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What grinds your gears?


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<p>Exactly what it says on the tin...what are the little things in life that get right on your nerves?</p><p> </p><p>

Now, I generally consider myself to be too cool for school...not a whole lot bothers me. Then every now and again, some little, insignificant thing pops up and makes me want to go Incredible Hulk. Couple of examples to kick it off...</p><p> </p><p>

- That level on GTA San Andreas where you have to shoot the model planes down</p><p> </p><p>

- The fact that no matter how hard I try, I cannot eat a Pot Noodle without getting spatters of noodle juice on my trousers. Every. Time. </p><p> </p><p>

- Sarah Jessica Parker's face. </p><p> </p><p>

- That guy off Pineapple Dance Studio who thinks he is a professional musician </p><p> </p><p>

- Going in the bathroom when you (or somebody else) has just got out of the shower and getting wet socks. </p><p> </p><p>

What grinds your gears?</p>

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People that don't use their turn signals when turning. Seriously its too hard to move a finger down to the turn signal switch.


For that matter people who can't be bothered to use "to" "too" and "two" in their correct forms. Nothing bothers me more than reading "I like doing that to".


People who refused to get up to speed when driving onto the "on ramp" to get to the interstate. Cars are going 70 and the guy in front of me is going 30 as we approach the interstate the purpose of the on ramp is to get up to the speed of the incoming traffic instead your left for dead going a good forty mph slower than everyone on the interstate.


People who claim outrageous or dumb things not to brab but to draw sympahty for attention.

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My biggest one as of late with my age group graduating college/job searching is people on my facebook saying "Interview Tomorrow/Got the Job" etc. and then seeing everyone put "Where" a million times, is it that hard to say Interview at X company, or got a job at X company, or is it just that they are so desperate for online attention they love having people as "where" 10 times?
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My biggest one as of late with my age group graduating college/job searching is people on my facebook saying "Interview Tomorrow/Got the Job" etc. and then seeing everyone put "Where" a million times, is it that hard to say Interview at X company, or got a job at X company, or is it just that they are so desperate for online attention they love having people as "where" 10 times?


That brings a serious pet peeve of mine to mind...


People who have attention-seeking, sympathy-grabbing emo facebook status updates every five minutes.


"X has had enough", "Guess I know who my real fiends are now", etc etc...


Grow a pair, have yourself a Mars Bar and cheer the you-know-what up!!! :)


While I'm on the subject...people who join random facebook groups. My brother is a massive offender here, cluttering up my newsfeed daily.


Junk like "I bet this industrial strength soap can get more fans than Paris Hilton's left foot", "[insert random early 90's song] for Christmas number 1 2010!!!!1!!!" (thanks RATM) and "Join this group if...erm...you haven't joined this group yet!"

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- That level on GTA San Andreas where you have to shoot the model planes down.


I hate that mission so much as well! That mission is just annoying, just thinking about it make me angry.:D


People that don't use their turn signals when turning. Seriously its too hard to move a finger down to the turn signal switch.


I agree with this one as well. I hate it when they slow down and then turn the corner without putting a directional.

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- That level on GTA San Andreas where you have to shoot the model planes down


- Sarah Jessica Parker's face.



Seconding those.


-Smarks who don't have one posistive thing to say about anything relating to wrestling in any way, shape or form. And yes, they're numberous, just check out 411mania's comment section.


- Recently, Gabe Sapolsky has started to grind my gears. I mean I was sympathetic when he lost his gig at RoH, but now he just won't stop going on about it, nor does he acknowledge the fact that the product has really improved since Pearce took over. And him deeming Davey Richards "a bad person" for not being the foundation of his new promotion EVOLVE really ticks me off because 1) Davey is a professtional wrestler that, oh i dunno, might like to work in some profitable and fun feds so long as he's not in the big two rather than crappy EVOLVE.


-Actually EVOLVE itself is somewhat annoying now that I think of it. EVEYTHING "unique" about it isn't. All the talent is either RoH talent or Japanese talent. If I wanted RoH talent, I'm going to watch RoH. If I wanted Japanese talent, I watch Japan, or even failing that DG-USA. EVOLVE doesn't, and isn't likey, to even provide interesting storylines. Good matches aren't enough, I also want interesting characters and storylines, or hell even a fun atmosphere .All three can be found in PWG, while EVOLVE is stuck in a miserable section of New Jersey. Yikes.


