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Top 5 Favorite CornellVerse Workers

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[B]1. Sammy Bach -[/B] Always been my favorite, probably always will be [B]2. Frankie Perez -[/B] Usually ends up being one of my biggest stars [B]3. Shooter Sean Deeley - [/B]A top-notch talent [B]4. C.H. Threepwood -[/B] Usually pairs up with Deeley to form a dominant heel tag team, managed by Adrian Garcia [B]5. Flash Savage - [/B]Could end up being a top aerial star, and I like fliers
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In no particular order: [B]Biff the Bruiser -[/B] There's plenty of more talented guys in the Cornellverse, but I've always liked Biff for some reason. He's a rugged guy, good in the lockerroom, and he's a great brawler. A real old school kind of wrestler. [B]Warren Technique -[/B] Another one that doesn't really get the credit he deserves, probably due to the fact that he (like Biff) has what I like to refer to as "anti-charisma". Still, he's solid, reliable, and always finds his way into promotions I run. [B]Masaru Ugaki -[/B] Without a doubt one of my very favorites in the Cornellverse, for a few different reasons. One, he just looks like a superstar. Two, he's absurdly talented for his age. Three, he's only 23, so there's no limit to how good he can get. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith -[/B] He catches a lot of flack for not really living up to his potential, but he's very talented out of the gate, he's big, and he can work a mic very well. Just too bad he couldn't sell getting hit by a truck. [B]Ace Youngblood -[/B] There's really no reason aside from the fact that he's great for the locker room, he's decent considering his age, and he's young enough to put time into improving his skills. Plus he's got a gimmick that is tailor made for an old-school promotion.
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[QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;619680]In no particular order: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith -[/B] He catches a lot of flack for not really living up to his potential, but he's very talented out of the gate, he's big, and he can work a mic very well. Just too bad he couldn't sell getting hit by a truck. [/QUOTE] Hey, Saturn no-sold getting shot. Maybe Bulldozer is just that awesome. Doubt it, though. No one matches Saturn!
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[SIZE="5"]5. Jay Chord[/SIZE] Always hire him, always fall out with him, always fire him, often war with him when he takes over MAW. [SIZE="5"]4. The Big Problem[/SIZE] Oh how I love thee Big Problem. A special place in my heart you have. [SIZE="5"]3. Nemesis[/SIZE] The biggest tease of the c-verse. When will he return? Perfect owner material especially when it comes to feuding. [SIZE="5"]2. Hell's Bouncer[/SIZE] One of the few guys with menace who will actually turn into a hot wrestler given time. [SIZE="5"]1. Spike[/SIZE] Oh yes indeed. He could do with a good name, but I always feel he's hideously overlook. Young, good look, and packed with potential. He can go in any direction you want to push him given a year or two of good hard training.
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In no order at the moment: Don Henderson - The first champ in my longest running game Ultimate Phoenix - The first good wrestler I had Merle O'Curle - Teamed with Jason O'Connor (C.H. Threepwood) as the Slamrocks Razor Valentine - Rock solid. Heather Halo - I always pick her as my ref. She's good enough at the start, and can be used for cheap angles.
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Let's throw a few more from the 1975 CVerse mod, I started a CWF game, so wrestlers from there: [B]Canadian Superstar[/B] - aka Jackson Andrews.. How can you NOT love this guy: He is a good all-arounder with great performance skills and pretty good physical skills, cool mask and he is popular. He is great, I even had him be the first to win the "CWF Canadian" -title. [B]George DeColt[/B] - after one month (+ one week), he holds a 5-0 record, which means he was involved in every show I had. His pic is awesome, and knowing that he is in the real CVerse and became a star.. It just wants me to have him become a star in my game too. As I look his stat changes, he improved in.. announcing? (stamina and psychology too.) He is awesome, my #1 favourite in this game. [B]Red Falcon[/B] - he is still my reigning National Junior Heavyweight -champion, and I can't see why he shouldn't be. B+ flying tells everything.
