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I started with my own Cult Company and I ended up getting completely surprised! Ross Henry is completely amazing if you basically book him like Goldberg as long as you feed him workers with good psychology. Bulldozer Brandon Smith is also a beast if you hype him correctly. Ross Henry beat him at my last PPV in my best match yet (77 rating), on a Streak vs Streak match. I advice anyone starting with a Cult Company to give Ross Henry a try! He is basically a The Rock and Roman Reigns hybrid! Frankie Perez is my world champion, and Jake Idol was my primary heel (another surprise, since he was not special at all in TEW 2013) for the first few months. My Women's Division is also turning out to be great, with Sara Marie York as the face of the division, also undefeated as of yet (May 2016). When I am more economically stable, I plan on brand splitting Men and Women.

Booking also feels much better, and economy is more also more of a challenge with USPW and TCW dropping to Cult, forcing you to up your production values.



MM Wrestling Champions (1st week of May 2016):


MM Heavyweight: Frankie Perez

MM Purple Tag: Menanomaniac (User Avatar) & El Mítico Jr.

MM Pink World: Sara Marie York

MM Pink Tag: Charity Sweet & Alexis Sweetfeather

MM Trios Invitational (Tournament Title): Donnie J, Fox Mask & Fro Sure


Future Figurehead: The Ross (Ross Henry)

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The idea of signing Steven Regal sounds good, although, once again, I'm not full of ideas. What would he be good for other than sticking it to WCW? Yay, I finally outbid you. I'm thinking he could be an off and on friend with ''Stone Cold'' since Austin is still very much a heel here. Regal can have good matches with Bret ( I imagine). To sign or not to sign, that is the question? Austin is all DTA, but that doesn't mean he can't have an associate. No friends allowed in DTA land.


The roster has been growing, now up to 42, but I don't want to go overboard. I'm quite happy with the balance and the amount of storylines going at the minute. Still, I think Regal can be a benefit to this roster and I have 5/6 more faces than heel right now.


It is done.


*Something I just remembered. In the last game I played on TEW 2013 (2002 mod), Austin was nearing the end, but he was having 88-90 matches with Regal. I suppose they can feud later on once Austin does turn. Makes sense. Hopefully they gel as well in this game.

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Just booked my second PPV in the WCW Lives Mod, Great American Bash, Week 2, June 2001. And it went a little something like this...


Shane McMahon (the owner of WCW and only authority figure now since he fired Bischoff), started the show by coming out and saying if any members of the Main Event (which consists of Flair, Jarrett, Nash, Animal & Midajah) interferes in the Booker T vs Flair World Heavyweight Championship Match tonight, they will be fired from WCW.


The Franchise Players (Kanyon & Shane Douglas managed by Torrie Wilson, they have excellent tag team chemistry) come out to the ring and Torrie talks about how they're both in semi-finals for the United States Championship Tournament and one of them will win the title.


Shane Douglas defeats Konnan in the first US Tournament Semi Final. Douglas & Kanyon beat Konnan down and put him through a table after the match.


Rey Mysterio was meant to fight Chavo for the Cruiserweight Title, but Chavo got injured for nine months two Nitros ago. Instead, the story is Chavo "no-shows" the event, Rey puts out an open challenge for the title, which is answered by AJ Styles (called up from Development for one night only) and they put on a pretty good 57-rated match. Rey retains.


Dustin Rhodes defeats Kanyon in the second US Championship Tournament Semi Final (although just checking the card I accidentally gave Kanyon the win... DAMMIT!!!!!).


As part of the Natural Born Thrillers breaking up storyline, Palumbo & O'Haire (who have just turned Face) beat Jindrak & Stasiak.


The Steiner Brothers beat Jeff Jarrett & Road Warrior Animal of the Main Event to retain their WCW Tag Team gold. After the match they beat down Animal while Jarrett retreats.


Dustin Rhodes beats Shane Douglas to win the United States Tournament and the Championship belt vacated by Booker T last month.


Kevin Nash defeats Sting, I let the computer decide the winner there (as I did for the Palumbo/O'Haire match and the US Tournament Final).


Ric Flair wins Booker T's World Heavyweight Championship after a returning Randy Savage interferes in the match. The show ends with Savage & Flair standing tall with the belt.





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Currently in 2022 in a watcher game.


SWF bought out pretty much everyone.


January 2017 they disband AAA.


March 2017 NYCW disbanded after being taken over by SWF.


