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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Edd Stone vs Grease Hogg

Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Gargantuan vs Scoundrel

Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Wesley Priest vs Donte Dunn

Final Three-Way For Faith: Edd/Hogg vs Gargantuan/Scoundrel vs Priest/Donte


Let's give Faith some happiness.


Still good to see you are putting out shows on a regular basis that have maintained their level of quality.

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Huh, hey I just noticed, it said Chucky and Drake got wishes in the grade rundown but I'm not seeing them anywhere on the show. Typo?


They were supposed to say something, but I couldn't think of anything. So I had to replace them at the last minute.


Was Millie ever intended to come up and work with Christian Price given her name of Nobel Price?


She was hired into CBOW after Price left CGC, so the name wasn't setting up any crossover with Christian. It's just a pun. Unlike FCK, none of the CBOW characters are designed to cross into CGC. That being said, I can thing of a bunch of cool directions Christian & Nobel could have gone in, had things gone differently.

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I'm loving how 'Tournament for Faith's managerial services' seem to have become an annual tradition. :D


Kayfabewise, was it supposed to be some sort of hint that Jack DeColt was the guy under the beard (and that he and Alex put on an act to outsmart the Elites)? Or am I just overthinking this and it really was just supposed to be Santa and Jack's absence was just to underline his declining relationship with Alex?


Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Edd Stone vs Grease Hogg

Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Gargantuan vs Scoundrel Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Wesley Priest vs Donte Dunn

Final Three-Way For Faith: Edd/Hogg vs Gargantuan/Scoundrel vs Priest/Donte


Donte and Edd are the ones who want Faith's number (well, Edd probably wants all the chicks' numbers), and Scoundrel has a storyline reason to want to be close to her, so these 3 are the apparent logical choice. Out of the 3, Donte can probably benefit the most from a manager (I'm not sure about the worker stats in TEW 13, but considering Jack Giedroyc's stats in the older versions I highly doubt Scoundrel needs a manager).

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Kayfabewise, was it supposed to be some sort of hint that Jack DeColt was the guy under the beard (and that he and Alex put on an act to outsmart the Elites)? Or am I just overthinking this and it really was just supposed to be Santa and Jack's absence was just to underline his declining relationship with Alex?


You're overthinking it. That's far too subtle for me. If Jack dressed as Santa there would be a lot more Punching! In! The! Face! That was Santa Claus. No trickery. No subterfuge. It wasn't a CGC combatant in a costume, "playing the role" with a wink to the audience. In the CGC universe, Santa is real, and he came to fight.

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Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Edd Stone vs Grease Hogg


Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Gargantuan vs Scoundrel


Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Wesley Priest vs Donte Dunn


Final Three-Way For Faith: Edd/Hogg vs Gargantuan/Scoundrel vs Priest/Donte


With the participants here for the Quest For Faith and the traditional CGC World Champion VS Young Wrestler Of The Year award winner coming up, probably we'll see a rematch of 2013.

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Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Edd Stone vs Grease Hogg

Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Gargantuan vs Scoundrel

Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Wesley Priest vs Donte Dunn

Final Three-Way For Faith: Edd/Hogg vs Gargantuan/Scoundrel vs Priest/Donte


I'll go for Donte here since he's the only one here who seems to actually want Faith as a manager (or at least her number.) Scoundrel & Faith have had some entertaining segments, but I feel like at this point Scoundrel would throw the match just so he doesn't have to have faith as his manager.

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Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Edd Stone vs Grease Hogg

Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Gargantuan vs Scoundrel

Tournament For Faith 1st Round: Wesley Priest vs Donte Dunn

Final Three-Way For Faith: Edd/Hogg vs Gargantuan/Scoundrel vs Priest/Donte


Really enjoyed the Christmas episode. I think it's when episodes have their own mini story that this diary is at its strongest.

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Sunday Week 4 DeCember

George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

9,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich "Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I know you've all got parties to go to, but thanks for tuning in to this very special show. Not only are we revealing the winners of our End of Year awards, but we're also holding a special tournament. The prize? The managerial services of Faith."

Faith "I did this last year, and while I can’t say my time managing John McClean and Sean Deeley was altogether successful, I’m excited to help someone new in 2015."







Runner Up: Missy Masterson







Faith “Ugh. Everywhere I turn Scoundrel’s sticking his nose in. I think for the first time ever I’m rooting for Gargantuan here.”


Scoundrel’s haymakers are shrugged off by the genetically engineered fighting machine, who responds with clubbing blows, lawn darts into the turnbuckles, and an unreal clothesline. Gargantuan makes some lewd remarks about Faith, and Scoundrel’s having none of it, using eye-gouging and fish-hooking to crack open the beast’s defenses. Gargantuan grabs him for a chokeslam, but Scoundrel “accidentally” shoves referee Ray Johnson, kicks his gigantic foe in the testicles, and hits Crashing On (Kneeling Jawbreaker) for the 1... 2... 3!




