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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I've had a feeling Carlito might end up in TNA for quite a long, long time actually. He hasn't yet though. I can easily see him there though, it seems like a good fit.


Plus, if anyone's interested, or if it hasn't already been talked about, I've finally discovered what Shannon Moore was talking aboot on Impact: the book of DILLIGAF, not 'Deligath' . I'm not entirely sure what the 'F' stands for, ;), but the rest means 'Does It Look Like I Give A..."







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I think the most important here is that when TNA is out of business (that will not take long) certain "former WCW personalities" (we all know who i'm talking about) won't be able to blame that on a AOL/Time Warner merger like last time. yes, we all know that if the merger didn't happened at all, WCW would have been in a business for an adicional time period, because Turner woanted that and would have financed that. But the fact is that even if the merger didn't happened they would still be out of business nowadays, because Turner would not be able to keep losing money in such a "flamboyant way" (and i'm beeing polite9 for much longer. So...finally some people will be able to stop using the merger as an excuse for their own (now more then proven)tremendous incompetence!
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I think the most important here is that when TNA is out of business (that will not take long)


From a strictly business standpoint they should've been out of business years ago. So I really don't think you can assume they'll be going out of business anytime soon.


They were bleeding money for years before Dixie stepped in and convinced her dad to finance the whole thing.


So as long as daddy supports Dixie's pet project (which might be a while; wouldn''t make sense to cut her off now that TNA is actually profitable ) and Spike is giving them a outlet for their shows ( again...might be a while; Spike is dying to compete with USA and they see TNA as a major piece in that battle) they won't go "out of business"


It might take a catastrophic loss of viewers for that to even be considered.

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Jesus Christ, don't interpretate all so damn literally. The rest of the post was the most important and no one talked about that! XD Of course i know they won't be closing the doors tomorrow or next year,etc etc...that was an ironic matter of speaking...but the rest of the post is correct! Turner would keep feeding WCW...but eventually he would have to pull the plug unless he wanted to ask for a morgadge on his house. LOL. So even if the merger did not happen, WCW would be out of business nowadays and some guys who entirely blamed the merger back then, will have no excusses for failing now, wheter that failure includes goign out of business or simply not overcoming WWE . That's my point!
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Jesus Christ, don't interpretate all so damn literally. The rest of the post was the most important and no one talked about that! XD Of course i know they won't be closing the doors tomorrow or next year,etc etc...that was an ironic matter of speaking...but the rest of the post is correct! Turner would keep feeding WCW...but eventually he would have to pull the plug unless he wanted to ask for a morgadge on his house. LOL. So even if the merger did not happen, WCW would be out of business nowadays and some guys who entirely blamed the merger back then, will have no excusses for failing now, wheter that failure includes goign out of business or simply not overcoming WWE . That's my point!


..Unless AOL buys Panda Energy. :p

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Jesus Christ, don't interpretate all so damn literally. The rest of the post was the most important and no one talked about that! XD Of course i know they won't be closing the doors tomorrow or next year,etc etc...that was an ironic matter of speaking...but the rest of the post is correct! Turner would keep feeding WCW...but eventually he would have to pull the plug unless he wanted to ask for a morgadge on his house. LOL. So even if the merger did not happen, WCW would be out of business nowadays and some guys who entirely blamed the merger back then, will have no excusses for failing now, wheter that failure includes goign out of business or simply not overcoming WWE . That's my point!


Actually a very good point. F'n sick of hearing EriC Bischoff respond to every question about WCW with "corporate maneuvering radarada Time Warner radarada never lost the war radarada grmmblemmble "

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Honestly, i think WCW would still be going today sans-buyout. It was Turner's baby. And i don't think he would've been anywhere near mortgaging his house or anything of that ilk - let's be clear, Turner has a lot of money. He can afford to piss a few million away.
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Honestly, i think WCW would still be going today sans-buyout. It was Turner's baby. And i don't think he would've been anywhere near mortgaging his house or anything of that ilk - let's be clear, Turner has a lot of money. He can afford to piss a few million away.


The mortgadge part is a joke, i think that was obvious. As for the rest, if you are from those days, as i am, and if you know how much he was losing a year...well, if you know all that...then you should also know that you're wrong. WCW would be dead and buried nowadays avec or sans merger. :p

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I just looked it up and Turner has less money than i thought. Obviously he's got ****ing loads, but compared to other rich people, not so much.