-Jon Moxley getting pushed over Sami Callahan, espeically in CZW. Drake Younger didn't carry the company the last two years for Moxley to be the new "top guy". Moxley just isn't a top guy. Period.


-People who criticize CZW without ever reading one event report, never mind watching it. Yes, it has a LOT of cons, but there are geniune pros to the promotion which all too often get overlooked.


-Megavideo telling me I've watched 72 minutes when I've actually only watched 30 seconds


-Episode 1 of Season 4 of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It's thee example of a show jumping the shark.

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Oh how about Mauro trying to get Shields to stop doing his interview and trying to interrupt Shamrock so he could spout his opinion (which the producers might have been telling him "Make sure you say this") at the end of SF? He just came off as such a Jack A$$ I wanted to punch my TV so that really ground my gears


- Matt Millen becoming the GM and President of the Lions despite zero front office experience, best internship ever!


- Dave Dombrowski for trading away Curtis Granderson to the best team in baseball in order to get younger and less expensive then sign an older more expensive player and trading away the top CF prospect two years ago along with trading away 3 of the top pitching prospects over the past 3 years then listing starting pitching as a problem, hmm i wonder why?


- ESPN writers hating MMA, i just dont get it, Kevin Garnett can straight up elbow someone and some of them defend him "the other guy talked trash before the game" but the SF brawl shows the whole sport is a joke


- People comparing the Ben Rothlesberger case to Pacman Jones, Rothlesberger wasn't even arrested or criminally charged with anything, Jones had been arrested 12 times...not the same thing people.


- Ugly Americans for being the best new show on TV and making me addicted


- Flash Forward because I like but know it will be ruined like Lost


- Jennifer Anniston for playing the same character in every movie


- Old people being allowed to drive, my move to Florida not scares me. True story, went to get my Florida license and you have to take a vision test, pretty simple, three rows of four letters you have to read, the old man in front me couldn't read literally 8 times, 8 "Sir there are four more letters" over and over, why are you letting him drive!? Yes, he got his license. Another true story, I was waiting to pull out of a U-turn 3 lanes each way boulevard and this car is taking for ever to pass me so I can pull out behind them, I'm like come on what are you doing? When she finally passes me going 10 miles an hour this old broad is scratching off a lottery ticket as cars zip by her!


- People asking what kind of dog I have, seriously, its annoying people, not every old person in Petsmart has to know what kind of dog it is, shut it and mind your own business, I dont ask what kind of underwear you have on.


- TV anchors getting paid lots of money. There are thousands of people that can do what they do and they make millions...WTF?


- Kesha, or Ketchup or w/e and that Tick Tock song. I watch alot of late night shows/tv and she has 3 of my worst top 10 performances, I was literally laughing my ass off during this




seriously WTF!? Think about it, there was a meeting and someone spoke up and said "Hey lets have a performance be moon landing themed"


"what do we do with the back up dancers?"


"We put them in space suits!"


"Well what about the band?"


"We them them in astronaut outfits too!"


"Even the drummer?"


"Hell yeah! It will be awesome!"


And people agreed!

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The 2 things that have been known to set me off are...


Asking me to repeat myself more then once. In normal situations if it is a phone with bad reception or loud music is playing it doesn't bother me. The problem comes when someone asked me a question I said it loud enough no background noise and they need me to repeat myself. If you are going to bother asking me a question then Pay Attention.




Asking me a question that I in no way could know the answer to. Lets say you just asked me if I talked to Danny lately and I told you not in 3 weeks. Then for who knows why you ask oh "what has he been up to?". I just told you I haven't talked to him in 3 weeks how would I know what he is up to?


I guess both go to one thing. When people ask questions yet don't bother to pay attention to the answer.

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My biggest one as of late with my age group graduating college/job searching is people on my facebook saying "Interview Tomorrow/Got the Job" etc. and then seeing everyone put "Where" a million times, is it that hard to say Interview at X company, or got a job at X company, or is it just that they are so desperate for online attention they love having people as "where" 10 times?


I'll go one above that.


