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A new name for Rich Money

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This is something I've been thinking about since the demo came out. His current name is rather cheesy, a reflection of his old heelish ways, but becoming a bit of a bad ass means a name change wouldn't be out of the question. Abandoning/losing his old life style and all that. When starting my diary game I decided to stick with his old one because nothing made a change seem worth it, but now I'm putting it to everyone else to see if we can find something that really suits his new character. In my mind, he can do a lot better than anything involving "Paul Parsons" (although respect to Sons of Krohal for being the only one to take the name change plunge in a diary so far!).


I've been thinking along several lines. In keeping with the loss of the wealth gimmick he could just adopt a real, feasible name, with a moniker such as "The Lone Wolf," "The Outcast" or "The Outsider" to spice it up. "Rich" could stay, or he could become "Rick" which is, I'm sure we'll all agree, much more "bad ass." One thing that's going over and over again in my head is "Rick Rockwell," taking Phantom Stranger's lead on his new name for Morrisette. Rockwell really is the coolest name possible, plus there's the alliteration, but still, as I said, PS has been there before so using it again would be wholly unoriginal. Maybe..."Slater." Clean slate and all that, lol.


Then there's the option of using "Rich" or "Rick" or whatever in his surname. Richards doesn't really stand out, but maybe Rickman could work. That'd have me thinking of Snape a little bit too much, but still...


And of course something directly pointing to his new character could work. Maybe Wolfe...Desmond Wolfe. But then there's already a Wolf in TCW.


So everyone, thoughts? If someone comes up with something amazing I'm gonna have a hard time resisting the urge to suddenly rewrite an aesthetic aspect of ten months of my own SWF game, but I'm interested to see where this goes.

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Dick Slater

Rick Slater

Chad Dollar

Dick Davidson

Harley Switchback


Chaz Rockwell

Chad Rockwell

I think the best name would be name involving Wolf so SWF it could be away of attacking TCW's Wolf's image and maybe somehow later in your diary bring Wolf over for a mega feud.

Or Rick Richards (or something long Rick Richards Rockwell)

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if he's lost his fortune, how about Poor Richard, and give him a simple life type gimick. He keeps trying to find the right career for himself but he is too Bad Ass for any of them.


Or make him more hardened by his fall from money

Richard Henge (as in stone henge)


or call him Steel or Magnum.


To be honest I like Rich Magnum, indicates to me he is on the rise.

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One thing that's going over and over again in my head is "Rick Rockwell," taking Phantom Stranger's lead on his new name for Morrisette.


I can't really take the credit for that one - Chris Rockwell and Chris Storm are the two ring names he used prior to Lobby, according to the C-Verse '97 mod (and IIRC it's as Chris Rockwell that he's in the DaVE unification title histories.)

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lol Hey! He's "Triple P!"


But seriously, when I saw the name "Rick Rockwell" I thought "...damn... why didn't I use that..."


Rick Rockwell has a nice ring to it. I'd try to enhance it some, like "The Maverick" or, and I can't explain why I'm fascinated with the phrasing, but "Last Man" ... for some reason, that strikes me as good. lol

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The problem with Rick Rockwell is that it's such an amazingly cool name that having him say "I've been living a lie, my name is actually...Rick Rockwell" is just ridiculous :D


Right now "Rickman" as a surname is standing out. For some reason I like "Walt" as the first name. It kind of sounds like Walt Whitman, a familiar name i know little of. The "W" provides alliteration with "Lone wolf." And "Walter" is a fairly posh name which could suggest him having some sort of upper class origins, not sold on if that really would be the case but yeah...


"The Lone Wolf" Walt Rickman. Bah, I'm still not entirely convinced. If I go and make this slight change in my diary I'll need to be certain, and probably justify it with some recap of the promo where he reveals his name change, lol. It's just, it'd be building a new character from the ground up almost, and although he's thrust right into the main event scene, giving that character the title at Supreme Challenge, no matter how much sense it makes, might not feel justified. Whereas with the Rich Money name, it would, even if the name is a lie xD

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The problem with Rick Rockwell is that it's such an amazingly cool name that having him say "I've been living a lie, my name is actually...Rick Rockwell" is just ridiculous :D


"You know, my family frown on pro wrestling... the trust fund set are like that, mostly. Me? It was something I took seriously, something I mastered - like this belt proves - but I've had to live, all these years, under an assumed name.


"I mean, come on. Rich Money? So obvious I was hiding my name, right?


"But my father - God rest his soul - has passed now. No reason to hide his blushes.


"It's time you all knew that the fine old Rockwell family is the best at wrestling, too."

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*Rich Money stands alone in the ring. The crowd noise has all but fizzled out; a low murmuring buzz is all that remains. Money maintains a solemn silence; his face is drawn and tired...something is clearly playing on his mind. As the murmuring gives way to restlessness, he finally addresses the crowd...*


"Y'know, it's no fun living a lie. You're always looking over your shoulder, second guessing yourself. It's uncomfortable...there's no way to relax, no rest for the wicked."

*The mood in the arena fritters between curiosity and concern...Money clearly has a confession to make and they, the audience, will bare witness to his revelation*


"It's time for my lie to end. Rich Money is not a real person. Rich Money is a joke, a character, a cartoon. Rich Money sells t-shirts, action figures and video games..."


*The crowd sits in a stunned silence, puzzled but excited in the face of this rare 'shoot' moment*


"Well I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the lies, I'm sick of the jokes...sick of living my life as a cartoon character. Rich Money...Rich...Money...I thought it was a joke at first, y'know? A rib on the new guy. But I busted my ass, went out there every night and made it work, made you people take me seriously....but then I realised....



*A long, uncomfortable pause*



"...I can't even take myself seriously any more."



*Another pause, but this time when Money looks up, there is a cold, steely determination in his eyes*



"So from this moment forth, let it be known that Rich Money is dead, the cartoon is no more, the joke is over! You will witness nothing but the real me from now until forever! You will see the man behind the gimmick! And most importantly...you will know MY NAME! So get ready to say hello to..."



*The crowd waits on bated breath, barely containing their excitement*



















"...Wealthy McCashbags!!!!!!"


*'For The Love Of Money' by The O'Jays explodes over the sound system as the show fades to commercial*

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The Almighty Dollar

Nickels Ncents


.... I like this one the best: Rick Chugar. you know like the bad guy from No Country For Old Men? You could have him walking around tossing a quarter into the air and asking them to call heads or tails!


Sounds like Harvey Dent to me...

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