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2020 Workers You Want To Watch

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So with 2020 looming, there are lots of workers that are destined to have changes in the career. Are there workers that you are most interested in following?


For me it is:


Riley McManus. Anybody who read my diary The Climb while it was active (or is going through to read it now, I guess) will notice that I built the company around Riley. He became one of my favorite characters in the CVerse through that diary and now I'm really curious to see where he is in 2020. In The Climb, by 2020 he was a firmly established singles star in RMW/CWL and was who the company was built around. I'm hoping to see him get some sort of love in 2020.


Logan Wolfsbaine (Diaz). I've got a soft spot for Logan. Much like Riley, he became a guy I mega-pushed in The Climb, though I also tend to push him in every game I've played in 16. I just like the Diaz family and I think he's got a world of potential. He starts '16 on PSW's roster and is often cut in one of the first couple of months. I'm curious to see how he has developed. Did he follow in his uncle's footsteps into Japan? Has he become a star state-side?


James Diaz. I tend to always pair him with either his father or his cousin. I try to build him up into something because I love the Diaz family -- three big asskickers -- what's not to love? He'll be fairly young and only a couple of years into his career. Will he have headed East with his father? Will he be somewhere in America where his father's connections could have gotten him a job?


What about you all?

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I'm curious to see if any of the mega prospects from the last few years finally break through and where they end up. Specifically I'm thinking Spencer Spade, El Mitico Jr., Mr. Lucha III, Razan Okomato (I forget his exact last name), etc.


Also, curious to see if some of those on the cusp guys break through to super stardom (Valiant, Cam Vessey, Ugaki and Kozue in PGHW, etc).


The other thing I'm super curious about is Burning Hammer's heavyweight scene. It was getting rather long in the tooth. Will the promotion totally embrace their Juniors to main event? Will they do away with the hard weight class rule? By 2020 it should be guys like Sensational Dragon and Elemental III etc. ruling the roost.

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That is an interesting question. Let's see...


Blue Phantom & El Mitico Jr: Two spectacular workers I almost always pick up when playing as a lucha libre promotin. On one hand, I'm hoping they hit the bigtime in SOTBPW, on the other, I want to see them do something different than just sign up with the local behemoth.


Funakoshi, Bunrakuken Torii, Blast Ikoma & Yoshinaka Taku: I love BCG and these four have been my go-to guys. Funakoshi is the better worker in a perf>pop company but seems to lack the figurehead qualities, Torii is probably the most balanced guy but always seems to have terrible chemistry with all the top guys in my saves, Ikoma likewise always seems to cave under pressure and Taku is the next big thing I'm hoping to see rise up the ranks. 2020 BCG should be very, very interesting.


Motoyuki Miyake, Gidayu Katou & Eikichi Itou: On a similar note, these are three of the finest young lion free agents and I'm wondering where they'll end up in 2020.


Hitomaro Suzuki & Morimasa Kato: My two favourite free agents in Japan and two men blackballed for their MMA-esque past.


Busta Capp, Cali Slick & Fro Sure: GSW and Voeltzwagon's GSW diaries made me pull the trigger and grab TEW, if that's an indication of how much I love the GSW gimmick. Fro always seems to move onto CZCW or greater, Slick is another star in the making but I'm most curious about Bust Capp. He seems to have hit a glass ceiling due to age and skill, so at best I can see him being either GSW's face/gatekeeper after Fro and/or Slick are gone, or jumping ship to IPW.


Byron & Jeff Nova: Ring of Fire was the first promotion I was able to book to a profit in TEW05, so catching up with CVerse canon I was gutted to find out about Nova's 21CW takeover. Also, I'm interested to see how 21CW fares on an International level or whether their monopoly on the UK scene will end. Byron is just Byron, I hate him with the burning passion of a supernova.


Claire Winters, Laura Flame & Eri Sato: Three young and highly promising ladies. Interested to see where they end up.


Mutant: I always seem to pick this guy up in my saves, no matter how different the save itself is in terms of company product or location.


Jester & Magwitch: My favourite psycho clowns. Jester was cut from ZEN and Magwitch's attitude means he's probably on borrowed time (again).


