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There are so many moments that come to mind, being a wrestling fan since 97-98.


HBK-Austin was one of the first matches I saw, Undertaker's entrance at WM14 also took my breath away.


BUT the match that actually got me into wrestling was HBK-Bret's Ironman match at WM12. HBK's entrance, being a young fan at that time, instantly made him my favorite. The drama behind every move and the storytelling was amazing and to me this match doesn't really get the credit I think it deserves.

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DISCLAIMER - I do not want to be entered into the Giveaway. I'm financially secure and in this uncertain time with a lot of people hurting for employment and financially, I'd rather one of them be able to win the give away than myself (but I love the fact that you're doing the give away), but I love the giveaway idea and I want to participate in the memory swap.


My earliest memory in life, actually, is from Wrestlemania 8. I was there live and to this day I can remember Macho Man pulling down Ric Flair's trunks and seeing Naitch's bare ass. Little kid me thought that was absolutely hysterical and it still holds a special spot for me for that.

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This is a very kind thread, Bonafide. Good on ya.


My favourite wrestling moment was CM Punk beating Cena at Money In The Bank after the Pipe Bomb promo. Was the first time since my childhood that I’d cheered on a wrestler as if the outcome was real!

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I really hate to do this, but ...


... my favorite moment in wrestling was standing behind the curtain, wearing dress shirt, dress pants, tie and dress shoes, hearing my first client's (Addy Starr) music hit, and walking out for the very first time as "SuperAgent" Adam Douglas in Ontario Championship Wrestling. Heeling it up for the crowd, getting them all riled up. It was like nothing else.

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Really nice of you to do!


My favourite wrestling moment would have to be from just a few years ago, when Seth Rollins cashed in his Money in the Bank contract in the middle of Lesnar vs. Reigns at WrestleMania 31. Nowadays we don't get as many legitimate surprises as we did back in the day, but I don't think anyone saw that coming and it was such an awesome finish to what I personally believe is one of the best Mania main events of all time.


Speaking of - Happy WrestleMania weekend!

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Another disclaimer: I would also not like to enter the giveaway, and would rather see it go to someone else :)


I'm really bad at picking one particular moment, and I get the feeling that one day it'll sneak up on me and I'll think, "Well, of course it was that all along!" but until then, all I've got are lots of little favourite moments:


- Evolution standing tall at Armageddon

- Batista turning on HHH and eventually beating him at WrestleMania

- Kurt Angle jumping to SmackDown and winning the World Heavyweight title

- Edge cashing in at New Year's Revolution

- RVD beating John Cena at One Night Stand

- (I stopped watching wrestling in 2007 and didn't come back until 2013, so I want to put the Pipebomb, and Punk v Cena at Money in the Bank here in retrospect, which feels a little wrong)

- Daniel Bryan winning at WM30

- Sami Zayn winning the NXT title against Adrian Neville, and then being attacked by Kevin Owens

- Roman Reigns v Brock Lesnar, and Seth Rollins cash-in at WM31

- NXT Takeover: London, just 'cause I got to be there for it

- DIY, and then all of Johnny Gargano v Tomasso Ciampa

- a personal bonus: most of SummerSlam 2019, again just 'cause I was lucky enough to be there for it

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It has to be All In for me. I'm someone who watched PWG since Human Tornado was champion so seeing Excalibur call a nationally televised PPV was amazing. I think it's easy to forget but I remember when PWG on its really high run in 2012/2013, I would tell people about how great of a commentator he was and people didn't 't believe it. There was a time in wrestling where a large portion of people in the know despised Excalibur and now he's probably the second-best commentator in the sport next to Kevin Kelly.



It wasn't just a big moment for Excalibur though, It was also a huge moment for indie wrestling as a whole. I started watching wrestling in 1998 and I was around for the dark period of the WWE in the late-2000s/Late-2010s. The only saving grace that the company had back then was Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. Two guys who had crafted themselves in ROH and IWA: MS.


And it's good today to see a lot of indy guys get chances in the WWE but with AEW and All In, It's just different. It feels more authentic then what the WWE is.


Honestly, before All In and AEW started I almost left the sport. Despite my love of NJPW, I had honestly lost a lot of my passion for the industry but AEW reignited a lot of old feelings from my childhood at All In and then Double Or Nothing.


I understand there's a lot of people who don't love AEW but to me, it's like a childhood wish come true. I grew up with guys like Chuck Taylor, like Kenny Omega, like Christopher Daniels, Like Colt Cabana and Jack Evans.

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Jericho winning the world title on raw against HHH.


Probably the match where I was most invested in the outcome and one of those out of nowhere moments that made Raw freaking awesome back in the day.


