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<p>Been posting alot, but I think unfortunately TEW has just passed me by and its time to step away for a bit. My biggest gripe is I don't understand why my segment ratings are so much lower than both wrestlers in ring performance, yes I look at the dirt sheet. I have so many bonsuses going on but segments seem to tank. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm also keeping road agent notes to the minimum as in the past adding more actually ended up hurting you more</p><p> </p><p>

Started a new game to start from week 1 and try some thinks we've all been talking about:</p><p> </p><p>

DeColt opening (entertainment): 82</p><p>

McFly over Deeley with Price interferrence: 55 (poor chemistry and broken finger)</p><p>

Angle with Allen and Snow (Entertainment): 62</p><p>

Skip Beau over Jared Johnson: 62 (in ring performances of 67 and 69???)</p><p>

Ricky DeColt over Rivera: 59 (lee rivera very off his game)</p><p>

Angle with Brooke Tyler and Lauren Easter (entertainment): 62</p><p>

Vessey vs Strong, Knight at ringside: 75</p><p>

overall show: 67</p><p> </p><p>

soooo yeah. Not really mad so much as dissapointed. Guess its just not for me anymore. Segments seem to be rated alot more random than in the past (if you reload and test again) and penalized alot more despite dirt sheet having so many bonsuses. I def am not trying to book perfect shows, I'd just like to book average shows and have fun but seems unless I milk top stars and all the stars align that's far from reality.</p>

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That's odd because in all my saves, the AI runs Brooke vs Lauren into the ground, and often as the semi-main event on TV and PPV. 5, 6, 7 weeks in a row, and it always rates in the mid 70s to mid 80s (even though Lauren never wins clean). Wait, I see a new matchup. Brooke defeated Laura Flame - 81. In my current save, the women are consistently beating the TV title matches. I'm not seeing this 'tanking' you're referring to. In fact, I'd say with the talent available to them, the women are about 5 or 6 weeks of development from MAIN EVENTING CWA shows (Brooke Tyler d. Lauren Easter Week 2 Jan rated 83 in the semi main, the same rating as Aaron Knight & Cameron Vessey d. The DeColt Boys in the main event).


Throwing them onto a B-show (aka wrestling purgatory) would be a waste, especially since many of them are working cheap, relative to their performance potential. Given the dead weight on the roster, the women's division is a closeted strength.


Re: the women


Brooke and Amber are fine, they can put on good matches and angles.


The issue is that aside from Nadia (and the rest of the Queens court sucks at the start) and Flame (who I pu tin the Court TBH) the rest of them CANNOT be on the main show or you are losing 1-3 points.


And by Issue, yes, of course Rem if you Book the hell out of them with Decolts and everyone else, they'll get popularity quickly. Not saying the Women's division in CWA is awful and can't be saved, but honestly the B show idea (as long as you book it) with everyone you mention being the focus of a show makes more sense than tanking the main show's ratings for months to get an acceptable midcard for the women's division. Rather do that through a B show TBH.


I'll also likely trim the hell out of the division long term. I think they have the women for a very good division if you trim it to about 8-10 workers. That's pretty much what i've done for my main show and dynasty save. Amber, Lauren Easter, SAC and one other floating face, Heel side is Brooke and Nadia with the Court (with Flame added in, since the other two members of the Court don't impress me. Flame's the LT who will eventually clash with Nadia for queenship)


I've gotten 75's and 80's pretty easily with only those two main starts on the show + whoever they are feuding with. Good luck if you want to book like.... a squash match for Brooke though and finding a face outside of Lauren Easter or SAC who isn't going to tank that into the ground until some development is done though.

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I def am not trying to book perfect shows, I'd just like to book average shows and have fun but seems unless I milk top stars and all the stars align that's far from reality.


That's what your top stars are for in an SE environment. Are you paying these people top dollar to work LESS than the non-stars? I've always felt that the way to make fans care about someone is to put them with (or against) someone the fans do care about.


