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TEW2016 Pre-Release & Journal Discussion

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Amazing news. TEW 2013 is by far the game I've sunk the most hours into over the past 20 years and I'm sure TEW 2016 will be even better.


EDIT: Also one major thing I'd like to see implemented is giving orders to your dev. company on how they should be booked. I.E playing as WWE and telling your NXT booker that Hideo Itami needs to reach x popularity in y region.

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Stoked! :D


- Alliance Champions

- Controlling developmental federations.


Also... this!


I'm really excited and will definitely be getting the game but, as a massive fan of the NWA, I'd really like to see the inclusion of touring/alliance champions, along with belt sharing (or, even, stealing).


I'd like to be able to recreate moments like Ric Flair and "the real world's champion" from 1991/1992. Or Shane Douglas and the creation of ECW.


Also, more control of developmental is a must!


But, really, I'd settle for just a more refined, intelligent, version of the previous game.


... Oh! Oh! And better AI booking!


Edit: Oh! Also, also... the Freebird rule! ...and being able to turn workers off-screen if you've kept them off TV for a long time or are repackaging them... Oh! Being able to create buzz for an unknown/rookie worker... Oh! And having certain workers demand rights to their likenesses during negotiations! Oh! And more merchandising control (tape libraries, DVD/video collections based on match ratings and such)!


Okay... I'll stop.


Edit #2: Sorry, I can't help myself; being able to set gimmick changes with turns (rather than before or after), having functioning foreign-language announce teams, oh and having different areas of the game world favourable to different workers (Philadelphia for hardcore-based or strong workers with indy cred, for example)... and so much more! Ah!


That's enough... I think. :)

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Hey Adam, I'm excited to see that we're getting a new TEW!


That said, I did have a question. Will you - or rather, have you - given any thought into overhauling the Japanese scene in the game? I ask because it's hard for mod makers to make real world mods with the Japanese scene the way it is in the game; especially the smaller indy promotions that run the same building multiple weeks in a row - like the women's promotions, who mainly seem to use Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo for 80% percent of their shows when they're not doing any traveling events, or just the indies in general, which stick to the Tokyo area, because that's where they draw the most.


Because of the way the game and scene is set now, they're given a penalty that isn't there in the real world (they're penalized for running the same location/area multiple times in a row).


Also, I'm hoping touring gets a bit of an overhaul! Just about every promotion in Japan is now doing 12 tours a year, but with small breaks between them (normally around two weeks).

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I'm not sure what penalty you're referencing? There's no limit on location usage that I'm aware of.


I'm able to run PWG out of Reseda every show with no penalties


I think he's talking about the burnout penalty when companies see reduced attendances from running in places so many times a month, not sure though?

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Hey Adam, very pleased to see that there'll be a new edition! I think there's only two things I'd really want implemented in the game, one being the ability to use the Freebird Rule as tag team champions, and possibly a dedicated cash-in feature (although that'd only really be relevant to MITB)
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Yes! All I want is a GM like mode from the SvR where you can choose a company and split two brands where you can play as one brand against another, also choosing the wrestlers you want to be available. Or maybe a mode where is simpler kinda like a FM Classic. Also Mac! Thanks Adam :D
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I wonder how/if Adam will make it possible to simulate something like how NXT is broadcast on the WWE Network...


Owning a network was in WMMA4 right?


Obviously very excited, already setting aside two vacation days to stream/play personal games. Maybe a whole week. This is the first TEW release with a real YT/Twitch community. Should be insane!

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My reaction exactly!


Although that means I'll have to abandon my current very-long-term save. :(


I have to say, I was a bit underwhelmed with how WMMA4 turned out, so I hope Adam outdoes himself again with the new TEW.


Question for Adam: Do suggestions that we make now still have any chance of being implemented into TEW2016 or is it too late now?

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