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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The aforementioned copyright / trademark reasons. Still bad names though.


My one gripe with that is.... he's been Joe Hennig in FCW. Maybe they should have changed his name far before now perhaps. It just seems like they kill a ton of momentum with these crap names.

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Christopher Daniels isn't his real name, for the record.


My biggest problem with the name change of Joe Hennig is that they more than once referred to him as the son of Mr. Perfect. Either acknowledge him as the son of Perfect and let him keep his last name, or make no mention of his lineage and change it to whatever stupid gimmick name you want.

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Christopher Daniels isn't his real name, for the record.


My biggest problem with the name change of Joe Hennig is that they more than once referred to him as the son of Mr. Perfect. Either acknowledge him as the son of Perfect and let him keep his last name, or make no mention of his lineage and change it to whatever stupid gimmick name you want.


Yeah but apparently he had it trademarked himself from his ROH days so they needed to cut a deal with him. They did not succeed so chose just Daniels.


On FCW seriously no casual viewer or the majority of the E fans give a fig or know a fig about FCW.

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I agree. But I'd say quite a few of them know that Mr. Perfect's last name wasn't "McGillicutty."


Yeah, was not responding to the last part of that post which I completely agree with. Kid Perfect, Perfect Jr, Mr. Perfection etc etc etc. Or just one name like they did with the Colon kids.

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McGillicuty is such a joke name. Sounds like a comedy detective from the 1970s... or any bad cop film.


Think they're gonna pair him up with Rotunda? Greatest tag team ever!


[TV Voiceover Guy] One is a straight lace cop who goes by the book!


[Commish, off-screen]: McGillicuty, get in here! You got a case!


The other only knows one set of rules ... his own!


McGillicuty: Harris, you're eating again?


Harris: They don't call me Husky for nothing, ya know ... [canned laughter]


Together, they're the baddest detective force to ever patrol the mean streets of Wichita, Kansas ... they are ...


[gunshot sounds and squealing tires]


McGillicuty & Harris!


They can even expand it ... turn Percy Watson into Huggy Bear! :D

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You're definitely not alone. For all this talk of Otunga having "charisma" and "it factor", I thought the guy was boring as hell.


I agree completely. I never saw anything remotely special about his promos, or his in ring work, or even his look...ok, he's in good shape. He was also 6' even and 240 lbs.


No, Britain is just England, Scotland, Wales from what I know. The Irish Isle is only included if you say The British Isles. But Drew is British, no mistakes about that. Just not Finlay and Sheamus.


This is correct. There's nothing British about Ireland. People from Scotland are technically British, but depending on their political view a Scot may either be proud or offended by being called British. The closest North American comparison that I can make would be Quebec in Canada...technically they're Canadian, but usually they're referred to as a Quebecer or French Canadian because some (not all) don't consider themselves Canadian. I have no idea where Drew stands on this issue...


But I believe Finlay is from Northern Ireland(I know he was billed from there...no idea where he was actually born), which would mean he's technically British as well, since Northern Ireland is part of the UK.

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Yep its an insult, to many scots and welshmen, but it is also a fact.


Weird. Never met any Welshman who had a problem with it. Not that it's a topic that's ever come up much. I class myself as British, just as much as I call myself Welsh. Although I've also been called English a bunch of times when I'm abroad, and that didn't offend me either. It's my damned accent. Not lilting enough.

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I just hate the McGullicutty name. Can you picture 15,000 people chanting that? Or more at Wrestlemania? I cant.


Mike Hennig? sure. They can trademark that instead of Joe Hennig and off to the races.


The name is kinda dumb, but if they wanted to own the name, they had to change it. It was going to be mocked regardless, so I have no problems with it. Hell, I like Daniel Bryan now.


What bothered me more was how his little video package was all about 'bringing back ruthless aggression'. The definition of bland. For one, he's reusing an old concept. For two, the concept was boring the first time. Mike McGullicutty does nothing for me. Out of the 8 new guys, he probably made the worst first impression on me.


For giggles, a pre-season 2 ranking on how much I like them.


1. Percy Watson (Ridiculous man)

2. Kaval (smark bias)

3. Husky Harris (that name)

4. Alex Riley (how's my hair?)

5. Eli Cottonwood (tall man)

6. Lucky Cannon (not enough guys have long hair)

7. Titus O' Neil (Woo Woo Woo?)

8. Mike McGullicutty (ruthless boredom... 'lol')


I'm committing myself to watching at least the first 3 weeks of the new NXT. Should be enough to get a feel for the guys.


You're definitely not alone. For all this talk of Otunga having "charisma" and "it factor", I thought the guy was boring as hell.


I thought he had the best introductory video package. The character had a lot going for him. Married to a 'celebrity'. Harvard Law School. "Google Me". A natural heel gimmick. Whereas every other rookie talked about 'dreams' and 'destiny' and other insubstantial bull, he had actual, factual content to his character.


... then over the weeks his weaknesses shone through, and that vivid content got pushed aside for the vague and incalculable 'It Factor'. He became boring, dull and lifeless.


