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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Sounds like fun, I’m willing to take part if you’ll have me. No hard feelings if you won’t. Even though I prefer smaller promotions I would suggest SWF for this dynasty because I think there’s a lot of potential to go different places. I also want to do dynasties one day with EMLL and ZEN so either one of those would be rad too.


You're very welcome aboard!

I'm pretty noob if we talk about booking lucha-libre, but it may be the right chance to try it with EILL. Regarding SWF, not really excited about booking a major company in the US tbf. How you feel about a big japan company?


If anyone else is interested too, I think we may build something funny!

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You're very welcome aboard!

I'm pretty noob if we talk about booking lucha-libre, but it may be the right chance to try it with EILL. Regarding SWF, not really excited about booking a major company in the US tbf. How you feel about a big japan company?


If anyone else is interested too, I think we may build something funny!


I haven't watched a lot of Japanese wrestling outside of some NJPW so I'm not sure I could do a Japanese fed justice but I'd be willing to try. What about WLW?


For lucha libre what popped into my mind first was EMLL and this scenario: they hold a show and something big happens at the end. As a result, the next event is the same card, but it goes differently. This happens a third time, and then it's revealed that the multiverses are merging.


Another thought I had: CWA might be a good neutral product for the different styles of different writers, plus they have a pretty good roster

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I haven't watched a lot of Japanese wrestling outside of some NJPW so I'm not sure I could do a Japanese fed justice but I'd be willing to try. What about WLW?


For lucha libre what popped into my mind first was EMLL and this scenario: they hold a show and something big happens at the end. As a result, the next event is the same card, but it goes differently. This happens a third time, and then it's revealed that the multiverses are merging.


Another thought I had: CWA might be a good neutral product for the different styles of different writers, plus they have a pretty good roster


I booked EX2010 a couple times, so I'll be more interested in leading a bigger company that a small one.


Sorry about EMLL, I was thinking about EILL lol, completely forget about EMLL. TBF I'm not a big fan of "dark fantasy"


Still, let's see if someone else want to join us!

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Sorry about EMLL, I was thinking about EILL lol, completely forget about EMLL. TBF I'm not a big fan of "dark fantasy"

I understand how/why most people interpret "dark fantasy lucha" as a spin on what Lucha Underground did, but as much as I loved that TV show, I feel like it's done quite a lot on the diary boards already and would love to see a different interpretation from someone.

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Ehi guys, I was thinking about having a shared file with whoever is interested (I was thinking about 3-4 players).


The plan is simple:

1) The players select a company (C-Verse, RW, whatever we agree to play)

2) One player starts a new save and plays for a certain period of time (it may be a month or few months, depending on the company, etc.)

3) After that, he sends the file to the next player in line, who will book the company during his turn

4) The process goes on and on until the file come back to the first player who played


By doing that, I think it will be super funny and exciting to see where this goes. There may be lots of surprises! Having a shared diary will create an interactive enviroment on the forum! Plus, having to book just a/few month/s from time to time may reduce the risk of getting bored or being overwhelmed.


Personally, I would like to play as BHOTWG in CVerse, but again I'm pretty much open to discuss other possibilities.


There is much to discuss, for now I'll leave my idea here! Have a nice day!


This is a really good idea. Reminds of back in the day how bookers would rotate in territories especially in Memphis with Lawler, Jarrett, Dundee etc.

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I understand how/why most people interpret "dark fantasy lucha" as a spin on what Lucha Underground did, but as much as I loved that TV show, I feel like it's done quite a lot on the diary boards already and would love to see a different interpretation from someone.


tbh I prefer a more realistic wrestling approach :p


This is a really good idea. Reminds of back in the day how bookers would rotate in territories especially in Memphis with Lawler, Jarrett, Dundee etc.


Glad you like, I think this could be entertaining!


So anyone else willing to join the project?

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What would people's thoughts be on a WMMA 5 diary being allowed in this section?


My gut reaction would have been it's best in it's own section but that's essentially dead. Especially with TEW being deep into a game cycle the diary boards here aren't too busy either so I'd say grouping them would only be positive. I couldn't see it having a huge effect but I think I'm general anything to help create more activity on here would be great. Really I'd say the same for all GDS games but I don't really think you get any for the others. I'd assume the odd CBH one.

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The newest episode of AWA Wrestling on ESPN is now posted!




Jonnie Stewart has challenged Baron Von Raschke to a match and the Baron has accepted!


AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter squares off against Rip Rogers in a non-title tilt. Is this a good idea for the Sarge so close to his battle with Jerry Lawler at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion? Is Sarge risking potentially serious injury by wrestling in this match?