Say I were to post "I got the job" and, you post "where?" why the eff does anymore than that one person have to post/ask where? If you ask me the question, is it not implied that I will either answer, or not, based on me? Not the amount of a-holes who post the same damn thing?


Now, for the most part, I do my best to not let things bug me, but, you can't help it.


-People in retail stores who feel it's their job to open a box for every product they are interested in. Guess what? People are paid to display that already, or, print all the pictures, and what it includes for you. You don't need to open it, and stuff it back in the box, just so your brother can come in and complain cause the box is opened.


-Pretty much every driver...

--People who have to race down a dead end street. It's only 100 feet, no need to rush at 4am.

--The lack of turning signal as mentioned before

--The people who just speedily zoom through traffic... I always love seeing that, to only pass by the douche a couple minutes after.


-The worst one, people who can't bother to learn how to type things out. Once in a while I will use 2, instead of to, or too.. but, that's on a text, or, somewhere that lacks any amount of free space.

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Spelling and grammar errors. Seriously, I am a fiend for this stuff. Typos here and there are okay, people make mistakes. But people who don't even make an attempt to come across as coherent cause my head to explode...metaphorically.


But I've given up when it comes to calling them on it. I usually get "yea srry my spleling is bad lol" as a response.


Oh, and people who write "loose" or "looser" when they mean "lose" or "loser."


This is our freakin' language here, people! Learn to use it correctly, schools teach you this stuff every year for like a decade and a half.

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Spelling and grammar errors. Seriously, I am a fiend for this stuff. Typos here and there are okay, people make mistakes. But people who don't even make an attempt to come across as coherent cause my head to explode...metaphorically.


But I've given up when it comes to calling them on it. I usually get "yea srry my spleling is bad lol" as a response.


Oh, and people who write "loose" or "looser" when they mean "lose" or "loser."


This is our freakin' language here, people! Learn to use it correctly, schools teach you this stuff every year for like a decade and a half.


Yeah, the loose thing I can't fathom. How do they spell loose then? Looose?


Also, why can't people just get firefox, and turn on the spell check? Hell, I typo like a mofo, but, this is idiot proof.

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Seconding the driving and GTA complaints, although I found all the remote controlled missions pretty annoying.


- People who take their goofy interests too seriously. I mean damn, I am a wrestling fan and I enjoy it but if someone else doesn't, or has different views on it I don't really care. Each to their own and all that. I really cannot stand people who take their favourite band, movies, books etc so seriously that they get hostile if someone else says they don't like it. I'm not talking about teenagers either. I'm talking about twenty somethings, college graduates, people who should have pulled their head out by now. Is it really the end of the world because I think Harry Potter books are childish derivative drivel that nobody above the age of about 14 has any business reading? Or that Boondock Saints is overrated or that I think Lost is boring?


- People who bitch and whine about parts of their job which they pretty much knew they would have to deal with when they applied. This annoys me even more when it's something relatively minor such a someone in retail being annoyed that occasionally customers ask questions.


- Television. I used to love it, but maybe DVDs have spoilt me or maybe commercials and reality TV shows have just made the whole thing more obnoxious. Just can't watch it without starting to get annoyed at how much stuff there is which I hate and how little stuff there is that I like.


- Radio, pretty much the same as TV and maybe MP3 Players have spoilt me. I especially hate talkback or breakfast FM radio. Idiots talking about things that don't matter which they don't really understand anyway and zany losers failing to be funny way too early in the morning.


- Telemarketers. Especially the Indian ones as there is no way in hell I am going to trust any of my details to a shady stranger making unsolicited calls from another country. The fact they don't understand that "Sorry, not interested" is the polite way for Australians to say "Go away, I want nothing to do with you and I want to get off the phone as quickly as possible" only makes them more obnoxious.


- Gyms. Nope, don't want a personal trainer because I don't have any more money. I spent it all joining this gym which I am feeling less comfortable about coming to because you keep bugging me about getting a personal trainer.

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Booking flights and hotels online. Is it me or are they set up to be as frustrating as possible?


Yes. The sites are designed to keep you there as long as possible. The theory is, the longer you stay, the more likely you'll be to buy more or be open to upselling.