July 2017 They disband QAW


January 2019 FCW is bought out and disbanded by SWF


August 2019 SWF disbands CZCW


June 2020 CGC is disbanded by SWF.


August 2020 NOTBPW has been disbanded after being taken over by SWF.

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Rocky Cage defeats Pat Tanaka on his debut.. No complaints from midcarder Tanaka.



It is good to bring up somebody and have them able to win without the loser complaining. Yay for development.


The board have decided that Austin vs Bret will close Summerslam and Vader vs Sid will get a 9 minute sports entertainment finish before the final toilet break.. Bret vs Austin has 100 heat going into it. Can't not put this as the Main event.. I want Summerslam to be a success.


Brian Pillman will have to wait to get the ic title. you didn't really think he would win on his first opportunity, did you? He went from flabby middle, to toned light, earning even better star quality and sex appeal than he had before he became flabby. The usual problem, always wasted. I would like to try and clean him up, but don't really want to lose him to rehab so quickly. The post show never picks him up, so I can't give him a fine or whatever. We shall see.

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Just finished a year on the most recent patch with WPL, my 0/0/0/0 company based in Western Australia. A middling economy and high wrestling industry let us run 15 shows before the first year ended, starting the first 6 months with 2 shows a month and alternating months until the end of the year. Right now we are sitting at 8.7% popularity and are only 6.5k in the hole, so a couple months off and we should be in the black shortly.


The biggest struggle has been keeping things fresh. My UC is a retired wrestler, with middling psychology, color, and announcing, so he's been acting as our (bad) road agent. We also operated without a referee for the first few months until we started making some money through sponsorships. We have eight men on our roster, all on two year deals, with the highest paid members being paid less than $300 and everyone earning between 100-200 an appearance.


The pickings are slim in Australia, so our skilled performers are Blackwell Bush, Rob Edwards, Surfer Dude Lucas (rebranded Luke Amaro), Christian Blithe, and Lothar Prellinger, rounded out by the undercard guys Ferdy Lloyd, Sexxxy SJB (Juvy Blair) and Bryant Hall. I've brought in a few fresh faces on part time deals, but the exposure they get causes their wages to increase too much even their sparing appearances. Our first champion was crowned in April, with Rob Edwards winning the Young Lion's Cup and becoming the WPL National champion.


Rob Edwards, despite being an honorable fighter whose vicious Roundhouse Kick was notorious for KOing all of his opponents, has been putting his integrity aside ever since the Young Lion's Cup. He paid off Bryant Hall to walk out on the semi final match, letting him take out an exhausted Luke Amaro in the finals, and cheated to beat him in their rematch. Meanwhile, Prellinger, upset at being bounced in the first round of the Young Lion's Cup, brough in Annihilus to interrupt the semifinals match between Bush and Amaro, leading to the two teaming up to fight him off.


In our December show, though, Edwards ended up being upset by Blackwell Bush in what seemed like a routine defense. After six months of holding onto the gold, Edwards leaned more and more on cheating to hold onto his title, and Amaro had enough, interfering and preventing Edwards from cheating to beat Bush. Amaro's set to have a final blow off match with Edwards, while Blackwell Bush looks to be a much stronger champion on our heel-heavy roster.


I'm excited where things are going with this game! Local games are VERY difficult in TEW2016, and I'm loving the challenge of balancing everything. I've done a great job of building up my stars, so I will need to make sure I have a "war chest" so I can pay my guy's increased salaries. I'll also need to be able to double my roster by the time we hit small, though I may cap us at local for the time being so I can stock up on funds.


In other Australian news, RAW and APW have recently taken some huge shots at each other, with RAW taking APW's reigning champion Nathan Mackenzie and main eventer Alexander Banks, with APW retaliating by picking up Skyscraper, Nicky Gilbert and Echo. I've never really seen APW fight back against RAW, so it'll be interesting to see what becomes of both promotions.

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I've overtaken PSW in the rankings, and theyre are real thorn in my side. I'm debating declaring war on them and signing thier top talent and burying them a la WWF vs. WCW.


NYCW is now holding small house shows, once a month in the mid atlantic region.


Steve Flash has opened a wrestling school and NYCW has announced they will signany graduate to n automatic 1 year contract.


Ross "The Ring King" Henry has defeated former Superpower partner Risk Deson (Jack Avatar) decisively. Now the current COTT Tag Team Champions, The Ring Generals, want a shot and hope tat one of them can add a main event title to their 8x Tag Team Championship list.


