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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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I just had someone demand a pay raise of $1500 per month. This is a great feature, obviously, but it seems broken. First of all, we can't ask them to take a pay cut, why should they demand a raise? And secondly, I signed that particular worker less than a week ago. He's made one appearance.


It would be nice if there was some negotiation involved as well. Mark Adonis asked for an extra $300, I gave him 25% of that and now he is angry. Why can't we counter offer? It's basically a choice between paying out more money or having an angry worker.

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It would be nice if there was some negotiation involved as well. Mark Adonis asked for an extra $300, I gave him 25% of that and now he is angry. Why can't we counter offer? It's basically a choice between paying out more money or having an angry worker.


I'll be angry if I ask my boss for more money and he doesn't give it to me easy. My boss probably won't lose sleep. You shouldn't either. Not everyone is going to be happy.

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I'll be angry if I ask my boss for more money and he doesn't give it to me easy. My boss probably won't lose sleep. You shouldn't either. Not everyone is going to be happy.


But if there's no give and take, it happens way too often. A random Midcarder shouldn't be giving me an ultimatum because I gave him a win on the B-show last week.

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Always impressive how fast AR squashes bugs and releases patches. With any of his releases I never have to worry about annoying errors upon release. I was just checking through the tech forums and it seems almost everything is fixed which makes it about time to get heavily involved in this game.
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After playing around with the game I like it quite a bit. I like the more control I have and the backstage interactions.


I haven't gone too far into it because I really am waiting for Genadi to release his 87 mod with everything updated. The 87 mod that I transferred over and practicing on is interesting.


I understand the complaints on the booking from top to bottom and bottom to top argument. It is something I am getting used to but it should be easy to overcome within the first few months of gameplay.


The broadcasting stuff is interesting. I will probably be asking more questions once I start my game but I do like how it is simple but just for the moment complex because it is new.


I love that Adam put in more challenges relating to talent. I know really have to work with talent and that makes it much more interesting. Many of you know I only play long term games. This makes long term games more fun and random. I no longer need to put the randomness or hardness into the game.


6/10 right now. Will probably go up when a mod comes out that I can really dive into and be a 10/10

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I've only had a guy with a bad attitude ask me for a raise in the first place. Unfortunately he happened to be Jack DeColt. My champion, and owner's brother.


You can either deal with a pissed off wrestler, which in my experience they already were, or cave into his demands.


I'd only consider the system broken if you gave him 100% of what he's asking for and he still left annoyed.

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Wow... we can now have 8 player games! That's cool :o but I had no idea many people played much with multiplayer... I have played about 4 months of two player with a friend, and I started a second player myself once as I was testing a 'self two player developmental fed' which I built talent essentially for the better fed, using a second user character.


I wonder if there is much hype for multiplayer games this year regards file swapping. I never see the threads that recruit seem to take off much (or if they do, then not report much of it).

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First impression, I hate to say it, is that, peripherally, it feels like TEW 2013.5 to me. I have not gone into the mechanics of booking full shows, or simming deep. But after browsing and for almost two hours I felt like I had to check I had the right game running. This may not be a bad thing, I can see the logic that if something isn't broke, don't fix it. Graphically, if nothing else, I've thought a re-haul is long warranted. Hopefully others can attest that the real added meat of the game comes out through longer plays.
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First impression, I hate to say it, is that, peripherally, it feels like TEW 2013.5 to me. I have not gone into the mechanics of booking full shows, or simming deep. But after browsing and for almost two hours I felt like I had to check I had the right game running. This may not be a bad thing, I can see the logic that if something isn't broke, don't fix it. Graphically, if nothing else, I've thought a re-haul is long warranted. Hopefully others can attest that the real added meat of the game comes out through longer plays.


Putting your child company on your network and watching your prospects get over. That alone is worth the cost, to me. That itself is game changing as you're not stuck bringing up guys that have no popularity and ultimately don't even deserve to be booked on your shows.

