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TEW2020 Attribute Suggestion Thread

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As highlighted in entry #19 from the journal, this thread is for you to suggest the Attributes that you'd like to see in TEW2020. Quoted below is the list that the game currently uses - this is just what we used to test the system and is not meant to be a full list, so even in the unlikely event that nobody suggests anything you'd still be seeing far more than this in the final product.


Please make sure to read the following simple rules before posting:


1 - Your suggestion should be short and to the point: if you can't sum it up in a couple of sentences then it's probably too complex to be used as an attribute.


2 - There's only so many Attributes that I'll have time to add, so please try and limit your suggestions to things you actually want to see in the game. i.e. This isn't a competition to see how many crazy ideas you can come up with, so please avoid the temptation to spam the thread with a 1000 ideas designed to show off how "creative" you are.


3 - As with the main Suggestions forum, please do not make "+1", "me too", "great idea" posts. Attributes get added on merit, not as a popularity contest.


There's no time limit on this, I'll be adding Attributes right up to release (and probably beyond), so there's no need to rush on making your suggestions.


The current attribute list is:


Category: Performance Attributes


100% Babyface: The worker is a babyface through and through and struggles if asked to be heelish.

Better As Babyface: The worker is a natural babyface but can still play a heel if needed.

Better As Heel: The worker is a natural heel but can still play a babyface if needed.

100% Heel: The worker is a heel through and through and struggles if asked to play a babyface.

Amazing Babyface: The worker is amazing at working the crowd as a babyface and will get performance bonuses when in that role.

Amazing Heel: The worker is amazing at working the crowd as a heel and will get performance bonuses when in that role.

Plays Dominant Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Dominant gimmicks.

Plays Comedy Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Comedy gimmicks.

Plays Swagger Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Swagger gimmicks.

Plays Gimmicky / Cartoonish Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Gimmicky / Cartoonish gimmicks.

Plays Bad Ass Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Bad Ass gimmicks.

Plays Legitimate Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Legitimate gimmicks.

Plays Weasely / Underdog Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Weasely / Underdog gimmicks.

Plays Realistic Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Realistic gimmicks.

Plays Mysterious / Occult Well: The worker gets a bonus when playing Mysterious / Occult gimmicks.

Can't Play Dominant: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Dominant gimmick.

Can't Play Comedy: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Comedy gimmick.

Can't Play Swagger: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Swagger gimmick.

Can't Play Gimmicky / Cartoonish: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Gimmicky / Cartoonish gimmick.

Can't Play Bad Ass: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Bad Ass gimmick.

Can't Play Legitimate: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Legitimate gimmick.

Can't Play Weasely / Underdog: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Weasely / Underdog gimmick.

Can't Play Realistic: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Realistic gimmick.

Can't Play Mysterious / Occult: The worker would be penalised if asked to play a Mysterious / Occult gimmick.

No Comedy Matches: The worker cannot do comedy matches at all and will be heavily penalised if booked in one.

Poor Comedy Matches: The worker is poor at trying to add comedy to matches and will be penalised if booked in one.

Noted Comedy Match Performer: The worker is noted for doing comedy in matches and so gets a small bonus when booked in a comedy-based bout.

Comedy Match Worker: The worker is known for their comedy matches and gets a bonus when booked in a comedy-based bout.

Daredevil: The worker is always willing to take crazy and stunt bumps.

Fearless: The worker is willing to take crazy and stunt bumps, but will be relatively smart about turning them down when they're not appropriate (such as not blowing them on minor show where nobody is watching).

Risk Taker: The worker is willing to take crazy and stunt bumps, but will be very smart about turning them down when they're not appropriate (such as saving them for major shows).

Stuntman: The worker is always willing to take stunt bumps but draws the line at riskier crazy bumps.

No Stunts: The worker never agrees to crazy or stunt bumps.

Deathmatch Wrestler: The worker is always willing to do deathmatches and will additionally never turn down matches due to content or injury concerns.

Will Risk Injury: The worker will never turn down matches due to injury concerns.