Re: the women


Agree to disagree. While they're not the fully formed powerhouse they could be, I think there's more talent in the women's division than many in the midcard. The same could be said for USPW's division except they have a singular focal point in Alicia.

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TL;DR: at the very end if you just want to read my main point of the post.


The issue some people are probably having with CWA is the focus of matches and angles. The roster isn't quite able to do it.


Right now Match Focus for CWA is set for Ensemble which means the card match rating is set to be 40% of whatever the main event is worth, 40% of whatever the best match (that isn't the main event) is worth, and 20% of whatever is remaining.


Angle Focus of Highlights means the top 3 angles get averaged out, so if one of your top 3 bomb, you are kind of screwed.


Sorry jesterX7769, I'm borrowing your card to illustrate why CWA needs to swap off of those (if you are playing them). This is what you get if you've got Ensemble and Highlights:


DeColt opening (entertainment): 82

McFly over Deeley with Price interferrence: 55 (poor chemistry and broken finger)

Angle with Allen and Snow (Entertainment): 62

Skip Beau over Jared Johnson: 62 (in ring performances of 67 and 69???)

Ricky DeColt over Rivera: 59 (lee rivera very off his game)

Angle with Brooke Tyler and Lauren Easter (entertainment): 62

Vessey vs Strong, Knight at ringside: 75

Overall show: 67


Highlights - DeColt opening is great at 85, but the next entertainment value is followed by 2 62s. That's 206 total of a possible 300. Divide that by 3 and we get 68.6 repeating, so let's say 69. Which is all you get for Angles for this show.


Matches - Ensemble means that we get 75% of 40 which is 30. The next highest match on the card means we only get 62% of 40 which is 24.8, so let's say 25. Without even getting to the last 20%, we've only manage to collect a total of 55 at this point. The last 20% is the average of the rest of the matches: 57. Which is to say 57% of 20, which is 11.4, which rounds down to 11. Meaning for matches we earned only 68 for matches.


Now, you might be saying, but wait, if that's the case, how is it 67? Well, that's probably due to a penalty incurred from either Angles or Matches. I could also be off with my rounding. I'll assume penalty though and say a single point loss isn't bad for a penalty, but that still hurts.


With CWA, I don't think they can currently run it when a person is running the company. An idea is doing either Main Event Focus (90% from main event, 10% everything else) and Angle Tight Focus (90% highest rated, 10% second highest) or going Regular Focus on both. Or a combination of either, but I'd stick to these.


If you were to do Main Event & Tight, borrowing JesterX's card again:

Main Event was 75 so that's 75% of 90 which is 67.5 (68). Rest of the card is overall 59, which is 59% of 10, which is 5.9 (6). Meaning match wise, it would've gotten 73.


Angles would've been highest angle which is 82% of 90 which is 73.8 (74). Second highest angle is 62% of 10, which is 6.2 (6). Meaning angle wise it would be 80.


Meaning that card would've been rated as either 76 or 77 (depending on rounding). That's a ten point difference and you won't get penalized for it. Though, this strategy does put all your eggs in one basket. Though, I'd rather bank on my best angle and match than worry about if the rest of my card succeeded or not.


If you go with Regular or Main for matches, and Regular or Tight for angles, you'll probably do better with CWA. Especially if you want to use the Women's Division consistently.


There is a reason to run Ensemble / Consistent(Angle Equiv). If you pull them off, you get a bonus for the show as a reward. Also, because of CWA's roster, that's probably why it is set up for Ensemble. Because the whole roster should succeed, not just the main event.


You can leave it and try to make it succeed. I mean, that's probably a good part of the challenge with CWA. However, if I'm running CWA, I'm going to run either Regular or Main for matches, Regular or Tight for angles.



TL;DR: Swap off Ensemble Match Focus and Highlights Angle Focus for either Regular or Main Event/Tight for either/or for CWA. I believe it'll work out better for you as the player.

