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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm not a big fan of the flurry of finishes, but what's the deal with Orton looking like he's getting tazed in the tookus everytime he drops someone?


Maybe it's just me, but he seems less dangerous with that weirdo twitch thing going on.


Are you talking about before, or after? Because his whole ceremony-thing before the RKO seems to add to it. On the other hand, the bit he does where he leaps to his feet and clutches at his face is kinda weird.

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Are you talking about before, or after? Because his whole ceremony-thing before the RKO seems to add to it. On the other hand, the bit he does where he leaps to his feet and clutches at his face is kinda weird.


The aftermath. The build up is great. With the whole viper persona, when he's down on the mat, thumping his fists, before that quickstrike RKO, it's genius. It's a cobra snap. Then he rolls into a pin, gets up, and starts ... dancing like the Jackson 5 is stuck in his head. And all that work goes for naught, `cause he looks doofy. lol


I get ya Prophet, it's weird indeed - I guess he's just trying to sell the "fire" he's feeling after laying everyone out.


I guess. Or it's the "viper slither" like Slag said ... it's just so difficult to take Michael Cole seriously. Ever, really. But when he calls Randy the Apex Predator, while the man is doing an awkward version of the Truffle Shuffle.


(Now I'm just curious as to how many awkward comparisons to Orton's shimmy-shake I can make. lol)

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I guess. Or it's the "viper slither" like Slag said ... it's just so difficult to take Michael Cole seriously. Ever, really. But when he calls Randy the Apex Predator, while the man is doing an awkward version of the Truffle Shuffle.


If Randy Orton is an apex predator, does that mean that removing him from the roster would cause the ecosystem to be flooded with Evan Bournes?

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Only Ken Shamrock mirrors Kurt Angle in terms of learning how to do matches as fast


Ken was a pro-wrestler long before he became famous from Pancrase and the UFC though. He started in 1988 in the US (remember that story about him getting beaten up by The Nasty Boys?), before going to Japan and learning 'shoot-style' and eventually doing a legit shoot-fight before his 'MMA' debut in Pancrase in 1993. It wasn't a case of him coming to the UFC from the WWF and being a natural.


Also on the whole 'Shamrock being better at crazy' thing....Ken is a legitimately troubled and volatile person. I've been lucky enough to meet him numerous times over the years and even went through a toned-down version of the infamous Lion's Den 'breakdown' routine...he is one of the few MMA guys I've met who is legit intimidating, not because he's any tougher or scarier looking than anyone else, just because he has that thing about him where he seems like he could lose it at any second.


I guess it's a case of a guys 'real' personality making for the best character.

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Also on the whole 'Shamrock being better at crazy' thing....Ken is a legitimately troubled and volatile person. I've been lucky enough to meet him numerous times over the years and even went through a toned-down version of the infamous Lion's Den 'breakdown' routine...he is one of the few MMA guys I've met who is legit intimidating, not because he's any tougher or scarier looking than anyone else, just because he has that thing about him where he seems like he could lose it at any second.


I guess it's a case of a guys 'real' personality making for the best character.


To tell the truth I don't know ANY MMA fighter I wouldn't be a lil scared of, LOL.

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To tell the truth I don't know ANY MMA fighter I wouldn't be a lil scared of, LOL.

You're scared of Frankie Edgar or George St. Pierre?


Ken was a pro-wrestler long before he became famous from Pancrase and the UFC though. He started in 1988 in the US (remember that story about him getting beaten up by The Nasty Boys?), before going to Japan and learning 'shoot-style' and eventually doing a legit shoot-fight before his 'MMA' debut in Pancrase in 1993. It wasn't a case of him coming to the UFC from the WWF and being a natural.


Also on the whole 'Shamrock being better at crazy' thing....Ken is a legitimately troubled and volatile person. I've been lucky enough to meet him numerous times over the years and even went through a toned-down version of the infamous Lion's Den 'breakdown' routine...he is one of the few MMA guys I've met who is legit intimidating, not because he's any tougher or scarier looking than anyone else, just because he has that thing about him where he seems like he could lose it at any second.


I guess it's a case of a guys 'real' personality making for the best character.

Although it's absolutely and completely true, he implies in interviews he had to "re-train" and/or "re-learn" pro-wrestling, because he accidentally stiffed Vader in his first match against Vader. Considering what Shamrock could do, I don't think he's lying about that.