Category: Personality Attributes


Professional: The worker is a true pro and always acts as such. Has a mildly positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale effects on them are dampened. Very rarely gets involved in negative backstage incidents. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Quiet: The worker is very quiet and fades into the background. Has no natural impact on the backstage environment, only what comes via their morale. All morale effects on them are greatly dampened. Very rarely gets involved in backstage incidents. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Stalwart: The worker just gets on with the job and doesn't make a fuss. Has a mildly positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale effects on them are greatly dampened. Positive morale effects on them are slightly dampened. Very rarely gets involved in negative backstage incidents. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Relaxed: The worker is very chilled and easy to get on with. Has a major positive natural impact on the backstage environment as long as they do not have negative morale. Negative morale effects on them are slightly dampened. Positive morale effects on them are slightly amplified. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Lively: The worker is a lively, upbeat individual. Has a positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale effects on them are quite dampened. Positive morale effects on them are quite amplified. Has an increased chance of creating positive backstage incidents. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Class Clown: The worker is a fun individual who likes to be the center of attention. Has a positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Has an increased chance of creating positive backstage incidents, but can also go too far or become annoying and can therefore also sometimes create negative backstage altercations. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Party Animal: The worker is a partier and brings an upbeat energy to situations. Has a major positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale effects on them are greatly dampened. Positive morale effects on them are greatly amplified. Has an increased chance of creating positive backstage incidents, but also of being unreliable. Has an increased risk of developing addictions. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

People Person: The worker gets on with absolutely everyone. Has a major positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale effects on them are greatly dampened. Positive morale effects on them are greatly amplified. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Irrepresible: The worker is perpetually in a good mood and impossible not to like. Has a major positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale has no effect on them. Positive morale effects on them are greatly amplified. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Free Spirit: The worker is a free spirit who seems to be on a different planet from everyone else. Has a mild positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Morale has no effect on them. Has an increased chance of being unreliable. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Driven: The worker is extremely focused about having the best career possible. They have no natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale has no effect on them. Has a reduced chance of being involved in backstage interactions and will rarely be unreliable. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Intense: The worker is naturally very tightly wound. Their impact on the backstage environment entirely reflects their morale: the more unhappy they are the greater their negative impact, and the happier they are the greater their positive impact. Has an increased chance of getting into backstage altercations. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Mercenary: The worker is only interested in their own career and making as much money and gaining as much success as possible. Has a mildly negative natural impact on the backstage environment. Morale effects on them are significantly dampened. Financial terms and incentives have a greater impact upon their decisions than normal. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Loner: The worker keeps themselves to themselves. Has a mildly negative natural impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale effects on them are slightly amplified. Positive morale effects on them are dampened. Will rarely become involved in backstage interactions. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Prickly: The worker is a prickly customer who takes offence very easily. Their impact on the backstage environment entirely reflects their morale: if they are unhappy they have a massive negative impact, but if they are happy then they have a positive impact. They have a greatly increased chance of getting into backstage altercations. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Selfish: The worker is self-centred. Has a mildly negative natural impact on the backstage environment. Has an increased chance of generating negative backstage interactions. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Gloomy: It is not difficult to distinguish between this worker and a ray of sunshine. Has a major negative impact on the backstage environment. Negative morale effects on them are greatly amplified. Positive morale effects on them are severely dampened. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Insecure: The worker is notoriously insecure about their position. When they are perceived as a Major Star or Star and has neutral or positive morale they have a mildly positive natural impact on the backstage environment, otherwise they have a mildly negative impact and negative morale effects on them are amplified. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Needy: The worker has a fragile ego. Has no natural impact on the backstage environment whilst they have positive morale, otherwise they have a negative impact which increases the unhappier they are. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Sleazy: The worker is a bit of a sleazeball. Has a negative natural impact on the backstage environment. Has an increased chance of generating negative backstage interactions. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Troublemaker: The worker can't help causing drama. Has a negative natural impact on the backstage environment. Has a greatly increased chance of causing negative backstage interactions. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Agitator: The worker has a tendency to stir up drama. Has a mildly negative natural impact on the backstage environment, but this increases significantly the more unhappy they become. Has an increased chance of generating negative backstage interactions, which increases significantly when unhappy. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Egomaniac: The worker has a huge ego. When perceived as a Major Star or Star they have a positive natural impact on the backstage environment, otherwise they have a negative one (getting worse as they become perceived less.) All morale effects on them are slightly amplified. They have an increased chance of getting into backstage altercations. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Unpredictable: The worker is very mercurial and you never know what to expect. They have no natural impact on the backstage environment. They are liable to get involved in both positive and negative backstage interactions, although it is mostly random as to how often they do so and which direction they take. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Grifter: The worker is a throwback to the carnival days of wrestling and is always up to some sort of scheme. Has no natural impact on the backstage environment unless unhappy, in which case they have a negative impact. Has a slightly increased chance of getting into trouble. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Bully: The worker is a bully, pure and simple. Has a major negative natural impact on the backstage environment which gets worse the higher their perception rating gets. Negative morale effects on them are greatly amplified. Has a greatly increased chance of getting into backstage altercations. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Wild: The worker is a hedonistic wild child. Has a mild positive natural impact on the backstage environment. Has a greatly increased chance of being unreliable. Has a greatly increased risk of developing addictions and problems with the law. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Scumbag: The worker is a total scumbag whose behaviour is often awful. Has a major negative natural impact on the backstage environment. They have a greatly increased chance of getting into backstage altercations. If put in a position of absolute power, such as becoming an owner, they are likely to abuse it. (NB: This is a specific personality; each worker can only have one.)

