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Another year, and another low blow is struck against the Florida Territories. This year has been rough.


First off, I organize a two tournaments every year.

In February, is the Ace of Aces tournament, which I use to highlight the high-fliers in my company (which is about half the roster, most years.) That tournament went off without a hitch.

The second is the Open Invitational, which occurs at my annual Magnum Opus event in July (my Wrestlemania-equivalent.) This past year I organized the largest I have ever done, pulling in eight outsiders to pair up against eight of my best in a sixteen man single elimination tournament. Usually Magnum Opus is my highest or second-highest rated event of the year, and the only even that I have ever pulled a B+. This year, I think the double-sized tournament must have over balanced me, and I got a C. Worst show all year, and a huge blow to my personal moral. I seemed to struggle mentally and creatively after that, and continued to have below-average shows most of the rest of the year.


Things just kept going down after that. I lost Kid Toma, who signed up to tour with WLW and bumped me from his employment list. Not a huge it, but he was one of my more talented workers.


Shortly there after I lost main-event standout Ernest Youngman, who decide that he'd become too big for me. Then I lost Jumbo Jackson, who was upset over suffering a string of losses.


A month later, my mid-card veteran, Charles Bond, retired at the age of 45. On the night of what would have been his last event, I also lost another main event star, Hugh de Aske, to a major concussion. He's a lost cause to me now, as he has a contractually obligated title run that I won't be able to give him before his contract is up. So even when he's back off the injured list, it won't be until after his contract has gone off.


On the flip side, I had Kashmir Singh drop the Florida State Championship to Greg Keith, who carried the company for the rest of the year with his B+ matches (and even an A against Jay Chord in the semi-finals of my annual tournament.)


Main Eventers are now Kashmir Sing, Akima Brave, Greg Keith, and Mainstream Hernandez. I will likely loose Akima later this year when his contract comes up for renewal, so I am already planning on finding a decent replacement from my upper mid-card.


Champions at the moment are:

Florida State: Greg Keith

Florida Stat Tag Team: vacant (may scrap the whole division due to lack of talented teams)

Internet: Archleon (a renamed El Leon)

Open Invitational Tournament 2020: Greg Keith

Ace of Aces: Mainstream Hernandez


I'm still making money, and I haven't really lost footing all that much, though I have slipped down to be ranked at #34. I'm glad that I'm not falling behind more, but I also can't seem to gain any momentum and move forward.

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I forgot how much I enjoy playing this save (WCW; March 2023). Setting up a Sunday Stampede show right now and I started to think about how so much has changed. With the three brands splitting and two getting stronger it left the one 'B'-Show in question. I decided to drop it in favor of focusing my attention on the two weekly 'A'-Shows. I wanted to try and use the pre-show much more strategically and fit in as much wrestling as I could in the 20-minute window. I truly dislike using post-show time.


The problem I'm running into right now is that my women's division is HUGE (24 workers; that's a big ladies roster for me). I have the singles title and tag titles that leaves everyone busy. I'm contemplating starting a new show in May when networks are accepting offers that will focus entirely on the women. I have no idea how to go about running a show with all women (including angles). Monster Ishimura is the focal point and the dominant brute champion. Lucy McFly (dropped the 'Stone') and Maria Guest are the current tag team champions.


At first I thought to make it a 'B'-show but I knew all of the top workers would start to get mad for being left off the brand shows. Hopefully I'll be able to strike a deal for a 1-hour weekly show on America-Sports-1 in a month and a half. Until then I'll squeeze them in as planned on Sunday Stampede. Its a shame because only a few get showcased every week. I never thought I'd EVER pay this much attention to the ladies division. I always used it as the "downer" match prior to my semi-main event. :o


Future Headline: WCW Focusing On Women's Wrestling! Jay Chord Approved This? :rolleyes:

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LEW's 12th anniversary show:


-Before the first match, the LEW champion (Etsuko) ARIHYOSHI was seen prepping for her title defense against Debbie Rose. LEW's Third Commentator Roxy Kitten tried to get her thoughts on the match, ARIHYOSHI not responding. Roxy then reminded herself that ARIHYOSHI didn't speak English. She went to leave, but ARIHYOSHI stops her, says "Rose will suffer", and then goes back to her preparations.