Lenny Mochin: Back in TEW05 as ROF, I'd always sign Simon Flemmingway (a.k.a. Flemmy Lemming). Now he's with a major promotion in Japan and Mochin's taken his spot in my heart. Curious if he'll also go to Japan or head towards UEW. Hey, maybe he'll hook up with Menace :rolleyes:


Lucas Danger: I mean, will he even be alive come 2020?

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Ricky DeColt and Edd Stone. I always check out the Canadian scene first, in the hopes of some interesting developments, and there two should be at their primes in 2020. I love the DeColt Family, and Ricky may be the only one left at this point (Jack's probably holding on. Barely). While I don't enjoy the Stones so much, Edd was a star in most of my diary projects, and I'm surprised he's lasted in TCW for as long as he has.


From there, it's just everyone in ACPW and CGC I'll be looking up. Plus Canadian Crusher and Phillipe LaGrenier. How are they not huge stars yet?

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Austin Smooth,Seth Whitehead, El Mitico Jr., Brady Prince is one of my favorites in all of the Cverse for some reason so in my own modified version of it he's worked for most of the smaller promotions in American since SCCW shut down, Shane Sneer, Marc Dubois and Mario Heroic, and Jesse Christian.
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<p>Marc DuBois.</p><p>

Wait wait, hear me out.</p><p> </p><p>

I think out of all the on hiatus workers, he's the most likely to return, and become clean too.</p><p>

I almost always have him return around 2018 clean as a whistle after he found religion to save himself (and rehab, but that's not a great narrative).</p><p>

He returns fit, clean, and not as much of a backstage cancer cell, signs with CGC and helps them get back to challenge NOTBPW for the top spot.</p>

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<p>So I have been meaning to post something similar to this for quite awhile, but realised it is me talking about Australian guys not many people care about. I am glad this was posted.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lothar Prellinger - </strong> He has such a unique looking character, can only grow more as a mat technician and refine his skills in the ring. I would love to see him picked up by ZEN and thrive. Hopefully by 2020 he is strongly set in the midcard for ZEN. His quirky look could go elsewhere, but I hope he finds his home in ZEN. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly - </strong> It is time he is established as the future. He needs to be champion in 2020. Either the Master at ZEN, Commonwealth at APW, or TV Champion at RAW. Damian will be a major champion in a minor company, or the hottest new talent at RAW.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kalliope Woodchuck -</strong>Four years is a long time, and she should either be near the ZEN Main Event scene, a multiple time ZEN Conceptual champion or be a big signing on RAW. She is the pioneer of Australian Womens wrestling, and I fully expect there to be a boom. Maybe not one with enough women for an entire company, but certainly 8 or 9 women. She should be treated as the biggest deal. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Riley McManus</strong> - In part due to Historians diary and my own company where he was champion for 2 years and carried the company before succumbing to injury. I am excited and invested in his future. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adgee Cross - </strong> He is a nothing guy, not a unique look, nor a charistmatic person. He has been in the business for 8 years but is still so young, would love to see him get afforded the chance and wind up in a company. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barney Mason -</strong> I have hated him since the start, maybe because he is nothing spectacular in the ring or he just looks like a smug guy who burst into APW when I lost a lot of dudes I loved there. Either way I hope he is in the unemployment line come 2020. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Devilfish/Lone Shark -</strong> I don't care how, but I want to see these guys reunite. Either on APW or ZEN. Hell sign them both to RAW as a part of a "Tag-Team" shake up. But I want them to be in a blood feud due to Lone Shark leaving Devilfish. That or go through a tear in Europe or Asia as a tag-team.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pookie Possum - </strong>He needs a name change, and I hope he changes it to COLT which is what is inked on his face. I hope a reinvention with a name change, and his talent improving as he gets to 30 that he can make himself a household name. I hated him for the longest time (I think it was just the name I hated), but it would be a nice redemption for him to make it to RAW, and officially the big time. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lone Rider - </strong>HE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! His father is a legend in his own right, and can't have his legacy die such a shameful death. The Original Lone Rider has to pull some strings. Get his son in DIW (If it exists), APW, or RAW. Lone Rider has to be positioned as a second generation (The only second generation Aussie I can think of.) that is prime to hold up his fathers mantle, or at least keep it running until a new rookie can take it over. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Boo Smithson -</strong> I hope he is on RAW. I know he lacks the charismatic prowess, but he would be perfect to be a trainer in a RAW feeder company or dojo. Just jumps to RAW and gets a vanity run with their TV Title to sort of establish himself and give him a bit of a higher reputation as a future trainer/road agent. Though Harry Simonson could easily fill a spot like this as a statesman of the industry. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War -</strong> Another Dynasty love of mine. This guy will be primed to burst through the proverbial glass ceiling and become a major player in ZEN or elsewhere. I think a heel turn is on the cards for this guy to push him into a feud at the top of the card. The "Gold Standard" is ready for his coronation.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nathan McKenzie/Tombstone - </strong> These two guys are very much the exact same for me. Both the top guys in their promotion, both quite young. These guys aren't going to sit on their hands in APW and DIW (If it exists) respectively. I think either guy goes to RAW or even overseas. While RAW is stacked with big menacing guys, I feel like they will lose some overseas and these two with Damian Dastardly can act as big acquisitions for the company to make up for their losses.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pumpkin Jack - </strong>It was so hard not to put him up there with McKenzie and Tombstone, but I think he will stick with ZEN and either become loyal or follow so many other ZEN alumni and branch across to the land of the rising son. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Blithe/Lorenzo Olivero/Surfer Dude Lucas/Gareth Case/Buckminster Snark/Eraser</strong> - A bunch of young guys who have their careers ahead of them and can hopefully make an impact. A couple of them (Lorenzo) could also do with updated pictures so keen to see how these young guys turn out. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Flip/Bounce Buchanan </strong> - Twin brothers who look like punching bags. These guys will have debuted and can be a perfect jobber team. I am excited to see if they get picked up early into their careers for a company or not. </p><p> </p><p>

