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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just can't suspend my disbelief enough to listen to a handsome guy complain about how disfigured he is/has been when he's wearing a clear mask that shows he is still as handsome as he ever was.


I think you're missing the point a bit ;) Everybody, him included, knows he's not disfigured. He's keeping up the schtick that he is purely to keep the mask, which he frequently uses as a weapon - obviously, he wouldn't take it off if he really was (as in, in-kayfabe) disfigured, as it wouldn't be worth the risk.


Alternatively though, they could have taken it the way they (should have) went with Kane after his unmasking - his scars have long-since healed, but mentally he's convinced they're still there.

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I'm not a big fan of Rhodes right now. I think his promos are hit-and-miss, and I hate his character. I just can't suspend my disbelief enough to listen to a handsome guy complain about how disfigured he is/has been when he's wearing a clear mask that shows he is still as handsome as he ever was.


I'm a huge mark for Dolph Ziggler, though. I think his body language is top-notch, his promos are more than good enough, and his selling is maybe the best in the WWE. He's shows great heel mannerisms, and with his ability to sell, I imagine he'd make a great undersized babyface that struggles to take down the bigger heels.


I don't know that I agree with Nedew, above, entirely. The problem is just that he thinks he's disfigured. He's crazy. However, it seems more like he's afraid of being disfigured again, which is why he can take the mask off when it's opportune; he doesn't need to worry about getting clobbered when Orton isn't looking, so he can use it to an advantage.

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I'm not a big fan of Rhodes right now. I think his promos are hit-and-miss, and I hate his character. I just can't suspend my disbelief enough to listen to a handsome guy complain about how disfigured he is/has been when he's wearing a clear mask that shows he is still as handsome as he ever was.


I'm a huge mark for Dolph Ziggler, though. I think his body language is top-notch, his promos are more than good enough, and his selling is maybe the best in the WWE. He's shows great heel mannerisms, and with his ability to sell, I imagine he'd make a great undersized babyface that struggles to take down the bigger heels.


Well here's something I can agree on. In fact, the only reason Ziggler's not in my top 5 yet is cause he's missing that tiny little thing that can send him over the moon. Great mic skills, he just misses that little bang to his promos that can make them rewatchable, whether a catchphrase or something else. But the quip one-liners are already a good touch.


Cody.. he's good no doubt, has a lot of potential. My gripe with him is that voice of his... sounds so cartoonish sometimes. Though you could say maybe it belongs in the realm of WWE, but sometimes he even switches from that voice to normal and it just sounds.. off. Work a bit on that, work on that receipt line maybe and he'll win me over as well.

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I think you're missing the point a bit ;) Everybody, him included, knows he's not disfigured. He's keeping up the schtick that he is purely to keep the mask, which he frequently uses as a weapon - obviously, he wouldn't take it off if he really was (as in, in-kayfabe) disfigured, as it wouldn't be worth the risk.


He was never disfigured, though. We know this because he wore a clear mask.


And the idea that he's keeping up the schtick to keep the mask to use as a weapon makes no sense, either. We can all see he's not disfigured, we all know that he doesn't need the mask, what person in control is seriously letting him keep it? And why would he want it as a weapon? It's plastic.


Like a lot of stuff on Raw these days, I think Rhodes gimmick works as long as you don't think about it. If you kind of fill in the blanks yourself or re-work some of the stuff, it can make some amount of sense. But if you think about how they're actually presenting it, it quickly unravels.

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Oh, and am I late to the party in realizing how they're pumping in CM Punk chants? I've been a bit suspicious at times these past couple months, but tonight was the tipping point. I find it hard to believe fans in Mexico City spontaneously started and perfectly synchronized a loud CM Punk chant within seconds (with no one visible to the camera actually chanting), that chant dying out seconds later, and there being absolutely no hint of the Spanish pronunciations of some of those letters, which are notably different. The 'u', especially, is a pretty dead give-away.


Obviously a lot of pro wrestling is smoke and mirrors, but pumping in crowd chants, at least to me, just seems dishonest.

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He was never disfigured, though. We know this because he wore a clear mask.


And the idea that he's keeping up the schtick to keep the mask to use as a weapon makes no sense, either. We can all see he's not disfigured, we all know that he doesn't need the mask, what person in control is seriously letting him keep it? And why would he want it as a weapon? It's plastic.



I guess we disagree on his characters gimmick. I take his character, as was mentioned above, to be crazy as a loon. Thus, he really believes he's disfigured.


We the audience know he isn't, but he has driven himself crazy thinking he is. He's essentially playing an evil psychotic person. That accounts for his voice too, it's cartoonish because he's got the crazies.


Your looking at it as he knows but tries to fool the audience with a clear mask.


which may be valid, WWE hasent been consistent at all portraying it. Sometimes the announcers seem to be on board with playing up he's crazy and not disfigured, other weeks it's the "come on he's not disfigured and he knows it dawg!" that Booker plays up.


That gets back to the inconstant announcing. there needs to be a strong voice on commentary laying out these parts of guys characters. Cole is a good heel voice, but not a good lead announcer.

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And the idea that he's keeping up the schtick to keep the mask to use as a weapon makes no sense, either. We can all see he's not disfigured, we all know that he doesn't need the mask, what person in control is seriously letting him keep it? And why would he want it as a weapon? It's plastic.


(Bolding is my emphasis; italics is original)


But so are cars.

