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Official 'Who You Buried and Why?' Thread

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<p>Chris Caufield in my MAW game. </p><p> </p><p>

I had him signed to a PPA contract that was running up, he was still with USPW under PPA, and we have a working agreement with them so I knew I wouldn't be able to snatch him to a written deal. Ended up throwing him in a "To Be Announced" advanced booked match at my weekly live TV show and jobbed him to up and comer Princeton Pryce who I snatched from NOTBPW when they went through some 'narrative difficulties'. Had Pryce dominate, pinfall finish, buried Caufield, and it was a 5 minute match (the minimum for my product) so I wouldn't get a match length penalty. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

His popularity went from 78 across the US to 60. Pryce jumped from 26 across the US to roughly 46. The show is shown on Sports America during a medium rating time slot. That episode had our highest rating ever: 2.51 <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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I haven't really buried anybody in 2010 (yet), but I used to be a real jerk about it, in '05. When running a smaller promotion, with monthly shows, if someone signed a written deal, and would be gone before my next show, I'd set up a special "farewell" show, in their honour. The show would consist entirely of that person jobbing to a succession of lesser talents. They were booked to maximize the popularity I could bleed out of them, so the ratings were always terrible. He'd start off by jobbing to main eventers that were below him, and work his way down, until the last match was against the lowest person on my roster.


I took a sadistic joy in turning these promising prospects into complete jobbers, effectively ruining their careers. In fact, on the one occasion that the person was actually injured in one of the matches, I started immediately establishing the worker that hurt him as a main eventer. He ended up becoming a staple of my uppercard, until the day came when he signed a written deal....


I'm not such a stain on humanity anymore.

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I haven't really buried anybody in 2010 (yet), but I used to be a real jerk about it, in '05. When running a smaller promotion, with monthly shows, if someone signed a written deal, and would be gone before my next show, I'd set up a special "farewell" show, in their honour. The show would consist entirely of that person jobbing to a succession of lesser talents. They were booked to maximize the popularity I could bleed out of them, so the ratings were always terrible. He'd start off by jobbing to main eventers that were below him, and work his way down, until the last match was against the lowest person on my roster.


I took a sadistic joy in turning these promising prospects into complete jobbers, effectively ruining their careers. In fact, on the one occasion that the person was actually injured in one of the matches, I started immediately establishing the worker that hurt him as a main eventer. He ended up becoming a staple of my uppercard, until the day came when he signed a written deal....


I'm not such a stain on humanity anymore.


I've never gone quite that far... but when running a regional promotion I definitely jobbed guys out within their last 30 days at any show they're on. Usually to people filling their spot or someone entirely new to the promotion whose a new project.


One way this helped me was when Darryl Devine was finishing up his second stint with us in MAW and he was leaving for SWF with a written deal (he's back with us now, they used him horribly... cult written deals is AWESOME! :D) and I had just signed Matt(y)hew Faith. I built Faith up a bit before the domination, but I never buried Devine in the match... there is always a select few who will make their way back to your promotion if you don't burn the bridge. :)

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i have no problems putting someone on the job train to hell, as long as they screwed me first, have no talent, i hate you...


man i an ass lol... my only epic job was enygma when he left USPW. said he said too big for me, so i made him too small for SWF :-D. He went from A to a low D in 1 show. think i called it the "USPW: Time to get over" tv special. something to suggest to people, when main eventer leave, job them to tag's. my tag division was sitting at like B's across the board for momentom for beating him in handicapped matches.

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TCW's Joey Minnesota. I don't know why, but he bothers me. Not just the attitude, but I think being that young, that talented, and that bland is a combination for my disdain. His only potential saving grace is the tag experience with RDJ... but I'm all filled up with babyface teams right now. He'll probably be on the chopping block soon.
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I jobbed Bruce The Giant out so he would sign with me (he was A popularity and I was still at cult) I got him down to B- but then he wouldn't sign with me cause he was unhappy. Then I jobbed him out for a couple of weeks and when he was down to C+ I got the mail that Sam Strong had personally signed him up for 36 months! It's taken me about a year to get him back to where he was before, a couple of feuds with top talent did the trick.
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Maryse Ouellet


As my appointed 'Diva Reclamation' project, I was planning to get her skills up by having her work with my real in-ring workers. Her overness in the mod made her a main eventer so I just ran with it. Well, five months in, she gets arrested and spends a night in jail. As a result, her 'Law Problems' designation jumped from 0% to 82%. I'm like Roger Goodell with that crap so she's spent the last month gettin' her ass kicked by every talented midcarder on the roster. Sure she wins the match, but her overness is bleeding like a stuck pig.

