong!


I presume that mod makers use the quick worker add - an invaluable tool when I've been putting rosters together for getting an idea on how workers will end up.


At the end of the day, though, Jack Bruce is clearly Randy Orton... :p

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Originally Posted by Woodsmeister

We dont need to be hard on modders because they believe they are right and you believe you are right, if you download a mod you should say thank you and then if you dont agree with something edit it and enjoy it. Everybody has an opinion and they arent going to be told they are wrong so being harsh on someone is more likely to stop them from doing updates.


On topic: All the updates so far are awesome

Okay then, so if their belief that they're right leads to a mod with fatal flaws (like WWE falling to Cult in the first month and not being able to get back up due to screwed up stats), everyone should just refrain from advising them for fear of hurting their feelings?


no just realise that although you think it's wrong doesn't mean you are right either, everyone has there own opinions and being harsh on someone who is atleast trying to make a mod for the masses isn't very nice is it. You could atleast test out your theory and show them that your way works better or just ignore them and let them please some people who ate new to the game and aren't ready to try the cornellverse and want an updated real world mod.

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no just realise that although you think it's wrong doesn't mean you are right either, everyone has there own opinions and being harsh on someone who is atleast trying to make a mod for the masses isn't very nice is it. You could atleast test out your theory and show them that your way works better or just ignore them and let them please some people who ate new to the game and aren't ready to try the cornellverse and want an updated real world mod.


I'll tell you this right now: If a modder puts out a January mod in which WWE can't make it until March without falling to Cult, that's wrong. That's not an opinion.

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I'd like to see networks in some regions be a bit more tolerant of wrestling shows. Raw gets about 26,000 viewers in Australia, and Smackdown and Impact have a lot less, yet they're reasonably key parts of their channel. Get those ratings in TEW, and the show wouldn't last a few weeks. I guess it's more an issue for modmakers than the game itself though.


Considering wrestlings popularity here that didn't sound right. I did a quick search.....



Thanks to PWMania.com reader Metz Fan for sending this in:


ASTRA official ratings JULY 6 to JULY 13 2008.


Order of highest first run screening audience:


19th WWE RAW (92,000 viewers) Wednesday July 16, 3:30pm FOX8

FOX8 Plus 2 (49,000 viewers) 5:30pm screening on the same day.

*Take note of the time slot, nearly all of those watching the replay would be 18+ fans who obviously work. I would combine that number for a round figure of 140,000 to give a true sense of a TEW rating*



TOTAL viewers for the week (478,000) totalled from all 6 screening's.


36th ECW (75,000 viewers) Thursday July 17th, 3:30pm FOX8

FOX 8 Plus 2 (22,000 viewers) 5:30pm screening


TOTAL viewers for the week (250,000) totalled from all 6 screening's.


40th SMACKDOWN (72,000) Friday July 18th, 3:30pm FOX8

FOX 8 Plus 2 (43,000) 5:30pm screening


TOTAL viewers for the week (479,000) totalled from all 6 screening's.


ECW was not on the top 50 last week week, but jumped to 36th this week. Although ranked lower, the WWE programs with almost 500,000 viewers a week, rank amongst the most watched on all of Foxtel.


Ratings source : http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/e-news/uploads/1/ASTRA-Ratings-for-Week-080706.pdf


Previously ratings on this site were taken from another survey group "the seven network survey".


Here are the Top 100:


Ratings are average of all screenings, hence the very low number for WWE shows, as the 1am screening cuts the audience. Shows like TNA rate higher, for eg. last week, as they are screened just once.



36,000 viewers



34,000 viewers



34,000 viewers



25,000 viewers


Ratings source:




Fox 8 (Pay TV) is still a luxury in this country that not every person has. It wouldn't rate that high on the scale of size. Add to that it's clear fondness of wrestling, which is also editable and they will keep their slot. I don't know where you got that 26,000 number from but considering they sell out 40,000+ arenas in even smaller cities like Brisbane and Adelaide would signal the rating would be far higher. Tbh I thought 140,000 was low, I was thinking at least 200,000+.

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no just realise that although you think it's wrong doesn't mean you are right either, everyone has there own opinions and being harsh on someone who is atleast trying to make a mod for the masses isn't very nice is it.


Remi already explained how there are certain aspects of mods that aren't opinion. If you get those aspects wrong your data set will be f'd up. And that's that.


If you spend more time worrying about being nice than being correct, then no one ever gets better and we end up with a bunch of halfway playable mods.

You don't have to be a jerk, but offering up constructive criticism is not "being harsh."


If I help release a mod for TEW10, I'll be sure to ask plenty of people to play-test; I WANT them to give me solid, relevant, useful feedback. Not just a bunch "man this rocks!"


On Topic: Nice addition. And this will definitely allow historical mods to simulate local channels showing local feds. I hope some of that is in the CVerse data as well.

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Hte problem with constructive criticism (which I'm all for and willing give or take freely) and not watching how you say what you say are two fold.