I've always thought of him like Roman Abramovich, who has pumped over a billion quid (so, 2 billion dollars) into Chelsea FC with scant monetary reward. Obviously, compared to that, 100 million is bugger all.


But Abramovich is worth 8.5 billion dollars, and Turner 2.0 billion. Perhaps he wouldn't be so happy to deal with a 100 million loss. Maybe he would though.


Thing is, we can't change the past, so we really don't know.


Edit: Hold on, there are two ways of quantifying a billion. A thousand million, and a million million. And i've completely lost track of which the values i've listed apply to :(

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Actually a very good point. F'n sick of hearing EriC Bischoff respond to every question about WCW with "corporate maneuvering radarada Time Warner radarada never lost the war radarada grmmblemmble "


Wait, Eric Bischoff's been talking about this stuff with Schnitzel from Chowder?

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I just looked it up and Turner has less money than i thought. Obviously he's got ****ing loads, but compared to other rich people, not so much.


I've always thought of him like Roman Abramovich, who has pumped over a billion quid (so, 2 billion dollars) into Chelsea FC with scant monetary reward. Obviously, compared to that, 100 million is bugger all.


But Abramovich is worth 8.5 billion dollars, and Turner 2.0 billion. Perhaps he wouldn't be so happy to deal with a 100 million loss. Maybe he would though.


Thing is, we can't change the past, so we really don't know.


Edit: Hold on, there are two ways of quantifying a billion. A thousand million, and a million million. And i've completely lost track of which the values i've listed apply to :(


They apply to both...a thousand million and a billion are the same thing.

As for turner, of course he has less money then what you thought. The merger eventually kicked him off his own empire. And as much as he'd be willing to keep feeding WCW if the merger didn't happened, that would imply kicking out the leeches inside the company (aka the current top draws at the time) and probably most of the booking team would join them in the unemployment. As much as Turner knows his way around corporate business he knows squat about wrestling, so if he kicked out the leeches (he would have too, in order to stop losing the big - and small - bucks.) he would be put in a situation in wich he hould have zero knowledge on how to reverse it. So...WCW would pretty much be dead or would have been bought by someone other than VKM. Maybe that would be the only way for surviving.



Wait, Eric Bischoff's been talking about this stuff with Schnitzel from Chowder?


Priceless! :D

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Pretty sure we need a WCW thread since the TNA thread turns into one every 10 pages


Agree. And while we're at it let's make a thread against the ones opposing off-topic. :D


Of course i'm joking, we all know that we have rules to follow, and why we should follow them, but sometimes te on-topic obligation just cuts a conversation away. If we made a WCW thread tomorrow, or even today, no one would be taking this discussion there, as the subject would have faded already. But you do have a valid point.


Getting back on topic: TNA need to put their act together. They can say all they want...but the last ratings (worse then the ones on the thursday slot)...that's just...bad. And sure, it's not the end of the world, radarada, radarada...we know the deal, woooo. But, jumping the shark starts just like that...so they should pay attention to what they are (not) doing.

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Pretty sure we need a WCW thread since the TNA thread turns into one every 10 pages


Not our fault. Similar roster. Similar problems. The biggest players are involved in both. Kinda hard not to make the comparison


It would be like reviewing Ocean's Twelve and not mentioning Ocean's Eleven.

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Yes. For the most part. And you must've been a huge Nastys fan back in the day because I've never considered them on the level of any team where I would consider anything they do ever to be a 'dream match.'




This might make more sense if it weren't for the fac that TNA's ratings are actually dropping from their own ratings at the Thursday position.


And for years - come hell of high water - that number was pretty steady. TNA is losing its own fanbase. And that fanbase was pretty loyal. Which means it probably shouldn't be as affected by counterprogramming.


No I wasnt back then because I wasn't even a fan when they were around. They're just the last of the established tag teams left in the world (Unless we ever get to see the Hardys or Edge and Christian back together again). And the Nasty's aren't horrible in the ring, they're still decent brawlers and I believe the Dudleys are more than capable of carying them to something watchable. Hell if they get heel heat, I wouldn't mind them sticking around to feud with the un-made talent and get them over.


Actually that just shows that the fanbase TNA was getting was the WWEs.


Tell you what, 8 months is the benchmark for me. Come december, if they haven't improved steadily from a 1.0, I'll say TNA won't make it.


Still a anything higher than a .5 is higher then anything Spike could put in that time slot anyway, save live UFC events which is impossible for UFC to put on every week.

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