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Talk to them, that you want them to work in Japan.


Or maybe trade them for night to your dev, so they start working in that area.


I haven't really had much problems with getting workers to oversee child companies so far.


Well they're Japanese workers that I want to work in Japan, and I'm an American company, so the details are different, but aaah yeah. Talk to them and get them to work in the US, then ship them back over the Japan to the child company. Dunno why I forgot about that. Haha

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I'm currently playing with a promotion that owns its own internet subscription (huge coverage in the US) broadcaster. I recently held a PPV and I broadcasted it on my own network and on a PPV provider with medium coverage in the US. I got 5mil+ viewers on my network and only 96k purchases on PPV. I was wondering if my network cannibalises potential PPV buys or if it's just low based on other factors like my promotions popularity and the time slot etc.?



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I'm currently playing with a promotion that owns its own internet subscription (huge coverage in the US) broadcaster. I recently held a PPV and I broadcasted it on my own network and on a PPV provider with medium coverage in the US. I got 5mil+ viewers on my network and only 96k purchases on PPV. I was wondering if my network cannibalises potential PPV buys or if it's just low based on other factors like my promotions popularity and the time slot etc.?




Well, it should.


I have two TV broadcasters, who partially cover the same areas. IMO the contract with the 2nd reduced the viewership of the first.

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How does my company get a better ranking? I've been outperforming my competitors constantly for years and they're higher than me.


Also, I guess more a small question... can someone explain the differences between steal the show, spectacle, and epic notes? I finally have talent able to take advantage of them to a great level but I don't quite understand which is best for what and why!


edit: also also, I invested in my own small broadcaster PPV service that has a very small and tiny presence in the UK and India respectively, but I haven't gained any popularity in those zones. I made a broadcaster with presence in India similarly earlier in the patch cycle and I got popularity straight away. Any ideas?


Thanks all!

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I apologise that this is probably a stupid question. I've started my own company and I'm wondering how the TV show/event stuff works as previously I've just used a pre existing schedule. Obviously I don't have enough popularity to get something on TV yet but the aim is to have a weekly show that eventually gets picked up by a broadcaster. My question is, how would I set this up? If I create a tv show I obviously can't do anything with it as I'm not on TV so the alternative is a weekly event. The problem there is that when I do get a tv show it will have to be something entirely new, not following the lineage of the show ive got already. Could anybody give me some advice? Thank you
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How does my company get a better ranking? I've been outperforming my competitors constantly for years and they're higher than me.


Also, I guess more a small question... can someone explain the differences between steal the show, spectacle, and epic notes? I finally have talent able to take advantage of them to a great level but I don't quite understand which is best for what and why!


edit: also also, I invested in my own small broadcaster PPV service that has a very small and tiny presence in the UK and India respectively, but I haven't gained any popularity in those zones. I made a broadcaster with presence in India similarly earlier in the patch cycle and I got popularity straight away. Any ideas?


Thanks all!


Your ranking is based on your company's Prestige.


I have used Steal the Show for a while and from what I have seen it is a great way to get the crowd really amped for the next match. I use it right before the main event. The other 2 I don't use companies that would support, so I can't say.


I would counter your last question with a question. After each show does it say "We gained popularity in X regions."? If so, it just means that you won't see full points per show due to your audience size.

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I apologise that this is probably a stupid question. I've started my own company and I'm wondering how the TV show/event stuff works as previously I've just used a pre existing schedule. Obviously I don't have enough popularity to get something on TV yet but the aim is to have a weekly show that eventually gets picked up by a broadcaster. My question is, how would I set this up? If I create a tv show I obviously can't do anything with it as I'm not on TV so the alternative is a weekly event. The problem there is that when I do get a tv show it will have to be something entirely new, not following the lineage of the show ive got already. Could anybody give me some advice? Thank you


You can televise events as well. I would warn you that it takes a lot more out of the workers to run Normal events than it does regular TV shows. I don't know exactly when it comes, but there is a North American broadcaster that comes up I believe in March or April that is designed for small companies.