Highly Moral: The worker is a very moral person and will therefore refuse to sign for companies that present an overly risque product, will refuse to take part in overly risque matches or angles, and will not engage is underhanded behaviour like using dirty tricks when acting as an owner.

Unfaithful: The worker has an increased chance of being unfaithful in relationships.

Creative Dynamo: The worker is extraordinarily creative and is far more likely to come up with new spots, gimmick ideas, etc, than normal.

Very Creative: The worker is very creative and is more likely to come up with new spots, gimmick ideas, etc, than normal.

Creative: The worker is pretty creative and is slightly more likely to come up with new spots, gimmick ideas, etc, than normal.

Chequered Past: The worker used to be in trouble with the authorities a lot but is now reformed. The worker will not get into trouble with law enforcement agencies in the future.

Often In Trouble: Slightly increases the worker's potential for getting into trouble with law enforcement agencies.

Most Wanted: The worker regularly gets into trouble with the authorities. Heavily increases the worker's potential for getting into trouble with law enforcement agencies.


Category: Addiction Attributes


Former Smoker: Slightly reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Increases the chance of the worker relapsing.

Smoker: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Has a mild negative impact on the worker's physical skills over time.

Heavy Smoker: Heavily reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Has a negative impact on the worker's physical skills over time.

Former Drinker: Slightly reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Increases the chance of the worker relapsing.

Drinker: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Has a negative impact on the worker's ability to stay in shape. Slightly increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues. Has a negative impact on the worker's physical skills over time.

Heavy Drinker: Heavily reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Has a major negative impact on the worker's ability to stay in shape. Increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues. Has a major negative impact on the worker's physical skills over time.

Former Soft Drug User: Increases the chance of the worker relapsing.

Soft Drug User: Slightly increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues.

Heavy Soft Drug User: Increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues.

Former Hard Drug User: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Increases the chance of the worker relapsing.

Hard Drug User: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Has a negative impact on the worker's ability to stay in shape. Increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues. Has a negative impact on the worker's in-ring performance. Has a negative impact on the worker's physical skills over time.

Heavy Hard Drug User: Heavily reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Has a major negative impact on the worker's ability to stay in shape. Heavily increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues. Has a major negative impact on the worker's in-ring performance. Has a major negative impact on the worker's physical skills over time.

Former Steroid User: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. If a worker comes off steroids during gameplay, there will also be short term effects such as potential weight loss and decreases in physical ability.