Davis Ditterich “He used every trick in the book to do it, but Scoundrel advances to our main event.”







Runner Up: Scoundrel





Runner Up: Trent Shaffer




(Bobby Thomas, Art Reed, Benny Benson & Edd Stone)


Runners Up: The DeColt Family








BOBBY THOMAS is enjoying the luxury of his Tag Team Title Locker Room. It’s peaceful. It’s quiet. Nothing but the relaxing sounds of the crackling fire... and EDD STONE.



Dude, this is awesome. We’re like so totally winners now. Belts. Trophies.

This sweet locker room. Shame you have to share it with Nate, though.

I guess you can’t wait to kick him out of here. You know, book a match

between me and him, put his tag title belt on the line. Then I can kick

his teeth down his throat, and you and me can be Champions. We‘ll be

officially roomies. Check it, look how good my trophies would look

next to yours.


Edd tries to cram his ‘Best Newcomer‘ and ‘Young Wrestler of the Year‘ trophies up on the already-crowded mantelpiece, and knocks Bobby‘s Beta Fragment of the Canadian Title to the floor. Oopsie.



Maybe you should be focussing more on beating Grease Hogg tonight.



Right. Gotcha. Gotta make the Dirty White Boys think twice before

coming after us when we’re tag champs. Plus when I win Faith she

can be like our maid or something. 2015 is gonna be so awesome.


In his excitement, Edd throws a SUPER KICK, shattering a lamp. Bobby is not pleased.



Just go win your match.







Faith “I don’t know about being the Brotherhood’s ‘maid’, but Edd has the potential to do great things in CGC. The DWB have been on a roll too. I genuinely have no preference who wins this. It would be great to manage either of them.”


Hogg dominates with drunken thuggery, but when he applies a bear hug, Edd’s Stone Instinct kicks in and he escapes the hold and assaults the knee with a barrage of stomps. The tactic pays off, but Edd can’t resist some high-flying, and flippy-do’’s become a flippy don’t when the powerful biker plucks him out of mid air with a powerslam! Hammer blows. Socket wrenches. Edd tries a Super Kick, but it’s caught and he’s flung hard into the turnbuckle. Hoggs Can Fly (Second Rope Splash)! 1... 2... 3.

















JENNY PLAYMATE interviews The Rapscallions; DRAKE and CHUCKY. Drake is over the moon with the “2014 Move of the Year” trophy.



Congratulations, Rapscallions. You haven’t won much since debuting

in CGC, but now you’ve won “Move of the Year” for your… um…

Invisible Hand Grenade.



Thanks, Jenny. Moves like that don’t just happen over-night. Ever since

I started training, I’ve been honing my latent psychic abilities to craft a

powerful concussive blow in grenade form. All of the other Power House

trainees laughed at me. Jack DeColt threatened to kick me out. But I

believed. I knew that one day it would work. Then, coincidentally on the

same day I started teaming with Chucky, it did. As much as the Hand

Grenade is my move, that I use to single-handedly destroy my foes, this

award really belongs to the both of us. Without Chucky’s moral support I

don’t know if I could summon up the psychic strength to delivery such a

devastating move. So on behalf of the both of us, I thank you all for

this award. Get ready for more Rapscallions in 2015.



Is he joking?



At this point I’m afraid to ask.





(Title Bout Wrestling, Sunday Week 1 DeCember)



... Jack and Zeus brawl up the ramp. Jack gets rocked by a headbutt, but tackles Zeus into the crowd! Donte tries to run to his mentor’s aid, but Trent nails him with a Lungblower and goes for Heart Burn (Double Stomp). Alex pulls Donte to safety just in the nick of time, before hurling the Ninjutsu expert out of the ring, catching Benson’s Super Kick, and hitting the DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop) for the 1... 2... 3!








WESLEY PRIEST is making some last-minute prayers to Zeus to give him strength in the upcoming match, when TRENT SHAFFER emerges out of the shadows and attacks! He decimates the Priest with sharp elbow strikes, and throw him headfirst into a wall.







Davis Ditterich “What in the world? We’re just letting Trent replace Priest?”


Donte rocks the former Champion with forearms, but Trent disappears with a smoke bomb and sneak attacks from the crowd. Trent practices the ancient ninjutsu art of trying to cave in his opponent’s chest with sharp elbows and lightning fast dropkicks. Donte avoids Heart Burn (Double Stomp) and crushes Trent with a corner avalanche, before giving him a taste of his own medicine with sharp elbow strikes. He goes for the Airplane Spin, but on the fifth rotation, Trent slips onto his back and locks in the Ninjutsu Embrace (Sleeper)! Already struggling to breath from the assault to his chest, Donte passes out.