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5. Leo Davis [I]See my many CCW diaries :D[/I] 4. Davis Wayne Newton [I]So much potential, such a cheap worker[/I] 3. Vin Tanner [I]I got a kick out of him from Mark Cuban's DaVE and he's the star of my show[/I] 2. Remmy Skye [I]He's just soo charismatic. How can you not love him?[/I] 1. Joey Poison [I]I really enjoy 4C and to me, Joey Poison IS 4C[/I]
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I can't name just five... I could list 50+ characters in the CornellVerse I think are awesome, so I'm going to list 10 in no particular order. All of them bring something unique to the squared circle. :p But, if five are necessary the ones in bold would have to be my absolute favorite. James Hernandez Ash Campbell [B]Fearless Blue[/B] [B]Giant Brody[/B] Gino Montero [B]Lassana Makutsi Kirk Jameson[/B] Nigel Svensson Remmington and Roderick Remus Richie Riggins Brandon Smith (as The Masked Patriot) Erik Strong Davis Wayne Newton [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] Cameron Vessey Arthur Dexter Bradley Bradford Peverell California Love Machine Ricky DeColt Wolf Hawkins OK, so I kind of named 21 people. My bad - when I started listing them I couldn't stop! All of them are young wrestlers and the CornellVerse has a lot of historical guys that I also love but didn't mention because the ones I like the most aren't able to wrestle anymore (Micky Starr and Marcus McKing to name a couple). This doesn't go to say that I dislike Christian Faith or other 80's-90's CornellVerse stars, but I just have a thing for the youngsters! :D
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Swoop McCarthy - Some how I feel like hes a JYD/Rock hybrid and I love it. Hell Monkey - I'm not currently using him in my game, but in TEW2005, I got him to an A*. His lack of charisma hurts any chance of making him the "top dude". In many ways I view him as the "C-Verse version of Delirious". Gino Montero - He's caught on amazingly fast in my current NOTBPW game. No reason why he probably won't end with as Champion at some point. Davis Wayne Newton - Pretty much the same reason as Gino. Jack Bruce - Mostly because I've never played a game with him in my company. Honorable Mention has to goto Dan Stone Jr, in TEW2005 he had a 26 months title reign, and the great matches made it impossible to get boring. I can't tell you how many times I almost pull the trigger on him dropping it but didn't. Once I did I felt lost with the game.
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[QUOTE=The Shape;509474]How long can he generally go before he retires on this? Because he's so awesome and I have vague plans that would see him take some time off, maybe work as an agent for a while, then come back for another run and ideally still last a few more years xD[/QUOTE] My game is in 2013 and Christian Faith is still wrestling for me
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  • 2 months later...
As the "Most hated wrestler in CornellVerse" thread is once again in the page number 1, I thought about throwing a few of my favourites in 2008 CVerse: - [SIZE="3"][B]1.[/B] Air Attack Weasel.[/SIZE] I love this guy. Whenever I play as a smaller promotion, I almost every time bring him into my fed. Now, in my current local fed, I signed him, made him face and now he has "B+" with a "Hippy" -gimmick, using one of my alt for him. Peace out! - Must be Kirk Jameson or number 3: Fox Mask. I'll go for Kirk though. He just looks like so silent, but deadly. I haven't used him much, if at all, but in my current local fed, I have him work as "Stone Cold" Kirk Jameson, using one of my alt for him. Stone out! - Fox Mask. [COLOR="Orange"]Fox[/COLOR] Mask. [COLOR="Orange"]Fox Mask.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Fox[/B] Mask.[/COLOR] How can you NOT love this guy: Good high flier, good performance skills, great gimmick, great mask.. 5 -time CZCW champion, humble, generous.. The list goes on. Preston Holt did a good job teaching him! - Oh.. I feel so bad. I am just going to delete the numbers, except 1, because I can't decide between these three: Kirk Jameson, Fox Mask and Jim Force. I must say that I hate Ultimate Warrior, but I just love Jim Force. He has cool facepaint, is one of those talentless bastards and seems like a good guy. Plus.. He is after all, Jim [COLOR="Magenta"][B]FOOORCEE~![/B][/COLOR] - [COLOR="Navy"]Brimstone. [/COLOR]The guy is just too brilliant. Being 19 years old, sucks at performance- and entertaiment skills, has extremely cool hood and all that stuff.. He is perfect!
