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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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<p>What should the schedule be for a child company serving as a developmental brand? Does the frequency of events affect how much the workers' skills will increase?</p><p> </p><p>

Are there drawbacks to setting them to run events weekly?</p><p> </p><p>

Is it possible to run a child company without having your road agents and personalities asking to be brought up to the main roster every week?</p>

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<p>Is there any way to change a worker's personality from Selfish (or anything, I suppose) to something more positive? I mean by using game mechanics not by editing them.</p><p> </p><p>

I have a couple of workers I would push harder if they weren't selfish so if I can make them better people that'd be great, otherwise they'll be punished for their selfishness by wasting their career in the midcard <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is there a way to see what languages someone speaks?</div></blockquote><p> on their personal info page, bottom left corner</p>
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Does anyone know how to stop steroid users? There isn’t an option to send them to rehab and majority of the time when you ask them to quit they’ll say no or they can’t etc!! Also, on that note is there anyway to stop someone being a bully? Workers with the bully personality are super toxic, especially when they move higher up the card, there isn’t any questions available when speaking to them. Does suspending in both cases I mentioned above work?
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Hey guys,


Another question which I'm sure has been answered before, but I'm struggling to find.


Is there any downside to asking a wrestler to become more muscular? I know asking for a size change impacts stat growth but I don't think I've seen a situation where asking a worker to improve their physique has done anything other than make their Star Quality go up.


Side question: has anyone collected the potential effects of physique and size changes anywhere? They don't appear to be in the in-game FAQ (or if they are I can't find them).


Thanks very much!

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Does anyone know how to stop steroid users? There isn’t an option to send them to rehab and majority of the time when you ask them to quit they’ll say no or they can’t etc!! Also, on that note is there anyway to stop someone being a bully? Workers with the bully personality are super toxic, especially when they move higher up the card, there isn’t any questions available when speaking to them. Does suspending in both cases I mentioned above work?


So far all my users agreed to stop using instantly. Maybe your guys are just morons. ;-)


I'd try different reactions and see what works. When nothing works, at least you experience realism. =)

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I know you can try to “talk” to the workers on hiatus to convince them out. I haven’t had any success with try the old method from previous games of giving them a ton of money to bribe them. What are the conditions in the game code for them to be agreeable to come out of hiatus? Obviously this is obtainable or it wouldn’t be an option in Talk to Worker... right? Thanks.


You have to be medium sized at a minimum. They have to be available to work in your home area. And you have to have a minimum of Medium broadcasting coverage over said home area. I would guess prestige and momentum would factor in as well but that's not what I focused on.


Basically, no one's going to drop what they're doing to come work for your YouTube championship wrestling company.


To reset someone's Ice Cold momentum, you can:


- Give him a ton of wins

- (Successfully) turn him

- Let him go to developmental to gain ein and momentum, then call him up


Am I missing any? Can a successful gimmick chance do it?


You're missing one. Put them in successful angles. My refs and announcers are Red Hot or better and none of them have any wins, turns, or time in developmental. It's strictly through angles (Announcers hype 1v1/2v2/3v3, etc).


What should the schedule be for a child company serving as a developmental brand? Does the frequency of events affect how much the workers' skills will increase?


Are there drawbacks to setting them to run events weekly?


Is it possible to run a child company without having your road agents and personalities asking to be brought up to the main roster every week?


My child company runs a 'constant' schedule, so 3 events per week, all on PPV. It hasn't been open long enough for me to make any determination on worker skill gain rate but the drip feed method is going to prevent anyone (outside of prodigies) from seeing explosive growth.


To keep your non-wrestlers from asking for callups, increase the size of the company. One reason I'm running a constant schedule is because I want the company to grow quickly. Adding them to my alliance also gives them access to workers on my main roster (some of them shared with alliance mates) who hold the alliance titles. But people will stop whining about being called up when the company grows in size. Mine jumped from Tiny to Small and the likes of Cat Jemson (who had been unemployed for 1.5 years) stopped whining about being called up because the child company was "too small". But with the 'trainer' designation gone, I'm expecting to hear some whines from the older workers.


