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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I never said I needed it explained, its Jeff Hardy, something like that was going to happen. I just don't like it looking so planned out, atleast try to make it look spontaneous (sp?) is all I'm saying. I was entertained by that, I even said that in a way. Just didn't like the way it was executed is all.


Fair enough.

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If you need everything explained spot-wise, then how can you enjoy matches at all? They are nothing like real fights.


Neither is MMA. I can recall very few fights ending with some guy telling both (or all) participants to stop. Even if that guy is a cop.


Just sayin', use the same brush if you're going to paint two things similarly.


Okay man. You're really pushing it. ANYONE? Really? You want to go that monolithic route? REALLY? Of course I think other people other than me would notice and care. Enough to where I think TNA would care to correct this error? We can have that discussion and you might, MIGHT sway me. But this monolothic "Nobody" type stuff really needs to die. I suppose it could be worse though. You could have told me that Any Normal Human Being "could care less."


So Terry squashed both Williams and Magnus with nothing much at stake. I repeat. Yawn. Ho hum. Good step along the path but hardly a conclusion to anything.


One out of two for me. I remembered that angle but I didn't care, mainly because I don't care about Terry and I barely care about Williams (and that's only because he trained a few of my favorite workers).


Besides, are you new? :p This isn't a new thing for TNA. The issues were resolved by the squashes. Whether you like it or I like it or Slagaholic likes it, it doesn't matter. Williams costs Terry the case, Terry squashes Williams and Magnus. The End.

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okay **** SEAN WALTMAN! I've had it with this guy months ago when he was on outs with the company after no showing the Chris Candido tourney. Then the guy redeems himself by filling in for Hardy and is actually working hard, then No-Shows again.


Now I can excuse Jeff Hardy doing it, the iMPACT Zone fans were riding him and all TNA wanted him to do at the time where garbage hardcore matches plus he was confronting his personal demons.


This is the millionth time he's screwed over TNA, Eric better fedex his ass.

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Sounds like the ppv was pretty good from all the posts.


The ratings should be interesting this week. I've been reading the last few days that the Raw crew is not expected to make it back due to the volcano and they may have the smackdown crew run it or possibly cancel.

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I am still stunned that the faces won the advantage for the match. How do you possibly screw up as something as simple as "the bad guys win the advantage to draw sympathy for the faces"!? It's suppose to be fool proof.


Everyone expected that to happen as a sure thing, so I actually like that they didn't do it.

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I'm amazed Angle didn't kill Anderson and himself with that moonsault. I couldn't enjoy the match because god damn son those two men should not have been doing what they were doing.


Also Ric Flair fell on some thumbtacks in what must be in contention for the dumbest spot ever. I turned it off after that.


There's my review of Lockdown.

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I'm definitely going to watch Lockdown. If Angle/Anderson is as good as everyone's saying, it'll be worth it just for that.


By the way, about the idea of "no one will remember what happened four months ago"... TNA has been LOSING viewers, not gaining a bunch of new ones who weren't watching before. Chances are almost everyone's going to remember!

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The issues were resolved by the squashes. Whether you like it or I like it or Slagaholic likes it, it doesn't matter. Williams costs Terry the case, Terry squashes Williams and Magnus. The End.


I get that this is what PASSES FOR the logic. I also get it's probably unrealistic to hold out hope for something more conclusive this late in the game. But it feels weak. Maddeningly so.


Right after they had both squashes I was wondering why Magnus and Williams weren't trying to make excuses for themselves and force Terry into doing something more conclusive. Not so much because I cared particularly deeply about any of the characters involved. So much as this needed doing for the sake of logic and the fact it never happened made me care about why. Sort of the "at least give me a reason to have put up with this stuff" type of deal. As is, the best thing I can say is about this "resolution" is that it fits right in with the inexplicable way World Elite grew apart in the first place.

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Went to the show and Kurt Angle got the biggest reaction of the entire show I don't know if that came across on television but Angle was just on and fed off the crowd.


There wasn't much "Heat" for the title match just your everyday "lets go AJ" "Pope is Pimpin" chants.


The whole show people wanted to see Flair the "we want Flair" chants were in abundance throughout the night.


Although the ending came across stupid for a pay per view this is what the live crowd wanted to see Hogan coming out and beating down Flair with Flair bleeding everywhere chanting "whoo". This would have been ideal for a house show to apease the live crowd but not for the pay per view. Nobody cared about Abyss, RVD was popular, the crowd went NUTS for Hardy period.


The way the arena was set up is you had seats on three sides of the arena. Of the three sides only the side opposite the ramp was completely filled. On both of the other sides they were filled about halfway across. The arena was roughly half full it was set up to seat about 5,000 and maybe dragged 3,000 in there.


Fun show, amazing to see Angle with that moonsault.

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Just thought I should point out.. that anyone who doesn't live on the East Coast just got the main event ruined.


But, I already read the spoiler anyway.


What a great week for RVD, eh? Today a world title, tomorrow is 4/20, a.k.a Hitler's birthday (how I'd prefer to remember it, since I'm not a potwhore)

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Just thought I should point out.. that anyone who doesn't live on the East Coast just got the main event ruined.


But, I already read the spoiler anyway.


What a great week for RVD, eh? Today a world title, tomorrow is 4/20, a.k.a Hitler's birthday (how I'd prefer to remember it, since I'm not a potwhore)


If you haven't seen the show why would you read this thread? I understand PPVs since not everyone orders them, but TV shows on basic cable you're just asking for it to be spoiled if you're reading the thread.


Nice job building up to the moment, TNA.


Good Impact, and I have no problem with RVD as champ. But why not build up to it a bit?


The shock of the win is supposed to be the catch.

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Just thought I should point out.. that anyone who doesn't live on the East Coast just got the main event ruined.


But, I already read the spoiler anyway.


What a great week for RVD, eh? Today a world title, tomorrow is 4/20, a.k.a Hitler's birthday (how I'd prefer to remember it, since I'm not a potwhore)


you'd PREFER to remember it as Hitler's birthday?...


I'm not a pothead either, but definitely don't wanna remember Hitler's birthday...

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