Faith “Trent slapped me once, but he is a former champion. Maybe I could help him get the title back.”







Runners Up: The Rapscallions








JENNY PLAYMATE interviews GREASE HOGG, who downs another pre-fight beer.



You’ve already won one award tonight, but now you’re just moments

away from a chance at winning something else; the services of Faith.

Feeling confident?



Me and Lead tried to get Faith in our corner before, and I’ll be honest,

back then our intentions weren’t exactly noble. Now, the only thing we

want is our tag team titles back. The Specialists took us by surprise,

and it’s gonna take everything we can throw at them to beat them.

Faith could be the answer. She could help us-





Sorry, mate. Faith won’t be helping you with anything. I may not have the

best reputation in this sport, but I’m a man of my word, and I promised

my cousin that I’d keep Faith safe. She won’t be safe with Trent Shaffer,

and she won’t be safe with you. No offense, squire. Personally, I like your

style, but this isn’t about me. It’s about her, and the only way I can live

up to my word is to take you and that bloody ninja out tonight.



Good luck with that.







Faith “I have my fingers crossed for Grease Hogg to win this one. Second choice... I guess Trent. Reluctantly Trent.”


Trent immediately vanishes with help from a Smoke bomb, and the other two fight amongst themselves. Drunken thuggery. Haymakers. Hammer blows. Scoundrel goes for the eyes, but gets laid out by Grease Spot (High Knee)! Trent chooses this moment to emerge from the shadows and try to cave in the Dirty White Boy’s chest with dropkicks and elbows, until Scoundrel recovers and bends the rules with closed fists, hair pulling, and ‘accidentally‘ stepping on the Ninjutsu Expert’’s neck. Trent nails a ONE-INCH PUNCH, but Scoundrel catches his Lungblower, boosts him into the air, and catches him in Crashing On (Kneeling Jawbreaker)! Hogg’s back up with hammer blows and socket wrenches. Scoundrel goes for the eyes but the powerhouse flings him into the corner and hits Hoggs Can Fly (Second Rope Splash)! 1... 2... Trent crushes them both with Heart Burn (Double Stomp)! 1... 2... 3!









Runner Up: Christian Price








FAITH congratulates her new client, TRENT SHAFFER, by presenting him with his “2014 Wrestler of the Year” trophy.



I know what you’re thinking. Why, with all my new ninjutsu skills and

an amy of ninjas at my side, would I want Faith as my manager?

Simple answer, I don’t. I won this tournament simply to prove that I

could. This useless skank means nothing to me! This “Wrestler of the

Year” award means nothing to me!


Trent throws the Wrestler of the Year trophy to the ground and stomps on it.



The only thing that matters to me is the CGC World Title, and she was

stolen at ‘Chamber of Horrors’! Alex DeColt never pinned me! He

conspired with his lunatic brother to separate me from my true

love. She’s mine! I want my rematch! I deserve it.





If you want to talk about things that you ‘deserve’, Trent Shaffer, I’d

have to put an ass-kicking of gigantic proportions right at the top of

the list. However... you’re right. I didn’t pin you to win the CGC World

Title. If I’m to be any kind of champion I can’t have an asterisk next to

my name. So my first defense can’t be against anyone but you. Next

week! We’ll kick off 2015 with a bang. Alex DeColt vs Trent Shaffer for

the CGC World Title! But be warned, Trent. You may have a knack for

getting in Jack’s head, but I’m a totally different animal. It takes more

than playing hide & seek with some ninjas to beat me. Get ready

for the ass-kicking you deserve.


Trent laughs off the threat... and tries to hit Alex with his broken trophy! Alex ducks and unleashes precision strikes, targeting pressure points for maximum stopping power. Trent hides behind his new manager and shoves her into the Thinking Man’s DeColt...




... and here comes SCOUNDREL, laying into the Ninjutsu Expert with Haymakers.





An ARMY OF NINJAS emerge from the shadows and come to Trent’s aid, swarming all over Alex and Scoundrel.




GREASE HOGG starts wading into the ninjas with drunken thuggery. He’s quickly overwhelmed, but LEAD BELLY sprints down the ramp to help him. DONTE DUNN follows, heading for revenge on Trent, but with too many Ninjas in his path, he hoists one onto his shoulders and Airplane Spins through the throng. WESLEY PRIEST also makes a play for Trent, while CHUCKY leads DRAKE in rescuing Alex from a six-on-one ass kicking.


The gigantic brawl makes it’s way outside of the ring, and Drake throws an INVISIBLE HAND GRENADE into the pile. He turns away, covering his ears as- KABOOM! Chucky launches himself into the pile with a massive Senton that knocks practically everyone down.


