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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I already thought eight was a bit much, but I'll wait to see before passing judgment, should it happen.


Last years had eight and Wrestlemania 23 had eight so on three of the five occasions they've had eight only two others had less than eight, Wrestlemania 21 where there were six and Wrestlemania 22 where there were six

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Is Heath Slater really Elmo Benson from the C-Verse? Think about it.


No, Benson is class, Heath Slater's not :)


I'm thinking Justin Gabriel or David Otunga will win the show, with Bryan breaking off feuding with Miz anyway. Obviously, we still don't know what's going to happen by the season's end - in all likelihood, most of the Rookies will probably end up on Raw or Smackdown anyway. I can see Wade Barrett ending up siding with Regal and beating up Sheffield by show's end, as well as Darren Young becoming a permanent member of Punk's SES for starters.

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I was just thinking now, I dont know why, what will be in NXT Season 2. It seems WWE put a lot of its developmental eggs in one basket putting alot of their bigger prospects on season one (Pretty much everyone but Young seems to have some form of potential at this point)


So who might be on season 2? Here's my guesses.


Kaval - Possible Pros: Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, or Rey Mysterio. I think the easy favourite to be a member. He and Joe Hennig were at one point going to be in Season 1, but WWE decided to shrink the roster. He'd obviously be the work horse of Season 2, but his kicks woul get him over alone. Any of the guys being his pro would work well I think.


Joe Hennig - Possible Pros: Randy Orton, Finlay, or William Regal. I think he actually might be more of a lock then Kaval at this point since he fits the mould better. Harder to pick a pro for. Orton makes sense. Gives the show its Jericho for the season, play of legacy routes. Finlay or Regal just make sense to play the "I knew your father" card and be hard nosed on him.


After these two it really opens up I think.


Richie Steamboat - Possible Pros: Chris Jericho, Ricky Steamboat, Kofi Kingston. He hasnt been in the system for long, and I doubt WWE wants to rush him through. I'm sure he'll only come up when Ricky thinks he's ready. Pros could be interesting. Bringing Ricky out from behind the curtian is ALWAYS welcome. But having Jericho back doing the "I hate you and your father" routine would be interesting.


Brett Dibiase - Possible Pros: Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, or Randy Orton. In the Steamboat book of simply I dont think being ready. I guess it depends how long season 1 lasts. Maybe 6 months to a year from now he'll be more ready. The pros write themselves.


Alex Riley - Possible Pros: Jack Swagger, Santino Marella, Goldust. Been receiving a good deal of house show/pre-show tryouts. So WWE sees something in him, as far as being ready he is likely one of the more ready ones in FCW. Pros: The Carlito of the season. Someone like Swagger wors. You may be a whatever graduate, I'm a pro and an All-American American.


Alberto Banderas - Possible Pros: Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, John Morrison. He runs into the problem of being Mexican. I know that sounds bad. But language barrier, generic/bad look (Put the mask back on). He is likely the most ready guy in FCW besides Kaval though.


And from there I really feel it becomes a slipperly slop. As far as readiness goes, one would have to assume the next guys could be either Johnny Curtis or Joe Doering, but who knows. I wouldnt put it past WWE to want one of its new "freaks" on the show, Conrad Tanner, Jackson Andrews, or Kipp Christianson. Maybe having Kipp & Great Khali and Andrews & Big Show could be fun. Two giant tandems.




There is always a chance they do a Diva-Version or Tag Team Version as well.

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As before, I'm not going to predict 'winners'. Just the NXT guys in the order I like 'em.


1 Skip Sheffield - I sorely missed the Cornfed Meathead dishing out knuckle-sandwiches this week. Yup yup yup. What it do?

2 Daniel Bryan - The Miz feud is chugging along nicely.

3 David Otunga - A great heel character saddled with a babyface role for the last couple of weeks. A shame.

4 Justin Gabriel - Disappointing video package. The clips of flippy-moves were fun, but there's little substance to the character thus far.

5 Wade Barrett - I don't like him, but he's at least shown something. Jericho yelling at Cole and Josh during his matches is awesome!