Steroid User: Has a positive impact on the worker's ability to improve their physical abilities. Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Slightly increases the worker's injury risk.

Heavy Steroid User: Has a major positive impact on the worker's ability to improve their physical abilities. Heavily reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Increases the worker's injury risk.

Former Pain Killer Abuser: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Increases the chance of the worker relapsing.

Pain Killer Abuser: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Slightly increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues.

Heavy Pain Killer Abuser: Reduces the worker's potential lifespan. Increases the chance of the worker developing behaviour issues. Has a negative impact on the worker's physical skills over time.

Straight Edge: The worker will not develop smoking, drinking, drug, or steroid issues.


Category: Misc. Attributes


Movie Star: This worker will occasionally accept acting jobs on large scale movies and will be away from wrestling for a lengthy period of time. Will be eligible for some popularity boosts.

TV Actor: The worker will occasionally accept acting jobs on TV shows and will be away from wrestling for a short period of time. Will be eligible for some minor popularity boosts.

Famous Musician: The worker will regularly go on tour with his or her band and will not accept wrestling bookings during this time.

Musician: This worker will occasionally go on tour with his or her band and will not accept wrestling bookings during this time.

MMA Fighter: This worker will accept occasional MMA fights until they become too old or physically broken to do so. Will be eligible for some popularity boosts.

Former MMA Fighter: The fighter will not longer accept MMA fights and will not become active in the sport again.

Natural Trainer: The worker is naturally gifted at training and will almost certainly run his own dojo after retirement.

Desperado: Unless forced to through injury, the worker will not retire until he is very old.

Heavy Social Media User: The worker has an increased chance of being involved in social media based stories and events.

Shuns Social Media: The worker does not use social media and so will not be involved in stories or events that are based around it.

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<p>2 immediately come to mind </p><p> </p><p>

Injury prone - worker is more likely to get injured. Like Ahmed Johnson in 96-97 dude would have a good month or 3 then get injured for 5-8. </p><p> </p><p>

Play through the pain - worker that gets an injury that he can work through their matches don’t suffer so much of a penalty</p>

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<p>Tag Team Enthusiast - Bonus when in tag team matches</p><p>

Every Man For himself - Penalty when put in tag team matches</p><p>

Keen Mentor - Bonus when tag teaming with someone with significantly less experience than themselves. </p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Maybe they build tag team experience faster, instead of getting extra bonuses. </p><p> </p><p>

Unselfish Worker - A worker who sees someone lower down the card and busts his ass to make them look better than they are. Boost's opponent's performance when that opponent has less experience than them.</p><p>

Selfish Worker - A worker who sees someone lower down the card and eats them up to make himself look better. Penalty to opponent's performance when that opponent has less experience than them.</p>

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<p>Controversial - Worker will frequently get themself into the news both positively and negatively to try and be relevant.</p><p>

Social Media Expert - Worker will frequently use social media to keep himself positively relevant.</p><p>

Social Media Failure - Worker will frequently get loose lipped and say something terrible on social media creating negative backlash.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="guyver3" data-cite="guyver3" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47002" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Injury prone - worker is more likely to get injured. Like Ahmed Johnson in 96-97 dude would have a good month or 3 then get injured for 5-8. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That is what the existing Resilience stat does.</p>
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<p>My suggestions based on my time on a real promotion. Feel free to take whatever you like and alter it </p><p> </p><p>

Old Soul - This worker is more likely to bond with other Old Souls and disapprove of Youngbloods. </p><p>

Old Sould enjoy a boost to psychology but receive a penalty to flashiness and aerial. </p><p> </p><p>

Youngblood - This worker is more likely to bond with other youngbloods and disapprove of Old Souls. </p><p>

Youngbloods enjoy a boost to aerial and flashiness but receive a penalty to psychology. </p><p> </p><p>

Company Man - This worker is more likely to be liked by their promotion's leadership which may lead to a better push. </p><p>

They are not well liked by the rebels and will usually have negative events with them. </p><p> </p><p>