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I dunno, I think they are bookable pretty easily, you just have to be a dink and say to yourself "ok, 40% of you aren't working regularly, sorry guys and gals". I haven't made a change to their product or angles, you can still do like 30% angles. If you try to book everyone, even in the preshow, you'll go insane and there are guys (Frost, Bloodstone, Blockbuster) that just shouldn't be regular bookings on the show based on CWA's new product. (mcfly is close here to, but you can get some juice out of him)


Just basically abuse the top of your card, and if you are going to have even a squash match on TV, it better be a storyline.


Example: I had Brook in a test squash SAC to be dominant going into a match with Amber. When I just booked it normal and forgot to put in the road note "advance storyline" it did like a 41 despite Brook's best efforts. I reran it and put "advance story line" and it pulled a 62. That note is just super useful to CWA where you can't have a ton of angles and workers can't talk anyway (though Brook is a bad exampel of that, she is good on entertainment)


. I look at it gameplay wise as the announcers telling a story, here that Amber better watch out, this is a message to Amber, ect without Amber actually being involved.


Shameless plug - my CWA diary that no one seems to be reading based on lack of feedback has a event write up coming Saturday for Total Elimination that pulled a 80 i think. I haven't had a < 75 show in awhile since I started using tips in this thread and developing my own.


(side note: how do you diary writers deal with lack of feedback, both positive and negative. I took over 2 hours writing up the latest show and got zero responses over 2 days, not even a "this was crap, stop it". If I don't get any feedback after writing this PPV up for 2-3 hours I dunno what I'll do lol.)

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Started one more game before release...that I may or may not continue post launch. Taking a bit of an aggressive approach in this game...started up a Developmental Company being booked by Joey Poison...sent a few down there just to clear up the roster..while signing a few handful of workers to fill out both rosters.


I'm also a fan of changing the Match and Angle Focus to at least Regular.


McFly and Jack will probably be quickly regulated to the midcard and lower...Ricky can probably fill right behind McFly in a nice feud with Price...but Knight and Vessey are the main two building blocks long term for this company. Pryce is my #1 NBT, I've never used him but that seems like someone intriguing to push.


On the women's side...this is probably the best Women's Division I have played with...usually 2 or 3 will end up as a NBT or Hot Prospects...There's plenty of talent there...but just like the men you need to rely on storylines and the bigger stars and build from there. There's even plenty of talent out there if you want to bring in a few girls...hell I had one save where Higa walked out of 5SSW.


To me CWA is really almost a spitting image of where AEW is now. The talent is there and mostly young, they just need a year or so to get over and improve. Although CWA's women are in a much better position.


But you need storylines and you need to be advancing them...even if it's simple as using the Road Agent Note...as if the announcers would mention it. Even if you have a few low rated shows, with some kind of solid plan there's no reason why you shouldn't be in a better position in the future.

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Has anyone brought Dan Stone Jr. back for a run? He is willing to come out of retirement in my game. Just can't decide if he is worth the cost. If you could share your thoughts or experiences, I would like to read them. Thanks
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Okay so I just completed my first month with CWA and I made money which is a good thing although I lost popularity as I haven't figured out my booking rhythm yet. However this roster is huge like twice the size that it should be. I'm looking to cut some wrestlers off of it in order to save more money (make more actually) and I'm wondering if anyone has released anyone who have they released?
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Okay so I just completed my first month with CWA and I made money which is a good thing although I lost popularity as I haven't figured out my booking rhythm yet. However this roster is huge like twice the size that it should be. I'm looking to cut some wrestlers off of it in order to save more money (make more actually) and I'm wondering if anyone has released anyone who have they released?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm two months in and haven't released anyone yet but I am keeping a close eye on who I'm not using. I'm not in a rush to cut anyone because I'm making money so I want to get maybe four-five months in and see who I haven't used at all and haven't got plans for before cutting them.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rateddc" data-cite="Rateddc" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm two months in and haven't released anyone yet but I am keeping a close eye on who I'm not using. I'm not in a rush to cut anyone because I'm making money so I want to get maybe four-five months in and see who I haven't used at all and haven't got plans for before cutting them.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I released a handful of people last night but it's because I knew I wasn't planning on doing anything useful with them. I'll probably wait a few more months and borrow your method and go through to see who I haven't used and cut them.</p>
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<p>Don't think I have ever released anyone yet in any games...definitely nothing significant. My number one was to tackling the Roster size has usually been opening up a Developmental Company and sending a handful of men and women down there..Gen Z...Robin Delay...Hank Gunn..ect</p><p> </p><p>

