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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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As I said, Danielson's win is gonna be a big one. It might be hyped and whatnot, wouldn't put it past them if he were to win against Miz himself.


Have him lose through the entire NXT through no fault of his own and get voted last. Then have him as a surprise entrant on the next RAW where he wins the US title from Miz.


My fantasy booking, not at all biased because Danielson is one of my favorite wrestlers. :D

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FCW updated its webpage. New Funky names for all!



Dunno who this is...



aka Joe Doering



aka Ray Leppan



aka Asher Knight



aka Sarona Snuka



aka Incognito

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IWC needs to get it together. Pro Wrestling isn't built around wins and losses anymore.

Absolutely. And it makes perfect sense within the story they're telling with he and Miz. Still doesn't mean I liked seeing Danielson lose to that lumbering oaf. I think I would have preferred it if he had been wrestling Big Show instead. Accomplishes the same thing, except I wouldn't have had to watch Khali stink up my TV.

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The Figure Four Weekly Newsletter is reporting that several stars backstage in WWE were said to be very pleased with last week's TNA Impact broadcast and are pulling for TNA as they feel competition is good for the business. Additionally, it's being said that some backstage WWE talents are becoming bored with WWE's product and are glad to see another product out there.



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Apparently the wellness policy has been updated to include banning chair shots to the head of any kind.


Personally I support it because I don't want the people I watch wrestle dead before 60 but there's always some people who feel the wrestlers owe them to be maimed and beaten into concussions.


Absolutely. And it makes perfect sense within the story they're telling with he and Miz. Still doesn't mean I liked seeing Danielson lose to that lumbering oaf. I think I would have preferred it if he had been wrestling Big Show instead. Accomplishes the same thing, except I wouldn't have had to watch Khali stink up my TV.


The guy carried Khali to an almost watchable match. If that doesn't tell WWE brass that he's useful nothing will.

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Kind of a dull NXT this week. The highlight video was a repeat, and very few guys got to show personality. Highlights for me were Bryan/Khali (it was a fun spectacle match) and Jericho yelling at Josh Matthews on commentary (More!). Lowlights were the lack of Knockout punch from Michael Tarver (I officially no longer care about the guy) the lack of Skip Sheffield promo (not even a Yup Yup Yup. What it do?) and the fact that Heath Slater has the best win-loss record. Apparently, that ginger paedo is the best fighter out of the NXT guys. I'm stunned and appalled.


The Figure Four Weekly Newsletter is reporting that several stars backstage in WWE were said to be very pleased with last week's TNA Impact broadcast and are pulling for TNA as they feel competition is good for the business. Additionally, it's being said that some backstage WWE talents are becoming bored with WWE's product and are glad to see another product out there.




Nothing to say about the content of this, but I find it amusing that you are reporting that PWMania.com are reporting that the F4W Newsletter is reporting that WWE guys like TNA. I half expect the post to have 'purple-monkey-dishwasher' at the end. :)

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several stars backstage in WWE were said to be very pleased with last week's TNA Impact broadcast and are pulling for TNA as they feel competition is good for the business.



Read: They think they'll be able to hold out for more money if there is another option. Good for 'the business'? What they mean is good for their wallets.


Additionally, it's being said that some backstage WWE talents are becoming bored with WWE's product and are glad to see another product out there.


Read: They think they'll be able to hold out for more money if there is another option.

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Not that there's anything wrong with that really. It's up to either company to pay them what they're asking for. Can't fault them for asking.


Oh for sure, can't blame anyone for trying to make some scratch. I just find it funny when these guys say 'good for the business' when what they mean is "we can make more money".

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Anyone else get the feeling that HBK is gonna win a wrestlemania with a roll up or lowblow or feet on the ropes or something like that?


As much as I don't want to see the streak end, I can see HBK winning this year and coming back for the rubber match at Wrestlemania 27. As much as Taker deserves his legacy of being undefeated at WM, imagine how amazing the build will be for WM27 if it's HBK vs Taker all or nothing? so excited for Mania right now :)

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Is it not.. all or nothing already at this point? I don't know what more above a career and an undefeated streak(which by that point wouldn't be undefeated) they could put on the line... unless Taker's career but that wouldn't really seem marginally more impactful than Career vs. Streak.


True - but only for michaels atm. if hbk wins this year, and they have the rubber match next year, put both career's on the line next year and have a definitive end to an epic feud spanning three Mania's. i expect taker to keep his undefeated streak this year though - it's such a unique part of his legacy that he deserves to keep it. can't help but wonder though about this year :p

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True - but only for michaels atm. if hbk wins this year, and they have the rubber match next year, put both career's on the line next year and have a definitive end to an epic feud spanning three Mania's. i expect taker to keep his undefeated streak this year though - it's such a unique part of his legacy that he deserves to keep it. can't help but wonder though about this year :p


The only way I want to see Taker lose at Wrestlemania is A) If it's his last ever match and B) if it is putting over a member of the next generation of WWE superstars.