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Oh, and am I late to the party in realizing how they're pumping in CM Punk chants? I've been a bit suspicious at times these past couple months, but tonight was the tipping point. I find it hard to believe fans in Mexico City spontaneously started and perfectly synchronized a loud CM Punk chant within seconds (with no one visible to the camera actually chanting), that chant dying out seconds later, and there being absolutely no hint of the Spanish pronunciations of some of those letters, which are notably different. The 'u', especially, is a pretty dead give-away.


Obviously a lot of pro wrestling is smoke and mirrors, but pumping in crowd chants, at least to me, just seems dishonest.


They don't normally pump in anything on RAW as its broadcast live - of course, last night was the exception.


So consider it a one off through being in a foreign country. Unless you're watching Smackdown, where they dub in the crowd every damned week.

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Jonny Ace is getting Vickie magnitude heat (unless that was pumped in, too). Good Brodus Clay promo.


Punk v Miz was good. I actually expected them to give Miz the win.


Ziggler is awesome on the mic. Zack Ryder's winning streak continues. Mason Ryan looks as dominant as Henry in the ring -- he just needs a manager to talk for him.


JR/Cena v Cole/ADR was better than expected.


Pretty average Raw but I did enjoy Punk, Miz-Truth, Ryan and Ziggler.

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I just caught Ziggler's segments on YouTube. His match against Mason Ryan is exactly what I imagine him to be like as a face. He would be great playing that undersized guy who gets battered around the ring before finding a way to win, much to the crowd's delight.


But he's also a great heel, and it's nice to see him finally getting a chance to talk more and develop his character beyond being Vickie's lackey.


With how much I'm liking what Ziggler is doing and hating the rut that Punk is currently stuck in, Ziggler might be #1 on my top five now. Punk's match yesterday certainly didn't help his cause. It was a five-minute match with the pace of an iron-man match. I don't know if him and the Miz were worn out from the Mexico tour or they just didn't give a damn about the match, but that was really disappointing.

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Oh, and am I late to the party in realizing how they're pumping in CM Punk chants? I've been a bit suspicious at times these past couple months, but tonight was the tipping point. I find it hard to believe fans in Mexico City spontaneously started and perfectly synchronized a loud CM Punk chant within seconds (with no one visible to the camera actually chanting), that chant dying out seconds later, and there being absolutely no hint of the Spanish pronunciations of some of those letters, which are notably different. The 'u', especially, is a pretty dead give-away.


Obviously a lot of pro wrestling is smoke and mirrors, but pumping in crowd chants, at least to me, just seems dishonest.


Also, in addition to what eayragt was saying, usually the little bit of delay they DO have is spent pumping the crowd OUT. Why do you think it is that the cheering in a huge, 20,000 person stadium is no louder than it was in RoH's 2003 shows where 300 people attended? Do people care THAT MUCH LESS? No, I think it's that they edit out booing and turn down the crowd in general.

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If I'm not mistaken though they don't get suspended for weed just find $2,500 or something like that. My guess would be pain killers or muscle relaxers this time around.


That was true for a time. I was talking to a former WWE wrestle about it and it had just gotten switched before he was canned. He mentioned A LOT of WWE superstars enjoy the reefer.


Also, I could see Mason Ryan growing on me. Even for a muscle freak that I usually hate. He kind of had me won over with all those "rumors" that he was a super humble guy who couldnt understand why WWE would push him over other talent and such. Apparently he's well liked backstage because he openly admits his shortcomings and tries to get help and stuff, apparently working really close with Goldust or Malenko, I cant remember who.

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That was true for a time. I was talking to a former WWE wrestle about it and it had just gotten switched before he was canned. He mentioned A LOT of WWE superstars enjoy the reefer.


Also, I could see Mason Ryan growing on me. Even for a muscle freak that I usually hate. He kind of had me won over with all those "rumors" that he was a super humble guy who couldnt understand why WWE would push him over other talent and such. Apparently he's well liked backstage because he openly admits his shortcomings and tries to get help and stuff, apparently working really close with Goldust or Malenko, I cant remember who.


Yeah, it seems like Mason Ryan enjoys having matches from the way he reacts when he's on TV, and if those "rumors" are true then it sounds like he actually cares for the business, unlike the person that people compare him to. ;)

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Yeah, it seems like Mason Ryan enjoys having matches from the way he reacts when he's on TV, and if those "rumors" are true then it sounds like he actually cares for the business, unlike the person that people compare him to. ;)


Well, one thing I know is I'm looking forward to getting my hands on him in the video game. I may not like guys like Ryan so much in the real world but give them to me on Wii or PS3 or whichever and I'll joyfully pummel the pixels opposite me into submission with them. The most annoying thing about not getting DLC on the Wii in last year's game was that I missed out on being able to play as Chris Masters again. Loved using him in the 2006 game.

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Vince should try to kill "What" like he did the ECW chants. Create a new brand, call it "WWE WHAT" and make it terrible. Fans will soon give up when the phrase is no longer cool.


hahaha yah that would be awesome. They must edit out the what chants on Smackdown when it gets taped, it's just strange that when someone does promos on Smackdown there's no WHAAAAT but the RAW live show it's the weekly return of the ducks. I actually liked Miz when he called them all a bunch of ducks haha

if they want to keep it live, utilize the 10 second delay to cut out the whats maybe?

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Really? I always saw it as disrespectful. Booing is fine, that's to be expected, but when the crowd cares more about yelling "What?" than they do paying attention to the guy talking, it sort of crosses the line. Worst of all, when it detracts from a good promo, such as the one Ziggler delivered on Raw.


It's a stupid chant that got way too popular and desperately needs to be done away with.

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