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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Miz and Jericho together??? I'll have to see it in action, but that sounds AWESOME! They kinda play similar characters, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of dynamic they can bring to the table. As for a name, how about 'Team No Show'?


I think I'll watch this RAW.


EDIT: Just checked out the Batista/Bryan match. Very fun.

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Totally off topic, but I was perusing some of my older DVDs and I started thinking about how much i missed Angle in the E


Isn't it about time he call off this whole TNA thing. Go back to Vince, work a couple more years as a special event MOTY attraction ala HBK and UT and get a 4 disc set released sometime in the next few years.


I miss Angle in the E so much.


That said, am I the only one who doesn't really recognise him as a "13 Time World Champion"? Maybe just because I haven't seen any of his reigns in TNA, but it just seems wrong to me.

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I miss Angle in the E so much.


That said, am I the only one who doesn't really recognise him as a "13 Time World Champion"? Maybe just because I haven't seen any of his reigns in TNA, but it just seems wrong to me.


im pretty sure that TNA count the the medals/titles he won in amateur wrestling toward his pro wrestling titles. because he is only a 10 time champion in pro wrestling he has won the wwe title 4 times, the wcw title 1 time, the world heavyweight title, 1 time, the tna title 3 times, and the iwgp title one time. but he also has the gold medal from the olympics as well as two world titles in freestyle wrestling.

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Their team name has to be the Walls of Awesome =D


That alone is amazing, but Bryan putting up a fight against Batista as well, and the whole show sounds great.


It really was, best raw in a while.


The end of the cutting edge was awesome, great set up with the camera man to catch Orton doing the "Is this idiot kidding me? I know he's behind me going to spear me..." annoyed look right before turning around and RKO'ing edge in mid spear.


Just a very good raw all around, much better than recent efforts.


It didn't hurt that their guest host for the night was a person familiar with doing live TV in front of a crowd, Wayne knew when to be funny and when to just fade away and let the focus be on the talent. Props for taking a pretty decent RKO too.

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SCOTS wrestling star Drew McIntyre has secretly married his former Playboy model girlfriend. WWE Intercontinental champion Drew tied the knot with fellow wrestler Taryn Terrell in Las Vegas. Drew's parents, from Ayr, got a call 15 minutes before the ceremony. His dad Andy Galloway, 50, said: "It was a shock, but we were really pleased."

Source: Sunday Mail (Scottish Newspaper)




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Poor NXT. I prefer the physical challenges over the ones where they have to talk unscripted, but the obstacle course took too long and was pretty lame. After hearing about RAW, I was psyched for this show, hoping for some repercussions from Bryan's match with Batista (kinda had them) and Miz/Jericho's Awesome Alliance (sadly nowhere to be found).


I had no problem with Bryan's loss. For one, I've kinda fallen in love with the ridiculousness that is Michael Tarver (everyone's favourite f-up). For two, Bryan had an excuse. If only he'd had excuses against Skip & Young.


Despite my misgivings about this week's show, looking forward to the elimination next week. I hope it's Young.

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A ****y young punk who thinks he's the best, but hardly ever wins, spends all of his time complaining and always says he's being held down..anyone else think Tarver's character might just be a message to Carlito? :p
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The end of the cutting edge was awesome, great set up with the camera man to catch Orton doing the "Is this idiot kidding me? I know he's behind me going to spear me..." annoyed look right before turning around and RKO'ing edge in mid spear.


This is one thing that I believe sets WWE so far above TNA. The E's camera work and directing are just top notch. TNA's production staff seem dead set on keeping the 'indy wrestling style' constant camera cutting, which works with taped TV (since you can edit it) but DIES when live.


That shot is something most fans wouldn't notice (or would take for granted), but it really made that ending awesome, in my view.


Vincent D'Onofrio as Det. Robert Goren kicks ass hehe.


Jeff Goldblum's not bad so far. Sure, he's no Goren but he's more like a cross between Grissom and Ray Langston. He gives that odd vibe but, as a typical Jeff Goldblum character, is deadpan to the bone.


For once, I watched NXT with the sound on and I LOVE how Josh constantly points out how stupid Michael Cole is. But I will admit that one thing Cole said is correct: Probably the hardest part of that obstacle course was guzzling a 24 oz cup of soda (though I did kinda take offense at Cole saying Bryan was somehow a weirdo because he doesn't like soda. Plus the fact that Cole apparently thinks 'vegan' simply means 'he doesn't eat meat' makes him look even dumber. But in his defense, I don't think WWE's audience at large knows what the difference between 'vegetarian' and 'vegan' is either).


I think this is one of those situations where they might've been better served using a former wrestler rather than Cole. JBL would've rocked in that role. Even my hardcore WWE fanboi friends hate Cole (and not in the 'he's a heel' way. More in the 'he's a moron and I hate his shrill voice' way).

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When Cole just plays it straigh/leaning faceish, I actually like his work for the most part.


However, heel Cole comes off more petty and whiny than interesting and is pretty much a disaster.


Exactly! While I don't necessarily LIKE him at all, he's tolerable in the face/straight role. Trying to be a heel is just dumb though.

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I see it about the opposite of that. I don't have much of an opinion on him as face, but I think he works better as a heel. He's naturally hated by most anyway, so it seems like a natural thing to use that every now and again, and I think he fits the "douchebag mark hating on the internet fans" role to a tee.


As well as this, I think that's better for Matthews, as it allows him to be able to rag on him, and therefore stand out as less nerdy. :p But maybe it's just the part in me that hates how heel commentators have become a rarity in WWE nowadays that gets me liking it. Part of the reason Striker was so refreshing for me.


Think I have differant tastes when it comes to Cole, though. I've never really hated him much, so much as he's always been kinda there for me. When I was a couple years younger, I used to actually get kind of annoyed at how much hate he got, and didn't think it was fair.


One thing though that bugs me, is how he switches from face-to-heel between Raw and NXT. It's so odd, especially when Daniel Bryan wrestled Batista - don't think he hated on him at all in that match. And yet, he picks on him constantly on NXT..pick a side, we're at war!

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I miss The King as a heel commentator. He has either incredibly quick wit or a great list of notes.


Before he became all about the Puppies. :rolleyes: The last thing we needed was a commentator to tell us boobs are a good thing.

Yeah, it's pretty jarring to think about how good a commentator he was for most of the 90's, and how terrible he's been for the last 12 years or so.

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Since when is drinking soda so difficult?


It takes some effort if you don't drink it regularly. I (99%) quit six months back, but yesterday when the water was cut off at work I was forced to drink a can. It was... intolerable. An actual effort. I couldn't imagine having to drink as much of those rookies did.

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Vis a vis soda:


1) I quit for a month and a half, once. I'm a huge soda drinker and my girlfriend bet me I couldn't quit for Lent. Which is kinda a weird goal because neither of us is or has ever been Catholic. The hardest thing was trying to consistently find something to drink. When you walk into a McDonalds (Don't you judge me GDS!) you know you're gonna have a Coke, but their selection of non-carbonated beverages is usually water and some kind of lemonade. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's really bad. But anyways, coming back to soda was not especially difficult for me either. Though that's not a 6 month difference, and I was still drinking juice and lemonade.


2) 24 ounces is a lot to drink quickly. It takes me like, 2-3 minutes to polish one off, if I am very thirsty. I'm assuming they had to pound 24 oz, and that's tricky.

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