Drake celebrates the power of his “psychic” grenade (having not seen his partner’s involvement)... but Wesley Priest charges at him, wielding the Delta Fragment of the Canadian Title as a weapon. Alex intercepts, decking the Priest and sending the fragment flying. Alex and Drake pick it up at the same time as Wesley prays for salvation and Trent Shaffer emerges from the shadows to send them flying with ONE-INCH PUNCHES! BOOM! The combined forces of fists and lightning striking the fragment causes a huge explosion and a shockwave that knocks the lights out in the entire building.


Davis Ditterich “Oh my word. It’s happened again. The powers gone out and it’s pitch black and... Oh, there we go.”


The lights come back on. Wesley, Trent and all of the assorted combatants and ninjas on the outside are stunned. Alex DeColt and Drake have vanished, leaving only the smoking Delta Fragment of the Canadian Title in the middle of the ring.



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">GARGANTUAN VS SCOUNDREL

Brotherhood make themselves at home


Playmate interviews Rapscallions

Trent attacks Wesley Priest


Playmate interviews Hogg & Scoundrel


Trent and Alex argue

Massive Brawl</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">C-









</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">












Maple Leaf Sports Rating: 1.73

TV Puerto Rico Rating 0.10




Wow. I think that was my best show all year. Trent Shaffer absolutely killed it with two ‘B’ matches and an ‘A’ promo. If only he wasn’t so damn small. Damn lightweights are killing this business.


As i mentioned a little while ago, it’s time to take a break. It’s becoming an effort to meet deadlines. So I’m gonna take some time ‘off’ to work at a leisurely pace. I have some ideas coming up that I’m excited by, and I want to make sure I knock them out of the park, instead of rushing them at the last second, like 2 promos on this show. In the meantime, I;ll be posting some End of Year stuff. I don’t know how much you guys enjoy them, but I like writing them, and hell, I enjoy reading them as well. I read the 2013 stuff the other day and it amused me to see what I thought a year ago.


Really enjoyed the Christmas episode. I think it's when episodes have their own mini story that this diary is at its strongest.


They really are my favourites. I find it awkward spreading important plots over a month. It gets fiddly, worrying about continuity and natural emotional progression. Doing whole things over one night (like the ‘Marie gets send flowers’ whodunnit, or answering “Is RIcky still evil”) just feels better to me. More Buffy the Vampire Slayer-esque monster-of-the-week style.




The Power500 has been released. Since I don’t know the card for the next show yet, I’ll throw the Power500 up for predications.


Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?

Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?

Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?

Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg?

Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson?

Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau

How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? (Last year there were 6)

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Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?

Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?

Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?

Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg?

Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson?

Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau

How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? (Last year there were 6) 5

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Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?

He won last year if I remember correctly, so I'll go for a repeat.


Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?

NOTBPW are ratings machines, so I'll go for Poison here.


Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?

I believe you mentioned earlier that Benson was actually the most over guy in the brotherhood, and in a company like CGC that's a big factor.


Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg?

Coin Flip.


Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson?

Tough one here, but I'll take Nate here just to be different then Williams.


Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau

No real question here given Donte was teaming with the Decolts and a part of CGCs match of the year.


How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? 8


The 6 guys last year were The DeColts, Chandler, Dalay, and Deeley. I expect the DeColts & Deeley to repeat their top 100 performance, but I'm not sure about the Elite given they weren't at the forefront as much this year.


On the other hand Shaffer and Zeus both had good main event world title runs that might put them in the top 100, alongside newcomers Scoundrel and Bach (even if he hasn't been around the last few months.) Therefore I'll go with 8, but I won't be surprised if some of those guys just miss the top 100 cut.

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Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?


Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?


Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?


Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg?


Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson?


Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau


How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? (Last year there were 6) 7


Trent Shaffer can jump to middleweight. Did he refused?

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Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?

Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?

Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?

Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg?

Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson?

Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau

How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? (Last year there were 6)- 7

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Isn't it traditional for the Young Wrestler of the Year to get a shot at the World Title? So doesn't Edd get the first claim for the next title shot at Alex instead of Trent?


Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan? I haven't gone back to check the ratings or anything, but Jack was champion for a good portion of the year, so he might have the edge on overness and quality matches...I think.

Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price? Mostly a guess, so going with my favourite. Besides, you mentioned that NOTBPW hadn't really done much with Poison last year (although that might have changed). Most of Price's output still came from CGC last year, so he might again have the edge.

Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?

Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg? If they started out in similar positions, Hogg's relatively higher success in the tag tournament and his great matches this week (albeit probably mostly due to Trent and to some extent Scoundrel) probably gives him a slight advantage.

Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson? The guy's supposedly a ratings machine in CGC.

Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau The only guy who's "main-evented" thus far.

How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? (Last year there were 6) I'd go with 8, too.

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Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?

Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?

Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?

Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg?

Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson?

Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau

How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? (Last year there were 6) 7

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Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?

- Gonna go with Jack due to his title run plus Ricky and Alex both seemed to have some time off. Zombie DeColt went gravewalking while I think Alex did a semester as a guest lecturer at a local college.


Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?

- Based solely on tenure and having more chances to match up against the workrate junkies of the souless NotBPW.


Which Brotherhood member placed highest? Art Reed, Benny Benson, Bobby Thomas or Edd Stone?

- Benny seems to be the most popular choice, so I'll go with the guy I consider to be the glue holding the Brotherhood together.


Which Dirty White Boy placed highest? Lead Belly or Grease Hogg?

- End of the year run, plus the final night's matches with Scoundrel and Trent means the Hogg flies higher than the Belly.


Which Specialist placed highest? Bobby Thomas or Nate Johnson?

- He wasn't banished and unless the mysterious Hot Dog, El Incognito, whatever other costumes Nate sported really got over merchandising-wise, I'm going with Embittered Bobby Thomas.


Which recent Power House Graduate placed highest? Chucky, Convict 24601, Donte Dunn, Drake, Skip Beau

- Dunn is the natural choice, so just for fun, I'm going to go with Beau for fun. Power500 include dance moves as workrate. Groove n' Move Beau.


How many CGC combatants made it into the Top 100? (Last year there were 6)

- I'm going to go with 7. One more than last year. The DeColts, Trent, Zeus, Chandler and... one of the Brotherhood at 99 or 100.

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Part 1


<table width="95%"><tr><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.57 CHRISTIAN PRICE


33 wins, 12 losses


DeColt Rating


</td><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">

Damn you, NOTBPW. Christian Price had great year. First, the team/feud with Trent, which I believe was nominated for an End of Year award. Next, his domination of the Ultimate Showdown Series, which in hindsight was a mistake, but at the time felt so very right. Finally, his feud with The Elite, which I liked, but felt got a little muddled. The idea was to keep Christian busy just long enough for Jack to finish off Ricky. Then Jack & Christian would kick off a series of matches (more rivalry than feud) to culminate at WrestleFestival, where Price would probably win the belt. Alas, Christian’s contract came up, and I scrambled. The Elite feud became an attempt to leech my new star’s popularity. The biggest bummer was the Three Wishes, which I suddenly had to burn off very quickly. I never even dreamed of Elite Booking Power until I knew Price was ditching me.


In NOTBPW, he’s mostly been working the midcard, although he did have an 88 rated match with Johnny Bloodstone at Nirvana in November.


Skils: Christian’s “DeColt Rating” (the sum of the skills I feel that Alex DeColt would feel are important to being a headliner) went up 18pts from last year, mostly due to improved selling.


Best CGC Match: Christian Price defeated Samael Bach (TV, March) 85</td></tr></table>


<table width="95%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">I’m surprised that Alex placed highest of the DeColts. I feel like he was more of a supporting player, especially compared to last year. I guess you guys agreed, as none of you predicted it. He spent early 2014 joined at the hip to Ricky. First as partners against The Elite, then watching his little brother be turned into a rampaging monster, and then unsuccessfully attempting to turn him back. While he ended the year as champion, he hasn’t done much of note since his return. While Alex lost a lot more than I’d like in 2014, I was happy to finally give him a Sherlock moment, deducing who sent the flowers. Whether he was fooled by Trent, or lied to Jack about his deduction, is still in question.


Alex turned 40 a few months ago, and while he isn’t on Time Decline yet, he is now my oldest active wrestler, and that could be a concern moving forward. As the owner of the company he’ll be here forever, but could 2015 be his last good year in the ring? Does he even have that?


Skills: Alex has the best DeColt Rating in the company (well, it is his algorithm) It went up 6pts this year, thanks to Basics gains. His only ‘weakness’ is his brawling, which is solid, but not at the level of his brothers.


Best Match: Alex, Jack & Donte defeated Benson, Shaffer & Zeus (TV December) 86</td><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.60 ALEX DECOLT


35 wins 11 losses


DeColt Rating



<table width="95%"><tr><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.65 BENNY BENSON


13 wins 17 losses


DeColt Rating

606</td><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">

I assume he placed this highly thanks to his TCW work, because Benny sure hasn’t been a focal point of CGC. As talented as he is, as fun as his gimmick is... he’s not a CGC guy. He’s not ‘my’ guy. His talent is main event, but his gimmick is midcard. Hell, he’s a midcarder in TCW (24 wins, 10 losses) so I can’t exactly make him a headliner here without making us seem like the minor leagues. To top it all off he’s small. His win at Survival of the Fittest was a surprise (the whole thing was set up for Deeley to win) and I did plan to push him leading into the Chamber... but felt the ignored ‘dark horse’ angle was better. Which it could have been, had it paid off.


Skills: His DeColt Rating went up a huge 32pts this year, largely thanks to huge psychology gains. An argument can be made that he’s one of the best wrestlers in the company, but his size and brawling hurt him in Alex's eyes.