6 Michael Tarver - Three weeks. No knockouts. Come on, dude. 1.9 someone already!

7 Darren Young - Disappointing video package. Visually he's such a wacky guy, but what he was saying was bland, bordering on serious. He spoke in such generic, abstract statements. "I like being entertaining, I like having fun". Show, dude, don't Tell. Be entertaining. Be fun. Make us want you to defy the Straight Edge Society!

8 Heath Slater - Has done nothing that I find appealing or likeable.


my view


1 Skip Sheffield I really loved when he had the Ryback gimmick and havent seen him much as Skip Sheffield but so far i like his new character.

2 Daniel Bryan Nothing to say really the winner of NXT S1

3 David Otunga - As Self said a great heel character shame if they turn him face.

4 Justin Gabriel I have seen him go in FCW, he is a great talent.

5 Wade Barrett I dont like him as a wrestler but in FCW he was an awesome heel commentator should stick him as that.

6 Michael Tarver KO someone already

7 Darren Young He was a fun babyface in FCW but not a Kofi/Bourne :p

8 Heath Slater Man i HATE Heath Slater, i cant stand him and hope he gets booted.

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I was just thinking now, I dont know why, what will be in NXT Season 2. It seems WWE put a lot of its developmental eggs in one basket putting alot of their bigger prospects on season one (Pretty much everyone but Young seems to have some form of potential at this point)


So who might be on season 2? Here's my guesses.


Kaval - Possible Pros: Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, or Rey Mysterio. I think the easy favourite to be a member. He and Joe Hennig were at one point going to be in Season 1, but WWE decided to shrink the roster. He'd obviously be the work horse of Season 2, but his kicks woul get him over alone. Any of the guys being his pro would work well I think.


Joe Hennig - Possible Pros: Randy Orton, Finlay, or William Regal. I think he actually might be more of a lock then Kaval at this point since he fits the mould better. Harder to pick a pro for. Orton makes sense. Gives the show its Jericho for the season, play of legacy routes. Finlay or Regal just make sense to play the "I knew your father" card and be hard nosed on him.


After these two it really opens up I think.


Richie Steamboat - Possible Pros: Chris Jericho, Ricky Steamboat, Kofi Kingston. He hasnt been in the system for long, and I doubt WWE wants to rush him through. I'm sure he'll only come up when Ricky thinks he's ready. Pros could be interesting. Bringing Ricky out from behind the curtian is ALWAYS welcome. But having Jericho back doing the "I hate you and your father" routine would be interesting.


Brett Dibiase - Possible Pros: Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, or Randy Orton. In the Steamboat book of simply I dont think being ready. I guess it depends how long season 1 lasts. Maybe 6 months to a year from now he'll be more ready. The pros write themselves.


Alex Riley - Possible Pros: Jack Swagger, Santino Marella, Goldust. Been receiving a good deal of house show/pre-show tryouts. So WWE sees something in him, as far as being ready he is likely one of the more ready ones in FCW. Pros: The Carlito of the season. Someone like Swagger wors. You may be a whatever graduate, I'm a pro and an All-American American.


Alberto Banderas - Possible Pros: Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, John Morrison. He runs into the problem of being Mexican. I know that sounds bad. But language barrier, generic/bad look (Put the mask back on). He is likely the most ready guy in FCW besides Kaval though.


And from there I really feel it becomes a slipperly slop. As far as readiness goes, one would have to assume the next guys could be either Johnny Curtis or Joe Doering, but who knows. I wouldnt put it past WWE to want one of its new "freaks" on the show, Conrad Tanner, Jackson Andrews, or Kipp Christianson. Maybe having Kipp & Great Khali and Andrews & Big Show could be fun. Two giant tandems.




There is always a chance they do a Diva-Version or Tag Team Version as well.


Or they could have hired a lot of new people or even repackaged some by then. Kinda early to be speculating imho. Diva or tag version could be cool as it would raise the profile of those divisions hopefully. Problem is I think that a lot of the WWE audience has been made to believe that those divisions don't matter.

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Or they could have hired a lot of new people or even repackaged some by then. Kinda early to be speculating imho. Diva or tag version could be cool as it would raise the profile of those divisions hopefully. Problem is I think that a lot of the WWE audience has been made to believe that those divisions don't matter.