Rebel - This worker will speak out against the leadership to their own detriment. </p><p>

Is well liked by the rebels but disliked by the leadership and company men. </p><p> </p><p>

Liberal - This worker's political views make them more likely to have a negative relationship with conservatives. </p><p> </p><p>

Conservative - This worker's political views make them more likely to have a negative relationship with liberals. </p><p> </p><p>

Golddigger - This worker is much more likely to pursue romance with a well established worker who makes a lot of money. </p><p> </p><p>

Fan - This worker is still a fan of professional wrestling so will be very happy to do whatever is asked of them (maybe even for free) but will also probably bug the more established wrestlers. </p><p>

After a year of employment they cease to be fans.</p><p> </p><p>

I understand why one might not want the last one but I've seen it happen so.. </p><p> </p><p>

Racist - This worker is likely to dislike workers that are not their own race and might complain if asked to put them over.</p>

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<p>Spotlight burns brightest: Worker gets a positive bonus when in the main event.</p><p>

Under Pressure: Worker gets a negative bonus when in the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

I like them THICC: Worker gets a bonus in matches against larger workers than himself.</p><p>

Keep them light as a feather: Worker gets a bonus when working against workers smaller than himself.</p><p> </p><p>

I know the above ones are already in the game. But a more clearly defined explanation would be nice.</p><p> </p><p>

I think any stat should have an attribute that makes them grow faster at it.</p><p>

Like,</p><p> </p><p>

Gym Rat: Worker naturally gains the power stat faster than others.</p><p>

Kid, you're gonna be a star!: Worker gains the star power stat faster than others.</p><p> </p><p>

or the exact opposite of those.</p><p> </p><p>

Pencil neck geek: Worker is adverse to gaining the power stat.</p><p>

You shine like an old rusty penny: Worker is adverse to gaining the star quality stat.</p>

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<p><strong>Crossover Star</strong> - The worker is a name in another sphere of entertainment (music, movies, sports, radio, etc.). Ratings get a slight bump when they appear on the card.</p><p>

<strong>Diva</strong> - The worker wants to be treated like the star that they believe that they are. More likely to get involved with negative backstage incidents over petty things. Improved morale when rated as a top-5 in some category for the company.</p>

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<p><strong>Wise Mentor</strong> - Worker is more likely to have many proteges</p><p>

<strong>No Script Needed</strong> - Workers' promos receive a boost when able to go off script</p><p>

<strong>Money Talks</strong> - No matter how small the promotion, this worker looks for the biggest payday</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dourvas" data-cite="Dourvas" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47002" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> I understand why one might not want the last one but I've seen it happen so.. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Racist</strong> - This worker is likely to dislike workers that are not their own race and might complain if asked to put them over.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Too add onto this...</p><p> <strong>Xenophobic</strong> - This worker is likely to dislike workers from a different country and might complain if asked to put them over</p><p> <strong>Gender Seperist</strong> - This worker is likely to dislike facing workers from the opposite sex and will complain if asked to face them</p><p> <strong>(Not sure what the actual term is, but...)</strong> - This worker is likely to dislike workers with a different sexual orientation than themselves and might complain if asked to put them over</p><p> </p><p> That would probably really enhance the experience of historical mods and be a possible factor in the Game World or Era infos.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hometown Hero</strong> - Worker does not like to lose in-front of his "Based In" crowd, unless it is against a fellow Hometown Worker</p><p> <strong>Country Man</strong> - Worker will only sign exclusive/permanent contracts within his home country</p><p> <strong>Sacrifice for the Future</strong> - Worker will sign slightly under his worth until reaching his maturity age. Will dislike not being booked if available</p><p> <strong>The Hot Tag</strong> - In Tag-Team matches the worker's performance is slightly less damped when having "Limited Involvement"</p>
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<p><strong>Homebody</strong> - less likely to become and/or stay active in areas different than current home location</p><p>

<strong>World traveler</strong> - more likely to become and/or stay active in new areas different than current home location</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Has deep roots</strong> - less likely to relocate</p><p>