Best Match: Alex, Jack & Donte beat Benson, Shaffer & Zeus (TV December) 86</td></tr></table>


<table width="95%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">The ’Creative Meeting’ feature consistently calls Chandler my “primary heel” but he hasn’t been pushed as that in 2014. Absurdly talented. Massively popular. He’s mostly been a tag act this year, and while he & DaLay headlined several times early in the year, my tag division is still below the World Title in importance and TV time. Chandler’s just so versatile, so while some (Trent, Zeus) disappear when their DeColt feuds are over, Chandler just moves lower down the card. Maybe that hurts him. Maybe that’s made him stale. Backstage, Chandler has a habit of taking job guys under his wing. He’s got 2 proteges, neither of which are currently employed with CGC. For now.


Stats: Chandler now has the best psychology in the entire company, going up a huge 10pts over the course of the year. Like Alex, time decline is looming, but he’ll made one heck of a road agent when he finally hangs up the boots.


Best Match: Alex DeColt & Santa Claus beat Chandler, Johnson & Garcia (TV DeCember) 85</td><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.94 EDDIE CHANDLER


28 wins, 17 losses


DeColt Rating





So only 4 members of the CGC roster make it into the Top100. It’s a bit of a bummer, but I guess there are a lot of really great promotions out there. NOTBPW are killing it. What I am noticing is that working for other companies seems to be benificial. Price works for NOTBPW. Benson’s still in TCW.


Which ex-CGC combatant placed highest? Poison or Christian Price?

NOTBPW are ratings machines, so I'll go for Poison here.


I think Price’s NOTBPW run, while shorter, has gone better than Poison’s. I think Christian’s a slightly better worker than Joey, and he sure left with more popularity. Price only really jobbed to Nate on the way out, but Poison took two big losses to Jack and Ricky.


Trent Shaffer can jump to middleweight. Did he refused?


He’s been refusing for two years straight. It’s been a major headache.


Isn't it traditional for the Young Wrestler of the Year to get a shot at the World Title? So doesn't Edd get the first claim for the next title shot at Alex instead of Trent?


I claimed that last year, but... If you go backwards. Last year opened with Price got the shot, winning the Youngster award. The year before it was Trent, perfectly logical to have won the award. The year before (and this is in the data) it was Alex beating Dan DaLay. So the idea of the Young Wrestler of the Year getting the New Year’s shot is a new one.


Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan? I haven't gone back to check the ratings or anything, but Jack was champion for a good portion of the year, so he might have the edge on overness and quality matches...I think.


I thought so. My money was on certainly on Jack to win. He’s been the most popular DeColt from day one.


Which DeColt placed highest? Alex, Jack, Ricky or Gargantuan?

- Gonna go with Jack due to his title run plus Ricky and Alex both seemed to have some time off. Zombie DeColt went gravewalking while I think Alex did a semester as a guest lecturer at a local college.


I like to think he went on a book tour, to promote his latest indecipherably complicated mystery novel. Although I can't remember whether it's Alex the TV character who writes books. Or Alex the person/owner of CGC who does. There's... There's a reason I don't write booking meetings.

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I claimed that last year, but... If you go backwards. Last year opened with Price got the shot, winning the Youngster award. The year before it was Trent, perfectly logical to have won the award. The year before (and this is in the data) it was Alex beating Dan DaLay. So the idea of the Young Wrestler of the Year getting the New Year’s shot is a new one.


Yes, I get that this was a new idea you came up with during the previous game year, but now that you've established it as a 'tradition' in CGC in your story, my question was will there be a kayfabe explanation as to why Trent is going bypass that and get a title shot next week before Edd? Can Alex just override the tradition just like that?

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Yes, I get that this was a new idea you came up with during the previous game year, but now that you've established it as a 'tradition' in CGC in your story, my question was will there be a kayfabe explanation as to why Trent is going bypass that and get a title shot next week before Edd? Can Alex just override the tradition just like that?


Maybe the CGC matchmakers decided he had a better claim. He wasn't pinned to lose the title, whereas Edd just won a popularity contest.


Of course, it's possible Alex hasn't talked to those matchmakers yet. Maybe he went out half-cocked and announced a match before speaking to them. Then he exploded. Hmm... there are more pressing concerns about the title match than Edd Stone's involvement.


Do people want Edd in the title match? Is this some kind of 'Edd-Movement'? Do I need Steve DeColt to come back and endorse my Rumble winner?

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If there's any 'Edd-Movement', I'm not part of it. Not sure if you know, but I actually voted Trent for "Young Wrestler of the Year" myself. :p


I'm more troubled by the breaking of established tradition than by who's getting the title match, in the same way I'd have been troubled if Batista randomly disappeared from WM's main event last year without explanation no matter how much I prefer Bryan over him.