-Rookie (regen) Trudy Maxx would beat Selina Svelte in the opening contest following a shooting star press.


-Alison Capone, Kathy Neptune (w/Jen Neptune) and (regen) Jeane Roy d the J-Kween Crew of Joy Ryder, GypZ (Gypsy Rose) and Joanna Silver (all w/ Queen Sister aka Militia Sister) with former J-Kween Crew sister Capone getting the pin over Joanna Silver.


-The Great White North Express (Sandra Shine and Roz Larren, w/ Kammy Ling) d. The Original Sinners (Darla Knight and Power Girl, w/ Calamity Joan)


-The mysterious "Vampire Queen" (regen) Black Rayne made her elaborate entrance/reason to exploit her insane performance skills (everything except Announcer is 90+).


-And then made quick work of former BSC veteran Lindsay Sugar, hitting her with her "Death's Sweet Embrace" finisher.


-Death Junkies (Christy Higgins and Natalie DiMarco) d. Brute Force Alliance (Juliette King and Deborah Young) for the North American tag titles. These two were the premier teams of LEW's early tag division,


-ARIHYOSHI d. Debbie Rose to retain the LEW tag titles, having trouble with Rose in the early stages but managed to come back and put her in the Arihyoshi Lockdown, too close to the ropes but with relaxed rules ARIHYOSHI was in no obligation to actually break the hold, so she just kept it on until Debbie Rose blacked out.


Wasn't the best main event as Thea Davis was supposed to headline but got a concussion, making me change my plans into a far less personal battle. It did, however, serve to keep ARIHYOSHI as a killer heel and top name until Davis comes back.

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Finally hit Total Mayhem. Went very well.


Eddie Peak over Joey Minnesota.

Eddie powerbombs Joeys off the stage! Joey stretchered out.

Zone Out over Affliction (Speed and Ruiz) © for the TCW TV Tag Team Title

Chance Fortune over Aaron Andrews, Edd Stone and Freddy huggins © for the TCW All Action Title

Danny Fonzarelli © over Rick Law and Sammy Bach to retain the TCW united States Title (replaced IN title)

The Beaten (Benny Benson heel turn) over Sam Keith with help from Shadowstorm (The Keith twins)

Wolf Hawkins over Ricky Dale Johnson

Ronin (Ino and Taylor) over The Islanders (Mainstream and Alexander) and Time Warp (user Char and Steven parker)

Machines over New Wave © for the TCW World Tag Team Titles. new Wave must disband.Troy Tornado © over Tommy Cornell to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

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What was your grade for Peak/Minnesota? In an old TCW game, that was a long-burning rivalry that produced some incredible matches.


Im at work, but iirc 84.


Fueds over though. Joey will return as "The Devil Incarnate" Joey Minnesota as part of the Hellfire Club. Using there original names, my end of year hellfire club should be Eddie Peak, Danny Fonzarelli, Joey Minnesota, Benny Benson, Matt Keith and Greg Gauge.

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I've been toying around with some ideas for a new WWE game using FutureLegend's July data. One possibility is cutting half of the roster, and having only Raw with the rest of the roster. Smackdown would be re-branded as a cruiserweight show, and Superstars would be changed into a tag-team only show. Has anyone tried something like this? One show with the stars, one cruiserweight show, and one tag team show?
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I've been toying around with some ideas for a new WWE game using FutureLegend's July data. One possibility is cutting half of the roster, and having only Raw with the rest of the roster. Smackdown would be re-branded as a cruiserweight show, and Superstars would be changed into a tag-team only show. Has anyone tried something like this? One show with the stars, one cruiserweight show, and one tag team show?


I have a game going with a similar type of thing, but based in Japan with a much different format than would be run with the WWE like you are suggesting.