<strong>Goes where the work is</strong> - more likely to relocate</p><p> </p><p>

The next two try to recreate the "play up to/play down to opponent" that some seem to have. </p><p>

<strong>Can't carry</strong> - receives penalties to skills <or maybe just psych?> when going against less skilled wrestlers</p><p>

<strong>Can be carried</strong> - receives bonus to skills <or maybe just psych?> when going against more skilled wrestlers</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fades under the lights</strong> - receives penalties for live events, both wrestling and promos</p><p>

<strong>Strives under the lights</strong> - receives penalties for pre-taped segments, both wrestling and promos</p>

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<p><strong>Stuck in the Glory Days</strong> – This worker once reached a high Popularity level, and will now always ask for the same kind of money they made back then, regardless of their current actual value.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Big Fish in a Small Pond</strong> – This worker would rather remain a star of the independent scene than become just another midcarder in a big company. If they already work at main event level for a Cult/National level company, they will always turn down offers from International/Global companies unless they can be sure they'll be a main eventer there.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Miracle Recovery</strong> - This worker retired years ago following a severe injury, but is now cleared to wrestle again.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Feel the GLOW</strong> - This male promoter will only start/work for all-femalecompanies</p>

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<p><strong>Big Match Performer:</strong> modifier based on match position and event level</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Blinded by the lights:</strong> opposite of above</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kayfabe Champ:</strong> Takes the role of "champion" very seriously, adding bonuses to championship bouts</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>That Doesn't Work for Me:</strong> worker is less likely to put over others without significant protection</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Classic Ribber:</strong> Worker is more likely to rib others, almost always resulting in positive results (think Owen Hart)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Notorious Ribber:</strong> Worker is more likely to rib other, almost always causing negative results (think Waltman, Nasty Boys)</p>

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<p><strong>Know It All:</strong> Thinks they know the business, and can have negative backstage incidents with other workers resulting from running their mouth, and can form negative relationships with workers they have never met or worked with when spouting their views in dirt sheets/social media (depending on the era).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fountain of Misinformation:</strong> Will stir the pot with lies, rumors, exaggerations, and/or half truths, often to the point that other workers will either have negative incidents and/or form negative relationships with road agents, owners and/or bookers. Can also form negative relationships and/or have backstage incidents with other workers who don't believe their nonsense.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Two-Faced:</strong> Nice to people in face-to-face situations, but will run them down behind their backs. Will often tell owners/bookers that another worker, regardless of ability, is not a good worker or lacks star quality, etc.</p>

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<p>Globetrotter - This worker loves to work in new areas and is easier to bring over than others</p><p>

Home Sweet Home - This worker is more comfortable staying home and is more difficult to bring over to new game areas</p><p> </p><p>

Shooter - This worker is more likely to get into fights backstage or take things too far in the ring. Depending on the rest of their personality this can either be a good trait(stepping up to bad influences in the locker room) or a bad one(starting fights for no reason, intentionally injuring people or trying to in matches)</p><p> </p><p>

You're Gonna Go Far Kid - From either coming from a wrestling family, coming from a really good trainer, or just being smart and naturally picking up the business, this worker learns and grows</p>

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<p><strong>Impressive Finish</strong> - Gets a performance bonus in any match where he hits his finisher.</p><p> </p><p>

I like this idea because there are a lot of wrestlers who got over in a large part due to their finisher, or at least wouldn't be as good without it. Imagine DDP without the Diamond Cutter. His finisher was a part of his appeal.</p>

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<p><strong>Spiteful</strong> - This worker is less likely to reconcile negative relationships</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Forgive and Forget</strong> - This worker is more open to ending negative relationships</p>

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<p>Promiscuous- more likely to have good friendships with lots of people from the other sex. But has more fallouts and more likely to break up a marriage. Also more likely to get work. (The overall locker room morale could be higher, but their relationships with other workers may make it worse)</p><p> </p><p>

Legitimate big guy - these people are really huge and dont need star quality to cap their popularity. </p><p> </p><p>