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I've been on the road since Monday for work and I'll be back late tonight. I had my wife download and install last night so it would be ready to go. Really pumped to play it! :)


Now THAT'S a good use of the working agreement between you and your wife. :p

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First impression, I hate to say it, is that, peripherally, it feels like TEW 2013.5 to me. I have not gone into the mechanics of booking full shows, or simming deep. But after browsing and for almost two hours I felt like I had to check I had the right game running. This may not be a bad thing, I can see the logic that if something isn't broke, don't fix it. Graphically, if nothing else, I've thought a re-haul is long warranted. Hopefully others can attest that the real added meat of the game comes out through longer plays.


Graphically it does look very close to TEW '13 but to be fair I thought '13 was a HUGE step up in graphic interface over the previous versions. '07, '08 and '10 all felt the "same" looks wise to me. So I liked that.


I'm not sure what you mean by TEW2013 1.5 but the alliance system has been updated, relationships, backstage, contracts all of that has been overhauled nearly completely. Broadcasting is completely different (for better or for worse). Almost nothing about this game feels the same. This game is such a huge leap for me that I'm literally scared to do some of the things I did in '13 because I might not get the same good results that I did on that game.


You name an aspect of the game and its nearly completely different. Plus on the bonus side is this game is the most "EWR" friendly game yet. You can have as much or as little sandbox game as you want. Don't like match ratios? Don't use them. Don't like show times? Don't use them. Don't like the new booking screen? Don't use it. Life Style changes, Being left off the show, match aim requirements (another new feature I didn't talk about). Yeah I can't imagine what more someone would want in a new release for this game.

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I've been on the road since Monday for work and I'll be back late tonight. I had my wife download and install last night so it would be ready to go. Really pumped to play it! :)


My wife has known since the development journal started that this was impending. Then I let her know when the demo was released and she's aware of when the actual game comes out. She's been so cool that we didn't get to Game of Thrones last night and normally thats required same night viewing.

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Being on a graveyard TV slot will give you pretty slow gains as there are far fewer people able to see you. You can get faster gains on better slots (an with larger networks) but you may not be able to get those until far later... picking a smaller network with a Prime Time slot would likely be better for your gains, but you'd probably make less money in. That's the tradeoff.


Wait, so what you're saying is that 0.2 pop gain for your main monthly show IS the new normal? I'd be okay if I didn't gain anything outside of the region the show was run in due to the time slot, but how in the world can 0.2 on a +24 rated show (vs pop in that region) be acceptable? That doesn't even take into account that my wrestlers all gained 2-4 points in pop across the US off of the show. With that as the base, you will gain 2.4 a year if you only run the show in the same region (my fed was 40 pop across the board) while my wrestlers are going to gain 30 or so points in a year across the US. That immediately puts them out of reach for any Regional fed, which I will still be for the next 9 years (need to shoot for 50 in two regions so 5 years for one region then shoot for Tri-State or another region with high importance).


If this was an On Demand issue, fix that, but I can't understand how just by running it as a PPV with an On Demand timeslot, your normal pop gain of 0.9 you would get for that +24 gets nerfed hard down to a 0.2. Again, maybe this has been fixed with the latest patch as this was done with the original demo, but that is just ridiculous.


My right eye has been giving me fits (you think you have problems with your giant monitors try making out words when your eye is slightly off your eyeglass prescription), but I think I can run a show tonight to see if I get a different result.


Oh, and the Announce Crew being in angles is okay, BUT there needs to be no negative if you pull one of them off so they can actually be in the angle (you get a negative note for lack of whatever role you yanked out). That's really, really, really going to mess up historical mods and any Regional or lower companies because the Announcer was the interviewer. They don't have a 3rd person on the team to cover that slot due to cost. ECW is going to be hell if you can't use Heyman in angles. Though this change does mitigate how insane it was that the default "Interview" angles had absolutely no one interviewing anyone. It was a Self/Group-Hype angle improperly labeled. Now, it is a pseudo-Interview angle. Sorry, that drove me nuts.