I have Heavyweight, Junior & Tag divisions. It is a touring promotion which operates 3 month tours at the time with leagues running for each division (A win is 3 points, draw is 1, loss is -1 and a tag win (for singles wrestlers) is 2 points). The top competitors competing for a tour title.


Not exactly how the WWE would run it, but in terms of the roster being split in that fashion it is very easy to manage.

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In my TCW game, the same day I could jump to NOTBPW's head booker position, I also have the ability to sign someone to a contract.


For my dupe save where I do jump ship, I'm signing that guy to as expensive a contract as possible, so as to kill TCW.









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I just recently started playing TEW again, and I decided to give it a go with AAA.


The first chunk of the game was spent blandly booking with generic storylines and no real flavor while I got to know my workers and formulate some ideas. One of my first ideas implemented was a general push toward using real (or at least real-sounding) names. For example, Devil's Daughter goes by her real name of Cordelia Krause, though not everyone has a real name in their in-game bio so I had to create a few for my game.


Anyway, I had reached October of the first year when inspiration finally struck me: I was able to sign Cherry Bomb back to AAA when her written USPW contract expired. Since she was a ready-made top level heel with high charisma and mic skills, I had her come in with the nickname "the Agent of Chaos" who has returned to AAA to shake the very foundation of the company and turn it on its head. I then took this a step further by making her a cult leader-type who successfully recruited her past associates Wild Times and Gorgon (renamed Allison "Gorgon" Rush).


Cherry Bomb's edgier persona now serves as a perfect villain to take on my AAA Champion. Sara Marie York, who is your classic do-gooder, clean cut babyface. There are some clear directions for this story to go, but I want to see just how things feel and make the necessary decisions when those times come.


Elsewhere, I just started a "jealousy" storyline involving Catherine Quine and Joanne Rodriguez. Basically the story goes that Quine isn't getting any younger, and in her eyes J-Ro is out to take her place in her eyes. The tipping point comes when they're in a tag match against the A-List and J-Ro scores the pin after Quine had hit her finisher. Nevermind that Quine was in the ring illegally and therefore couldn't have gotten the pin anyway. What matters to her is that once again Rodriguez gets the glory, and this finally causes her to snap and beat the stuffing out of Rodriguez. The nearly 10picked minute beatdown culminates with Quine fetching a ladder from under the ring and attempting to break one of J-Ro's legs before officials got involved to prevent serious injury. I think we know where this is going.


Anyway, that's just a couple storylines I've got going right now. I'll be back for another update when some worthwhile progress has been made. Until then, happy booking.

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Im playing my first game away from SWF as CZCW and im LOVING IT! I enjoy living with the fear i may lose a top star and have to replace them.

Frankie Perz was the first one to jump ship and i replaced him with Art Reed and Kid Toma . Now Art Reed has gone to go on tour with PGHW and doesnt want to work for me anymore so he has now been replaced with Zimmy Bumfhole

Just love this save so much!

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I honestly didn't know that. I'm used to doing things in the National battles. This is probably only the third time I've even been involved in a regional one (one of the benefits of basing your C-Verse promotion in the Mid South US). I've been murdering the competition in battles and nobody I don't have an agreement with is suffering at all. Wrestling New Classic (Tajiri's promotion) has lost 11 points of momentum in three months (all heavy losses. 4th or 5th place in Kanto, Kinki, and Kyushu each month). Yay? I can't even see the point in Regional battles if you can't eviscerate your competition and oppress....errr, repress them.


So I screwed up in my game and took over WILD after they had financial problems. Heh, when I took over, they were $6,138 in debt (OH NOES! :rolleyes: ). I chose the pillage option (I usually make them a dev territory but I'm not at Cult yet) and took their titles and several workers (Katarina, Mia Yim, Becky Bayless, Lucky O'Shea, Buggy, Christina Von Eerie, Candice LeRae, Allison Danger, etc). Only one problem.