But when it came to matches, Shamrock was nothing short of amazing. I think the only reason why they didn't push him more, was because they were afraid he might jump back into MMA (eventually).

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More on WNXT Diva Who Was Released


According to PWInsider.com, Lindsay Hayward, the 6-9, 240-pound woman given the name Aloisia for the third season of NXT, was actually dropped from the program due to erotic photos WWE officials uncovered of the giant grappler shortly after her television premiere last Tuesday.


The reported reason of Hayward being pulled from the program due to being deemed 'not ready' is said to be a cover excuse.


A set of photographs labeled "Tall Amazons Erotica" depict Hayward in a manner unbecoming to World Wrestling Entertainment's family friendly product. A number of the shots feature Aloisia positioned erotically, including nude. There are also images of the she-giant engaging pleasantries with a petite blonde woman.


The storyline reason given for Hayward's hastily dismissal from NXT was that Aloisia had been fired by her Pro, Vickie Guerrero, after an argument over her influence. Guerrero will reveal her new Rookie Diva during tonight's season 3 premiere.


Hayward currently remains under contract to WWE

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According to PWInsider.com, Lindsay Hayward, the 6-9, 240-pound woman given the name Aloisia for the third season of NXT, was actually dropped from the program due to erotic photos WWE officials uncovered of the giant grappler shortly after her television premiere last Tuesday.


The reported reason of Hayward being pulled from the program due to being deemed 'not ready' is said to be a cover excuse.


A set of photographs labeled "Tall Amazons Erotica" depict Hayward in a manner unbecoming to World Wrestling Entertainment's family friendly product. A number of the shots feature Aloisia positioned erotically, including nude. There are also images of the she-giant engaging pleasantries with a petite blonde woman.


The storyline reason given for Hayward's hastily dismissal from NXT was that Aloisia had been fired by her Pro, Vickie Guerrero, after an argument over her influence. Guerrero will reveal her new Rookie Diva during tonight's season 3 premiere.


Hayward currently remains under contract to WWE


That won't be for long if true. And why do most get fired if they do pictures or have done them and others do not? Maryse and Kim (Topless).

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A set of photographs labeled "Tall Amazons Erotica" depict Hayward in a manner unbecoming to World Wrestling Entertainment's family friendly product. A number of the shots feature Aloisia positioned erotically, including nude. There are also images of the she-giant engaging pleasantries with a petite blonde woman.


The language used here is amazing. "Positioned erotically" "engaging pleasantries". Hilarious.


I'll go ahead and say this is "newz" of the highest order. Just a website trying to get hits. I mean, those pictures exist, sure, but when it comes to her not being NXT, the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. She wasn't ready.


EDIT: I'd figure Aloisa doing 'erotica' would be a positive for her. I beat certain folks in charge are thinking "Giant girl could sell tickets, but will she sell calenders?".

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That won't be for long if true. And why do most get fired if they do pictures or have done them and others do not? Maryse and Kim (Topless).


I think it's going to come down to a little bit "because maryse and kim are established, ect" but alot more in the "these are kinda softcore porn/ more"


I mean there's a difference between topless shots and what was going on here if you read between the lines.


Reading between the lines, "exchanging pleasantries" probably means they have more than a picture of them exchanging phone numbers :D


also possible the website is full of donkey poo and it's just that she looked awful in tryouts ect.

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You're scared of Frankie Edgar or George St. Pierre?



Although it's absolutely and completely true, he implies in interviews he had to "re-train" and/or "re-learn" pro-wrestling, because he accidentally stiffed Vader in his first match against Vader. Considering what Shamrock could do, I don't think he's lying about that.


But when it came to matches, Shamrock was nothing short of amazing. I think the only reason why they didn't push him more, was because they were afraid he might jump back into MMA (eventually).


Which he did, and sadly never really returned from... though clearly the WWF at the time both supported him and from what I gather expected him to return. I recall them having updates about Shamrock on their website, and he was still included in a couple videogames after he left. It was some months after his return to MMA that the WWF/E stopped mentioning him in any form or fashion.


The thing is, the WWF probably should've pushed him. If he knew he had a job at the top of the company, he may have been less tempted to go back to MMA or at the very least wanted to return to a nice, steady, sizeable paycheck.