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A far better interface would be an obvious starting point.


I don't think the actual lay out is that bad infact I would say its very well designed for less clicking and searching than '13. As far as how it looks there will be more than a few skin mods that come out to adjust the look more to a players personal preference...or they could make their own.

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I don't think the actual lay out is that bad infact I would say its very well designed for less clicking and searching than '13. As far as how it looks there will be more than a few skin mods that come out to adjust the look more to a players personal preference...or they could make their own.


In terms of accessibility of key information about workers, it is still a step down from TEW10. As I said a couple of pages back, it really needs a summary of skills, colour coding on the roster page and/or displaying relevant skills when selecting workers for matches or angles.


Failing to have any of those is the antithesis of being "very well designed for less clicking"; visiting a worker's skill page accounts for a large proportion of the clicking I have to do when booking a show.


Being stuck in such a tiny window does not help.

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In terms of accessibility of key information about workers, it is still a step down from TEW10. As I said a couple of pages back, it really needs a summary of skills, colour coding on the roster page and/or displaying relevant skills when selecting workers for matches or angles.


Failing to have any of those is the antithesis of being "very well designed for less clicking"; visiting a worker's skill page accounts for a large proportion of the clicking I have to do when booking a show.


Being stuck in such a tiny window does not help.



I will agree with you about the minimized window.


However beyond that I never played TEW 10 so I can't compare, I played EWR back in the day plus played '13 almost immediatly when it came out. Honestly though it is down to personal opinion, for me I have no problems with the design but I'm not shocked that there are those who struggle or even dislike it. I guess all I can say is it sucks that you don't get on aswell with it as I feel like I do.

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My wife has known since the development journal started that this was impending. Then I let her know when the demo was released and she's aware of when the actual game comes out. She's been so cool that we didn't get to Game of Thrones last night and normally thats required same night viewing.


Mine is the exact same way. She understands that I've put years into this series and that its honestly my PRIMARY video game. She tells me I'm a wrestling nerd all the time. It is what it is, ha. When I asked her to download the trial she asked if she needed her debit card to pay for it. I told her the full release wasn't until Monday.


I know it's been talked about but I really think Adam should look into a pre-order option. I don't see why you couldn't pre-order a game license when he's absolutely sure of a release (like when the Dev Journal starts). My wife asked me about that when the game was announced and I explained it wasn't a game you pre-order.


Riding back in the work truck. CT to ME. About an hour and a half from home at this point. The wife will be waiting but I hope I get some game time in, gotta work local tomorrow morning.

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I'm not sure what you mean by TEW2013 1.5 but the alliance system has been updated, relationships, backstage, contracts all of that has been overhauled nearly completely. Broadcasting is completely different (for better or for worse). Almost nothing about this game feels the same. This game is such a huge leap for me that I'm literally scared to do some of the things I did in '13 because I might not get the same good results that I did on that game.


You name an aspect of the game and its nearly completely different. Plus on the bonus side is this game is the most "EWR" friendly game yet. You can have as much or as little sandbox game as you want. Don't like match ratios? Don't use them. Don't like show times? Don't use them. Don't like the new booking screen? Don't use it. Life Style changes, Being left off the show, match aim requirements (another new feature I didn't talk about). Yeah I can't imagine what more someone would want in a new release for this game.


In other words it reminded me of back in the EWR days, when there were the big 1.0 or 1.1, or 4.2 updates, where the core engine and graphics were exactly the same, but there were tons of major features added.


I cant really consider not 'having to' use game features as major game changing additions.


I guess I will just have to try a new skin and get over the sameness of the graphics in time.

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After completely abandoning my social life for a couple nights, I got about 6 weeks into my first campaign and continued encountering an RTE 3077. Tried dozens of times to work around it and nothing...


And then Patch #6 came out and my obsession continues! As a fan of the game for close to a decade, I can say this may be the version that completely destroys my adult productivity!

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