Guys particularly that I probably won't use and probably will end up releasing usually have enough Popularity that needs to be siphoned off before you let them go imo.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lghikas" data-cite="lghikas" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Don't think I have ever released anyone yet in any games...definitely nothing significant. My number one was to tackling the Roster size has usually been opening up a Developmental Company and sending a handful of men and women down there..Gen Z...Robin Delay...Hank Gunn..ect<p> </p><p> Guys particularly that I probably won't use and probably will end up releasing usually have enough Popularity that needs to be siphoned off before you let them go imo.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> seconded on the Developmental territory, I opened one up right away, helps a ton. </p><p> </p><p> I'll prob. end up not resigning a bunch of the older guys on huge deals, using them sparingly.</p>
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<p>Seeing 56 people in a medium-size seemed overwhelming to me at first, but after booking for a couple of months I feel like I actually wouldn't mind a couple more workers for PPVs. </p><p> </p><p>

The way I see the NOTBPW and CGC mashup up is serious wrestling in a lot of gimmick matches. Basically a gimmicky version of TCW. So I do many gimmick matches and also a lot of matches that are 3 ways, 4 ways or more.</p><p> </p><p>

There are around 6-8 workers who are too green to see anything but dark matches along with a handful of old guys. The old guys do not care much if you don't use them regularly. I just put one of the old guys in the ring with the kids to make sure they are learning something.</p><p> </p><p>

A dev fed can be great. But unless you change the match rating system for CWA, you need to pull good numbers on every match. For that, you do need to mantain the momentum. Getting the kids to job to the midcarders seems to a 2 kill with 1 hit atm.</p>

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Hi guys don't know if this is the right place to put this but I figure its somewhat appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbbO7tg7F4B7Jgd9EUGoJHw


Doing a CWA Youtube series if anyone has any suggestions etc for booking I'm happy to hear as I never really played around with CGC or NOTBPW in TEW 2016. My first few shows have gone quite well as I thought I was gonna lose pop every show but I've managed to stay in the neutral zone for ratings so far!

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I am using Steve as an out of control ego maniac. He doesn't care if you are face of heel. He just wants violence and money. I did give him a few enforcers to act as his "security team", to ensure his orders are followed. So in my game he isn't loyal to his brothers. I think you could easily play it either way, though. Eventually I will have another personality step up and try to overthrow him, but that is still months away. I am enjoying him as a tyrant.
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What kind of relationship would a heel Authority Figure Steve DeColt have with his brothers? Neutral? Actively trying to screw with them? Or is he a heel with everyone else but still loyal to his family?


I'm using Steve DeColt in my Youtube game as Bischoff during RAW - slightly heel biased, but far more interested in drawing ratings. Mostly because I'm burned out on heel authority figures.


Also, for anybody else, I recently booked WrestleFestival and got an 85, have created a dev fed for my lower card young guys, and also created a 'B' show for the rest of my roster, because that's just realistic.

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What kind of relationship would a heel Authority Figure Steve DeColt have with his brothers? Neutral? Actively trying to screw with them? Or is he a heel with everyone else but still loyal to his family?