Yeah, two main event singles titles (World/Femme Fatale), midcard singles (X-Division/North American), and floating singles (IWRG/Internet). That, in addition to the existing floating tag team and low level tag team titles. The low level titles don't worry me at all since they only get defended once a month nowadays (or in dark time). Unifying like titles would be too easy so I'm going with the invasion angle. On our last show, Katarina (with her autopush to upper midcard self) challenged Kana (world champion) to a match and offered to put her title on the line. GM Megumi Kudo asked what everyone else did: Who are you? She then put her in a match against a "rookie" (lower midcarder Mika Iida) and Kat got a 79 rated match out of her! Plan is to have her feud with Melina to build her overness a bit (not like it matters. Kat has the skills to pay ALL the bills, which is what matters in our product). Have an angle written where Melina calls Kat a 'WWE reject' and says she's been working her way up to earn a title shot. So if Kat wants a shot at the title, she'll have to go through her (Melina) first. Then she'll face off against Gail (who recently joined Kana's White Tails stable). Still deciding whether to have Gail take the Femme Fatale title and then face Kana to unify or just have Kana pull Gail back and unify them directly (or not at all).


Either way, I want Katarina in the main event now. If she can pull a 79 out of a modestly skilled lower midcarder, holy hell, she'd probably draw 90s and above with my main eventers!

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I'm stuck in bed all day every day waiting for an operation so I started a new C-Verse game in July 2012. Heres a quick rundown of whats happened.


World Title:

Grandmaster Phunk became the first champion in a four way against Spencer Spade, Hugh de Aske and Fumihiro Ota. He held the title until November when he dropped the belt to Frankie Perez in a 3 way ladder match also involving Ernest Youngman. Perez retained the title in a rematch with Phunk the next month but lost it to Donnie J in January when he signed with SWF. Donnie went on to become the most successful champion so far, holding the title until the 2nd night of the anniversary weekend when after a successful defense against Black Hat Bailey, Grandmaster Phunk and Fox Mask, KC Glenn came out to cash in his title shot he earned "at any point during 2013" when he defeated rival Ernest Yougman in the final of the One to Watch Tournament in December, aligning himself with debuting manager Emmy & turning heel in the process. The last 5 months have seen Glenn dominate the championship scene however Phunk looked close to regaining the title in October but a distraction by The Midnight Prowler allowed Kirk Jameson to take Phunk out behind the refs back. After the match "The Movement" declared this was only the begining.


Tag Titles:

The first tag team champions were crowned after a random draw tournament after many of the roster felt the singles division was too crowded. While mny of the teams struggled to co-exist with their drawn partners (Fox Mask won 2handicap matches when Black Hat Bailey refused to take part), some regular teams were formed as Black Nights (Blackfire and Darryl Bloodworth (regen)) & Air Mexico (El Mitico & Boriken Love Machine Jr) were found chemistry during these matches. The final took place in October as Black Hat Bailey was forced to team with Fox Mask or be fired against Masked Cougar and Shady K. The finish came when Black Hat Bailey blasted Fox Mask with his finisher allowing Shady K to get the pin. After the match Cougar had to pull Shady off Fox Mask. In the 2 defenses since its clear that the champions don't get along but continue to work together until the final bell rings.


Womens Title:

Golden Delicious won the title on the first show but failed to make a defense as Eve Grunge pinned her the next month. This resulted in Golden Delicious snapping a month later and turning on Joanne Rodriguez in a tag match. The two have feuded ever since having some of the best matches in company history. Eve held the title for 5 months before dropping the belt to Brooke Tyler. Brooke is recognised as the most successful any champion in the company only dropping the belt in November 2013 at the last show when Delicious joined The Movement and with their help became the only 2 time champion in the company.


The Future:


The One to Watch tournament returns next month. Among the favourites are Josh Jones, Decipher & El Mitico. With these names and more KC Glenn will be watching his back in 2014, if he gets past Harry Allen who makes his debut at the One to Watch show.