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1. Nicky Champion - I loved him when he was Tom E. Hawk. I don't know why but I this guy is the man. 2. Marc Dubois - Best wrestler in the game! (young atleast). 3. Jack DeColt - I never used him but he ALWAYS denies to join me when I'm SWF. Gotta respect that. 4. Evil Spirit - In my best game ever in 2007 I had him and Nicky Champion up to B pop in Mexico and South East as USPW. As soon as Adam added him to the game as extra additions I have taken a liking to him. 5. Playboy Jake Sawyer - He's the man bringing managers back to the big time, how can you not like him?
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[QUOTE=shadowmaster;621035]My game is in 2013 and Christian Faith is still wrestling for me[/QUOTE] It's January 2016 in my game, and Christian Faith is still going strong, last month he put up an A* in a triple threat between him, Steve Frehley, and Steve DeColt. But back to the original topic, my top 5: 1) Dan Stone Jr. 2) Angry Gilmore 3) Gino Montero 4) Johnny Bloodstone 5) Rick Law
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1. Joey "frikin" Minnesota - My avatar pre TNA diary, can make anyone look good, young and talented. 2. The Machines - Underrated and underutilesed. 3. Tommy Cornell - Its his universe hehe. 4. Jim Force - Thou shall feel the power of the Fooooooorce! Buy my Merchandise! 5. Eddie Peak - The great white shark and one of the best big men. Honourable mentions: Warren Technique, Tim Westybrook, Steve Flash, Luis Figo Manico
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[QUOTE=Purple Cowboy;509080]This changes a lot, but ATM: 1. Yoshimi Mushashibo 2. Angry Gilmore 3. Champagne Lover 4. Jack DeColt 5. Findlay O'Farraday[/QUOTE] This was my list back in October... there have been some changes. I still love Mushashibo, so he's tops. DeColt & O'Farraday would drop off the list although I still like them both (especially O'Farraday). The Rebellion have become one of my all-time favorite tag teams so Shimedzu & Miyamae should probably be the new #2 & #3. Gilmore & Champagne would drop to 4 & 5. Emerald Angel gets honorable mention.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;511326]I'm always amazed by the number of super-skilled workers who make it onto these lists... most of them have so little in the bio about their characters that it makes me wonder what character people actually see in them. Guys like Dermot O'Logical, Squeeky McClean, Jack Bruce, Bruce The Giant, Panda Mask... those guys are characters. Jeremy Stone, Sean McFly, Champagne Lover... none of them have character at all in their bios, so anything people see in them is just letter grades and their own imagination.[/QUOTE] I'm actually a huge fan of hard workers. Gym rats. The people who go above and beyond to maximize their talent. I also like people who go against the stereotype of successful wrestlers. My list reflects that. [QUOTE=Remianen;509740]1. Sensational Ogiwara 2. Melody Cuthill 3. Lauren Easter 4. Fuyuko Higa 5. Yori Toyoshima/Yu Hashimoto (tie)[/QUOTE] I see Sensational Ogiwara as a Jaguar Yokota type (without the trainer chops). Melody's so nice, it's specifically referred to in her bio (which makes it at least somewhat of an extraordinary trait). Lauren I love for her look (those various backgrounds/ethnicities would make one VERY exotic looking woman) and the fact that she chose to focus on the truly important parts of a wrestling match (that is, putting it together) where most other workers don't. Fuyuko is a gym rat. Focused on being (and doing) the best she possibly can. You don't earn that nickname by being a slacker. Yori is a historical choice. I remember her in 05. She was hopeless. But she persevered and worked her ass off to get better and she did. I love Yu because of her lineage and the fact that she's far more skilled and capable than her ring style might suggest. That kind of deception appeals to me. I do know what you mean though. There are many workers I like purely because of what I've been able to do with them, as far as developing unique personalities for them. Heck, there are some workers I like primarily because I think their pictures were done (Megumi Nakajima comes to mind, as does Emma Bitch).
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