Everything about the build to making it a spontaneous title match with Jericho shining on the mike, the apa reveal, Shane getting run out, the Earl Hebner / Triple H build and altercation culminating in the fast count that saw Jericho win the title as the crowd went crazy for it.


While Austin & Rock always get the plaudits to me this is the one moment that showcases what the attitude era was about at its finest.

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I don’t necessarily want to win, I’m happy to buy it, but I still like this thread and want to share.


It’s a toss up for me. The close runner up has to be Buddy Murphy winning the Cruiserweight championship in Australia. Maybe not as iconic (Lol) as some other moments but as an Australian, it was nice to finally see an Aussie break out and be recognised. The fact I was there to experience it made it oh so sweeter.


However, it HAS to be the 2010 Royal Rumble, when Edge returned and won. Massive Edge fan, massive Rumble fan. So combining the two. Ooft, I don’t think I’ve ever marked out like that, before or since.

(Edge’s return this year was predicted and spoiled for me so kinda dampened that for me. Should just stay off the internet hey?)

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Since... I wanna say late 1991, Bret Hart had become my favorite wrestler. I was hooked after I saw the SummerSlam match with Mr. Perfect on VHS and wanted to be just like him. Then, almost a year later, on a random episode of Prime Time Wrestling... Mean Gene announces his guest as the new WWF Champion and I heard his music and I just marked the **** out in my living room.
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My fave wresting moment was the undoubted the start of D-X the one after wrestlemania 14 when x-pac (123 kid / syxx) showed up on raw...then the new age outlaws joining... started watching wwf/e from then on as before that I was all WCW.. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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For me, it was around 2007 when more and more wrestling started showing up online. I was able to get my hands on a copy of the 1989 Saturday Night's Main Event from October. It had Hogan v Dibiase, Snuka v Savage, Tito v Martel... the best part was reliving this as it was my earliest childhood wrestling memory. I remember having it on recorded VHS and being able to go back and see it was one of the coolest and greatest memories of my wrestling fandom.
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<p>This is a pretty cool thing you're doing bubba. I'd love to enter.</p><p> </p><p>

My favourite moment of all time that to this day still brings goosebumps is Mankind winning the title from The Rock. Not the pinfall, the moments before with Shamrock getting in the ring, and Billy Gunn wrecking him which led to the huge bowl between DX and the Corporation. Then with Mankind and Rock in the ring... "Glass Shatters"... The pop is insane. Austin hits the ring. Nails Rock with the chair, pulls Mankind on top, and boom, we've got a new champion. </p><p> </p><p>

Every single person in that angle was in the exact right place, and played their role perfectly. #1 RAW moment for me beating out Jerichos debut pop by a minuscule amount.</p>

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<p>Mine's a bit unusual but bear with me -

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gVWnW2fk3as?start=360&feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Raven TNA Debut January 22, 2003"></iframe></div></div>.<p> </p><p>

In isolation, it's not that big a deal. It was a bog-standard run-in, he's talented but has never been a real star and it never led to anything truly great.</p><p> </p><p>

However:</p><p> </p><p>

1) It was the very first TNA PPV I'd watched live. I'd followed the company from day one, but the PPVs had not been available in my country until this one. </p><p> </p><p>

2) Raven was one of my favourite wrestlers. He could deliver such incredible promos and he was great at telling stories with his matches.</p><p> </p><p>

3) He'd been on a WWE show just a few days before, so this was a complete surprise. It was the first big "jump" from WWE (and wound up being responsible for the no-compete release clauses which came in soon after).</p><p> </p><p>

4) I was a big supporter of the company. I had worked with a few people involved in it a couple of years earlier, and wished them every success. I was also losing interest in WWE and desperately wanted some competition for them.</p><p> </p><p>

I genuinely thought this was the big turning point for the company, and for a time it seemed that it was. Raven proved to be very popular, and his title match with Jarrett was TNA's first big sellout. Sadly the match itself fell flat - Raven wasn't under contract so they didn't let him win, and Sabu had a run-in where he botched his entrance, sole move, and his exit - and the momentum petered out, but for a moment I was as excited as I've ever been in wrestling.</p>

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<p>Two major moments for me. </p><p> </p><p>

The Rock vs Stone Cold </p><p> </p><p>

I don't remember the Wrestlemania that it occured at, but it is my first ever memory of wrestling. (That and Undertaker hanging Big Boss Man) but I distinctly remember The Rock being choked out by TV Cables and that was when I became hooked on wrestling. </p><p> </p><p>

The other one is my favourite match which was Triple H vs Dean Ambrose at Road Block. Arguably the best match Dean had in WWE, just the methodical build up during the match was great. Everyone knew going into it that Dean wasn't going to win but they did a great job building emotion ans getting the crowd heavily involved. It made you believe for a moment that Dean would pick up the win. It made you buy into the match. I loved the psychology of the match.</p>

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