Does anyone know how to stop steroid users? There isn’t an option to send them to rehab and majority of the time when you ask them to quit they’ll say no or they can’t etc!! Also, on that note is there anyway to stop someone being a bully? Workers with the bully personality are super toxic, especially when they move higher up the card, there isn’t any questions available when speaking to them. Does suspending in both cases I mentioned above work?


Negative personalities are completely negated by a multitude of positive personalities. For example, here are the terrible personalities I have in my locker room currently:


Selfish - Julie Forletta, Rika Tsujimura

Gloomy - Ruby Reece

Insecure - Akemi Shiskikura (Hatoyama Dojo grad), Jaime G

Troublemaker - Becca Barton, Fuyuko Higa

Agitator - Hellcat Hernandez, Honey Badger

Grifter - Darkness Cat

Loner - Julia 'Juju' James (QAW PC grad), Toni Parissi, Unstoppable Tai, Zofia Jankovic


I haven't had a single negative incident from any of these workers. Not even a Wrestlers Court incident. But the vast majority of my roster is full of 'People Person', 'Irrepressible', 'Lively', 'Professional', 'Stalwart', 'Relaxed', 'Class Clown', etc and everyone is 'Extremely Happy' aside from new arrivals (who are 'happy' and 'very happy', respectively).


I think it all comes down to proportion. If the majority of your roster is positive, then adding a few bad apples won't spoil the bunch. Also, adding a few enforcer types (Born Fighter) might also help a bit.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Malioc" data-cite="Malioc" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So far all my users agreed to stop using instantly. Maybe your guys are just morons. ;-)<p> </p><p> I'd try different reactions and see what works. When nothing works, at least you experience realism. =)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, and Test? I mean you aren't wrong <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>You said it. Not me. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

So far I had 2 guys who didn't want to stop soft drugs and prefer to keep "their life style". Which I accepted.</p><p> </p><p>

With painkillers I had guys who couldn't stop. So I sent them to rehab.</p><p> </p><p>

For steroids I would probably try until they give in. Or they'll be gone.</p>

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Can you have multiple Tournament Titles (using blocks and round robin schedule) held at One event?


For example:

World Grand Prix (singles)

World Tag Prix (tag)


to culminate at MLW Bound for Glory


I don't know if you can have two active tournaments at the same time. Just try it. If it's possible, it shouldn't matter when the matches happen.


Personally I wouldn't do 2 tournaments at the same show since a decent one-day-tournament takes up a lot time and extremely long shows suffer penalties.


Also, tournaments and special matches are fun. So I don't do all at one show, rather spread them over the year. ;-)

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im currently running ROH as the owner of the company but whenever i try to negotiate a new tv deal it says sinclair owns me? is there anyway out of that?


You're not the owner of the company, you're only the CEO. The only way out of it is at the database level. Sever the relationship with Sinclair then start a save.


also how do you get a 100 rated match? ive had about 7 99's but no 100 so far.


It's a white whale. In my testing, in perfect conditions (100 popularity and skill workers with white hot momentum and great chemistry vs each other, each with 'legendary' standard gimmicks, with a maxed out announce team with great chemistry amongst themselves and 'voice of epics', in a 100 rated storyline, with a perfect road agent (with agent of epics), and perfect ref), you'll get a 100 rated match roughly once every 36 or so matches. Ran the test 70 times, got one 100 then ran it twice more and got a 99 and another 100.


It seems the stars really have to align to produce a "perfect" match, which I guess is how it should be.

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After downloading the latest patch, whenever I click on another company's roster it shows as empty. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it a glitch or just a setting that I need to change? If anyone can advise it would be appreciated. (I primarily like to look at face/heel alignments of other companies)


Thanks in advance.

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After downloading the latest patch, whenever I click on another company's roster it shows as empty. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it a glitch or just a setting that I need to change? If anyone can advise it would be appreciated. (I primarily like to look at face/heel alignments of other companies)


Thanks in advance.


You probably have a filter on, you can clear that by right clicking the filter button. :)

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