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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Well, I had previously stated that I didn't think Adam could improve that much on the current game. How wrong I was. I look forward to purchasing this game - yes Derek you were correct.

Now, I will just have to make a 2010 mod from my TEW 2008 game and all will be right with the world ;)

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The worker events allow many different things, including: have a worker "peak" in a certain stat


Can this narrative be triggered to provide a "peak" for a stat that effects not just one worker but for large groups of workers in the game? Can this "peak" then be removed by a later narrative event?


I'm trying to see whether narratives could be used, say, for nerfing the aerial stats of every worker in a historical mod that starts in a year before top rope moves were common. Likewise, whether it could be used for a mod in which all hardcore skills are nerfed until a narrative event about the new trend in hardcore wrestling, at which point the arbitrarily imposed peak on every workers' hardcore stat would no long be in play.

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The worker events allow many different things, including: have a worker "peak" in a certain stat


Can this narrative be triggered to provide a "peak" for a stat that effects not just one worker but for large groups of workers in the game? Can this "peak" then be removed by a later narrative event?


I'm trying to see whether narratives could be used, say, for nerfing the aerial stats of every worker in a historical mod that starts in a year before top rope moves were common. Likewise, whether it could be used for a mod in which all hardcore skills are nerfed until a narrative event about the new trend in hardcore wrestling, at which point the arbitrarily imposed peak on every workers' hardcore stat would no long be in play.


Why would you do that? The stats would represent people such as Superfly Snuka, Luchadore's, etc.


An impressive top rope move back then, might not be as impressive today, but it was just as impressive back then, as the one's are today to normal fans, which is what the stats are supposed to represent.


Someone with a 40 stat in Aerial, for a historical mod, would then get the same thing a person with a 40 stat in Aerial would today, although back then, that 40 in comparison would probably have a much larger impact, thus the need NOT to "nerf" it. Just stat the people according to their generation (or the generation of the mod).


What I'm saying is, although there are more gymnastic's in the ring (routinely) now, that doesn't mean that you should nerf them back then. Snuka Jumped off the steel cage before anyone else, at least nationally, he was from the 70's/80's. I don't think his "Aerial" stat actually improved, he just had the opportunity and took it. He was alot more aerial before the 90's (for example).

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Why would you do that? The stats would represent people such as Superfly Snuka, Luchadore's, etc.


An impressive top rope move back then, might not be as impressive today, but it was just as impressive back then, as the one's are today to normal fans, which is what the stats are supposed to represent.


Someone with a 40 stat in Aerial, for a historical mod, would then get the same thing a person with a 40 stat in Aerial would today, although back then, that 40 in comparison would probably have a much larger impact, thus the need NOT to "nerf" it. Just stat the people according to their generation (or the generation of the mod).


What I'm saying is, although there are more gymnastic's in the ring (routinely) now, that doesn't mean that you should nerf them back then. Snuka Jumped off the steel cage before anyone else, at least nationally, he was from the 70's/80's. I don't think his "Aerial" stat actually improved, he just had the opportunity and took it. He was alot more aerial before the 90's (for example).


This. A better example would be promotions changing their products throughout the ages.

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Not really sure what I make of these Narratives to be honest. I'm sure once I see them in action I'll be impressed and glad to have them. But the notion doesn't seem to translate in text well enough for me to get really excited about them. I trust Adam to make them something well worth having. But I just can't get as excited about them as I am the drag and drop booking or the new expanded user settings. Those new player options in particular will will rock. Will be cool being able to custom create a difficulty level that suits your comfort with the game.
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Please allow me to perform a rendition of me reading the dev journal for the first time today.


"Hmm... Drag and Drop booking? HOLY CRAP YES!"


"Hmm what's this, player preferences? SWEET!"





This will be awesome and was one of the things I never thought I'd see in the game. I remember that Sasso had some really nifty made-up newspaper clippings that represented industry changing events prior to his (still in progress) media mod's start date, and thinking "Wow, that'd be awesome to have if they happened as you were playing, instead of having to set it all up as a backstory on a forum"... And voila! :p


I really hope there's a narrative for a worker debuting or coming out of retirement. Could be overkill for real world mods (although if The Rock came out of retirement, that'd probably be worthy of headlines), but for Fantasy mods it'll be a boon

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This. A better example would be promotions changing their products throughout the ages.