Outsider - people who are not wrestlers but known outside the business and keep their popularity regardless of what happens in the ring.</p>

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<p>Just sharing a few of my old ones from the <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=542651" rel="external nofollow">earlier attribute thread</a> - I'm not sure if it was ever actually studied previously so I figured I'd link it so people can bring suggestions from there into here.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Weekend Warrior</strong> - This worker will absolutely not care the level of show they're on and work just as hard in front of 50 as they will 50,000. (I think the opposite of this where they specifically go hard on big stages was already suggested.)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Red Light Champion</strong> - This wrestler will give it their all on televised shows, but hold back if the cameras aren't rolling.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

These effect owners and bookers:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Expansion Hungry:</strong> Will ferociously seek to expand into other markets, perhaps to the point of going too fast and making rash decisions.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Comfort Zone:</strong> Fearing overexertion, this is the classic owner who settles into a home region and rarely if ever attempts to go beyond it.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ally:</strong> Philosophically in favor of Alliances, will be more likely to join existing alliances and potentially start new ones.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Individual:</strong> Naturally opposed to Alliances, determined to reject any invites and will never start a new one.</p>

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<p>A few related to relationships:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Co-Dependent</strong> This worker has a positive effect when there are people with positive relationships to them in the same company, but if they're alone in the company they can have a negative effect on the locker room. Very willing to ask to bring friends into the company, and if you fire one of their friends, they're almost certain to leave alongside them. Has benefits when working with friends in matches or as a tag team performer. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Leader:</strong> This worker is more likely to form backstage cliques, but the group will have an effect based on their more distinct personality.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Follower:</strong> This worker is more likely to fall in line behind an alpha dog. Gets benefits when working with a more skilled worker, but also can be more likely to get negative incidents if they fall in with a bad influence.</p>

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<p>Sorry if it had been suggested already, although I don't think those were: </p><p> </p><p>

For Performance attributes:</p><p>

- <strong>Oscar worthy</strong>: this worker is able to make any subtle gimmick work, and will lower/cancel the penalties for having subtle gimmick in companies where the fans wouldn't react well to them.</p><p>

- <strong>Master of all trades</strong>: this worker will always start with at least a neutral rating for any new gimmick thanks to his understanding of acting. </p><p>

- <strong>I... uhm...</strong>: This worker has difficulty getting into a new gimmick and will always start with negative ratings for any gimmick change. However gets a boost when in a company that doesn't need gimmicks. </p><p> </p><p>

For Personalities:</p><p>

- <strong>Mother Hen</strong>: This worker tends to protect his friends and family, resulting in negative impact on the locker room morale if said friends and family aren't happy. Increased change of negative backstage interactions and relationships with people who have a bad relationship with said friends and family.</p><p>

- <strong>Prude</strong>: This worker is unlikely to sign in any company with a T&A level other than None. Is also unlikely to ever get involved in any sex-related scandal (the prostitute thing, cheating on partner, etc).</p><p>

- Not sure how to name this one without being crude, but a personality for workers who aren't "shy" when it comes to sex. Higher chances of good relationships with other workers with a similar personality, and of negative relationships with Prude ones. Maybe also a bonus for working in high T&A levels companies ?</p><p> </p><p>

And finally, for the Addiction and Misc. attributes:</p><p>

- <strong>Teetotaler</strong>: This worker will not develop a drinking addiction, but can develop the other issues.</p><p>

- <strong>Gambling addict</strong>: I don't think I need to develop this one. Also the Former and Heavy versions, just like for the other addictions ? (Not sure if it's a possibility to add more addictions than those already there)</p><p>

- <strong>Stunt Double</strong>: This worker will sometimes accept jobs as a stunt double/small role and will leave for a week at most. No popularity boost, but maybe it could result in them turning into TV Actor and/or Movie Star later ? (cf Lino Ventura who went from "Mafia Guy n°3" to one of the biggest star in French movies while starting as a wrestler)</p><p>

- <strong>Model</strong>: This worker will accept photoshoots and get a popularity boost. I suppose this one should be limited to high Sex Appeal worker.</p>

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