Larry Zbyszko puts on a steel cage exhibition as he prepares for his cage battle with Greg Gagne at Super Clash 4.


Another Super Clash 4 Update with the fifth and final match announced for the show. Plus, Verne has a special announcement regarding the Zbyszko-Greg Gagne cage clash at Super Clash 4.


More comments from AWA newcomer Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine as he prepares to make his in-ring debut against Baron Von Raschke at Super Clash 4.




Maqnificient Mimi, Tom Zenk and Manny Fernandez see action!

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What would people's thoughts be on a WMMA 5 diary being allowed in this section?


My gut reaction would have been it's best in it's own section but that's essentially dead. Especially with TEW being deep into a game cycle the diary boards here aren't too busy either so I'd say grouping them would only be positive. I couldn't see it having a huge effect but I think I'm general anything to help create more activity on here would be great. Really I'd say the same for all GDS games but I don't really think you get any for the others. I'd assume the odd CBH one.

I dunno, I started a WMMA5 diary the other day and put it in the WMMA5 part of the forums. Never crossed my mind to have it with the wrestling ones, figured if someone wants to read an MMA diary, they'd look up the MMA sub-section. That said, I'm not against a merged version.

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I've been reading diaries the past few days on here and they're all incredible. I was thinking of starting one up myself but I feel like I have to ask- are there any specific requirements/rules/suggestions I should know about? I realize this has probably been answered multiple times but this forum is a bit too vast for my patience. Thank you all in advance!
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I've been reading diaries the past few days on here and they're all incredible. I was thinking of starting one up myself but I feel like I have to ask- are there any specific requirements/rules/suggestions I should know about? I realize this has probably been answered multiple times but this forum is a bit too vast for my patience. Thank you all in advance!


Best advice anyone can give is to just read what people have done, maybe quote and take a peek at what they do for formatting. And don't do what you think people will read, do what you want to do, and it will show in your writing that you care. That will make it last longer and more people reading.


I've been doing my AEW diary for just over a year now (cheap plug) and although I'm still in early 2022 in the thread, I still enjoy doing it because its something that I enjoy writing about.

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So, I have weighed in a lot of options the past couple of days. Many databases, many concepts, what I would be more comfortable writing. I discounted a couple saves that would be too easy (I love OLLIE but in every database they seem to be a walk in the park to succeed with, might do one with them later).


I decided I am heading to Canada and CGC in the 2018 Alt C-Verse database. Introductory posts are coming very soon. Thanks to everyone in the forum for fostering this awesome community over nearly two decades.

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''There will always be war for as long as there is man. And one day, man will fight one final war so deadly, he will destroy all that he's created for centuries.''


Reborn, Revitalized, Reimagined in TEW 2020.


Here we go again.


The Civil War - Redux






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Hi there,


I have escaped MHero's Den of Despair and managed to find some free time coming up. Mostly asking the people that are familiar with my work if there is any interest in me picking back up on the FCW diary I was doing or if there would be more interest in starting something new. I have a few ideas, but nothing set in stone.

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Hi there,


I have escaped MHero's Den of Despair and managed to find some free time coming up. Mostly asking the people that are familiar with my work if there is any interest in me picking back up on the FCW diary I was doing or if there would be more interest in starting something new. I have a few ideas, but nothing set in stone.



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2016, the year of the great Tsunami. It wiped everything out, the land of the Rising Sun was reduced to rubble and the wrestling industry..... hit hardest.


Companies struggled in the wake of the disaster and many had closed down.


The big three of BHOTWG , PGHW and GCG were struggling to turn it's finances but then came an even bigger blow as the ex-president of PGHW, Kaneie Komine staged his revenge and the greatest coup of puroresu.





The crash of the wrestling industry gave him his way back as he bought the rights to the defunct promotion, INSPIRE and added an extra S to it, calling it INSPIRE strikes back or INSPIRES and then unveiled the aces of PGHW, BHOTWG, GCG, BCG and WEXXV on the same stage.






The world was shocked and Komine was smiling. He had amassed the greatest roster possible and they were on the front page of every wrestling news outlet in the world.


But there was more to come............




INSPIRES - Komine's Revenge (A CVAlt 2018 dynasty)



COMING SOON.............

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The last episode of AWA Wrestling on ESPN airing before Super Clash 4 has now been posted.




The final debate between Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter before their epic clash to decide who the undisputed AWA World Champion is


The final Super Clash 4 Update


Final words from Greg Valentine as he prepares for his AWA debut match against Baron Von Raschke at Super Clash 4


OPEN CONTRACT MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco vs. ???