For that matter people who can't be bothered to use "to" "too" and "two" in their correct forms. Nothing bothers me more than reading "I like doing that to".


Spelling and grammar errors. Seriously, I am a fiend for this stuff. Typos here and there are okay, people make mistakes. But people who don't even make an attempt to come across as coherent cause my head to explode...metaphorically.


But I've given up when it comes to calling them on it. I usually get "yea srry my spleling is bad lol" as a response.


Oh, and people who write "loose" or "looser" when they mean "lose" or "loser."


This is our freakin' language here, people! Learn to use it correctly, schools teach you this stuff every year for like a decade and a half.


God, yes. If it's not those, it's there/their/they're. My problem is, I read things as they're written so I have to re-read to "know which [you] meant". I don't like re-reading crap when I don't/shouldn't have to.


My biggest one as of late with my age group graduating college/job searching is people on my facebook saying "Interview Tomorrow/Got the Job" etc. and then seeing everyone put "Where" a million times, is it that hard to say Interview at X company, or got a job at X company, or is it just that they are so desperate for online attention they love having people as "where" 10 times?


Maybe they don't want to jinx themselves. Employers do check Facebook and MySpace, after all. Some people even put their Facebook and MySpace ON THEIR RESUME (I kid you not!) not realizing that if an employer checks (and trust me, they do) and sees you have a bunch of slackass potheads as friends, that could reflect badly on you.


What gets me (besides the above):


- The complete lack of entrepreneurial spirit in my countrymen. Seriously, economy went into the toilet, you got laid off, perfect opportunity to start your own gig so the same thing doesn't happen again. Have an acquaintance who asked me if I had anything for him because he's been unemployed since Merrill got eaten up and they restructured (so almost a year). He's a tax accountant. THE HELL?!? By contrast, when my church closed the school we had (and converted it to a charter school) and the principal (a close family friend who used to babysit me when I was a tyke) got laid off (taking the bullet for two teachers), she opened a tutoring company. Since when is a school principal more marketable a vocation than a tax accountant?!?


- "Tommy" acquaintances (those who have watched 'Martin' know what I'm talking about)


- Uh "loose" women who take advantage of my friends. And as a corollary, my friends who get taken advantage of by these women. (Hey bruh, don't let that night at the club earn you an 18 to life sentence, especially not with this country's laws :p)


- Clients who don't listen and then complain later (I told you to change your W-4 last year, momotard)


- Clients who think they know more than they actually do ("My neighbor told me I could spend two weeks in Corsica for $600, air included." Then tell your neighbor to tell you how.)


- People with priorities that are seriously out of wack. Lemme explain that. If your rent is $600 a month but your car note is $688, and you have to make a decision about which to pay (at ANY time), your priorities can be called into question. "If I need a place to stay, I can move in with you for a minute, right?" Wrong.


- Shopping with women. Yes yes, I should be used to it by now but seriously, if you spend half an hour in a store, you better come out with a bag or summat! Buy a keychain or SOMETHING.


- My mother sometimes. (Seriously, you ask me ONE MORE TIME about grandchildren and I'll give you a dozen of 'em, all born within a month of each other. :p)


- House prices. Honestly, there are several places in the world that have not been affected by the so-called "global economic crisis". Apparently, some of those places are Bonaire, Curacao, Turks & Caicos, and London (or anywhere I'd be the least bit interested in buying a freakin' house). Damn prices haven't budged in two freakin' years! Hello? Where are the fire sales?!?


- Really bad investment ideas. If anyone has seen the Fidelity commercial with the two guys on the golf course, that investment idea is/was REAL. Friend of mine got the idea for the series of ads from a pitch we were given. Yes, imported ICE.


- Kids who can act up in stores (throw tantrums, curse at their parents, etc) and not get their heads knocked clear off their shoulders. (So jealous :()


- Hospitalization. Man, that freakin' sucks! Especially when well-meaning family use that crappy "You need to rest" line and take away my cell phone AND my laptop.