At the stage you are at TV will certainly help build Pop faster. It's not 100% necessary, but it will help you out down the line for sure.

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Your ranking is based on your company's Prestige.


I have used Steal the Show for a while and from what I have seen it is a great way to get the crowd really amped for the next match. I use it right before the main event. The other 2 I don't use companies that would support, so I can't say.


I would counter your last question with a question. After each show does it say "We gained popularity in X regions."? If so, it just means that you won't see full points per show due to your audience size.


Are you sure about the prestige? I (APW) have fallen behind a competitor (DIW) that in Jan 2020 is significantly behind, and my current prestige is 58, versus their 36.


I'm getting the same message at the end of my events as before launching the broadcaster. 6 or 7 which I always figured was the areas of Oceania in-game.


Thanks for the tip, too. I'll try it!

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Are you sure about the prestige? I (APW) have fallen behind a competitor (DIW) that in Jan 2020 is significantly behind, and my current prestige is 58, versus their 36.


I'm getting the same message at the end of my events as before launching the broadcaster. 6 or 7 which I always figured was the areas of Oceania in-game.


Thanks for the tip, too. I'll try it!


It's more than just prestige. It's a formula and prestige is part of it but not the entire equation. In my current game, I'm #1 at Large with 92 prestige but USPW is #2 at Medium (locked there due to a drop in size) with 68 prestige and SWF is #3 at Large with 89 prestige. It's probably average popularity across the game area (if not the world) because once USPW's cool down period ends, they're going to immediately jump to Titanic, such is their worldwide popularity.


Australia is a tough one because of Tasmania. So it's probably not going to be uncommon to only see 7 of 7 every handful of shows but 6 of 7 the majority of the time. Unless you hold shows there (which is probably a money-losing proposition).

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in my game fuyuko higa just won wrestler of the year 2027, and female wrestler of the year went to tiffany jade. out of curiosity, does anyone know if a woman winning wrestler of the year makes it so the game will pick someone else for female wrestler of the year? or do they just have different criteria, and it is possible for the same person to win both in one year?
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in my game fuyuko higa just won wrestler of the year 2027, and female wrestler of the year went to tiffany jade. out of curiosity, does anyone know if a woman winning wrestler of the year makes it so the game will pick someone else for female wrestler of the year? or do they just have different criteria, and it is possible for the same person to win both in one year?

I think with awards there's an element of randomness involved, so that's probably why you ended up with that situation.

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For Alliances, I tried inviting a new member but was quickly told that "Invitation Blocked -- The Invitation has been blocked as the WWE universe already has its maximum number of members."


The current Alliance only 3 has members, while I see other alliances having 4-5. Anyway I can change this?

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I apologise that this is probably a stupid question. I've started my own company and I'm wondering how the TV show/event stuff works as previously I've just used a pre existing schedule. Obviously I don't have enough popularity to get something on TV yet but the aim is to have a weekly show that eventually gets picked up by a broadcaster. My question is, how would I set this up? If I create a tv show I obviously can't do anything with it as I'm not on TV so the alternative is a weekly event. The problem there is that when I do get a tv show it will have to be something entirely new, not following the lineage of the show ive got already. Could anybody give me some advice? Thank you


I wouldn't run events weekly, at least at normal, that is basically a ppv level show so as was said will take more out of your stars. I tend to run Japan or small monthly event companies on a touring schedule (I say small, about to try it with TCW, that will take some tinkering to get right) so I tend to do around 16 normal level events a year and depending on the gap between four to eight tour events with some outliers in having no tours between two events that are close but I want the big match feel and having twenty or so over two and a half months for a round robin tournament. There are also lesser and throwaway events but I have never used those so can't comment on them.