A special interview with Baron Von Raschke




AWA 1989:



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I’m not a huge fan of using code on forums. I’d ideally like to be able to use word or PowerPoint or something that just feels a bit easier for designing stuff. Is there like a standard size that will look the best on every device? I don’t want it to look fine on a desktop for example but then look too big or small on a mobile.


Hope that makes sense!

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I’m not a huge fan of using code on forums. I’d ideally like to be able to use word or PowerPoint or something that just feels a bit easier for designing stuff. Is there like a standard size that will look the best on every device? I don’t want it to look fine on a desktop for example but then look too big or small on a mobile.


I had the same feeling when starting writing dynasties and after a few attempts I found a pretty good solution. I make all my stuff on Powerpoint (Word is a pain).

Change the slide size to A4 portrait (doesn't really matter but I've found that's a good size). Then you can save as PNG, and hit "all slides" and it saves them all as a PNG image which you can upload to imgur. Then link the imgur pictures to the forum and you're done. As they're pictures, they scale nicely with mobile.

Alternatively, you could save the Powerpoint as a pdf then use docdroid or another pdf hosting site to get a link for embedding. I did this with a few diaries, but I had to change the host website a few times and that was annoying.

Take a look at my WWL diary if you want to see how things work, and feel free to DM me for more details.

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I have been thinking of doing a Championship Wrestling from Boston Diary for quite some time. In preparation for this I've started world building the history of the Boston Territory to give better ideas about the wrestlers, personalities, and an overall ambience of the promotion. Here are some articles I wrote for such reason...




Date: May 1960


Former Boxing Champion “Iron” Michael Milligan has been dominating in the wrestling ring nowadays in the City of Boston. In a big event from the Grand Garden Palace Milligan defeated the man known only as “The Masked Mauler” in a two out of three falls bout. Milligan has been wrestling since September of 1959, remaining undefeated since that time. Recently on the first showing of Championship Wrestling from Boston on Television Milligan defeated a local wrestler in a matter of seconds after hitting body shots and a slam. A dominant performance, gave the fans a preview of what was seen at The Palace. Milligan won two straight falls against The Mauler with quick flurries of right hands that took Mauler constantly off guard. 16,000+ fans roared as the “Iron” fisted man raised the belt in victory. Will he be able to maintain his extraordinary win streak, or will his lack of experience catch up to him?



Date: April 1961


Undefeated and reigning Boston Heavyweight Champion “Iron” Michael Milligan has reigned as said champion for coming close to a year now, putting away challengers thanks to his lethal hands. He may have met his match in the rigorously ferocious Samoan “High Chief” Malietoa. Since his debut in Boston earlier this year Malietoa has yet to taste defeat while injuring multiple opponents in the process. Untamed, Aggressive, Merciless, are a few words that opponents and commenters have thought of to describe the Pacific born competitor. Now in line for a title match the High Chief’s eyes are set on more than just winning a title and ending the undefeated streak of Milligan but on ending Milligan’s short career. Milligan told us “Many times I have been knocked down, but I am never out. Not until air escapes my lungs for the final time will anyone be able to count me out. I don’t care nothing about what Malietoa has done… A wild beast out of the Pacific is coming for me and but I am Boston bred, that means there isn’t anyone on this earth that can come to my city and beat me in that ring.”



Date: January 1962


This is a tag team match for the ages coming up in a week’s time at the Grand Garden Palace in Boston. “Italian Stallion” Antonio Moretti & Boston Heavyweight Champion “Iron” Michael Milligan take on “The Greek God” Ares Aegaleus & Ed “Strangler” Henson in two of three falls action to cap off the show. The most known rivals in all the United States Antonio Moretti & Ares Aegaleus have wrestled each other for years all across the continental United States. This rivalry started when Aegaleus injured Moretti in their first meeting and led to Aegaleus getting banned from wrestling in the state of New York when the injury occurred. Aegaleus would go to other states to wrestle and maintain a name for himself while always calling out Moretti for being weak and fragile. The two met once more in the southern coast as the match went to a draw ending with a brawl around ringside. One is always on the others tail when they head to a new territory to wrestle and that’s what happened when Moretti arrived in Boston and Aegaleus interrupted his first match on Television leading the men to be held apart as the match was thrown out. Boston Heavyweight Champion Michael Milligan commented on the actions by Aegaleus as bringing shame on the sport. Aegaleus then turned his attention to Milligan in the papers and Television calling him a “Failed Boxer”. Aegaleus called on Ed “Strangler” Henson who has been upping his in-ring capability in pursuit of the Boston Heavyweight Title. This is Henson’s opportunity to gain a shot at the gold.


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