1) Although a lot of us a friends, we're online friends. Not the kind of people you joke around with every day. Not the kind of people who totally understand your sense of humor. And not the kind of people who you can say ouright damn that sucked and not hurt peoples feelings.


2) Typing things don't always come across the way you meant them because tone of voice and mannerisms do not show up online.


So yes sometimes being as blunt as you want to be and how you'd normally be talking with your buddies is not always the best idea in a web community. Mostly because you come of sounding like a know it all jerk and not like some one who is honestly trying to help other people. I've had this happen beng on both sides of the coin so I've grown a thicker skin but not everyone has.


However I do agree that to make a playable mod you do have to really understand the mechanics of the game to make it work. This is mainly why I don't make mods, although I did play test most of Mexico for the last C-Verse '75 edition and hopefully gave constructive criticism. All I can say is modders be prepaared to get some criticism, some of it will be good and will hopefully explain why something needs to be changed and some of it will just be oh you dead wrong wrestler X is way better/over than that. And critics be critical but be able to explain your criticism and try not to come off as a dick if you can.

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I always find myself re-reading posts by some people because their "tone" sounds really off or extremely arrogant. I think it's mostly that we have a lot of different people from a lot of different parts of the world here on GDS (which says a lot about the games). The way we all talk differs from one another, so our posts don't always come across the way we hoped. :rolleyes:
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I like this feature a lot and hope it leads to more Regional programming. Excellent!


PeterHilton: As far as my comments about Chance Fortune go, that was sarcasm. I wrote a Dynasty in which the biggest plot point was that Chance was outed by Sammy Bach and he was becoming a Bad-Ass who happened to be gay instead of the usual camp gay character. I picked him because his pic was not stereotypical. Sorry for the confusion.

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Let me make my point on the subject of modding and helpful advise, with one of the threads that grabbed my attention more then any other.


The DOTT New Generation. This mod was VERY well built for what they had. People come on saying "X worker shouldn't be rated so Low, This worker should be higher" etc. Yet, if you took the time to simulate the game just one or two months, you would find that it worked earily realistic.


That example is just one of many. The people backing/debating the other side I haven't even seen get on anyone in the way I'm talking about. I mean, when was the last time you seen Remi go "Dude! That sucks, No way does Cena only have a 65 in brawling!"


For Remi and other's that want to debate this, realise it has absolutely nothing to do with what you guys are talking about. I'm not saying to say "Hey baby, I love the mod, your awesome, can you adjust the overness of the whole TNA roster so they don't drop to local size in two months, thanks.. that would be awesome!" I'm saying don't say "Hey idiot! These stats look like you grab bagged them out of some crackerjacks!"


I find nothing wrong with saying "WWE Drops to cult in three months time. I think if you changed "X" and "Y" a bit, you could probably get them to keep their current size." However, don't just say "THIS SUCKS!"


I'm not saying sugarcoat it, I'm saying don't be a jerk.

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Considering wrestlings popularity here that didn't sound right. I did a quick search.....





Fox 8 (Pay TV) is still a luxury in this country that not every person has. It wouldn't rate that high on the scale of size. Add to that it's clear fondness of wrestling, which is also editable and they will keep their slot. I don't know where you got that 26,000 number from but considering they sell out 40,000+ arenas in even smaller cities like Brisbane and Adelaide would signal the rating would be far higher. Tbh I thought 140,000 was low, I was thinking at least 200,000+.


19,000 across the five major cities in week 48, in fact.




The ratings are skewed by the multiple screenings, but the top-rating wrestling show is barely in Foxtel's top 100, and considering the bottom rung of free to air shows are in several hundres of thousands of viewers, it puts the ratings in perspective.


Get those sort of percentages in TEW, and your show is gone.

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The ratings are skewed by the multiple screenings, but the top-rating wrestling show is barely in Foxtel's top 100,


You're confusing a cable television carrier with a cable television network. Foxtel isn't one big channel and you wouldn't create it like that in TEW. WWE programming is one of FOX 8's highest rated content. Not only that but the demos are perfect as well.


19,000 across the five major cities in week 48, in fact.




Get those sort of percentages in TEW, and your show is gone.


I'm not trying to argue with you here and am happy to concede you're right about the ratings if you can provide more proof. The link you gave doesn't seem to have any sources other then maybe being connected to channel 7, the very same network who up until a few months ago was the only remaining company not to be working with Foxtel in tuning in their station. I did another search and the first numbers I can find are around the same as the last I showed. This time around a 180,000 combined for RAW which seems about right...



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Fantastic! I can't wait for a debuting worker to accidently pull out a Shockmaster! :D How great will it be to play a historical scenario and someone like Stone Cold Steve Austin trips and falls flat on his face on his debut.


I just hope we don't get a fanbase clamoring for editable critical hit/misses


"What do you mean the Rock failed at his debut? H'es got A's across the baord and that's not how it happened in real life...."


Anyway, I'm thrilled about it. Anything that adds more randomness is a plus in my book :D

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