The western model tends to be get big enough to have television weekly and a monthly ppv, but don't feel constrained if you want to try different things, just keep a backup of the save file before doing anything huge (copy the save file and paste it somewhere else, preferably in its own folder so no chance of being overwritten), if you have put a lot of time in, give it a few months and do also bear in mind people will tell you what they tell you here because that is what they have found to work best but it is your game when it comes to it.


Try things, make mistakes, do better. It's all part of the fun :)

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For Alliances, I tried inviting a new member but was quickly told that "Invitation Blocked -- The Invitation has been blocked as the WWE universe already has its maximum number of members."


The current Alliance only 3 has members, while I see other alliances having 4-5. Anyway I can change this?


It's the mod you're using. The alliance is set up to have a maximum number of members (probably to maintain the various brands/products of WWE). The only way to change it is via the ingame editor. However, keep in mind that the modmaker probably set the alliance up the way it is for a reason (typically to keep WWE, NXT, and NXT UK together without non-WWE promotions being involved). There are settings for alliances that could affect anyone else added (for example, Consortium)


Click the gear icon (left side, third from bottom) then Ingame Editor then Alliances then click on whatever your alliance's name is. When the alliance's info comes up, the box on the lower right hand corner under the alliance's description box says 'Max Members'. Change that to No Limit (or whatever number you want). But again, if you don't know anything about how the mod has the alliance set up (or why it might be set up that way), while you have that alliance window open in the editor, click the question mark in the upper right hand corner to find out what all those various alliance properties mean. Adding some sad sack promotion to the alliance could be disastrous over the long term, depending on the alliance's properties.

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It's the mod you're using. The alliance is set up to have a maximum number of members (probably to maintain the various brands/products of WWE). The only way to change it is via the ingame editor. However, keep in mind that the modmaker probably set the alliance up the way it is for a reason (typically to keep WWE, NXT, and NXT UK together without non-WWE promotions being involved). There are settings for alliances that could affect anyone else added (for example, Consortium)


Click the gear icon (left side, third from bottom) then Ingame Editor then Alliances then click on whatever your alliance's name is. When the alliance's info comes up, the box on the lower right hand corner under the alliance's description box says 'Max Members'. Change that to No Limit (or whatever number you want). But again, if you don't know anything about how the mod has the alliance set up (or why it might be set up that way), while you have that alliance window open in the editor, click the question mark in the upper right hand corner to find out what all those various alliance properties mean. Adding some sad sack promotion to the alliance could be disastrous over the long term, depending on the alliance's properties.


Much appreciated -- very insightful. Mod maker made it that way. Will look more into it. Wanted to go about adding promotions that are friendly with WWE currently (Evolve, WXW, and Progress) so will check into the benefits and all that information to assist me long term.

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How do excursions work? I have multiple workers whos excursions have expired and are set to return when any remaining contracts expire however they all have contracts that are handshake ongoing deals. I've simmed 2 weeks so far, do I just have to wait longer?
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<p>Not sure if this is a bug or if it's just not designed to work this way but here's the scenario I ran into. 1) I ran an angle leading to a pre-booking, 2) I booked the match presumably for the following week as it was one of the rare times I ended the show with an angle 3) Final grade for what was otherwise a stellar show was tanked because "fans were mad that promised match xx vs xx didn't happen."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

So is it not possible to create a pre-booking for the following weekly episode while in the show? If not is it because the show shares the same name or was this a bug?</p>

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Not sure if this is a bug or if it's just not designed to work this way but here's the scenario I ran into. 1) I ran an angle leading to a pre-booking, 2) I booked the match presumably for the following week as it was one of the rare times I ended the show with an angle 3) Final grade for what was otherwise a stellar show was tanked because "fans were mad that promised match xx vs xx didn't happen."



So is it not possible to create a pre-booking for the following weekly episode while in the show? If not is it because the show shares the same name or was this a bug?