That would be an awesome use of narratives, having AI promotions (and the world at large) having shifting trends in likes.


So for example, WWF 80's would be traditional, 90's would be high risque & hardcore, 00's would be garbage :D

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Why would you do that? The stats would represent people such as Superfly Snuka, Luchadore's, etc.


An impressive top rope move back then, might not be as impressive today, but it was just as impressive back then, as the one's are today to normal fans, which is what the stats are supposed to represent.

Well, I appreciate the point about Snuka and lucha libre, but if I'm looking to play a mod set in the time of Frank Gotch or Ed Lewis, to the best of my knowledge there was no real equivalent to Snuka in American wrestling back then, and I'd like to see modders have the option of reflecting that in their mods. TEW 2008 will generate new workers of Gotch's time just as it would at any other time; some of these will have anachronistically high ratings in Aerial. I'm just wondering if narratives can be used to better reflect the common skill sets of the time and to usher in new sweeping trends in wrestling as years go by or if that's beyond their scope.
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I am excited by narratives. They're sort of a page out of Paradox Interactive's playbook. Hopefully any Paradox influence is limited or in my head, because it'd be nice for TEW 2010 to be playable at release instead of a year and a half later. :D


While I loved the historical rigidness of games like EU2 and HoI, and cursed the more random nature of their later games, I'm not really sure I think the same approach would be a good idea to apply to TEW... I'm happy with what we have already, eg. the possiblity to set potential and debut date (though I'd wish the destiny stat could be a toggleable option as well). I fear it would become too out of place to eg. have The Rock star in a movie if he has been wrestling as a midcarder for USWA for his entire career, not having been picked up and built...

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I fear it would become too out of place to eg. have The Rock star in a movie if he has been wrestling as a midcarder for USWA for his entire career, not having been picked up and built...


I agree with this, but I very much like the idea of being able to manipulate the economic and industry situation in the game world. I've always wanted to go Harry Turtledove on TEW for some reason.



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What is "The Perfect Show" theory? Can someone explain it to me?


Dunno if anyone's answered this yet, but,


I'm not 100% sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say that the Perfect Show Theory means how shows are effected by match placement. IE the Main Event and Semi Main Event should be the best matches on the show, and maybe put the third or fourth best up first to start off well.


Maybe turning it off will mean that it just averages all the grades together without taking placement into account? Could be wrong, but I think that's what it means.

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Dunno if anyone's answered this yet, but,


I'm not 100% sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say that the Perfect Show Theory means how shows are effected by match placement. IE the Main Event and Semi Main Event should be the best matches on the show, and maybe put the third or fourth best up first to start off well.


Maybe turning it off will mean that it just averages all the grades together without taking placement into account? Could be wrong, but I think that's what it means.


I'm thinking that you are correct and that the overall rating with be close to the way EWR did their ratings.

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It would be interesting seeing how your promotion goes in and out of favour over the years. So if I'm CGC and suddenly Hardcore becomes the most popular things in Canada, do I stick to my guns and ride it out, or change my product and form a new division?


Cool beans.

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It would be interesting seeing how your promotion goes in and out of favour over the years. So if I'm CGC and suddenly Hardcore becomes the most popular things in Canada, do I stick to my guns and ride it out, or change my product and form a new division?


Cool beans.

And stuff like WWF's cartoon era getting stale and WCW picking up on fans wanting something new and cutting edge. Really, really cool.

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#4: National Trends

I was for some reason expecting something 'smaller' but got National Trends instead and I'm not complaining. Yet another great way to make the games a little different from each save. I'm actually looking forward on how this transfers to Cornellverse: Perhaps Hyper Realism is having a huge momentum in Japan and INSPIRE is popular than ever and in US perhaps CZCW is on a roll because of high 'Modern' in the country.. :rolleyes:

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Conceptually I love the idea of National Trends, it does seem like it will give the player an upper hand though.


Only if there if the AI promotions don't change with the times. It would be interesting to see a new owner stat with the owners willingness to change with the trends. This will be good to see the AI do and also an interesting obstacle for players of straight edge when the owner of their companies won't let them change with the times.


All in all I like this feature.

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