Trying to lure them to the dark side. Especially Ricky. It's a battle for his soul with Steve on one side and Jack on the other. Steve screws the other babyfaces, but gives his brothers advantages. Jack refuses the help, not covering when his opponent gets KO'd behind the referee's back... and then KO'ing the apparently-bought-off referee. Ricky's more ambiguous. Not noticing the help, or being tempted after a devastating loss.

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I have set the face/heel divide as "Loosely Enforced" pretty much just to allow full use of the heel/tweener stable I have built around Cameron Vessey. Called "Shoot Club" (please give me a better name!), the idea is that they operate more like an MMA fight team than a traditional heel group. Right now the group is Cam Vessey, Bryan Vessey (out of retirement for a short run), Shooter Sean Deeley, and Jared Johnson. I will likely eventually add Ernest Youngman and Logan Wolfsbaine, who are working as a tag team as the "Steel City Stretching Crew" and maybe Brooke Tyler to the group. Probably when B. Vessey is done with his run. Right now they are still in a program with Aaron Knight, but I have plans for them.


The idea is that they will jump guys before and after matches, but between the bells they are on their own. They have no defined leader, and they aren't afraid to test themselves against each other as long as a title is on the line. Hence why I turned the divide down. I could also see them in a program with Elite in the future.


What kind of relationship would a heel Authority Figure Steve DeColt have with his brothers? Neutral? Actively trying to screw with them? Or is he a heel with everyone else but still loyal to his family?


Going into "WrestleFestival" I had Steve force a DeColt into the World Title match with Price, because the event used to carry the DeColt name. In the process, he made his brothers fight each other for the honor, with Jack winning but he will be getting storyline injured by "Elite" during the title match. This will lead to Ricky taking on the group on his own and eventually lead to Ricky and David Stone taking the tag belts from Dynamite Express at Ultimate Showdown. I have always seen the DeColts (minus Steve) as the Von Erichs. Squeaky clean for life.

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<p>I'm now in July of 2020 and I just held CWA Ultimate Showdown which got an 85 rating and is my second best show overall since the save began. The Main Event saw Aaron Knight defeat David Stone as they had their first meeting in their feud and the match got an 86 rating which is the best match that I have had in this save so far. </p><p> </p><p>

After the show I was able to make the jump from Medium to Big sized. I still have more people on my roster than I need but I am going to make a few additional hires so if anyone has any suggestions on who to possibly hire I would love to hear them.</p>

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How quickly do you need them to be ready for a significant role?


If immediately, you don't have many options besides Mighty Cavanagh and Timmy Westbrook. Maybe Frederique.


Somewhat near future, you have more options. Guys like Davis Wayne Newton, Frankie Dee, Sayeed Ali, and Mimic. All start with some popularity in Canada.


Long term, well you have too many options to name. But, the two guys I think are the best workers not in a major company are Nelson Callum and Mr Lucha III. You have will have to ask Mr. Lucha to work in Canada, but he is wonderful.


Of course all of this depends on whose contracts have expired in that time. I know it is a sorta open ended answer, but hard to get too specific, since every game is a bit different.

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How quickly do you need them to be ready for a significant role?


If immediately, you don't have many options besides Mighty Cavanagh and Timmy Westbrook. Maybe Frederique.


Somewhat near future, you have more options. Guys like Davis Wayne Newton, Frankie Dee, Sayeed Ali, and Mimic. All start with some popularity in Canada.


Long term, well you have too many options to name. But, the two guys I think are the best workers not in a major company are Nelson Callum and Mr Lucha III. You have will have to ask Mr. Lucha to work in Canada, but he is wonderful.


Of course all of this depends on whose contracts have expired in that time. I know it is a sorta open ended answer, but hard to get too specific, since every game is a bit different.


One of the first signings I made after this happened was Davis Wayne newton. I’ve always had a soft spot for him. Frankie Dee is a great suggestion, so thank you!


I’m not looking for guys who can make an immediate impact but I’m trying to plan a bit for the future as the main eventers begin to age significantly.

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