The Chord lost Syd Collier to TCW, but they gained James Diaz, son of famed PGHW workhorse, Raymond Diaz. The Chord has finished killing the undercard of NYCW and now has shifted focus to two things. Regaining their tag belts which Syd lost them in a fluke decision against Brooklyn's finest, and killing the main eventers starting with Andrew "Table Breaker" Harper, whom they put through a table themselves on the last show. Harper has now decided that enough is enough and word is he's looking to other NYCW purebloods to stop the MAW Menace.


PSW's new head booker is Chris Caulfield and the first thing he did was take the title of Big Smack Scott who lost it to former SWF hopeful, Chill. Chill is actually really good, and if a war started, he'd likely be NYCW's first target for acquisition.

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I hired Ricky DeColt in TCW. A few shows in, Nate Johnson politicked ELEVEN people to have simmering tensions with Ricky. This will be fun to fix.


Also, I brought in "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, named him Dozer Smith, and paired him up as Jay Chord's enforcer. I set him as Chord's manager and they have Awesome chemistry.

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Tough times have hit CZCW. I've hit my stride and I'm turning a good profit and have found my footing lately and have churned out some solid cards and feuds. Then the raids began again. First off, my problem was adding to my roster without having a set plan for most of the talent I brought on which led to a lot of guys being angry with their positioning and use. BHOTWG, TCW, SWF and USPW have raided and taken a good chunk of my roster which has led me to basically having to hit the reset button.


Marvel Molloy, my current champ, is about to leave so I have to get the belt off of him ASAP. Fox Mask, Al Coleman, Air Attack, etc. have all left as have the guys who I had big plans for (Island Boy, Jack Avatar, etc.)


This is allowing me to push guys like Waylon Walls, Miguel Rivera, Simon Waves, etc. who have basically sat dormant the past few years. My lockerroom is in a bit of a mess right now because there's a lot of moody workers, who I'm trying to build back up, and Curt O'Malley (one of my agents) recently died.


The next few months will be very interesting for me. I might pull the trigger and put the title on Frankie Boy Fernandes. He's been on a great run, and I don't want to put the belt back on Chord (who is feuding with the recently acquired Hijo Del Aguila Americana.)

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21CW is killing it with it's new champion Wade Orsen who took the title from Edward Cornell when Tommy was busy dealing with Dark Angle stalking him due to Tommy costing him the 21CW Title twice.


Now Tommy and Wade are feuding while Edward and Dark Angle are out for blood. Rolling Johnny Stones has been a thorn in Kevin Jones' side since his return and the the tag division is at a stalemate where Crouching Storm Hidden Sifu and Hot Stuff have been trading wins and losses like Pokemon cards.

Sebastian Koller and Samoan Machine have been feuding since Machine debuted and dominated Koller and took his championship. The feud has been spiced up with the addition of Leigh Burton who also seeks to wear 21CW gold around his waist.


The People's Pirate Hugh de Aske has just formed a new tag team with newcomer Greg Gauge and while the two seach for a catchy team name they are taking on all comers in order to stake their name near title contention.

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Thus far in my game, there have been quite a few deaths, though Francis Long has been the only active performer to die. There have been two major injuries that have really hampered NOTBW:


On the SAME show, Steve DeColt suffered a major concussion that has him out of action for a year, and Sean McFly broke his neck which also has him out for a year. They suffered these in the same match.

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I hired Ricky DeColt in TCW. A few shows in, Nate Johnson politicked ELEVEN people to have simmering tensions with Ricky. This will be fun to fix.


Also, I brought in "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith, named him Dozer Smith, and paired him up as Jay Chord's enforcer. I set him as Chord's manager and they have Awesome chemistry.


I've never thought of using Bulldozer as an enforcer style character. That's actually a great idea. I might have to steal that.

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I started with my own Cult Company and I ended up getting completely surprised! Ross Henry is completely amazing if you basically book him like Goldberg as long as you feed him workers with good psychology.


I love me some Ross Henry. He's been by far my favorite addition I've gotten thus far in the game (I'm in June of 2016), though I have been loving Logan Wolfsbaine too.

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I hired Ricky DeColt in TCW. A few shows in, Nate Johnson politicked ELEVEN people to have simmering tensions with Ricky. This will be fun to fix.


I had the same problem. Just as I was starting to put a dent in repairing those relationships through meddling he went and did it again to turn another bunch against DeColt. And then a show later basically anyone he hadn't gotten to Ricky did the same to turn them against Nate.


In the end I released DeColt because he was more trouble than he was worth. Not only did the roster hate him but he was a negative influence in an otherwise good locker room.