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After I destroy TCW, I bring in Cornell.


He spends the next 18 months jobbing on every show to absolutely everybody on my roster (I've had him beaten by El Hijo Del Zonk, Justin Sensitive, Raphael, Kentucky Bill, Brendan Idol, Jared Johnson, Extraordinario Jr, both memebers of Death Row, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen, Cheetah Boy, Loxley Robbins, Spencer Spade, Robbie Retro (and I dislike Robbie Retro...), Remmy Skye and even had him and Nemesis beaten in tag action by Eric Eisen and Enforcer Roberts).


My midcard was f****** talented after that, so I jobbed them and released them. If they are all good then who are the stand-out's and the people you struggle to push?

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Genghis Rahn and Giant Tana because they suck. As a matter of fact, both men asked for their release and Rahn is still unemployed, while Tana was signed by USPW and guess what? He has not won a match for them in 13 contests.....guess Sam Strong dislikes Tana as much as I do.


Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant because they are old. After I was done with them I tossed them down to development to train my workers.

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Batista always get the burial treatment by me. I just can't stand watching him in the ring, and my dislike of him in real life always spills over. In every game I have played where he has been on my roster, he get into a decent feud with a midcarder that I want to push up the ranks (and will obviously win the feud) and from there he will be jobbing to my other up and comers until his contract expires.


The one exception is my current game with Genadi's 2002 mod, where I am replicating Evolution so Batista is actually receiving a push, but once Evolution is done he will be right back down the bottom and eventually out of a job.

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Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant because they are old. After I was done with them I tossed them down to development to train my workers.



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Jack Giedroyc in my '97 cverse HIW in the UK.


Hed just won the belt and then resigned with SWF, so we pulled our monthly show forward, had him take on our resident monster heel Stevie Stoat in the semi-main (it was the final match in a loose-cannon storyline) and then have to defend his title against Rolling Johnny Stones.


Needless to say he lost both and didnt come out of it too well.


Im thinking hes never coming back to these shoeres, and it got two of my high level guys to D pop (theyre pretty much our first guys there).


Giedroyc is living it up in the US, RJS is champ, Stoat is looking baaaaadass. Job done

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Maryse Ouellet


As my appointed 'Diva Reclamation' project, I was planning to get her skills up by having her work with my real in-ring workers. Her overness in the mod made her a main eventer so I just ran with it. Well, five months in, she gets arrested and spends a night in jail. As a result, her 'Law Problems' designation jumped from 0% to 82%. I'm like Roger Goodell with that crap so she's spent the last month gettin' her ass kicked by every talented midcarder on the roster. Sure she wins the match, but her overness is bleeding like a stuck pig.


Maybe the one night in jail was due to unpaid parking tickets and she had a bench warrant for her arrest? :p My roster would have a slew of 'law abiding citizens' if Jay Chord would allow it. Rudy Velasquez was a major star in my TEW08 MAW game and now I can't even hire him... unless I want to piss off the biggest jerk in the game. :)

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I accidentally buried Lobster Warrior without even using the burial road agent note. I took him from almost being an Upper Midcarder with tons of momentum (he was about to become a Main Eventer) to a Midcarder with barely any momentum.
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I accidentally buried Lobster Warrior without even using the burial road agent note. I took him from almost being an Upper Midcarder with tons of momentum (he was about to become a Main Eventer) to a Midcarder with barely any momentum.


I hate Lobster Warrior. Jobbed him to people like Shady K and Knuckles and eventually just released him because I hated he sight of him fo rno particular reason


Why all the Lobster Warrior hate???


I personally hate Remo and BSS. There idiots IMO. They do help my lesser knowns to the top though.

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Why all the Lobster Warrior hate???


I personally hate Remo and BSS. There idiots IMO. They do help my lesser knowns to the top though.


I recently signed Remo in my MAW game because he's really over - 83+ across the US - to a written deal that stole him from SWF (they're at cult as well). Been attempting to steal BSS but negotiations break down every time. Why am I trying to steal him? To hurt SWF prestige mostly. I'll honor whatever title run he wants (midcard if I can pass it, also trying to get Kurt Laramee to pull off their tag team) and I'll even give him a push before eventually jobbing the crap out of him. :p


Burying people and jobbing them until they're useless is fun and all, but it's even more fun to do it to a worker who was at one point a headliner. Matthew Faith went from headlining with Jay Chord when we were Regional to barely a midcard spot when we hit Cult... ever since I brought his dad in to manage him (hurting TCW's prestige with the written steal in the process :)) he's skyrocketed back to the main event scene. He's only 22 in 2018 and has his entire career ahead of him. :cool:

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