And, while I was a HUGE Ken Shamrock fan back in his WWF days (hell, he's the reason I first decided to watch some MMA bouts), I will say this: he's a very soft-spoken sorta guy on the microphone, and it makes him cutting a promo something usually to be avoided... which is never a good thing with the WWF/E. Still, he was an excellent wrestler and played his "legitimate" character to perfection as both a heel and face. I just wish he'd stuck with wrestling more than he did. Most of his MMA work has just been a sad reminder that time can turn even the best of a sport into a shell of the athlete they once were. :(


Wrestling, however, allows Terry Funk to geritol up the ring well into his 60s and still have people half-buy it!

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I just want to say...


What's the deal with Isis? Are they super serious about the pics?


First off: how many underage boys are gonna try and locate nude pics of the 6'9" lady? Granted, she isn't half bad looking... but at that age, odds are the more "stereotypical" WWE Diva is likely to make a 10 year old wish he could hit puberty already.


Second: Just doing some simple searches, I couldn't really find anything. One website alluding to some some... aherm... "pleasantries"... (including what appears to be the petite blonde mentioned earlier)... but after a few minutes of trying different search engines and names she goes by, I couldn't personally locate anything of a tawdry nature. I'm not saying they don't exist, but at the moment they aren't readily available. Of course, maybe now they will be now the world know's they exist.


Honestly, if I was her I'd head to TNA. If they can make half an effort to book her half as well as Awesome Kong in her prime with them, she could make a name for herself and maybe prove to the WWE she's a valuable asset to have around.


I just think it's silly. Just a decade ago the WWF would spend time on international, primetime television to hype up the opportunity to see basically their entire female roster nude. Wanna see Miss Kitty, Chyna, Sable or Terri Runnels in their birthday suits? No problem! And here's the WWF to remind you of what magazine it is you need to buy to see them!


It just feels like there's a mis-step in logic somewhere, or maybe it's just that the WWE seems to be passing on a potentially unique talent over something that I find a bit trivial.

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I just want to say...


What's the deal with Isis? Are they super serious about the pics?


First off: how many underage boys are gonna try and locate nude pics of the 6'9" lady? Granted, she isn't half bad looking... but at that age, odds are the more "stereotypical" WWE Diva is likely to make a 10 year old wish he could hit puberty already.


Second: Just doing some simple searches, I couldn't really find anything. One website alluding to some some... aherm... "pleasantries"... (including what appears to be the petite blonde mentioned earlier)... but after a few minutes of trying different search engines and names she goes by, I couldn't personally locate anything of a tawdry nature. I'm not saying they don't exist, but at the moment they aren't readily available. Of course, maybe now they will be now the world know's they exist.


I found the website (thanks to another wrestling forum website who had the link and shared it) and i didn't find anything wrong with the pictures.


I can send you a link on PM.

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Second: Just doing some simple searches, I couldn't really find anything. One website alluding to some some... aherm... "pleasantries"... (including what appears to be the petite blonde mentioned earlier)... but after a few minutes of trying different search engines and names she goes by, I couldn't personally locate anything of a tawdry nature. I'm not saying they don't exist, but at the moment they aren't readily available. Of course, maybe now they will be now the world know's they exist.

You just gotta get creative. ;)

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The thing is, the WWF probably should've pushed him. If he knew he had a job at the top of the company, he may have been less tempted to go back to MMA or at the very least wanted to return to a nice, steady, sizeable paycheck.



That was the risk with Ken though, or any MMA/wrestling crossover. It's tough to bill someone as a legit bad ass, or 'The World's Most Dangerous Man' when they're....well, not. Ken's record is 3-10 since leaving the WWF...even in the years immediately following his departure, he had two high-profile losses in Japan, and was used as nothing more than a punch bag by Tito Ortiz for three rounds in what was at the time the UFC's highest-profile fight.


If I was the WWF at the time of his departure, I'd have been dubious about investing in Ken as a top-shelf wrestler. You'd never know if he would up and leave to fight again (and as it turned out, their no-compete with regards to that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on), and what shape his image would be if he did. History has shown that they made the right call.

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Just watched this week's Raw. Something I never thought would be possible has happened: I'm actually rooting for freaking John Cena since I can't not stand Orton, his gimmick, or the way he is getting pushed. This from someone who has never liked Cena at all. I'd rather see ANY of the other guys win the 6-pack challenge other than Orton.
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