Oh boy, don't get me started. :p

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- Kids who can act up in stores (throw tantrums, curse at their parents, etc) and not get their heads knocked clear off their shoulders. (So jealous :()


They don't get their heads knocked clear off IN the stores. There are cameras. And... I hate to say say this... they get peppered really hard OUTSIDE the store... or even worse, get the "Good Night Juice" instead. :( I kid you not, I've seen parents by the hardest liquid cold medicine... as the "Good Night Juice". :(

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- People who take their goofy interests too seriously. I mean damn, I am a wrestling fan and I enjoy it but if someone else doesn't, or has different views on it I don't really care. Each to their own and all that. I really cannot stand people who take their favourite band, movies, books etc so seriously that they get hostile if someone else says they don't like it. I'm not talking about teenagers either. I'm talking about twenty somethings, college graduates, people who should have pulled their head out by now. Is it really the end of the world because I think Harry Potter books are childish derivative drivel that nobody above the age of about 14 has any business reading? Or that Boondock Saints is overrated or that I think Lost is boring?


I work with a guy like this. He loves Glee. I don't care, he constantly brings it up, which is fine, he loves the show. But, when I've told you, in no uncertain terms that I couldn't care less about something, why do you constantly ask me about said thing?


Also, along those lines, people who vehemently hate wrestling, yet, watch ****ty reality shows.


Somehow Raw is a complete embarrassment to the world, but, oh my god, did you see a Shot at Love with Tila Tequila? What a great show!




I'm going to say reality shows in general.. the "reality" ones. I don't mind competitions, and stuff like that, it's fine. But, they overdramaticise everything now.


Not to mention it's really killed the well written shows. There still are some, but, why take a chance on a 5 million dollar an episode drama, when you can pay out 1 million a month on some shiite survivor rip off?

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They don't get their heads knocked clear off IN the stores. There are cameras. And... I hate to say say this... they get peppered really hard OUTSIDE the store... or even worse, get the "Good Night Juice" instead. :( I kid you not, I've seen parents by the hardest liquid cold medicine... as the "Good Night Juice". :(


Actually, I might have to disagree. While I'm sure i happens, if it happened enough, there'd not be tantrums.


Also, one I forgot. These lame ass parents who can't bother to control their kids. Hey, guess what I don't wanna do? Clean up after your spawn. Just cause you were too lazy to swallow, now I have to put up with this?

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So, you are okay with them giving them the "Good Night Juice"? I don't know... I mean, we have enough alcoholics and over-the-counter abusers enough as it is.


I mean, considering the new norms of not hitting your child... at least, PUBLICLY, some people get... creative. :(

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First off...


YES, Remmy, to the part about kids in stores. I've had kids run into me, full steam, in Walmart. Once into my cart... which happened to be the one time there was a parent around, who blamed me for hitting her kid (despite the fact I was standing still). Sigh....



And to add something else that grinds my gears...


- The folks who decide to use the "quad" (hehe, "the quad") on my campus for religious protests. No clue if they're affiliated, as I've seen multiple people doing it (my favorite being the guys in robes, one of which had a GIANT staff with a GIANT cross on it and another holding a sign saying "YOU DESERVE TO GO TO HELL!"). I'd really enjoy being able to walk to the Chik-Fil-A on campus and not be informed of yet another reason why I will burn in an eternal lack of blazing fire and brimstone.


- People who drive like crap. You know the ones, tailgating people... driving ridiculously fast... decide it's totally cool for them to drive on the shoulder if traffic is a little too thick for their tasts. Heading back home this weekend, some inbred looking fellow decided to change lanes... never looking to see that I was RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. How hard is it to glance to your right for 0.2 seconds to see if someone's there?


- Michael Bay. Thanks for ruining part of my childhood. Dick.


- Justin Bieber: **** that guy


- Douchey metalheads who believe the music they listen do is the epitome of human existence, and everything else sucks and you suck for liking anything else.


- Taco Bell. I ordered two, crunchy tacos with meat and cheese only. Instead, I got two soft tacos that were... from what I could tell... filled with potatoes and cheese.


- Avatar. Good to know that the key to making a hit film is using a rehashed storyline, making it 3D, and throwing in scantily clad blue people. Unobtanium, really?


- My roommate. Please stop singing at the top of your lungs, as you have the voice of a dying walrus. At least close your door.


- TNA, and their incredible ability to do something AWESOME one moment, and then something moronic to the point of causing me physical pain the next.