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I am playing as RoH in recent real world mod. Slowly but surely, trying to steal TNA's top stars because they signed them to PPA contracts to cut costs. They tried to take away Adam Cole and Cheerleader Melissa and only Melissa left. I'm not sure if I should go to war with them or just wait until I'm bigger. My PPV contract went up and I went from making 100k+ a month or 30-40k a month. Disappointing, but a profit is a profit.
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I had the same problem. Just as I was starting to put a dent in repairing those relationships through meddling he went and did it again to turn another bunch against DeColt. And then a show later basically anyone he hadn't gotten to Ricky did the same to turn them against Nate.


In the end I released DeColt because he was more trouble than he was worth. Not only did the roster hate him but he was a negative influence in an otherwise good locker room.


This is simultaneously awesome (meaning that this can actually happen within the game) and sucks (that you couldn't bring in a potentially money worker).

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I've never tried to get into the Cornellverse until now, but I'm giving it a go. With Sam Strong no longer in charge of USPW, I decided to play as Alicia Strong (with a render I don't hate), as the Booker of AAA. After I built them up a little more, USPW stole Suzanne Brazzle and Nadia Snow. It took a couple months for Alicia to recover from her broken ankle. But now Alicia and Wade are having matches that hit the 77 range (sorry, I use numbers), and Alicia is about 9 months into being established as the company figurehead. I did this by, um, giving Alicia 15% steroids and within a few months, she went from toned to ripped, upping her Star Quality dramatically. Joanne was still in contention, so I gave her 6 months (paid) off so she wouldn't get in Alicia's way in becoming the figurehead. She should return at just the right time for Alicia to be the figurehead, build some momentum and have an "Epic" match between the two at AAA WOW 21 for the championship.


I also made Selina Svelte Alicia's protege, which is working out well for her. Cherry Bomb and Paige Croft are on my bad side at the moment.


I also pillaged most of the top stars from QAW with Exclusive PPA contracts, and pretty soon I'll start running shows in their area and see about putting them out of business so AAA can be the only real women's game in town. Then, I guess I'll pretty much be a feeder for the USPW women's division.


And I really want to sign Brooke Tyler, but attempts to steal her from NOTB have been unsuccessful so far. However, I just made a Working Agreement with them so I can use her (but man, she's expensive!).


This is basically my practice run before I try my hand at USPW, something I've always wanted to do.


Haha this is awesome, mainly because I do the exact opposite (as QAW). I pillage AAA's roster (Paige Croft main evented their last show) and if not for the 'no notification when someone makes a shortlisted worker an offer' bug (fixed in 1.01), I would have J.Ro and Sara Marie.


My issue is, I despised Anne Stardust. She fired me in TEW07 or 08 after I failed an owner goal (didn't get Tsuki Kawamata or somebody low on the card to the right level of popularity but the promotion was knocking on the door to Cult!) and since then, I've tried to destroy the promotion in agonizing fashion. As in, I'm not going to outright kill you. I'm going to make you bleed out. Right now, I have their booker on my roster and I'm going to make her so over that they can no longer afford her.

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I had the same problem. Just as I was starting to put a dent in repairing those relationships through meddling he went and did it again to turn another bunch against DeColt. And then a show later basically anyone he hadn't gotten to Ricky did the same to turn them against Nate.


In the end I released DeColt because he was more trouble than he was worth. Not only did the roster hate him but he was a negative influence in an otherwise good locker room.


When DDP comes back from holiday in two months I need to very quickly repair some of the negative relationships caused by Scott Steiner turning about twenty people against him.


Do you have much success with meddling in these simmering tension relationships?? I'm thinking it might help to give Steiner a month off in order to fix as many as possible before he comes back and completely stuffs everything again.

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Tried to fix my game. (It used to be an error 77, but now it's an error 53) Patched it up, follow every bit of advice Adam gave me, didn't work and I probably made it worse.


Seriously considering uninstalling and then reinstalling the game, but I think that would screw me up even worse and force me to go through the licence ordeal all over again. But this time it would probably be a different licence.


So, WTF do I do? I want to play the sucker again, but I don't want to have to risk going through the license thing once more...

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Tried to fix my game. (It used to be an error 77, but now it's an error 53) Patched it up, follow every bit of advice Adam gave me, didn't work and I probably made it worse.


Seriously considering uninstalling and then reinstalling the game, but I think that would screw me up even worse and force me to go through the licence ordeal all over again. But this time it would probably be a different licence.