I need help on this one too. I'm playing a multiplayer game and we have been pre-booking our shows in advance to help with time. We recently pre-booked two weeks in advance. During that first week we all got warnings saying we would be penalized since we didn't have all these other matches on the show (which were booked for the next weeks show). So is there anyway around that or can you only pre-book one show in advance without any penalties. Because we use it to save time.


Thanks in advance for anyone who has answers to this, we have been wondering how to try and save time, if we can't do it by pre-booking we might be screwed... :(

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Is there something in the game that causes viewership to just drop? I had seven lesser events and one normal event in November in my game for a round robin tournament; viewership dropped significantly for events after the first lesser event. I thought it was just because of having so many events in a short period of time, but my December event had low viewership as well. Not only that, but my weekly TV show just started hemorrhaging viewers after week 2 of December. I didn't change anything; it just dropped one week. I autobooked ahead and the viewership continued to drop further. It was suggested that my broadcasters didn't have enough coverage to gain popularity and - for whatever reason - that would cause me to lose viewers, rather than stagnate, but I used the in-game editor to increase the coverage of broadcasters I have contracts with and after the initial increase the first week of having more coverage, it goes back to declining. Both wrestling industry and economy are high and rising in my game, so I don't think it's that. Does anyone have any idea what it might be? The attached image is weekly TV from Week 4 November to Week 4 December, showing that viewership just drops out of nowhere.


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Is there something in the game that causes viewership to just drop? I had seven lesser events and one normal event in November in my game for a round robin tournament; viewership dropped significantly for events after the first lesser event. I thought it was just because of having so many events in a short period of time, but my December event had low viewership as well. Not only that, but my weekly TV show just started hemorrhaging viewers after week 2 of December. I didn't change anything; it just dropped one week. I autobooked ahead and the viewership continued to drop further. It was suggested that my broadcasters didn't have enough coverage to gain popularity and - for whatever reason - that would cause me to lose viewers, rather than stagnate, but I used the in-game editor to increase the coverage of broadcasters I have contracts with and after the initial increase the first week of having more coverage, it goes back to declining. Both wrestling industry and economy are high and rising in my game, so I don't think it's that. Does anyone have any idea what it might be? The attached image is weekly TV from Week 4 November to Week 4 December, showing that viewership just drops out of nowhere.



What is the state of the wrestling industry in your area? Economy? Could be things are in a tail spin there and you putting on lesser events has triggered fans losing interest? Also what type of promotion are you? Some are more vulnerable to shifts in the industry/economy? Are you pushing guys that have no momentum? Toxic backstage? How are your merch sales? Are they going down too? I've noticed in this game that there are so many variables in play that it is hard to pinpoint something that effecting the pop and success of a promotion. All that...or it might be something that has changed since the last update?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sylfar" data-cite="Sylfar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is there something in the game that causes viewership to just drop? I had seven lesser events and one normal event in November in my game for a round robin tournament; viewership dropped significantly for events after the first lesser event. I thought it was just because of having so many events in a short period of time, but my December event had low viewership as well. Not only that, but my weekly TV show just started hemorrhaging viewers after week 2 of December. I didn't change anything; it just dropped one week. I autobooked ahead and the viewership continued to drop further. It was suggested that my broadcasters didn't have enough coverage to gain popularity and - for whatever reason - that would cause me to lose viewers, rather than stagnate, but I used the in-game editor to increase the coverage of broadcasters I have contracts with and after the initial increase the first week of having more coverage, it goes back to declining. Both wrestling industry and economy are high and rising in my game, so I don't think it's that. Does anyone have any idea what it might be? The attached image is weekly TV from Week 4 November to Week 4 December, showing that viewership just drops out of nowhere.<p> <img alt="unknown.png" data-src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/410683884007718912/748855641770033162/unknown.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If they were normal events your viewership and attendance will drop to simulate the fans getting burned out. You need to make them lesser or tour shows</p>
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