But you're right, I did overlook the fact that the champion's disappearance should have been a more pressing concern for next week's title match.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Part 2


<table width="95%"><tr><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.107 JACK DECOLT


32 wins, 3 losses


DeColt Rating


</td><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">

I don’t know what you guys thought of Jack’s title reign, but I’m pretty sure Jack didn’t like it. Turns out The Wild Man gets nervous when he’s high up on the card. In terms of grades, he scored on-par with Alex’s reign, and better than Poison’s. So nerves be damned, he was the best guy for the job. There was a certain backlash to him beating Zeus for the title, but I still think it was the right call creatively. I wanted a babyface on top, and I really dug the Brotherhood feud. It put a spotlight on some fresh characters, and gave Jack his best defenses. The original plan was to keep his reign going, but I wrote myself into a corner. I simply couldn’t come up with a logical way for him to beat Trent.


Outside of CGC, Jack is still the head-trainer of the DeColt Power House, which had three graduates this year. Two fit the CGC mould perfectly, and are in FCK to learn to work. The other is an entirely different prospect, and has had plenty of offers to develop elsewhere.


Skills: Jack’s ‘DeColt Rating’ only rose 2pts this year, but he’s golden. The best brawler in CGC, only let down by his selling.


Best Match: Alex, Jack & Donte beat Benson, Shaffer & Zeus (TV December) 86</td></tr></table>


<table width="95%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">I wonder what would have happened with Scoundrel had Joey stayed with CGC. Would I have still brought him in? If I did, I expect it would be very different. While Scoundrel has tried to follow through on his promise to protect Faith, we haven’t really explored their relationship. Outside of CGC, Joey has gone 13 wins, 3 draws, and 16 losses as part of NOTBPW’s main event scene. His popularity is creeping up, but the two losses he suffered at WrestleFestival (Jack, then Ricky) knocked him down a peg.


Skills: While losing Poison was a blow in terms of character and popularity, he wasn’t exactly my most skilled combatant. Like Jack, his selling was rather poor. Unlike Jack, he wasn’t the talker or worker to back it up. His DeColt Rating only went up 6 this year, despite spending 8 months in NOTBPW.


Best Match: Jack DeColt beat Poison (WrestleFestival Night One, March) 82</td><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.115 POISON


4 wins in 9 matches


DeColt Rating



<table width="95%"><tr><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.116 EDD STONE


25 wins, 18 losses


DeColt Rating

570</td><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">

Edd has a lot of drawbacks. He’s small. He’s young. He’s not a CGC native. Worse, he’s a NOTBPW washout. That being said, I love the guy. I’m not sure he can ever be a legitimate long-term main event guy (although he was Jack’s best challenger) but I can’t imagine not featuring him. He actually came very close to winning the Last Man Standing Rumble (got lots of upvotes, came in with Benny, flowed into the next ppv direction) but given the choice between him and Trent (who got some last minute votes) I went with the long term CGC guy. Edd turned baby face during the Random Partners Tag Tournament, which is how I prefer writing him. He’s a bit of a tool, and he’ll often end up on the ‘heel side’, but I write him to be liked. Always have.


Outside of CGC, Edd had a busy year, working for TCW, BHOTWG and PGHW, although he mostly lost on pre-shows in Japan, and hasn’t been featured much better in TCW (although he did get to win). Still, that’s 87 matches in one year, and that’s not half bad.


Skills: Like his Brotherhood teammate, Benny Benson, Edd’s size and high-flying ability doesn’t translate so well in the DeColt Rating, but he did go up 20pts in consistency.


Best Match: Jack DeColt beat Edd Stone to retain the CGC World Title (TV September) 83</td></tr></table>


<table width="95%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center"> This could have been Zeus’ year. Yeah, he was always going to lose to Jack at Chaos in the Cage (The Wild Man had Zombie Ricky, Christian Price & The Brotherhood lined up to headline with) but coming back at Last Man Standing Zeus could have been THE guy. The voting hurt him. He entered too early to win, and so in many ways Trent got his spot. Not to totally blame you guys. Trent’s promos have always been better (both to write and in ratings) and there were contract issues. So Zeus became a background villain, which doesn’t work for him. I even felt the Chamber of Horrors role was beneath him, but when Deeley choked in the Fitness Competition, taking him and Scoundrel from the match, I needed a strong fifth. So I used Zeus, when I’d rather have sent him on vacation again.


Looking back over his match history, it’s surprising just how little he did in 2014. Absent until February’s Luck of the Draw, where he used a Wish to screw over Stevie and become Champion. While the “Labours of Zeus” story that led to WrestleFestival was named after him, the focus was on the challengers. In fact, his first real match of 2014 was on the second night of the PPV. In April. Six weeks later, he lost the title, and disappeared once more. I had good intentions for a Zeus/Jack program, but the ideas never came. In the ring they were fine, but the characters didn’t play off each other well. The same can be said about Zeus and most of the baby faces. Conflict creates drama, and Zeus just didn’t create that natural conflict with anyone but Stevie.


