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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Excellent example tobin834!


I'll be back with a new diary soon, maybe. Had to get a new PC and do not have access to my previous saves. I'm going to try to recreate the GOLEM save with six months all booked but that involved WWE AI releasing Samoa Joe but I haven't been able to replicate that. Oh well.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
If it hasn't been done already, something I'd like to see happen is a fantasy dynasty where the real world meets the Cornellverse.


Very interesting idea. I think I remember a project here, it treated Thunder-verse as a TEW Universe while letting Vibert (Heyman-esque C-verse character) book shows and explain his thought process behind it while having references to C-verse itself.


A complete C-verse Vs RW would be interesting but difficult to book imo, who loses - Harts or Stones? Von Erichs or DeColts? Jack Bruce or Shawn Michaels? Remo or Rock? Nicky Or Cena? Alicia Or Charlotte? Vengeance Or Taker?


Interesting idea indeed.

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Sup y'all. Got a new laptop and my TEW data did not transfer over so my Dragongate diary will not continue. It was fun to write and I hope it helped some of you find the cool promotion.


I'll be back soon with a new diary and I'll be honored if you read it. :)

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I am attempting to do a multi-player with someone. Is there a guide to how to send files back and forth? I can send the .mdb file but do I have to do anything else? Just very lost. Please help? (thank you in advance)


Do you already have someone to play with? Don't know what's your idea or if you're searching for someone :p


Plus, I'm interested about the guide to send files too, let me know!

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I am sorry to those of you who have been reading and enjoying my writings in the 16 years that I have been doing this.


But I am officially done.


I may have more retirements than Terry Funk or Ric Flair but this is how I feel. So, without making a big speech, I just want to say that, no matter what you believe, may God bless you now and in the future. Thank you all for allowing me to have a Hall of Fame career.


I’m very sorry to hear that you’re leaving the Dynasty boards. I might not be a long-time fan, but I can recognize and appreciate what an important figure you are on these boards. Your creative voice will be sorely missed by many of us. That said, if there are real life matters which are currently demanding your full attention, I have nothing but respect for your choice to leave. If you do decide to return eventually, I’ll make sure to give your newest project a look. Until then, peace out!


Sorry to see you go. I have enjoyed your diaries.


Hello everyone,


Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. Less than a month ago, I made a retirement post on my latest diary. I made the decision to walk away. This decision was fueled by my mental health issues. For those who haven't been following me, I suffer from Bipolar depression. There are times when the depression is bad enough that I have suicidal thoughts. I believe that it is this depression that has me making a lot of diaries. There are times where I just have no want for anything that brings me joy. Even right now as I write this I have tears in my eyes. If anyone is having these issues, I recommend getting help and reaching out to family and friends. I am always available through DM.


All of this is to say, first of all, thank you to James The Animator and Herrbear for your responses. They were all appreciated. Secondly, I feel like I need this in my life. This is something that brings me happiness and helps me have something to look forward to. I need to try this again. So you will see a new diary coming soon from me. I feel this is correct with Easter Sunday coming up tomorrow. I hope to see a rebirth in myself.


Thank you for reading,


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Playing around with using the 2013 mod to do a CHIKARA never shits the bed dynasty. Setting it up as CHIKARA having a one hour a week show on NetFlix, essentially becoming Lucha Underground before LU, and going from there.


Why not start your Lucha Underground in 2013 instead, start slightly earlier than they did in real life? :)


You wouldn't have to deal with all those who were mentioned in the Speaking Out too. CHIKARA also would never realistically be on Netflix, it didn't have the production quality and financial backing LU did in their first three seasons.


But hey, I'm bias and would just like to see more fantasy booking for LU :p

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Why not start your Lucha Underground in 2013 instead, start slightly earlier than they did in real life? :)


You wouldn't have to deal with all those who were mentioned in the Speaking Out too. CHIKARA also would never realistically be on Netflix, it didn't have the production quality and financial backing LU did in their first three seasons.