Ernest Youngman hasn't been seen in a SSW ring since he lost to KC Glenn in the final of last years One to Watch tournament. After some time in developmental before making it to TCW's main roster many were suprised when the 20 year old found himself unemployed after only a year. Now back under contract to SSW many wonder if his eyes will be on longtime rival and current champion KC Glenn.


Fox Mask seems hell bent on making Bailey pay for costing him the chance to hold his first gold in SSW, the tag titles and for reasons yet unknown Genio Verde seems to have targeted Bradford Peverell but neither Bailey or Verde seem to be willing to step in the ring to settle the scores they've created.

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Push Von Eerie, I trained with her a bit a few years back when she was still with SPW out here in sacramento.


She's in the (low level) tag division but eventually I'll have her in the midcard, as I start to lose people to retirement.


Remi: If you're not WWE, then why is Melina calling Katarina a WWE reject? ?_?


Well, because WWE is global and has been for some time. So both Melina and Katarina would be known by the audience primarily by their WWE personas. Melina calling Katarina a reject is, not exactly irony but the proper term escapes me at the moment. Essentially, it's meant to inspire giggles as both women are technically rejects. Melina's throwing steel ball bearings (not stones) when she lives in a papier-mâché house.


Somebody gonna stop this guy or what?


You can never take anything Eidenhoek says literally or at face value.

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Canadian Golden Combat






I am currently in January of 2015 and have held 460 shows with Canadian Golden Combat, here is what has happened in the game from the start of September to the end of December of 2014. Johnny Bloodstone is still the CGC World Champion and is currently feuding with Jack DeColt over the belt. He has made seven defenses of the title so far and the title is at 91 prestige. Johnny is going to drop the title to Christian Faith at some point during 2015.


Zeus Maxmillion is still the CGC Canadian Champion having defeated Freddie Datsun for the belt in May of 2014. I am building towards Dan Dalay defeating Zeus for the belt as Dan still needs his mid card title run that I promised him. I still have 19 months before Dan’s Contract runs up and normally I would hold of on him winning it but he is only a midcarder so he needs all the help he can get to start being relevant again.


The tag team champions are The Show Stealers (Aaron Andrews and Steven Parker) I formed a team with them after I signed Aaron Andrews and they both had the Show Stealer Gimmick at the time so that is how they got their name. They defeated Thrill Seeker and Shane Nelson back in November and have made three defenses so far.


I have now had seven events get a 90 or better rating, having had two more since my last update which both happened in December.


I have also had a match get a 96 rating between Johnny Bloodstone and Chris Caulfield and seven of my top ten matches took place in 2014.


My feuds look like this…


Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt

Heat: -

Started: January 2015


Chris Caulfield vs. Christian Faith

Heat: 78

Started: November 2014


Jack DeColt vs. Johnny Bloodstone ©

CGC World Heavyweight Title feud

Heat: 97

Started: November 2014


New Signings: Aaron Andrews


I also was able to beat out both Total Championship Wrestling and North Of The Border Pro Wrestling in the National Battle this month for the first time to finish first in the National Battle. Supreme Wrestling Federation went Global (once again after falling to cult) so I am sure that they will be included in next monthes national battle.


Finally I am close to becoming international so hopefully I will hit international by mid 2015 and if not by then I hope I can do it by the end of 2015.

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You can never take anything Eidenhoek says literally or at face value.


Which can make some of the stuff he does, his "Let's learn to play the game through NYCW" diary for example, really hard to recommend sometimes. There's a lot of good meat in there but the way Brother Eidenhoek presents himself can be a bit much for some people to take. There are times I fall into that category.

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Which can make some of the stuff he does, his "Let's learn to play the game through NYCW" diary for example, really hard to recommend sometimes. There's a lot of good meat in there but the way Brother Eidenhoek presents himself can be a bit much for some people to take. There are times I fall into that category.


Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010

^That's the title. And re-reading the first post, technically I don't call it a guide/walkthrough.


But yes, reading it has been incredibly difficult for the guy who wrote the dang thing.

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