Then so many other not yet debuted guys like Banky Bemner, Lance Maddigan, The Gladiator and of course the future biggest name in the industry JT Ace. It will be interesting to see where all those guys go. (JT Ace is going to RAW, he looks like money and doesn't need inring talent to survive)</p>

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Marc DuBois.

Wait wait, hear me out.


I think out of all the on hiatus workers, he's the most likely to return, and become clean too.

I almost always have him return around 2018 clean as a whistle after he found religion to save himself (and rehab, but that's not a great narrative).

He returns fit, clean, and not as much of a backstage cancer cell, signs with CGC and helps them get back to challenge NOTBPW for the top spot.


Yeah I like to do similar narratives with him as well, as I push him as much as humanly possible.

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The Silencer! He could be a big name for either SWF or USPW, I'd be very disappointed if he's still unemployed.


Doctor Michael O'Haire too, perfect guy for cartoony lucha company


Silencer always gets picked up by SWF in my games, and I can't figure it out. I guess there's just something about him that matches their product?

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<p>Tad bit off topic here, but it is sort of related.</p><p> </p><p>

I wonder if Adam is going to retconn some of the workers like he did in, I want to say TEW2013. It makes sense because people still feel connected to a lot of the older workers and it means he lessens his workload because he does not have to create as many new workers (He is already going to have to create a lot with India in the mix now). With a four year gap a lot of the old guard of workers should have retired. I would not be shocked to see Jack Bruce have a few years shaved off his age.</p><p> </p><p>

Those older workers would be the ones I would look out for in the new game. Mainly to see if they magically become younger.</p>

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<p>Bob Casey: Dude has been the ace of my training fed games since I started playing that way in 08. But the guy's going to be 44 when the new game starts. As such, he probably ought to be a road agent a la Curt O'Malley. That's the role I was always training him for in those epic battles with Ted Brady. As Bob's biggest mark I really want the best for him. No need for him to drag his in ring career on forever since he lacks drawing power outside of my world to start with.</p><p> </p><p>

Ben Williams: Seems like the most likely guy to step up into Casey's role in my world should Bob retire to agency. But given how well rounded Ben is both in ring and on the mic, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody grabbed him as a jobber or lower mid. Dude can act virtually any part and I'd like to think somebody will want that on their roster.</p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Honeyman: His Midnight Rider act as Buzzy The Bee was probably the best character bit I had during my TEW16 play. Which has caused me to be quite the mark for him as a character. Guy's probably never going to be as good an actor as Casey or Williams. But the guy's been fun to play around with. Will likely be a key piece for me going forward if a bigger fed doesn't see the jobber potential in this steady Eddie.</p>

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