Many Scots and some Welshmen, damn my lazy typing lolz.


It's cool. For all I know you're right. I'm not exactly on the cusp of Welsh Nationalism.

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For giggles, a pre-season 2 ranking on how much I like them.


1. Percy Watson (Ridiculous man)

2. Kaval (smark bias)

3. Husky Harris (that name)

4. Alex Riley (how's my hair?)

5. Eli Cottonwood (tall man)

6. Lucky Cannon (not enough guys have long hair)

7. Titus O' Neil (Woo Woo Woo?)

8. Mike McGullicutty (ruthless boredom... 'lol')


I will join you on rankings


1. Kaval (Just becasue its Low-Ki)

2. Mike McGullicutty (Just because he's a Henning)

3. Percy Watson (Should add some charisma that was lacking in Season 1)

4. Husky Harris (Funny name and because he is third gen.)

5. Alex Riley (From the video package looks like him and the Miz will pair up well)

6. Eli Cottonwood (Should be funny to see the big man try and get over in front of big audience, doesnt look very good in the ring from what i have seen, so he will probably have to squash some other rookies)

7. Titus O'Neil (Only got 7th because he has Ryder as his pro)

8. Lucky Cannon (Not much to really buy into at the moment, and seems to have drawn the short straw in terms of pro's)

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1. Percy Watson - The guy had loads of more charisma than anyone else in the package


2. Alex Riley - Already done more to make me hate him than Otunga did for months. In a good way.


3. Eli Cottonwood - With a name like that, a big man, sort of the whole demented "I like to deal pain to people". I'm a sucker for big men who have demented gimmicks and he fits the bill pluse he reminds me of Giant Redwood in a good way so he's golden.


4. Kaval - This guy can go in the ring, their keeping his basic gimmick and he's teaming up with some crazy women that should make for interesting television.


5. Husky Harris - He's big and he wears the cowboy boot wrestling boots you can't go wrong with that. Plus his real name is Windham Rotunda how cool is that.


6. Mike Mcguillicutty - I'm already bored with the guy. He doesn't look as much like his dad and grand dad as I would have expected, he looks like he's very thin haired up top, he's not been wrestling that long, and he has a stupid name. I'm more interested in his sister than I am him.


7. Titus O'Neil - I don't know much about the guy and he didn't give me too much to know about him in his video package so I care why?


8. Lucky Cannon - I reminds me of Lucky from King of the Hill maybe its just his name. However that Lucky did more to entertain me than this Lucky is likely to ever do so with any of my own luck he'll be the first eliminated and quickly.

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Lol they even ran a segment about Otunga with the pros say how bad he is in the ring during one of the shows.


Loved Heath Slaters "One man rock band" nickname it just sounds cool lol


It bugged the hell out of me the 1000 times they mentioned "X-factor or it factor" on the show really no else could think of anything else to say to the rookies?


I dunno to me Joe Hennig doesnt look that perfect. doesnt look like he would suit that gimmick. could be that he looks like his got some type of comb over hair do.

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I think it's fair to say that the secret to success in the WWE is having a two- or three-syllable name.


"CE-NA." "OR-TON." "H-B-K." People like chanting things. McGillicutty is a FIVE SYLLABLE NAME. Mike is a ONE syllable name. Neither is chantable, unless you go for like a "Let's go Mike."


On the other hand, Lucky Cannon seems perfectly suited for chanting. As does Low-Ki; not entirely sure if "Kaval" would work because the separation between the syllables is a soft vowel.

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I think it's fair to say that the secret to success in the WWE is having a two- or three-syllable name.


"CE-NA." "OR-TON." "H-B-K." People like chanting things. McGillicutty is a FIVE SYLLABLE NAME. Mike is a ONE syllable name. Neither is chantable, unless you go for like a "Let's go Mike."


On the other hand, Lucky Cannon seems perfectly suited for chanting. As does Low-Ki; not entirely sure if "Kaval" would work because the separation between the syllables is a soft vowel.


Having something to chant certainly helps...but you can make up the lack of a chantable name with an easily chantable nickname, like HBK or Y2J. Or even a finisher, like Spear and RKO.


All of this talk reminds me of when a expansion sports team announces their nickname for the first time...everybody goes crazy over analyzing it, puts waaay too much thought into it, and then two years later you're used to it and couldn't imagine them being called anything else. Once Hennig/McGillicutty has wrestled about two matches, nobody's going to think about his name ever again. At the end of the day, a guy's going to get over (or not) based on what he does with a mic in his hand and between the ropes.


I don't know enough about the rookies to really rank them, but based on the promos I saw I'm really looking forward to seeing about four guys: Percy Watson and Alex Riley because they both seem very charismatic and I like charismatic wrestlers. Kaval, because I've never seen him wrestle and I want to see how good he really is. And Eli Cottonwood, because he has so much potential based on his size alone...if he can talk and/or go in the ring at all, he could be a superstar.

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