I know that wins and loses don't mean anything in wresting, but *that* win, ending Taker's WM streak would be huge; I'd argue that it'd do more for someone than any title belt at the moment. HBK stands to gain nothing from beating Taker, as he's winding down himself.


What I'd like to see is Taker working a very light schedule in the next 12 months. Hopefully by next years Mainia, they'll have someone in a position whereby they can end the streak and become a megastar.


Question...is there anyone else of note with a Mainia streak? Even if it's just a couple of years?

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The only way I want to see Taker lose at Wrestlemania is A) If it's his last ever match and B) if it is putting over a member of the next generation of WWE superstars.


I know that wins and loses don't mean anything in wresting, but *that* win, ending Taker's WM streak would be huge; I'd argue that it'd do more for someone than any title belt at the moment. HBK stands to gain nothing from beating Taker, as he's winding down himself.


What I'd like to see is Taker working a very light schedule in the next 12 months. Hopefully by next years Mainia, they'll have someone in a position whereby they can end the streak and become a megastar.


Question...is there anyone else of note with a Mainia streak? Even if it's just a couple of years?


This post just gave me visions of Sheamus standing over the fallen Undertaker at WrestleMania XXVII while confetti falls.


And dear God it doesn't sound like a bad idea...

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The only way I want to see Taker lose at Wrestlemania is A) If it's his last ever match and B) if it is putting over a member of the next generation of WWE superstars.


I agree entirely. I didn't think Shawn Michaels should have been the guy to retire Ric Flair (although in retrospect it didn't matter) and I don't think Shawn Michaels should be the guy to beat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Personally, judging by his recent performance, I'd give the victory to The Miz. Maybe CM Punk, although he doesn't need the win as much. Depending on how they develop over the next 9 months, Sheamus, McIntyre, MVP, Christian, John Morrison... Options. It would be a MASSIVE deal for any of those guys. For Shawn Michaels, not so much.

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I don't read wrestling rumor sites so I don't know if this is oldish news or not..totally could be. But I stumbled across this so I thought I'd post just in case.


The oldest pro wrestling trope in the book, nailing an opponent with a folding chair, could be no more in the WWE. Why? Politics, as usual.


Maybe wrestling's not a sport, but that doesn't less the risk of injury for the performers. And the rising tide of concussion awareness has lifted even the WWE's boat. In 2008 they adopted a concussion management program, which includes this:


"The WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension the following:

– The intentional use of a folding metal chair to "strike" an opponent in the head."


That's obviously laughable, since it pretends to punish wrestlers as if they grab ringside chairs of their own accord, rather than as part of a script. But no one made a big deal, until Linda McMahon's Senate run.


Rob Simmons, vying for the GOP nomination with McMahon, called her out, asking if she would be testifying at state hearings on a bill to prevent concussions among student athletes. Her wrestling organization, he said, is setting a poor example. It was a bit of showmanship on his part, but an effective one: the WWE changed its policy regarding chairshots.


"In January 2010, WWE amended its Talent Wellness Program, specifically regarding the ImPACT™ Concussion Management Program originally instituted in 2008, eliminating the use of folding chairs or props to "strike" an opponent in the head,'' [spokesman Robert] Zimmerman said in an email."


Thankfully, the new regulations do not cover 2x4s, coconuts, shillelaghs, trash cans, ladders, mannequin heads, or Singapore canes.



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Does that mean you can still do protected chairshots (IE raised hands) or is it banned all altogether?


I'd be fine with either since anything reducing the risk of wrestling is a good thing and chairshots to the head are just used as crutches in 99% of matches where proper buildup and psychology could accomplish the exact same thing. Kinda like blading.

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Maybe it'll be Daniel Bryan :D


Have him and The Miz feud on and off right up until 'Mania 27. Miz gets a good push throughout this year and becomes a credible threat to the main-event scene. He says he wants to end 'Taker's streak, but, somebody has other ideas...Daniel Bryan. This re-ignites their epic feud and the winner gets to face 'Taker.

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The funny thing about the streak is that Calaway doesn't get bothered at all with ending it and doesn't mind "jobing the streak" to someone. It's vince that dosen't want to end it. Personally i'd rather see Taker retiring undefeated, but as the wrestling world works the way it does (capitalizing on profitable, hot and over things, such as the streak) it would make perfect sense that a young, deserving worker making his way up the business could get to end it. I wouldn't mind seeing that. hell, i also wouldn't mind seeing shawn ending it (for obvious reasons) but that would be pointless. Shawn has nothing to gain with that, the WWE has nothing to gain with that...so as much as i would not mind seeing it (beeing a HBK fan) i'm also man enough to know it would be a waste of time. The only situation that in wich i see the WWE capitalising on shawn ending the streak is if it was both men's final match, so well built, turning to an epic where anything could happen and it wouldn't mind who got the victory...it would be all about an unforgetable performance. But as none of them is due to retire after WM (as far as i know of) they should just give the win to taker and end the feud. Michaels vs Taker 3 Wrestleanias on a row? I think that WWE would be pushing their luck if they tried to pull that one off.
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