But hey, I'm bias and would just like to see more fantasy booking for LU :p


All good points but my main desire is to do a not crappy version of the amazing CHIKARA lore that got punted down the toilet for the closedown angle and what happened after. haha

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All good points but my main desire is to do a not crappy version of the amazing CHIKARA lore that got punted down the toilet for the closedown angle and what happened after. haha


Fair enought then :cool:


Can't say I'm familiar with their lore, but I'll definetly check out your diary out of interest

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I feel your pain my friend, i have sufferred for over 30 years with depression and suicidal thoughts throuout this time...atm im ok and i hope you can get some peace bud


Hello everyone,


Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. Less than a month ago, I made a retirement post on my latest diary. I made the decision to walk away. This decision was fueled by my mental health issues. For those who haven't been following me, I suffer from Bipolar depression. There are times when the depression is bad enough that I have suicidal thoughts. I believe that it is this depression that has me making a lot of diaries. There are times where I just have no want for anything that brings me joy. Even right now as I write this I have tears in my eyes. If anyone is having these issues, I recommend getting help and reaching out to family and friends. I am always available through DM.


All of this is to say, first of all, thank you to James The Animator and Herrbear for your responses. They were all appreciated. Secondly, I feel like I need this in my life. This is something that brings me happiness and helps me have something to look forward to. I need to try this again. So you will see a new diary coming soon from me. I feel this is correct with Easter Sunday coming up tomorrow. I hope to see a rebirth in myself.


Thank you for reading,


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  • 3 weeks later...

"Chase your dreams before they leave you behind like mine did." Those words, an inheritance from a great uncle she didn't even know she had until she was included in his will, and a life long dream shared by her two closest friends to bring back a true successor to a wrestling promotion that went out of business shortly after the three of them were out of diapers had led to this momentous day.


The founding of a brand new company set to debut in January 2018. Founded by three young punks barely out of high school. The company with probably the worst name in the business. More Dangerous and More Violence More Extreme. Or worse, if you want to keep it short MMM DAVE.


CVFP-White-Male-399.jpg Really? That's what we're going with? That was a joke I made when we were all high. We were supposed to come up with something better.


CVFP-Hispanic-Female-059.jpg Too late Stein. I already ordered a bunch of swag with the name on it for promotional purposes. Besides, it doubles as our mission statement to bring back the heydays of DAVE and its violent matches. J-Chis, you got the logo? I need to get it printed on the ring.


Justice-Addinson-Christopher.jpg Right here Lu.




CVFP-Hispanic-Female-059.jpg Justice! We can't use that. Aside from being terrible that's some pretty obvious copyright infringement.


CVFP-White-Male-399.jpg She's right. The name's pushing it as it is. Whoever still owns the rights to DAVE is going to sue us if we use this. Luana's inheritance money won't be able to cover that.


Justice-Addinson-Christopher.jpg It's the best I could do with the time and budget we've got. Speaking of which I've got the title belt for our first main event.




CVFP-Hispanic-Female-059.jpg Is that the actual DAVE title? Where did you get the DAVE title? Are we accessories to larceny? I should have budgeted for a lawyer . . .


Justice-Addinson-Christopher.jpg Relax, it's a replica. It's a collectors piece really. Lots of people would fight to have one.


CVFP-Hispanic-Female-059.jpg . . .


CVFP-White-Male-399.jpg . . .


Justice-Addinson-Christopher.jpg Don't give me that look guys. What did you expect when I've only got a few weeks to get these things done?


CVFP-Hispanic-Female-059.jpg <takes a deep breath and exhales> It's going to be fine. We'll just fix these sometime in the next few months and whoever owns the rights to these won't find out and won't sue us into early bankruptcy.


What about talent? Stein, please tell me you found some warm bodies so it won't be just you and me out there our first show with J-Chris announcing. And that we're not somehow going to get sued for the talent too.