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- Douchey metalheads who believe the music they listen do is the epitome of human existence, and everything else sucks and you suck for liking anything else.


This applies to most big music fans, regardless of genre. I think it is more prevalent though with metalheads, because often they use the music they listen to, to help define themselves.

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- Avatar. Good to know that the key to making a hit film is using a rehashed storyline, making it 3D, and throwing in scantily clad blue people. Unobtanium, really?


I'm not sure, but, was this ever spoken before the movie The Core? I don't recall hearing it before then. I know it's sort of a throw away term for a generic idea. But, I'm just sayin... people should love The Core.


Also, I've never seen Avatar.

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So, you are okay with them giving them the "Good Night Juice"? I don't know... I mean, we have enough alcoholics and over-the-counter abusers enough as it is.


I mean, considering the new norms of not hitting your child... at least, PUBLICLY, some people get... creative. :(


No, I don't condone the "Good Night Juice" just like I don't condone 'Time Out'. As I've heard many a comedian say, my mother didn't believe in 'Time Out', she preferred 'Knock Out'. :p But as far as doing it publicly, here's how my mother tended to handle it.


I was 5 years old. We were in a now-defunct store called 'Gimbels'. We were walking through the store when I saw something I wanted and grabbed it. My mother told me to put it back. I refused. She smacked me so hard in the back of the head, I swear I blacked out for a second. And this was the late 70s so she had rings on every finger (it was the style back then, I guess). Wanna know what I did next? I put that thing right back where I found it! But some lady tried to tell my mother she shouldn't hit me and my mother said, "When your opinion is worth as much as the oxygen you wasted giving it, I'll let you know." That woman didn't care (and still doesn't).


YES, Remmy, to the part about kids in stores. I've had kids run into me, full steam, in Walmart. Once into my cart... which happened to be the one time there was a parent around, who blamed me for hitting her kid (despite the fact I was standing still). Sigh....


Oh God, this reminds me. I was in K-Mart once with the girl who was at the time the point guard on my youth basketball team. She was like 9 years old. We were getting towels (hallmark of youth leagues is the coaches and parents having to pay for damn near everything) by the boatload and this little boy kept running up to her, hitting her and running. His mother saw it the whole time but said nothing. He did it about 3 or 4 times before she looked up at me, shook her head, and the next time he ran up to her, she shortarm clotheslined him. Oh boy, THEN the mother wanted to speak up. She yelled for security and they took us to the office and looked at the security camera footage. Then they escorted her out of the store. Security director said maybe if his mama had done that to him a few times, he wouldn't think it was okay to run to strangers and hit 'em.


- People who drive like crap. You know the ones, tailgating people... driving ridiculously fast... decide it's totally cool for them to drive on the shoulder if traffic is a little too thick for their tasts. Heading back home this weekend, some inbred looking fellow decided to change lanes... never looking to see that I was RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. How hard is it to glance to your right for 0.2 seconds to see if someone's there?


I have a friend (yes, you Tony) who drives like a bat outta hell. He's the guy you see flying down the highway switchin' lanes (but always signaling! is his typical defense) like his pregnant wife is in labor. Remember when they used to give credit cards to college students with no credit check? They'd have tables set up on campuses where you could just about sign your name and get a card? Tony did that. Somehow he managed to limp along for a few years after high school and he bought a brand new Dodge Neon when the model was first introduced. He drove that Neon like it was a Ferrari. One thing you could be certain of is if you were in a car with Tony at the wheel, you were going to wear a seatbelt. No question.


- Taco Bell. I ordered two, crunchy tacos with meat and cheese only. Instead, I got two soft tacos that were... from what I could tell... filled with potatoes and cheese.


Dude, if you were making minimum wage with next to zero chance of meaningful advancement ("Whoa, I got promoted! I can work the grill now!"), would you honestly care what the heck people wanted? :p


Your roommate reference reminded me.


- Roommates. Most of 'em suck and if they don't suck, they won't be your roommate for very long.