So, WTF do I do? I want to play the sucker again, but I don't want to have to risk going through the license thing once more...


My advice would be to post in the tech support forum and take their advice and take your cues from the pros...

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Greg Black

Kirk Jameson

Mikey James

Randy Bumfhole

Rick Law





Dean Waldorf

Frankie Perez

Grandmaster Phunk

Marv Statler

Matthew Keith




Donnie J

Findlay O'Farraday

Fox Mask

Fro Sure


Greg Keith


Remmy Skye



Jackpot Jordan

Jake Idol

Kip Keenan

Ricky DeColt



Cali Slick

Davis Wayne Newton

Jamie Atherton



Aces High



Ernest Youngman (In Rehab, out for 7 months)

Mr. Lucha III (Broken Arm, out for 31 days)



My goal right now is getting Fro Sure and Gargantuan to the Main Event, most likely at the expensive of Greg Black, because his SQ is only 62. In Developmental I have Donte Dunn and Prometheus with high Star Quality. I am currently at Cult, and working on slowly getting to National, while I work on getting my workers' pop up so I don't instantly get wrecked in National Battles.


Both Matthew Keith and Greg Keith are 'Next Big Things' for me.

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I had the same problem. Just as I was starting to put a dent in repairing those relationships through meddling he went and did it again to turn another bunch against DeColt. And then a show later basically anyone he hadn't gotten to Ricky did the same to turn them against Nate.


In the end I released DeColt because he was more trouble than he was worth. Not only did the roster hate him but he was a negative influence in an otherwise good locker room.


In my game, Ricky isn't a negative influence. I hope I can convince them to stop hating each other, but I can afford to let one of them go if I have to.


In other news, I'm really tempted to put Edd Stone, Eddie Chandler, and Eddie Peak together as "Ed, Edd, and Eddie". :p

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Well I've had two days off so I made some good progress in my TNA 2005 game. Storyline wise Samoa Joe's year and a half undefeated streak came to an end as Christian Cage pinned him for the NWA world Heavyweight championship. Joe had racked up a 51 win streak prior to Cage's win.


WWE fell to cult status so I've been trying to deal some damaging blows. So far I've successfully stolen team 3d, RVD, Rhino and Edge from the WWE. I tried to get Kurt Angle as well but I wasn't doing great financially and they managed to bid him up into the 100k per month neighbourhood and I didn't feel like he was worth more than 3 other main eventers combined.


My finances are doing better now though. 200k surplus. I am one of the few companies doing well however as ROH went bankrupt. I swept in and turned them into a development territory to go with CHIKARA which I also own. ROH seems like a great investment though since it only cost me 70k and it has a TV deal in some areas.


I have decided to celebrate my acquisition by signing the ROH world champion. Brian Danielson.

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The first seeds have been planted for the Hart Foundation. Sid and Ahmed Johnson defeat Owen and Davey at the December ppv. Botched interference from Cornette. Owen gets angry and these American fans go wild.


Bret is watching somewhere, even though he shouldn't be. His mind must be on Vader tonight. Austin got a win over Bret at Survivor Series (thanks to Jim Neidhart botched interference) It was their third match so far, 1-1-1, so Austin gets the shot at...... Shawn Michaels. Yep. He returned 6 months later. Asked for a release right away. Yeah really. I refused and he did not threaten to sit out his contract. I then put him over Vader for the title. Yeah, I really bent over for Shawn. An incident with Kid helped Shawn morale go from Very angry to angry, so looks like we are on the right track. For now.


Not so sure how it will be when I (yes, Shawn. Me!) demand sports entertainment finish in the Shawn vs Austin match. Austin is more over here than he was in real life at this point. I see this like their King of the Ring 1997 match, only Austin is still full on heel. I am going overboard with Sports entertainment finish. My one vice. Ok, second vice. First is diva shoots tshirts.


Mankind is probably a little more popular here as well. He will end up attacking Shawn at the end of the match vs Austin. Lay him out! And to my credit, Mankind is a worthy number one contender.


Bret and Austin will end up brawling as well. Bret is starting to lose control. Everybody screws me, ahhhhhhh. haha just wait till the Royal Rumble, Bret.




*I've been thinking. Sports entertainment finishes have tanked some of my shows. Yes, Warrior, Sid vs Vader are not on the same level as Shawn and Austin, but. I have ripped off the fans before, so I'm going to give them a winner here. Austin can take the loss thanks to Bret sticking his nose in. It wont hurt him and it makes perfect sense. Austin is set to win Royal Rumble 1997 (tainted win)

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