Skills: Only up 3 DeColt Points this year. Selling and Charisma remain his flaws.


Best Match: Alex, Jack & Donte defeated Benson, Shaffer & Zeus (TV December) 86 </td><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.120 ALMIGHTY ZEUS


9 wins, 14 losses


DeColt Rating



<table width="95%"><tr><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.121 SAMAEL BACH


5 wins, 18 losses


DeColt Rating

628</td><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">

Bach is probably too talented to be losing so much, but it’s an unfortunate side-effect of his character. He’s been an advisor and an advocate, but never the main physical threat. Plus his single-minded focus on the DeColts kept him away from the midcard, where he might actually pick up some wins.


Skills: No change to his DeColt Rating, which is phenomenal considering his size.


Best Match: Christian Price beat Samael Bach (TV March) 85</td></tr></table>


<table width="95%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">

Early on in this project, I decided that Trent Shaffer wouldn’t win the World Title unless he agreed to bulk up to Middleweight. Well... He didn’t, and I gave him the belt anyway. At least for a little while. I originally planned for Jack to beat him, but I wrote myself into a corner. Trent took away Jack’s entire support team. If the Wild Man just won anyway, it would crap on the very idea of tactics and psychology I’m trying to cultivate.


The first half of Trent’s 2014 was all about Christian Price. It’s a feud I’m proud of, because I felt it made them lasting enemies. That no matter what else happened, Trent would always hate Price, and Price would never trust Trent again. A lot of people seemed to dig them as an odd couple tag team, to the point where I extended their run together a little, but the goal was never to create a tag team. The goal was to create two eternal rivals. If NOTBPW hadn’t snapped up Price, they could have been my Orton/Cena, or Bret/Shawn. Maybe they’ll steal Trent from me next, and reignite the rivalry over there.


I thought The Dark Knight, his super villain incarnation, had more legs, but ultimately felt he needed to distance himself from Christian when he returned for Last Man Standing. I’d been toying with a Ninja character for a while, but as a babyface. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realise it could not only work for Trent, but be a natural progression from his previous gimmicks.


Skills: Only up 3 DeColt Points this year. Selling and Charisma remain his flaws.


Best Match: Alex, Jack & Donte defeated Benson, Shaffer & Zeus (TV December) 86</td><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.137 TRENT SHAFFER


21 wins, 10 losses


DeColt Rating



<table width="95%"><tr><td width="25%" align="center" valign="center">No.139 RICKY DECOLT


43 matches


DeColt Rating

640</td><td width="75%" align="left" valign="center">

Ricky hasn’t been himself this year. Even though he didn’t turn until April, he’d been under residual effects of the magic potion since last year’s ‘Chamber of Horrors’. The Alex/Ricky vs. Elite feud was essentially just prologue for his true turn. While I liked some elements of that (he kicked Chandler in the eye, I think the wig came into play there) I think the potion story distracted a little from what could have been a simple, pure feud between the two teams.


While I really liked the character, Zombie Ricky was never going to be a long term heel turn. It was simply the latest in a long line of disasters and challenges for the DeColt Family to overcome. Some of you commented that you’d have “cared more” if someone like Price had been turned into Bach’s slave, but to me that would have been a rehash of turning Zeus. I couldn’t just create a new potion-fueled monster for the DeColts to fight. Things have to escalate. Turning Ricky presented a new challenge with new emotions for Jack & Alex to deal with. If nothing else, it helped me further differentiate the older DeColts. Alex’s cold analysis of the problem, almost enjoying puzzling out new weaknesses. Jack’s emotional refusal to hurt his brother.


I love Amnesia Ricky. I initially dismissed the idea as stupid… but quickly realised that’s kind of what I do. It made sense in a soap opera way, and lets me have fun with a guy who’s been dark and serious all year. He’s arrived a little sooner than I planned, but in hindsight he HAD to be in that Random Partners tournament. It was a perfect way to get him away from his brothers and interact with more fun characters.


Skills: It looks like Ricky has peaked as a slight-worse-in-every-way-that-matters version of Alex. Which isn’t half bad. He still has the 3rd best DeColt Rating in CGC. 2014 was heel practice more than anything.


Best Match: Zombie Ricky DeColt beat Donte Dunn (TV, August) 82</td></tr></table>




I planned to get these posted up quickly, but I’m not feeling the urge to write nowadays. I’m having loads of fun planning the next part of this diary, but when it comes to actually writing stuff down. I dunno. Not feeling it. Could be a while. I don't want to start posting again until I've got a good stack of scripts finished (or at least mostly finished) and have a handle on what I'm doing for WrestleFestival. I spent some time this week thinking about which promotion I could invite over this year. I've got two choices I'm very excited by so far.

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