When I was in the Navy, a bunch of friends/shipmates and I went in on a house in San Leandro (CA). One of the roommates had a thing for...how can I say this...oh hell, fat chicks. His opinion was, "If she's not 300+, she's not a woman." No, I'm not joking. His girlfriends contributed to more property damage than an earthquake. LITERALLY. The earthquake that hit the Bay Area in like March of '92? Less damage than two broken sofas, a busted loveseat, and a bent bed frame. Worst part is, whenever we went out together, if none of us managed to do any parking lot pimpin', HE always came home with somebody (or tried to. I drove an '88 Mustang GT convertible. They weren't gettin' in MY ride. He often took cabs home). One girl who became his 'fiancee', Sherri, HATED us. She was a slob and insisted on going to the bathroom (down a hallway and just past the living room) in her unmentionables. Six single guys sharing a single level ranch style house and five of us have to put up with THAT crap. Let's not even mention what would happen when we went to Santa Cruz. *shudder*


But yeah, roommates suck. :( One can ruin the experience for an entire group (because there's always the "peacemaker" roommate who tries to make excuses for the screwed up one).

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- People who take their goofy interests too seriously. I mean damn, I am a wrestling fan and I enjoy it but if someone else doesn't, or has different views on it I don't really care. Each to their own and all that. I really cannot stand people who take their favourite band, movies, books etc so seriously that they get hostile if someone else says they don't like it. I'm not talking about teenagers either. I'm talking about twenty somethings, college graduates, people who should have pulled their head out by now. Is it really the end of the world because I think Harry Potter books are childish derivative drivel that nobody above the age of about 14 has any business reading? Or that Boondock Saints is overrated or that I think Lost is boring?


God yes. Even though I'm a massive wrestling fan, I just don't go on and on about it. In fact, I rarely get to talk to others about wrestling IRL. I reserve wrestling talk for people who actually are interested in wrestling. When I'm talking to someone, I try and engage them in our common interests rather than just beating them over the head with what I like, and I hope they do the same for me.


Now, most of the time people do respect this. However, I used to have some nerdy friends, and these three had like only two interests between them: Nintendo and Japanese Anime/Manga. I'm not remotely into either, however all they could ever do was talk those two things. I mean this went on for years. Now I'm a nice guy, and I tolerated it at first but eventually we just stopped hanging out. If we can't have one decent conversion about topics we BOTH are interested then what the hell is the point? Music, Movies, The News, anything...engage me in something! No? I'm out of here


There's only so many times you can hear three people reference some obsure anime, then tell you've never heard of it but then still have to listen to a joke about it. Also, I sorry if some grey dog guys are into "J-Rock", but as a man who literally listens to almost every time of music he can find, it doesn't qualify as music.

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- Kids who can act up in stores (throw tantrums, curse at their parents, etc) and not get their heads knocked clear off their shoulders. (So jealous :()



Oh boy, don't get me started. :p



Yes, yes, y-e-s. I saw a kid, maybe four or five years old, punch his mom in the leg because he was angry at something. Do you know what would have happened if I punched my mother when I was four or five? I wouldn't be here today, because if my mother hadn't slapped me so hard I couldn't remember my name, my father would have powerbombed me off the roof of our house.


For that matter, I'm sick of parents who ask their toddlers what they want to do. My girlfriend had one of her friends over to our house, and of course this friend has kids. The kid starts getting interested in my altar of electronics (PS3, 360, Wii, and my very very nice receiver) and I'm understandably nervous. Kid then starts trying to sit on my glass coffee table, which is not made for sitting. So the mom asks "Do you want to sit on the couch next to me?" and the kid says no. Mom goes to put the kid on the couch, kid starts to cry, and the mother actually APOLOGIZES to the kid and lets her continue. I wanted to slap the **** out of this woman, because her kid is going to be a spoiled little girl.


My father would have told, not asked, me to sit down. And once I did, if I tried to get up, it would take only one "look" from him to melt me back into my seat for fear that I'd catch a spanking. Kids are not miniature adults, do not treat them as such.


In my next installment, I'll bitch about people who have pets and refer to them as their "children." Not in a cute way, but in a serious, "I don't have real children, so these are my children" sort of way. Oh yeah, your pet is a child? Well, let me ask you...does your pet watch toy commercials and bug the **** out of you until you buy the toys? Does it complain that its clothes are ugly and the other dogs are making fun of it? Does it need to go to college? DOES IT?!


Okay, rant over.

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