I highly doubt anybody who gets hired between now and then will be called up before their current guys. They're not going to do a diva version, that's called the Diva Search and we saw how well that worked...tag version? They don't have any tag teams to mentor whatever young teams they have(and they don't have many of those, either).

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Sad news from JR's blog:


"I don't think that WWE is interested in putting me back on weekly TV and all the travel that comes along with it at this time. Would I love to work with King again? Certainly. Is this my call? Nope. Do I think that I will ever be paired with Lawler again on a regular basis? Highly unlikely."


Hopefully, if that's the case, they'll find a way to bring him back for a proper sendoff.

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I highly doubt anybody who gets hired between now and then will be called up before their current guys. They're not going to do a diva version, that's called the Diva Search and we saw how well that worked...tag version? They don't have any tag teams to mentor whatever young teams they have(and they don't have many of those, either).


You don't need tag team mentors. One mentor per team. Preferably guys with tag experience. Morrison. Miz. Matt Hardy. Shawn Michaels. Edge. Christian. Big Show...


Not that I'm a fan of a 'tag team only' version. What I'd like, in season 2, would be for there to be a tag team in it. Just one. Two best friends who dream of one day being tag team champions, torn apart by the every-man-for-himself nature of NXT, and perhaps mentors who hate each other. There's a story there, I think.

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I highly doubt anybody who gets hired between now and then will be called up before their current guys. They're not going to do a diva version, that's called the Diva Search and we saw how well that worked...tag version? They don't have any tag teams to mentor whatever young teams they have(and they don't have many of those, either).



Apples and oranges. The Diva Search was about as eye candy focused as a WEW or NWWL show. The NXT concept seems to be about people who can go in the ring, trying to develop personalities and followings with the audience. Nobody from the Diva Search could go in the ring (nor were they expected to). Problem is, the entire point of an eye candy contest is not conducive to creating compelling onscreen personas. THAT is why the Diva Search failed. It's like a woman being hired for her looks then wanting to be taken seriously. One or the other, having both is a rare occurrence (how many Trish types has the 'E had?).

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I'm not sure if anyone here would actually know this or not since it has to do with WWE contracts but its been discussed before.


When someone is released they have a 90 day no compete clause. People don't realize just how many companies out there have a similar thing.


My question is they do get paid their downside for those 90 days right? Their not being forced to sit at home without income coming in for 90 days right?

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I'm not sure if anyone here would actually know this or not since it has to do with WWE contracts but its been discussed before.


When someone is released they have a 90 day no compete clause. People don't realize just how many companies out there have a similar thing.


My question is they do get paid their downside for those 90 days right? Their not being forced to sit at home without income coming in for 90 days right?


It's optional. Either take the no compete clause and get the downside or ignore it and don't get paid.

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I'm not sure if anyone here would actually know this or not since it has to do with WWE contracts but its been discussed before.


When someone is released they have a 90 day no compete clause. People don't realize just how many companies out there have a similar thing.


My question is they do get paid their downside for those 90 days right? Their not being forced to sit at home without income coming in for 90 days right?


They probably are, in most cases.


I'm going based on the fact that these contracts are usually bought out. Which means the WWE owes a lump sum to the performer to end the contract early. That sum fulfills the E's olbigation and the 90 day is just a clasue in the contracts that's enforced like any other part of the contract the worker agreed to upon signing.


I'm not explaining it correctly, but I guess my point is this: if the performer agrees to the no-compete, then they have to abide it as long as the WWE fulfills their end of the deal (even while cutting them loose early) .

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They probably are, in most cases.


I'm going based on the fact that these contracts are usually bought out. Which means the WWE owes a lump sum to the performer to end the contract early. That sum fulfills the E's olbigation and the 90 day is just a clasue in the contracts that's enforced like any other part of the contract the worker agreed to upon signing.


I'm not explaining it correctly, but I guess my point is this: if the performer agrees to the no-compete, then they have to abide it as long as the WWE fulfills their end of the deal (even while cutting them loose early) .


I think that'll be the case. It's effectively giving them there 90 day notice, paying them up front for the 90 days, telling them that they don't have to come to work for the next 90 days, but they can't compete for anyone else in the 90 days.


I think Peter put it more eloquently than me.

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