CVFP-White-Male-399.jpg Working on it. I've got feelers out to some very talented locals just getting into the business like we are. The problem is finding a good experienced hand more people might recognize to help draw crowds and to help knock the green off the rest of us.


The problem is if they're both in our price range and available to work, well there's a reason for that. As soon as we get some talent hired I can get to booking them. It's going to be close but I shouldn't have to do it all the night of the show.


CVFP-Hispanic-Female-059.jpg Good. Now let's watch this video on setting up a ring one more time. I want to make sure we all have it down so it doesn't collapse on us at our first show.


Oh gods, they're doomed aren't they?


The Dynasty of an up and coming hardcore fed in New England using lavelleuk's 2018 mod.


Coming after I'm done doing some experiments with a test save.

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Hey I know that mod!


Good luck with the dynasty, love the company name lol


Thanks. I plan to lean heavily into them having some raw talent in ring, and for J-Chris on the mic, but not having a clue on most other aspects of running a business and being amazingly over their heads. We'll see how far that nest egg can carry them without them actually going out of business.


Hopefully I can get them to the point of trying to expand into the Tri-State area and going to war with Pittsburg Steel but I think just getting big enough will take ages in game and probably in real life too.


Maybe when the 2022 mod comes out if I'm at a good point where other plot threads have settled down I'll do a time skip and re-make the company in the 2022 mod with enough funds and popularity they can re-start the east coast wars on a footing where they could have a chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still experimenting with test saves to see what works best.


I've seen a couple people choosing to host their Dynasty's at a place called calameo.com and link to that instead of uploading the images somewhere like imgbb and linking the images so they all display here. Is that a personal quirk or is there some benefit to using calameo that I'm not seeing?

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Still experimenting with test saves to see what works best.


I've seen a couple people choosing to host their Dynasty's at a place called calameo.com and link to that instead of uploading the images somewhere like imgbb and linking the images so they all display here. Is that a personal quirk or is there some benefit to using calameo that I'm not seeing?

Seems like a successor to docdroid for me. People do their shows like a powerpoint presentation and upload it there, something like that.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ehi guys, I was thinking about having a shared file with whoever is interested (I was thinking about 3-4 players).


The plan is simple:

1) The players select a company (C-Verse, RW, whatever we agree to play)

2) One player starts a new save and plays for a certain period of time (it may be a month or few months, depending on the company, etc.)

3) After that, he sends the file to the next player in line, who will book the company during his turn

4) The process goes on and on until the file come back to the first player who played


By doing that, I think it will be super funny and exciting to see where this goes. There may be lots of surprises! Having a shared diary will create an interactive enviroment on the forum! Plus, having to book just a/few month/s from time to time may reduce the risk of getting bored or being overwhelmed.


Personally, I would like to play as BHOTWG in CVerse, but again I'm pretty much open to discuss other possibilities.


There is much to discuss, for now I'll leave my idea here! Have a nice day!

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Ehi guys, I was thinking about having a shared file with whoever is interested (I was thinking about 3-4 players).


The plan is simple:

1) The players select a company (C-Verse, RW, whatever we agree to play)

2) One player starts a new save and plays for a certain period of time (it may be a month or few months, depending on the company, etc.)

3) After that, he sends the file to the next player in line, who will book the company during his turn

4) The process goes on and on until the file come back to the first player who played


By doing that, I think it will be super funny and exciting to see where this goes. There may be lots of surprises! Having a shared diary will create an interactive enviroment on the forum! Plus, having to book just a/few month/s from time to time may reduce the risk of getting bored or being overwhelmed.


Personally, I would like to play as BHOTWG in CVerse, but again I'm pretty much open to discuss other possibilities.


There is much to discuss, for now I'll leave my idea here! Have a nice day!


Sounds like fun, I’m willing to take part if you’ll have me. No hard feelings if you won’t. Even though I prefer smaller promotions I would suggest SWF for this dynasty because I think there’s a lot of potential to go different places. I also want to do dynasties one day with EMLL and ZEN so either one of those would be rad too.

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